Isaiah Davenport House Volunteer Newsletter December 2013 912/236-8097 Become a Facebook fan at “Davenport House Museum” To the Inhabitants of Savannah and its Tuesday, December 3 at 10 a.m. - SHOP NEW: vicinity. – DH DOCENT HOLIDAY - Visit the DH Museum Shop to A gentleman, who has lately arrived REFRESHER/End of Year find holiday gifts. You must here from Europe, undertakes to cure Celebrations and Discussion of know we have terrific stocking all DISEASES incident to the noble 2013 Special Focus – CAKES stuffers, books and signature animal, the HORSE – corns, thrushes, AND COOKIES Savannah items. and contracted feet, completely and - 1 p.m. – 2013 Oyster Roast As a gift to you from December 1 expeditiously cured; splints sprains, Meeting through 15, DH Friends, Volun- lameness, and king hooves effectually - 6 to 8 p.m. – SAA JIs teers and Staff receive a 25% removed. He also undertakes to cure Wednesday, December 4 from 10 discount on shop purchases. the diseases of the eye, if called upon a.m. to 1 or 2 p.m. – KP win- - Gift Cards: Remember we have when they are first affected. He begs dow display creation (10 a.m.) gift cards! leave to remark, these diseases, gener- followed by wreath ornamenta- - New book: See the ally, may (if taken Care of at an early tion beautifully illus- stage) be cured IN a very short period, Thursday, December 5 from 4 to 6 trated new book and at a trifling expense. Horse Medi- p.m. – Special Tour with Hospi- Magnolias, Porch- cine, of every description, carefully tality es and Sweet Tea: prepared, and to be had on the shortest Saturday, December 7 from 5 to 7 Recipes, Stories & notice. Horses carefully bled. Young p.m. – DH Holiday Party! Art from the Low ladies and gentlemen taught to ride Sunday, December 8 from 4 to 7 Country by Pat Branning. Retail: and manage a horse dexterity in a few p.m. – Garden Rental $39.95 lessons. He will also break horses for Monday, December 9 through - Traveling to Charleston: Taking riding, and train them to draft in the Wednesday, December 11 – the DH to the next level, a group most perfect manner—as his object is Archeology Project begins/ including Ben Head, Adrienne to engage a preference and by his ex- Ground Penetrating Radar Williams, Liz Demos, Hugh ertions to please and reasonable terms - 5:30 p.m. – Preparation meet- Golson, Brooke Wilford and ensure the patronage of the public. ing for Holiday Evening Tours Jamie Credle will travel to Any commands, addressed to JOHN Tuesday, December 10 at 1 p.m. – Charleston to visit shops includ- LANGSTAFF, at Mrs. Davenport House Committee ing retail museum shops for Palmer’s boarding house, meeting models and inspiration, as they Jefferson street, corner of - 6 p.m. – JI Christmas craft the best way to present a President street, shall be Wednesday, December 11 at 5 new Museum s\Shop in the carefully attended to. p.m. – Dancing rehearsal Kennedy Pharmacy. Savannah Republican. December 7, 1819. Sunday, December 15 from 10 un- til noon - Road Scholars/DH YOUR PARTY, MY PARTY, OUR This being Christmas Day, no paper Holiday Experience PARTY: It’s time for mutual congrat- will be issued from this office tomorrow, Wednesday, December 18 at 5 ulations and joy! Please join your in order to allow the usual recreation to p.m. – Dancing rehearsal friends for the annual Davenport our workmen. Friday, December 20 from 8 a.m. House Holiday Party on Saturday, Savannah Daily Gazette. December 25, 1820. until 6 p.m. – Trip to Charles- December 7 from 5 to 7. If you ________________________________ ton/Gift Shop Study Group come and bring an DAVENPORT HOUSE CALENDAR Tuesday, December 24 at 1 p.m. – appetizer or dessert DECEMBER 2013 DH Closes for Christmas or a bottle of wine From December 1 through De- Wednesday, December 25 - DH the table will be cember 24 – Holly Jolly Trolley closes bountiful. Let’s Tours in the early evening (see Thursday, December 26 through enjoy each other’s the schedule in a separate attach- Monday, December 30 from 6 company and be thankful the DH ment) until 8:30 p.m. – Holiday Even- brings us together. Monday, December 2 at 2 p.m. - – ing Tours by Candlelight DH DOCENT HOLIDAY Tuesday, December 31 at 1 p.m. – HOLIDAY EVENING TOURS BY REFRESHER/End of Year DH closes CANDLELIGHT: Throughout early Celebrations and Discussion of Wednesday, January 1 – DH December we will plan the presenta- 2013 Special Focus – CAKES Closed tion of Holiday Evening Tours at AND COOKIES the end of the month. Our open house-style family Staff had done new work on this ing December and details will be pro- event has grown over year’s special focus CAKES AND vided