Bibliography Beharrell, A. Unemployment and Job Creation. London: Macmillan, 1992. Cecchini, P. The European Challenge 1992: The Benefits of a Single Market. Aldershot: Wildwood House, 1992. Canzoneri, M. B. and Rogers, C. A. 'Is the European Community an Optimal Currency Area? Optimal Taxation versus the Cost of Multiple Currencies', American Economic Review, 80, 1990, 419-33. Central Statistical Office. Social Trends 95. London: HMSO, 1995. Commission of the European Communities. One Market, One Money. European Economy 44. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1990. Commission of the European Communities. The New Regulations of the Agricultural Markets. Green Europe 1/93. Luxembourg: Office for Offi­ cial Publications of the European Communities, 1993. Commission of the European Communities. Support for Farms in Moun­ tain, Hill and Less-Favoured Areas. Green Europe 2/93. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1993. Commission of the European Communities. Intergovernmental Conference 1996: Commission Report for the Reflection Group. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995. EFfA. Annual Report 1994. European Free Trade Association. Geneva, 1995. European Monetary Institute. Annual Report 1994. Frankfurt: European Monetary Institute, 1995. Eurostat. Basic Statistics of the Community. 31st edn. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994. Eurostat. Basic Statistics of the Union. 32nd edn. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995. Eurostat. Europe in Figures. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995. Eurostat. A Social Portrait of Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1991. 339 340 Bibliography 'EU Ministers withhold tapes in secrecy case', The Guardian, 6 July 1995, p. 14. 'EU's top two plan for more unity', The Guardian, 16 September 1995, p. 14. HMSO. Memorandum on the United Kingdom's Approach to the Treatment of European Defence Issues at the 1996 /GC. London: HMSO, 1995. Morris, Boehm, and Geller. The European Community: a Practical Guide for Business, Media and Government. London: Macmillan, 1990. Mundell, R. A. 'A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas', American Eco­ nomic Review 51, 1961, 657-65. Nevin, E. The Economics of Europe. London: Macmillan, 1990. OECD. Economic Outlook. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Bi-annual June and December. Pilbeam, K. International Finance. London: Macmillan, 1992. The European Commission has set up a network in the United Kingdom to provide information on its policies and programmes. The network consists of EURO INFO CENTRES (EICs) and EUROPEAN DOCU­ MENTATION CENTRES (EDCs). EICs serve their local business com­ munity with up to date information on funding and legislation. EDCs cater mainly for students and academics by maintaining a stock of all major official publications for consultation. The Information Services Unit of the European Commission at 8 Storey's Gate, London SWIP 3AT publishes a leaflet giving the location of the network centres. There is also a complete catalogue of EC publications and documents available on CD-ROM. It is called EUROCAT and contains records from 4 official databases. It is co-published by The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Chadwyck-Healey and ELLIS Publications. If you want to fathom the meaning of the endless acronyms and titles such as JOPP, THERMIE, CEDEFOP, LEDA and so on, there is a compre­ hensive list in a booklet Sources of European Community Funding, 2nd Edn. London: Representation of the European Commission in the United Kingdom, 1995. Index accession Baltic states 29, 73, 78, 307 Austria, Finland and Sweden 45 Bank of England 220, 228-9 Cyprus and Malta 67-8 Banking Directive 1989 180 Greece, Spain and Portugal 66, Baring Brothers 54 238 Berlin blockade 42 new members 87 Beveridge Report 31 United Kingdom, Denmark and Bevin, Ernest 36 Ireland 50, 66 border controls 23 acquis communautaire 68, 74, 328 Bosnia 4, 60, 98, 307 additionality principle 240 Bretton Woods 174, 182, 180-1, advocates-general 273 188 African, Caribbean and Pacific Bruges Group 98 (ACP) countries 20, 48 Bruges speech 23 Agricultural Guarantee and Brussels agreement (1988) 99 Guidance Fund (EAGGF) Brussels Treaty 36-8, 43-4 234 budget 98-113 passim agriculture 115-47 passim 1980 13, 101 levies 100 1992-5 104-8 payments, controlling 98 contributions 63, 104-9 products, nature of demand 121 problem 108 support prices 145 buffer stocks 128, 181 surpluses 99 Bundesbank 200, 202, 228 see also Common Agricultural bureaucracy 96-7 Policy Agrimonetary Compensation CAP see Common Agricultural Mechanism 144 Policy anti-Common Market faction 57 capital movement controls 18, 179 Arctic