geosciences Review Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Cenozoic Basins in the Eastern External Betic Zone (SE Spain) Manuel Martín-Martín 1,* , Francesco Guerrera 2 and Mario Tramontana 3 1 Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y Medio Ambiente, University of Alicante, 03080 Alicante, Spain 2 Formerly belonged to the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, della Vita e dell’Ambiente (DiSTeVA), Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, 61029 Urbino, Italy; [email protected] 3 Dipartimento di Scienze Pure e Applicate (DiSPeA), Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, 61029 Urbino, Italy; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected] Received: 14 September 2020; Accepted: 28 September 2020; Published: 3 October 2020 Abstract: Four main unconformities (1–4) were recognized in the sedimentary record of the Cenozoic basins of the eastern External Betic Zone (SE, Spain). They are located at different stratigraphic levels, as follows: (1) Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, even if this unconformity was also recorded at the early Paleocene (Murcia sector) and early Eocene (Alicante sector), (2) Eocene-Oligocene boundary, quite synchronous, in the whole considered area, (3) early Burdigalian, quite synchronous (recognized in the Murcia sector) and (4) Middle Tortonian (recognized in Murcia and Alicante sectors). These unconformities correspond to stratigraphic gaps of different temporal extensions and with different controls (tectonic or eustatic), which allowed recognizing minor sedimentary cycles in the Paleocene–Miocene time span. The Cenozoic marine sedimentation started over the oldest unconformity (i.e., the principal one), above the Mesozoic marine deposits. Paleocene-Eocene sedimentation shows numerous tectofacies (such as: turbidites, slumps, olistostromes, mega-olistostromes and pillow-beds) interpreted as related to an early, blind and deep-seated tectonic activity, acting in the more internal subdomains of the External Betic Zone as a result of the geodynamic processes related to the evolution of the westernmost branch of the Tethys. The second unconformity resulted from an Oligocene to Aquitanian sedimentary evolution in the Murcia Sector from marine realms to continental environments. This last time interval is characterized as the previous one by a gentle tectonic activity. On the other hand, the Miocene sedimentation was totally controlled by the development of superficial thrusts and/or strike-slip faults zones, both related to the regional geodynamic evolutionary framework linked to the Mediterranean opening. These strike-slip faults zones created subsidence areas (pull-apart basin-type) and affected the sedimentation lying above the third unconformity. By contrast, the subsidence areas were bounded by structural highs affected by thrusts and folds. After the third unconformity, the Burdigalian-Serravallian sedimentation occurred mainly in shallow- to deep-water marine environments (Tap Fm). During the Late Miocene, after the fourth unconformity, the activation of the strike-slip faults zones caused a shallow marine environment sedimentation in the Murcia sector and a continental (lacustrine and fluvial) deposition in the Alicante sector represented the latter, resulting in alluvial fan deposits. Furthermore, the location of these fans changed over time according to the activation of faults responsible for the tectonic rising of Triassic salt deposits, which fed the fan themselves. Keywords: eastern External Betic Zone; Cenozoic basins; strike-slip tectonics; tectono-sedimentary evolution Geosciences 2020, 10, 394; doi:10.3390/geosciences10100394 www.mdpi.com/journal/geosciences Geosciences 2020, 10, 394 2 of 20 1. Introduction The study area is located in the Murcia and Alicante provinces of the SE Spain (Figure1A), whichGeosciences belong 2020 to the, 10, 394 eastern External Betic Zone (EBZ). This cordillera is included in the2 of 20 Alpine chains of the western Mediterranean (Figure1B), resulting from the continental collision of 1. Introduction the Mesomediterranean Microplate (MM) (Guerrera et al. [1]) at first with the Iberia-Europe Plate (Cretaceous-Paleogene:The study area is located Eo-Alpinein the Murcia phase),and Alicante and provinces subsequently, of the SE Spain (Miocene: (Figure 1A), Neo-Alpine which or Maghrebianbelong phase)to the eastern with theExternal Africa Betic Plate Zone and (EBZ). due This to thecordillera ocean is closures included drivenin the Alpine by oppositely chains of the oriented western Mediterranean (Figure 1B), resulting from the continental collision of the subductions [1–6]. These processes affected the western branches of the Tethys (Figure1C), generating Mesomediterranean Microplate (MM) (Guerrera et al. [1]) at first with the Iberia-Europe