REV. A. W ALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN G-ROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1891. VOL, XVII NO. 10. Perfect Through Buffering. world of nature. The gentleness of God ' dom Is- idle mockery; the aspirations of on piece, the structure would not stand to ­ shared in his ceremonial uncleanness.- There is much that is wrong in oUr makes men great. He dwells with the the saints are of little avail, and the lead­ day In its exquisite beauty. Has He not thus touched our fallen hu modern education. We teach our boys to God novor yfouldsond y ou tho darkness humble and contrlto/who tremble at His ings of the Holy Spirit are misleading, If Milton's Immortal, thought had died inanity, and made Himself the companion bo gentlemen ; but the affections, the feel­ If Ho folt you could bear tho light 5 of our. wretchedness] ■ . ,■■■ ■. But you would not cling to Ilia gutdlng hand word. Ho will not break the bruised while the promises and exhortations of the In the brain at birth the World would nev. ings are-neglected. We teach them to be-1 • If tlio way Wore always bright? reed, nor quench Iho smoking flax. Word of God are blind leaders of the er have had a “ Paradise Lost.” If Bun. 2, Notice that salvation is" a personal come successful business men, and the And you would not caro to walk by faith 1 • 8. Love for the service of God. Asthe blind. We prefer to side with the Spirit yan had hid his talent in Bedford jail and Individual matter. Jesus did not send moro they succeed the poorer they become . Could you always walk by eight. beartsof the people became enthusiastic and the Word, as voiced In the prayers of there would have been no “ Pilgrim’s forth a general proclamation of healing; In spirit. We help them to win positions- ’Tlfl.truo Up has many an anguish for the Worship of Jehovah, anti, longed to the B a in t s , and declare to the World that Progress ” to light the way,' The darling He cured the sufferers one by one.; This of honor, but in gaining their end they. For your, sorrowful hoart to bear, iget Zion to restore the temple and this common prayer of, the Church means baby girl that rules yOur heart and home Is the way wo aro Baved. Each must come pass by scenes of suffering, the tears of tho And many a ornol thorn crown cannot toddlo across the parlor floor with­ by Himself and touch JesUs. For your tlrod head to wear; rebuild the city, their, energies would re­ something. And we therefore gladly en­ sorrowful, the sigh 'of the oppressed, ui. Ho kqows how.fow would roach heaven a t all vive as an Incoming tide; revived spirit dorse the experience of many in all ages out trying. .We must use hand and »braln 3. Notice that there must be faith If the moved.. This Is all wrong. Without feel­ , If pain did not gnido them thoro. would bring revived strength. The of the Church whose faith has measured and heart if our lives bear fruit. fOr the touch is to save us. We may touch Jesus ing wo would become a nation of stoics. So He sends you tho blinding darknoss, BQurces o f spiritual power are, the same up to their prayers, and who have received Master. *Do you. not know'that it is easier by our Intellect or imagination, and It will Let there be plenty of heart-earnestness. And tho furnaco of Bovon-fold h e a t; to-day. We need faith, hope and love that holiness for which they prayed. If to think arid talk and plan than It Is to do ? not avail.- But if wo touch Him by faith, We believe in it.' It ‘is a power more po­ ’Tla tho only way. bolfovo mo, constantly replenished, or spiritual weak: holiness fs not a present possession of this That is why the many do the thinking and then there comes to us, as to tho poor wo tent In results than tho might of kings. • To keop you oloso to nia feot, man, a salvation which is immediate and For * tis always so oasy to wander ' ness and moral prostration will set In. life how much praying should cease? the talking and the few do the work. , In­ Hearts that have been hard us stone have Whon our Uvea aro giad aud sweet. Confidence in God, anticipation of Heav­ About all praying would stop I—Ohristian deed, the worst kickers in the church do thorough. been melted and subdued by it. Burning Then nestle yony hand In ypur Father's, .. en, affection for Christ.