and sub-Arctic areas carbon dioxide emissions 268, 235-6 270 Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) carbon tax 263, 267-9 172 catalytic converters 22 Association agreements 271 Cecchini, Paolo 22, 317 asylum 18-19 Central and Eastern Europe 19, Austria 27, 38, 246 77-8, 312 341 342 Index Central European Free Trade Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) Association (CEFTA) 78 3, 69, 72 Channel Tunnel 314--5 Common Foreign and Security Charter of Fundamental Social Policy (CFSP) 7, 16 Rights for Workers 70, 245-6 Commonwealth of Independent Chirac, President 89, 163, 228, States (CIS) 38, 135, 165, 332 307, 309 chrysalis principle 333 Commonwealth Preference 57 Churchill, Sir Winston 37, 41 Commonwealth Sugar CIS see Commonwealth of Agreement 57, 63 Independent States Community citizenship, European 328 budget problem 98 City of London 54, 176, 204-5, bureacracy 96-7 229 law 271-3, 277-9 coalition governments 91 Tower of Babel? 113 cobweb theorem 117, 119 comparative cost advantage codecision procedure 11, 16, 80, 48-9 83 competition and monopoly control Cohesion Fund 4, 6, 67, 71, policies 54 162-3, 238-9, 261, 264, 313 Conciliation Committee 83 colonial powers 56 confederation 40 Comecon 32 Conference of the Parliaments Commission 2, 9, 15, 98, Ill, 283 282, 296--9 Conference on Security and composition 9, 281, 296-8 Cooperation in Europe officials 79 (CSCE) 38 President 300 conglomerates 53 Report for the Reflection Conservative Party 6, 65 Group 328 Consilium 300 Commissioners 79 constitutional law 278 Committee of Permanent consulative committees 282 Representatives (COREPER) consumer price inflation (CPI) 11, 16, 79, 281, 300, 330 213 Committee of the Regions 12-13, Conventional Forces in Europe 81, 282 37 Common Agricultural Policy convergence criteria 25, 211-16, (CAP) 115-47 passim 3, 15, 219-21, 225-7, 229, 305 62, 85, 188,254,317 cooperation procedure 8, 11, agrimonetary compensation 80-83 mechanism 144--6 COREPER see Committee of commodity intervention 128 Permanent Representatives EAGGF 131 coresponsibility levies 140 free markets 116-26 CORINE 262 less favoured areas 133 Costa v. ENEL 278 reform 138 Council of Economic and Finance success of CAP 115-16 Ministers (ECOFIN) 209, 215 success of reforms 142-4 Council of Europe 11-12, 36, surpluses 126-30, 132-8 38-9, 43 Index 343 Council of Ministers 2, 10, 79, Economic and Social Committee 81, 85-6, 92, 272, 281, 294, 12, 81, 234, 246, 282 299-300, 302, 309, 330 economic growth, causes 154 Presidency 299, 309 economic miracle 21 qualified majority system 85-8 economic performance 148-9 surrendering sovereignty to 92 economies of scale 52-3, 55, 165 transparency 16, 302 ECSC 13-15, 41-2 unanimity in 85 ECU (European Currency Unit) Working Groups 11, 281 104, 186, 187-91, 196, 216 Court of Auditors 12, 95-6, 111, 'basket' 189 295, 298, 325 composition 190 Court of First Instance 12, 302 private market 188 Court of Justice 14, 101, 271-3, Treasury Bills 188 275, 277, 325, 330 value of 104, 190 Croatia 307 Eden, Sir Anthony 37, 56 'crowding out' 184 EEA see European Economic currency, single 18, 207-232 Area passim EFTA see European Free customs duties 7, 46, 100 Trade Association customs union 46-8, 57, 59 election results 285-8 Czechoslovakia 36 EMCF see European Monetary Cooperation Fund De Gaulle, Charles 37, 57-60 EMI see European Monetary decisions 14 Institute deficiency payments 62 employment comparisons 158 Dehaene, Jean-Luc 86, 296 EMU see Economic and Delors Committee Report 189, Monetary Union 207-10, 219, 222 energy 259 Delors I 99 energy tax 263, 267, 269 Delors,II 99 English language 20, 113-4, 293 Delors, Jacques 26, 68, 73, 86, enlargement 2, 334 149, 161-2, 206-7, 296 environment 22, 254-70 passim Delors White Paper on Growth action plans · 260 4, 161-3, 319 Conference, 1995 G7 258-61 demand and supply, inelasticity 124 lobby 262 democratic deficit 83, 90, 96, 282 policy, Community 263 Denmark 92, 215 Treaty on Union and 264-5 developing countries 34, 48, 126 ERM see Exchange Rate directives 14, 204 Mechanism Directorate-General 298 Esperanto 300 divergence indicators 191, 195 Euratom see European Atomic Dublin Declaration 261 Energy Community dumping 49 Euro, the 216, 228 Eurocorps 310 Earth Summit 258 Eurojargon 70, 300 eco-1abels 265 Eromyths 303 Economic and Monetary Union Europe 2000 318-19 186, 193, 207-32 passim Europe, federal state of 5 344 Index Europe Agreements 73, 77, 297 Monetary Institute (EMI) 13, Europe, multi-speed 24 186--8, 196,204-5,211-15, Europe of regions 334 219-20, 229, 305 Europe, United States of 41 Monetary System (EMS) 144, Europe, variable geometry 24 174, 180, 186 European Parliament 2, 9, 11,
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