Plate Mesozoic(Cretaceous-Paleogene: to Tertiary successions Eo-Alpine related phase), to several and subs tectono-sedimentaryequently, (Miocene: Neo-Alpine domains [7 or]. TheMaghrebian development of a riftingphase) aff withecting the theAfrica South Plate Iberianand due Marginto the ocean generated closures basinsdriven by with oppositely alpine-like oriented platforms subductions (extended and wide,[1–6]. and These structured processes inaffected horsts the and western grabens), branches characterized of the Tethys by (Figure marine 1C), domains generating which Mesozoic are deeper from northto Tertiary to south, successions forming related the Prebetic to several (to tectono-sedimentary the north) and the Subbeticdomains [7]. (to theThe south)development of the of EBZ a [7–9]. Therifting deposition affecting the in South the Iberian Cenozoic Margin basins generate followedd basins with the alpine-like tectonic platforms inversion (extended (from extensionand to compression)wide, and structured occurring in horsts at theand grabens), latest Cretaceous, characterized beingby marine usually domains marked which are by deeper a generalized from north to south, forming the Prebetic (to the north) and the Subbetic (to the south) of the EBZ [7–9]. unconformity [10]. Sometimes, Paleogenic deposits show paleoenvironmental conditions similar to The deposition in the Cenozoic basins followed the tectonic inversion (from extension to those ofcompression) the Mesozoic occurring successions, at the latest and Cretaceous, sedimentation being usually is a continuation marked by a generalized of the former. unconformity In these cases, shallow[10]. water Sometimes, sediments Paleogenic deposited deposits above show the paleoenvironmental inherited structural conditions highs (horsts), similar to passing those of laterally the to deep realmsMesozoic (grabens). successions, In particular,and sedimentation the deep is a deposits continuation are characterizedof the former. In by these turbidite cases, depositsshallow with olisthostromewater sediments and slumps deposited on the above slope the and inherited more deepstructural areas highs [11 –(horsts),15]. passing laterally to deep Verarealms [16 ,(grabens).17] provided In particular, a general the frameworkdeep deposits of are the characterized Mesozoic toby Cenozoicturbidite deposits sedimentation with of the EBZ,olisthostrome dividing theand slumps stratigraphic on the sl recordope and intomore eight deep areas main [11–15]. sedimentary cycles. Recently, detailed Vera [16,17] provided a general framework of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic sedimentation of the multidisciplinary studies carried out in the eastern EBZ suggested the following remarks about EBZ, dividing the stratigraphic record into eight main sedimentary cycles. Recently, detailed the tectono-sedimentarymultidisciplinary studies evolution carried out of thein the area: eastern (1) EBZ the suggested definition the of following a new andremarks earlier about Paleogene the deformationtectono-sedimentary stage [15,18 ,19evolution], (2) the of Paleogenethe area: (1) deformation the definition was of relateda new and to the earlier Internal Paleogene Betic Zone (IBZ) tectonicsdeformation paleo-geographically stage [15,18,19], (2) the close Paleogene to the deformation IBZ, as proposed was related by Guerrerato the Internal et al. Betic [15 ],Zone Guerrera and Mart(IBZ)ín-Mart tectonicsín paleo-geographically [18] and Guerrera close et al. to [the19 ],IBZ, (3) as the proposed importance by Guerrera of strike-slip et al. [15], MioceneGuerrera fault systemsand [20 Martín-Martín,21] and (4) [18] the and influence Guerrera of et salt al. tectonics[19], (3) the also importance during theof strike-slip Miocene Miocene evolution fault [22 –24]. systems [20,21] and (4) the influence of salt tectonics also during the Miocene evolution [22–24]. Therefore, the knowledge of these Cenozoic basins has been considerably improved because these Therefore, the knowledge of these Cenozoic basins has been considerably improved because these paperspapers show show their their tectono-sedimentary tectono-sedimentary evolution. evolution. FigureFigure 1. The 1. BeticThe Betic Cordillera Cordillera (after (after Reference Reference [[19];19]; modified). modified). (A) ( AGeological) Geological map mapof the of Betic the Betic CordilleraCordillera with thewith location the location of Cenozoicof Cenozoic Basins Basins of the the eastern eastern External External Betic Betic Zone Zone (EBZ) (EBZ) (study (study area), area), the Murcia (Figure 2) and Alicante (Figure 3) sectors. (B) Geographic location of the Betic Cordillera the Murcia (Figure2) and Alicante (Figure3) sectors. ( B) Geographic location of the Betic Cordillera in in the context of the
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