—theso alone can Witness. the least work. It Is harder to patiently nnd loving words always find a response And sing, if you can, as you g o ; secure a constrained and consecrated life and falthfully.execute a pian than It Is to W caley! somewhere. • The most eloquent orations Your song may clieor some ono behind you here nnd a blissful immortality hereafter. conceive one. „ Conception is useless with­ have been delivered, tho most beautiful In M e m o r i a m , BY REV. E. H. STOKER jj.D. Whoso courago Is sinking low ;• III. That with restored spiritual health out execution. Action builds churches, sentences have boon written, and yet they And, WOJi, if your lips do quiver— the Hebrew Church would rosurne its MY F R IE N D AUD SISTER, My*BY E. HOLBROOK, DIED sond3 missionaries, prepares the way of I. havo not shown the power of touching tho God will lovo you better so. JU L Y 0, 181H). Tho Holy Club, devout, a feeble fow, —Selected. the Lord.- Dreaming cannot do it. Faith heart as do the simple words of' somo wonted activities* Ono' of tho flrst indi­ Llko mountain springs, hid from tho walks of BY M ARY E. PEl.L. cations of recovered health is renewed alone cannot do It. Prayer canuot do it. m en; earnest preacher of tlie cross. A Spiritual Tonic. energy, so tho prophet is commissioned to My heart is sad and weary, and tbo tears aro Work Is a vital essential. A pulseless night, soft falls tho silent dow,- It is not tho same in Christian work? Spring^ widen out and (low towards tho glen; Has anything good or permanent ever “ Iloglveth,powor to tho faint.” —Isa. 9:29,' assure the people that “ He glveth power failing fast, 1 " Not words of winning note, ; to the faint:” . Work Is weariness . when From eyes onco bright and Joyous in the happy, Not thoughts from lifo rcinoto. Whcro other waters "join tho trickling tide, been accomplished by those who have not Obviously, u new stream of prophecy Not fond rollgloua airs, Which soon, liko Wesley's work, expands to rivers the strength is not equal to It. The,people happy past. Not sweetly languid prayers, been truly in earnest? Thei. men who begins with the opening.verse of the pres­ And I reached my-hands in longing out on the Not lovo or soot and creeds;. wide. are promised, : have done work for Christ are the men ent chapter: Isaiah receives a special silent air, • ' ' • W anted: doeda.” II. 1. Renewed vigor. Strength' wouldAnd my lips awake tho eohoof my longing,— who manifest heart-earnestness—Treasury. commission from Jehovah to comfort His —U. G. Perkins, in Northern Christian Heart "strangely warmed,” brow.bathed with come from waiting upon God. Physical V Whore, oh.wh’ero!” - living light, people' in the midst of suffering and sor­ Advocate. connection and correspondence with phyl I listen ever for a voice, now grown so strangely. Soul consecrated to divine employ ; row, with an assurance of forgiveness and still; •/ : Sow Beside all Waters, slcal environment bring physical recuper­ Pathways which led through gloom, of darkest recompense. A better and brighter, day Ana* wait in vain tho summons that was wont The Man of God, night, ation ; and that law of nature obtains my heart to thrill. Bishop Asbury saw a negro of bad char­ was about to. dawn, when the days of ilo filled with songs foil of exultant Joy; • Oh, can it bo that I must walk forever more " I know thou art a man of God.”—1 Kings 17:21.^ acter sitting on the bank of a creek, fish­ their exile would be ended and a triumph­ equally true In the spiritual world: keep­ Ills trumpet peals homo by tha Spirit’s breath, ing in the conscious presence—relying on alono? From Whom does the testimony come ? Stirred the disjointed bones which paved tho valo ing. The' man was quite aloue. It was ant return would be made to Zion. The flow shall I bear my brokon life, my slstor, since tlie almighty power of God will keep the ■l “ I know.” These are the words of the of death. just possible that he might be willing to case of the people in their captivity thou’rtgone, soul from fainting and* failure. ./ v heathen villager, a poor widow, iivlng. in nr. talk, and that- precious seed might bo seemed hopeless, for they were as frail Tho broad and trackless occan rolls betweon thy an out-of-the-way place, probably as ignor­ God breathed, old forms received tho gift divine, $. Renewed vivacity.’. The people are ■ 7 7 0grave and mo,, v ■ dropped. "Tlio good old minister stopped and feeble as grass;.
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