
Ta b le of Contents Gl obal Resear c: h Counci l Tokyo 27 - 28 May 2015 Table of 仁ontents Global Global Research Council Tokyo 27 - 28 May 2015 The Global Research (ouncil (GR 仁) page 2 Agenda Page 5 Research 仁ou nci I Representatives page 8 Representatives Representatives of Partner Organizations , Page 40 Distinguished Distinguished Guests & Observers Japan Society for the Promotion of Page 51 Science Science (J SPS) National National Research Foundation (NRF) of Page 53 South Africa Li st of Participants Page 55 The Global Research Council (GRC) Global Global Research Council Tokyo 27 - 28 May 2015 The Global GLOBAL RESEARCH Research COUNCIL 仁ouncil The Global Research Council (GRC) is a vOluntary , informal organization of heads of research councils (HORCs) from around the world ,pl edged to find mutually acceptable acceptable paths to greater inlemational research collaboration. Ils goal is 10 represenl represenl mOSI of the world's research potential by getting all interested key players in in research and research funding involved. The worldwide growth of support for research research has presented an oppo 同unity for countries large and small to wo rl< in concert concert across national borders . Cooperation and collaboration can enhance the quality quality of science , avoid unnecessary duplicalion , provide economies of scale ,and address issues that can only be solved by working together. Heads of research funding funding agencies have a responsibility to meet these objectives on behalf of the research research community. To ensure a global ly consultative process and 10 improve communication and cooperation cooperation among research fund ing agencies , the GRC annu 創Iy holds a set of reg i onal meelings as well as an annual global meeting to gather input from the different different wor ld regions ,address issues of mutual concern 10 research and research lunding lunding worldwide ,and to agree on guidelines and princip les by wh ich mu ltinationa l research research co ll aboration can be enhanced. Thereby , the GRC shall also provide assistance assistance to those research institutions and funding organizations wishing to build a world - class research landscape. The pu 巾oses of the Global Research Council are: • To improve communicalion and cooperalion among funding agencies; • To promote the sharing 01 dala and best practices for high -quality research cooperalion; cooperalion; • To provide a forum for r egular meetings of the Heads of Research Councils; • To respond to opportunilies and to address issues of common concern in the support of research and education; • To be a resource for those institutions wishing 10 build a world-c lass resea rch landscape; landscape; • To exp lore mechan isms that suppo パthe globa l science ente rpr ise an d the wor ldw ide research commun ity; and • T 0 remain focused and reach decisions based on scientific meri t. Global Research Council Tokyo 27 - 28 May 2015 F 巳司ぬかW、v .msnnud BO a ,AU ,・ s Re 鈎 arch Counc il 01 Canada (NS E R C) 同a4E 4 '''・ Jan e tW a ld e n (unt H 10 /2014 ) Chiel Chiel Operating Officer Chunli 8ai Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Council 01 Cana d a (NSERC) Chair Chair o( GRC Govemi r; 刃Bo ard Presiden t Chinese Academy 01 Scien 僧 s(CAS) Migu e l Seab ra ( from 10 /2014 ) Presidenl Presidenl Science Europe (SE) Pe ter Stroh s chneider Vi, 回・Chair o( GRC Governing Bo ard Pres i dent Paul 8 0 yl e (untiI9 /2014) German R esearch F oundalion (D FG) President Science Europe (SE) Yuichiro Anzai Vi ce-Chair o( G RC Go ve rning Bo ar d P resident Executive Secretary Japan Sociel yf ort he Pr om o tion of Science 2014115 (JSPS) Mohammed AI-Suwaiyel Graham Ma rk H a rrison President President Executive Secretary King King Abdulaziz Cily for Science and Office Head Technology (KACSη ,Saudi Arabia NSF Europe Off i国 Hernan Chaimovich Gur a lnik ( from 212015 ) International Steering President President Committee National National Council for Sc ientific and 2014 /15 T配 hnologi 伺 IDevelopmenl (CNPq) ,Brazil Gl a u c ius Oliv a (untiI 2l 2015 ) Aldo Sto roebel Pres i dent Executive Executive D irector Nationa l Council fo r Scien ti fic and Internaliona l Relalions and Co ope ration Technologica lDeve lopment (CNPq) ,B r az il (IRC) N at i onal Resea rch Foun d ation (NRF ), T av arekere Kallian South Africa Chandrashekar Secrelary Secrelary E ino N a ta ngwe Mvula Science and E ngineering R esea rch B oard Chief Execul ive Offiω r (SERB) , India N alional Commission on Research Science and Technology (NCRSη ,Namibia Fr a nc e A . Co rdova Director Director 8 e ra ng 会re P e rr e t National National Science Foundation (NSF) , Uniled Specialisl Stales Stales Office of Technical Cooperation an d International International Affairs R om a in Mur e nzi National Council lor Science ,Technology Executive Executive Dir 倒, or and Technologicallnnovation The World Academy of Sciences σWAS) (CONCYTEC) ,Pe ru - lor the advancement of science in developing developing countries M a nu e l Lui s Sanchez CEO V ladisl a v Yakovlevitch Nal i onal Fund for Research ,Deve lopment Panchenko and Techno logical Innovation Chai rman oft he Board (FONDECYT) ,Peru Russian Russian Fou nd atio nf or B asic R esea rch (RFBR) Arturo 80 司a T a mayo D irec lo r 8. Ma rio Pinto (from 11 /2014) In terna liona l Cooperat ion President President Me x ican Na tiona l Council 01 Science an d Na tural Sciences and Enginee r ing Technology (CONACYT) The Global Research Council (GRC) Gonzalo Arenas Rainer Gruhlich Director Director Secretary 01 GRC Working Group the the Internalional Cooperation Program Programme Officer Intemationa lAffairs National National Commissions for Sc ientific and German Aesearch Foundation (DFG ) Technological Technological Aesearch (CONICY T) , Chile Abdulaziz Mohammed AI-Swailem Karen Tan Vice-President lor Research Support Deputy D ir 倒 or King Abdulaz iz City lor Science and Grant Management T echnology (KACSη ,Saudi Arabia National National Aesearch F oundation (NRF) , Singapore Aldo Stroebel Executive Executive Director Kiyoshi Saito Internat i onal Aelations and Cooperation Chair 01 GRC International Streering (IAC) Committee Nationa lAesearch Foundat ion (NR F), Deputy Director South Al rica Internationa lProgram Departm e nt Japan Soc iety lor the Promot ion 01 Science Tieniu Tan (JSPS) Chinese Academy 01 Sciences (CAS) Benny Geiger Kiyoshi Saito Chair Deputy Director Academic Board In ternalional Pr ,句 ram Department Israel Israel Science Founda t ion (ISF ) Japan S∞ iety for the Promotion 01 Sc i町田 (JSPS) Tamar Jaff e- Mittwoch General Director Karen Tan Israel Israel Sc ience Foundation (ISF ) Deputy Director Grant Management Stephan Kuster National Aesearch F oundation (NRF ), Head Singapore Policy Policy Allairs Science Europe (S E ) Paulo Beirao Director Director Maud Evrard Inst itutiona lCooperat ion Senior Senior Policy Officer N ational Counci l or Scientilic and Science Europe (SE) T 自chno log ic al Development (C NPq) ,8razil Essam Omar Asem Jean Elissa int Saint-V iI Direc t or Director 01 Po li cy and International Research Directorale Relations K uwait Founda t ion lor the Advancement 01 Execut iv e Vice.President Ollice Sciences (KFAS) Natural Scien 関 s and Engineering Research Council 01 Canada (NS ERC ) J るrg Schneider Head Stephan Kuster Internat ion aJ Affairs Head German Research Foundat ion (D FG ) Policy Affairs Science Europe (SE) Governing Board Working Sophie Laurie (untiI1 2J 2014) Group for the Further Head Inlernational Inlernational Development of the GRC Research Counci ls UK (RCUK) Jorg Schneider Chair 01 GRC Working Group Hea d Inl ernat iona lAffa irs Ger m an Aesearch Foundation (DFG) Global Research (ouncil Tokyo 27 - 28 May 2015 Global Research Council Tokyo 27 - 28 May 2015 Agenda Venue : Ascot Hall ll,South Wi ng B2F E 肋伽ぬ伽O凶b州a ram:l到 iu 附 凶[:l;l陀州Iil川州 l 1甘川川[J[J日 m 町附酬eωa朗剖kl 巾伽伽hi甘伽附川愉附刷川lIDJ削削「hω肌OωIII 仇脚 T刊u附y弘ρrrmm仰~却[1]]泊.目 E Hotel Okura Tokyo 9:30 ・9:40 Opening 9・40 ・9:55 Special Lectu re Education and Science fT echnology Po li cy for Creating Scientifi c Breakthroughs Mr. Mr. Ha ku bun S hi momura ,M ini ster of Educ .a tion,Cult ure ,Spo バs,Sc ience and Te chno logy (M EXT) σBD) 9・55 ・10:20 Keynote Speech 1 Policies Policies to Catalyze Break through Science Dr. Dr. Rus hH olt,CEO ,America n Assoc iat ion fo r the Adva nc eme nlo f Sc ience (AAAS) 10:20 ・10:40 Keynote Sp 偶 ch2 Supporting Excellence with Impact - the European Experience Prof. Prof. Paul 80y le ,Former Pres idenl ,Sc ience Eu rope Preside nt and V ice-Cha ncellor ,Unive rs ily of Leiceste r 10・55 ・11 :20 Ke ynote Speech 3 Basic Re search Leading to Scientific Breakthrough Prof. Prof. E Il -ic hi N egishi ,He 巾e 同C. 8row n Dis ting ui shed P r ofessor of C hemislry ,Purdue U nivers ity 20 10 Nobellaureale in Chem islry 11 :20 ・11 :40 Keynote Sp 僧 ch 4 The Eureka Moment s in Science r. D r. Er li ng N orrby ,Eme ri lus Pr ofesso r,Roy .a lSwedish Academy of Sc iences 12:4 5 ・14:55 Panel Se ssion 1) 1) D r. F rance Cordova ,Directo r,Nat ion al Sc ience Fo un datio n (NSF) 2) 2) Prof. Jean -P ierre 80 urguignon ,Pres ident ,Eu ropea n Researc h Cou ncil (ERC) 3) 3) Prof. Peter Sl rohsc hneide r,President ,Germa n Research Foundat ion (DFG) 4) 4) Dr.
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