GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN SECOND FIVE YEAR PLAN SS REPORT 1959-60 51RECTORATE OF ECONOMICS a STATISTICS RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR -N- IJIO-O S6S5D V :>-> w Printed at the Government Central Press, Jaipur. INTRODUCTION Xhis publication, the fourth in the series of yearly Plan reviews, co.yers the year 1959-60 and appraises the reader of the main lines of development visualised under the Plan by the Government of Rajasthan, the extent of fulfilment of financial and physical targets as well as brings out the nr.ain features of organisation developed for executing the programmes, the bottlenecks and difficulties encoun-. tered, the progress made in utilising the assets or resources created under the Plan; the methods adopted for securing greater efficiency and effectiveness in implementation and the steps taken to elicit fuller public participation and' use of local resources etc. The scope of this report has been enlarged by addition of three new chapters dealing with the “Hconomic Classification of the Plan Budget”, an Analysis of the “Buildings Programme” and A Brief Review of the “Districtwise Progress of the Plan Schemes”. In dealing with the sectorwise progress of the Plan schemes as well, this year, we have gone into some greater detail. The cumulative progress_50 far .made under different sectors is also available from the report. We are endeavouring to make this publication comprehensive so as to render proper assessment of the Slate’s efforts towards planned progress of the State. While the report has been in the press, certain additional inloni ation with regard' to expenditure has become available. Tt has not been possible to incorporate these changes at appropriate places. The latest total expenditure during the year 1959-60 is reported to be Rs. 21.94 crores as against Rs. 21.86 crores referred to in the tables and accounts incorporated in this report. The reconciliation of the previous years’ data as well has also resulted into certain minor changes. The total expenditure for the years 1956-57, 1957-58 and 1958-59 now stands at Rs. 13.18 crores, 15.04 crores and 20.50 crores as against the figures of Rs. 13.68 crores, 15.81 crores and 20.48 crores reported in the main body and appendices of this report. Of these changes, the major ones related to Rs. 9.88 lakhs and Rs. 38.17 lakhs during the year 1956-57 under the Cooperation and Water Supply Schemes due to the inclusion of centrally sponsored schemes in the Plan; of Rs. 20.41 lakhs and Rs. 55.82 lakhs during the year 1957-58 under Irrigation and Water Supply Schemes, the former on account of accounting adjustments and the latter on account of inclusion of centrally sponsored schemes; and Rs. 5.14 lakhs during 1959-60 under Education. L. K. VERMA, Director of Economics and Statistics, Rajasthan. 25th November, 1960. CONTENTS SECTION I I, General Review : Page C h a p t e r I Economic trends and achievements .. 1 C h a p t e r II Plan outlay and its financing 11 C h a p t e r III Overall progress of expenditure 17 C h a p t e r IV Training programmes 24 C h a p t e r V Economic classification of plan budget 30 C h a p t e r VI Districtwise expenditure 33 C h a p t e r VII Progress under Ajmer Plan 36 C h a p t e r VIII Bviilding Programmes 45 SECTION II n. Sectorwise Review : C h a p t e r IX Agriculture and Community Development .. 51 C h a p t e r X Irrigation .. 76 C h a p t e r XI Power 83 C h a p t e r XII Industries and Mining 89 C h a p t e r XIII Roads 98 C h a p t e r XIV Social Services 101 C h a p t e r XV Miscellaneous 120 SECTION III ni. Statistical Appendices : 1. Allotment and expenditure under Second Five Year Plan II 2. Plan allotment for 1958-59 and 1959-60 .. .. I ll 3. Comparative expenditure during 1958-59 and 1959-60 .. IV 4. Distribution of expenditure during Second Plan period .. V 5. Expenditure indices during Second Plan period .. VI 6. Distribution of allotnient and expenditure between Revemie, Capital and Loans during 1959^60 .. .. VII 7. Expenditure pattern duiing 195‘.>-60 .. .. .. IX 8. State and Central share in expenditure during 1959-60 .. X 9. Allotment ani expenditure under State Plan schemes, Rajasthan................. .. ... .. XII 10. Physical targets and achievements under Plan schemes, Rajasthan .. .. .. .. XL 11. Districtwise expenditure on Plan schemes during Second Five Year Plan (1956-60) .. .. .. LXVIII 12. Expenditure under Second Five Year Plan schemes, 1959-60 (sectorwise according to districts) .. .. LXX 13. Districtwise ter-capita expenditure on Plan schemes, 1959-60 .. .. .. .. .. .. LX XIII 14. Sectorwise expenditure on Plan schemes, Ajmer Plan,1956-60 LXXIV ( i i ) Page 15. Physical targets and achievements under Plan schemes, Ajmer Plan, 1959-60 .. .. .. .. LXXVI 16. Allotment and expenditure on buildings, 1959-60 .. LXXXVI 17. Land utilisation in Rajasthan .. .. .. LXXXVIII 18. Net irrigated area by sources in Rajasthan .. .. LXXXIX 19. Gross irrigated area under crops in Rajasthan .. .. LXL 20. Area under crops in Rajasthan .. .. .. LXLI 21. Production of crops in Rajasthan .. .. .. LXLII 22. Targets and achievements of food production in Rajasthan, 1959-60 .. .. .. .. .. .. LXLIII 23. Targets and achievements under sugarcane development scheme, Rajasthan, 1959-60 .. .. .. .. LXLIV 21. Targets and achievements under cotton development scheme, Rajasthan, 1959-60 .. .. .. .. LXLV 25. Co operative movement, Rajasthan .. .. .. LXLVI 26. Number and Membership of co-operative institutions by type, Rajaathan .. .. .. .. ., LXLVII 27. Irrigation works under Second Five Year Plan, Rajasthan LXLVIII 28. Electricity generation, Rajasthan, 1959 .. .. LLI 29. Electricity consumption, Rajasthan, 1959 .. .. LLII 30. Statement showing percentage distribution of generated power for different uses .. .. .. .. LLIll 31. Industrial production, Rajasthan .. .. .. LLIV 32. Mineral Production .. .. .. .. .. LLV 33. Road mileage, Rajasthan, as. on 31st March, 1959 .. LLVl 34. Road works newly taken up during 1959-60 .. .. LLVII 35. Road works continuing from previous years and completed during the year 1959-60 .. .. .. .. LLVII 1 36. Progress of road works (Plan) Rajasthan, 1959-60 .. LLIX 37. Educational institutions in Rajasthan .. .. LLX 38. Scholars in educational institutions in Rajasthan .. LLXI 39. Teachers in educational institutions in Rajasthan .. LL.'CII 40. Government hospitals, dispensaries and beds, Rajasthan LLX[11 41. Index numbers of wholsaIe price,s in Rajasthan .. LLXIV SECTION IV Facing p^ige IV. Charts and Diagrams : 1. Sec:)iid Five Year Plan—Progress of expenditure 13 2. R ajasthan Budget, 1959-60 .. 15 3. Allotment and expenditure on i\.griculture and Commuuity Development ' .. 53 4. Agricultural production 57 5. Allotment and expenditure ou Irrigation 77 6. Allotment and exy)enditure on Power .. 85 7. Allotment and expenditure ou Industries and Mining 91 8. Allotnieat and expenditure on Roads !)i» 9. Allotment and expenditure on Social Services .. 103 CHAPTER I ECONOMIC TRENDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Rajasthan is an integral part of the Indian Repubhc and its economy could hardly be reviewed in isolation. The Indian economy during the year 1959-60 revealed* mixed trends of sustained progress and stresses and strains of a developing plan. While there was improvement in the rate of growth of industrial output and the balance of payment position, the agricultural production declined and the prices continued to rise, though the rise as compared to the previous year was a little less during the year under review as compared to the rise in the preceding year over the year prior to that. The slow rate of growth of industrial output during the preceding two years showed a marked recovery during the year under review. The balance of payment position continued to maintain the improvement noticed since 1958 and this process was stirrulated by continued import curbs, better export performances and large scale foreign aid by friendly countries. The agricultural production for the country' as a whole during the year under review is estimated to have shown a decline as compared to the record production of the preceding year (1958-59). With increased plan investments both in the public and private sectors, the overall investment in the economy during the year under review is also reported to have recorded a modest rise. The annual average wholesale price index number with base year 1952-53 prepared by the Economic Adviser, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, recorded a rise of 3.7 per cent during the period under review as compared to the preceding year which in itself was higher by 4.2 per cent as compared to the annual average index number for the year preceding to that. It is in this back ground of the country’s economy that the trends in the State’s economy are to be reviewed. The food and price situation in the State had considerably eased down during the year under review. The Average Index Number of wholesale prices prepared by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Rajasthan (with base year 1952-53== 1(X)) declined from 119.6 during the year 1958-59 to 117.7 during the current year, thereby showing a fall of 1.59 per cent. The rising prices during 1958-59 which had brought the index number of wholesale prices to a peak voini of 128.4 in 2 P rogbess R b po bt, 1959-60 February, 1959, had already started declining in March 1959 w to the wholesale prices index number was recorded at 120.2. ine substantial regulatory measures adopted by the Government which combined with the bumper crop during 1958-59 brought down the trend of the general index number of wholesale prices in Rajasthan.
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