l - J l ____ ■»- ! --------- La-. r»----im k m is J m I.U. approves moil n i uravvi my rtt ochoomi fee hike by JeEBteM eysn Sharp The board approved a per credit The Indiana University Board of hour rate far students enrolled at the Trustee* approved a II per cent Bloomington campus. Previously, increaae ta student fete for under these students paid a Oat sum of $3S1 graduate Indiana reaidenta at IUPUI for 13 to 17 credit hours. at Ita masting Friday, June 17 in Undergraduate Indiana resident students will now pay 117 per credit The current fee of H I per credit hour. Bloomington graduate students hour will be raiaed to 133 per credit who are residents win pay $3$ per hoar effective the 1877 7* academic credit hour. This Is an increase of 11 year. per cent far graduate students. Reoldent graduate atudenta at Fees for the academic year 1V70-70 IUPUI feeo were raiaed hem CM per w ere not approved by the board at the credit hour to H t an increaae of S3 recommendation of Ryan Ryan said percent tha 1173-79 fees should not be The largeet increaaee came in the approved became the current fee feee aaaeaaed graduate, non-reeident increatee are beaed on the assump­ atudenta. The per credit hour fee van tion of future student enrollment, $63 and will be raiaed to 171, an revenue generated from student fees increaoeof 37percent. and the ratio of inflation Before the board granted approval In other board action, approval was for the fee increaaee, there was much granted for the purchase of property discussion about the amount of • t $10413 W. North St (Tabernacle increaae especially for graduate and Baptist Church) for $30,000 professional fees and bow these A two-year lease for the property at increases differed from the increaaee the School of Physical Education, 1010 for undergradualee at IU PU I. W. 04th St , was approved at an According to I.U. President John W annual rent of $39,360. The new lease Ryan, the greater Increaaee on gradu­ has the option for renewal for an ate and professional fees is an effort additional tw o years. to equalise the feea between the The IUPUI Columbus Center was Indianapolis and Bloomington granted permission for a two-year lease of Its rented facilities at Bakalar ^NeartyV** million was allocated to Air Force Base with the city's Board the IUPUI campus. According to Dr. of Aviation. Rent is $80,000 per year. Glenn W. Irwin, Vice President at A five per cent Increase in the IUPUI, the Indiana General housins rates for slnale rooms in Assembly said $30,087 should be Ball Residence and the Union raised In health programs and Building was approved Apartment $770,M by non-health program s to rates in the Union Building and the help support the minimum budget as Warthin Apartments will be increased approved for the university. approxim ately four per cent. KSmakech. Jennette weak Student presidents address board tional studenU are not,” said ponaibiiity" for student fee increases Jennette said the 13 2 per cent stu Komakech. when he addressed the board. dent fee increase for Bloomington stu­ Citing a 30 per cent increase in I.U. denU was avoidable and should not be What Komakech requested of the President John W Ryan's salary and demanded of the studenU board was ■ "time limit to bow long a 31 per cent increase in Executive an international student can b e ta the "If this university, and others Vice President W George PimeU’s state in order to pay fees com parable across the state presented a m ore res­ salary as examples of irresponsibil­ to the reoident students sad far the ponsible fiscal im age to the Indiana ity. Jennette faulted the board for not board to encourage the enrollment of General Aaaembly, perhaps studenU’ holding down administrative salaries International students, especially feeo would not have to be raised to ■ reasonable level. from poor countries for the sake of Perhaps higher education would The $144,000 expenditure from state progress and the name of the school." return to a position of respect within appropriations for repairs of Bryan the legislature, and stole funds would The board did not respond to House (the residence of I.U. presi­ once again be used more liberally for Kom akech's requests d en t!) after the public was toid do education then they are for road I.U.