in the Janu- the years and has COOKIES which you can read more ary DH Newslet- become a popular about in this newsletter. Jamie ter. Mark your offering for visitors Credle will review and amplify the calendar for to Savannah the new material with docents as well as Wednesday, Jan- week between Christ- providing a refresher on December uary 15 for a mas and New Year’s, interpretation. Please plan to attend workshop and 12/26 to 12/30. either on Monday, December 2nd at 2 discussion about Last year the DH p.m. or Tuesday, December 3rd at 10 the “dig” which will take place January saw around 100 a.m. Please know our visitors expect a 16 through 24. At the workshop, Rita guests each night of different sort of interpretation during Elliot of Lamar Institute will review the five day program. the month. Please prepare for your the finding of the GPR! You are invit- As always it takes an holiday tours. ed. Also, note there will be a Commu- army to put on a successful DH pro- nity Day on Saturday, January 18 for gram. We need docents, one per FOR DOCENTS: you to actually participate in the dig. room, in period costume or festive - Please remember if a guest asks you Exciting! dress for the four first floor rooms a question you cannot answer, please and two for the bedroom level. We find a staff person to assist or have MORE THAN DREAMING – COM- need singers and musicians to perform them write the question on one of the MITTEE FOR THE EVOLUTION OF a traditional holiday tune – Auld cards in the hall and give it to a staff THE DH/KP: Lang SYNE and another such as person to respond. The DH has put together a Bring a Torch to Jeanette Isabella - Boy’s Room Pillows: Mary Mis- knowledgeable and experienced group or Silent Night – for visitors to join tak made new pillows with zippers for of community members to discuss, in on. The Back Porch Band with the pine straw and Spanish moss illus- prioritize and plan the future of the Shari Laist will provide music in the trating what used to fill people’s mat- Museum property. Chaired by Hugh Kennedy Pharmacy before and after tresses. This is to keep the pine straw Golson, the Committee for the Evo- guests enjoy the house museum expe- and moss from getting all over the lution of the DH/KP met for the rience. At the end of the evening, pa- floor. You are welcome to unzipper first time on November 8 to begin trons will view an exhibition of early the pillows if you wish, as long as you thinking in a deliberate way for the 19th dance from the Davenport zipper them back up. Museum’s future. What will happened House Dancers. Those wishing to to the property over the next four to participate in the program should let JUNIOR INTERPRETERS: It is always seven years will be planned and coor- Jamie or Dottie know. There will be a a thrill to welcome young people into dinated in a careful way so as not to planning session on Monday, Decem- our world of community service. The disrupt operations at the expense of ber 9th at 5:30 p.m. if you are curious 2013 Savannah Arts Academy JIs current earned income – daily tours, and/or would like to participate. Help completed nine weeks of training and rentals and programs – with the goal us share the DH with those looking presented tours to the public on No- of transforming the property through for a family event! vember 29 and 30. a completely restored museum house and an exciting, attractive and income END OF YEAR INTERPRETATION: ARCHEOLOGY AT THE DH: producing shop in the Kennedy Phar- The house will be put into New Beginning December 9, the DH’s macy. Spaces, people, the museum’s Year’s mode for the month of Decem- Archeology Project will begin! The story and mission and . money all ber. Interpretive material is available Lamar Institute will start by scanning have to be well thought out. We are for review. Please ask Dottie for your the property with Ground Penetrat- delighted to have such good people copy of the basic information. If you ing Radar December 9 through 11. along for the ride. And we are happy prefer, the materials can be emailed to A technician will survey the ground that you – our volunteers and commu- you. There is also a notebook in the floor as well as the exterior of the nity members – will be there as well. kitchen containing all the interpretive property. The information will yield It’s all about making it work for good materials put together over the years not only evidence about the past but history, more inclusive storytelling and on topics such as punch, dancing, mu- also information about where power, resource survival.
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