-Bloomington Student Associa­ state funds would be taed for the reno­ repair, "saidJennette tion President, Steve Jennette blamed vation was another example of irres- the university's image of "fiscal irres ponsiblity according to Jennette. The board did not respond Report due Jan. 15 Barrett chairs PE study committee 8. Sue Barrett, assistant professor w ill study the organisation of both professor of business administration, of physical education at IUPUI, has schools and the programs offered by I.U -Bloomington each, and will recommend ways in Committee members from IUPUI tee to study the relationships between which the cooperative effort* can are M ary M Kim ball, instructor in the School of Health, Physics! Educa dance; Edward G Moore, executive enhance the program s for studenU in tk o and Recreation in Bloomington vice-chancellor; Steve Ritter, presi­ both schools Ryan requested the and the School of Physical Education. dent of student organisation in the committee report 1U findings to him IUPUI. School of Physical Education. Doris by January IS, 197$. Stewart, president of the School of According to Indiana University Physical Education Alumni President John W. Ryan, who Serving as vice-chairperson of the Association; Hugh A WoU, associate appointed the committee, members committee is Jack R. Wentworth, dean for the School of Education .. __________ 11________ i ------------ ■ 2 Sagam ore June 22,1IT? IUPUI News Kellum named as PE acting dean For ladies: by Jo E lies M eyer* Sharp during her short tenure as dean and tion fraternity headquartered at Uniforms, sm ocks, lab coats, P Nicholas Kellum. Associate previously as the school's director. It Indianapolis which was founded at the duty shoes and other Profeasor and Assistant Dean of the Is a tough act to follow. School of Physical Education in UU . School of Physical Education. IU PU I, “ 1 realise I will be limited in what I accessories has been named as acting dean of the can do because I am only the acting For men: school, in action by the I U Board of dean but I intend to do the beat job Professional jackets, white Trustees at IU meeting in Indi­ possible," said Kellum. ana oolis Friday June 17 Concerning the committee pants, lab coats and duty Kellum. who joined the faculty In appointed to study a possible merger shoes. 198B after com pleting Ms bachelor and with the I.U.-Bloomington School of For professional, courteous master degrees, will replace Dean Health, Physical Education and service, shop at either of our Lola L. Lohse, who retire* June 90 Recreation, Kellum believes IUPUI “ The faculty and I are most con­ has good representation. Indenapobs locations. You w * cerned about the preservation of the ‘The committee has a good cross find one of the finest & largest school and Its existence," said section. We have one alumni and one selections in the state. Kellum student onMbe committee and I “ I hope to carry on In the beat believe all of the facts will be made tradition of the school's 111-year-old clear and studied carefully," said history. I went to school here and Kellum. would like to see the school continue Kelhim was named assistant dean The Uniform Center its fine nation-wide reputation," said of the school in 1*75 and is executive 2331 E. 53rd Keystone Court Kellum. secretary of PM Epsilon Kappa, the (Keystone Plaza) 251 8 3 9 0 “Dean Lohae did a fantastic job national professional physical educa­ 112 9 N. Arlington Avenue (Arlington Square) 3 5 7 -9 9 8 8 Funding needed Dr. Headlee retires June 30 for international by M arilyn Phillips learning; Assistant Professor and student language Professor of Parasitic Diseases "Turning points that have affected School of Medicine. IUPUI; con­ Coming to lh« m y life ," w ere related by Dr. W illiam instruction program sulting parasitologist, Department of Hugh Headlee, professor of parasitic Golam Mannan, associate director Dermato-Syphllology, General Indiana University diseases at the School of Medicine, of Student Services recently told Hospital, Indianapolis; Senior Scien­ IU P U I, as he discussed yet another - members of the International Affairs tist. U S. Public Health S ervice; posi­ Auditorium Bloomington his retirement June 90. Program Steering Committee that tions for the U S. through I.U. in Thai­ some schools at IU P U I are requesting Those changes all began at land; and Pakistan, where he helped assistance in meeting the admission NEW YORK CITY BALLET Earlham College where Headlee bring into fruition the Junnah Post­ and orientation needs of foreign stu­ “ONE OF THE BEST DANCE FILMS EVER" taught biology as a lab assistant. That graduate Medical Center at Karachi. dents, while some of the larger profes­ CLIVE BARNES N.Y. TIMES leads to his teaching of biology at the Dr. Headlee is a Fellow in the sional schools simply provide services University of Cairo, Egypt. Headlee Indiana University International needed by their own students. then filled teaching positions in biol­ Development Research Center; con­ There is evidence of a critical need ogy and parasitic diseases research sulting Epidemiologist for the Indiana for English language instruction, under a combined project sponsored Regional Medical Program, and a according to Mannan.
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