Index Page numbers in italics refer to Figures; page numbers in bold refer to Tables. A batus 158 Arrhoges spp. Actinoceramus concentricus 11 A. arcuacheilos 158 Actinoperygii 91-92 A. diversicostata 158 Alepisauriformes 94, 97 Ascodinium sp. 11 Elopomorpha 92, 96 A. serratum 11 Ichthyodectiformes 86, 92-94, 96-97 Asterosoma 24 Teleostei 94 Astrapotheria 179 Aeneator tawsi 158 Atherospermataceae 52 Agathoxylon 66 Atherospermoxylon bulboradiatum 70 Albuliformes 86 Atlantic Gateway 58 Alepisauriformes 94, 97 Aucellina 11 Alexander Island 64 Albian flora 68 Baculites 15 stratigraphy 65 belemnites 11 ammonites 11,14, 23 bennettitaleans 68, 69 angiosperms see leaf fossils also wood fossils Bibby Point Member 11,12,15 Anisodonta subovata 158 birds of the A. nordenskjoeldi biozone 159 Antarctiberyx seymouri 86, 94 bivalves 11,13,14, 23, 30 Antarctic Peninsula of the A. nordenskjoeldi biozone 158 floristic record 65--66 body size, climatic significance of 183-185 Cretaceous 66-74 bony fish see Osteichthyes Neogene 74-76 Botany Bay Group, fossil wood 66 Palaeogene 74 Botula pirriei 158 formation of 1 Bouchardia 158 geological setting 64-65 brachiopods 11,14, 23 Antarctodolops dailyi see Polydolops dailyi Brandy Bay Member 9,10,12,11-14,16,17 Antarctohoges Brassospora 72 A. arcuacheilos 158 bread-crust bombs 25, 43 A. diversicostata 158 bryophytes 69, 75 Antarctoxylon spp. 70, 71 bryozoans 11, 14, 24 A. heterosporosum 70 BuUa glacialis 158 A. junglandoides 70 A. livingstonensis 70 Callorhinchus sp. 113,114,115, 120 A. multiseriatum 70 Canninginopsis denticulata 15 A. uniperforatum 70 Cape Melville Formation 188 Anthropornis spp. 151,152 Carcharias sp. 88, 89 A. grandis 151,157 Celliana feldmanni 158 A. nordenskjoeldi 145,147,151,157 Cerro Negro Formation 65, 66 A. nordenskjoeldi biozone 147,157-159 cetaceans of the A. nordenskjoeldi biozone 159 Anthropornithinae see penguins Chester Cone Formation 65 Apateodus 86, 97 Chimaera zangerli 85-86, 97 Aptea sp. 13 Chimaeridae 113,114,115 4°Ar/39Ar dating, James Ross Island Volcanic Group Chlamydoselachus spp. 192 C. anguineus 88, 95 Araliaephyllum 68 C. thomsoni 86, 87, 95 Araucaria spp. Chlamys sp. 158 A. marenssi 72 Chondrichthyes 113, 114,115 A. nathorstii 72 Chopin Ridge Group 65 Araucariaceae 68, 70,136 Clavatipollenites 68 Archaeospheniscus spp. climate-leaf analysis multivariate programme A. lopdelli 154-155,157 (CLAMP) 183 A. wimani 157 in palaeoclimate analysis Arctic, Cretaceous climate compared 58 method 55 Arcuatula sootryeni 158 results 56 Aristonectes 120 Cockburn Island Formation 188 From: FRANCIS, J. E., PIRRIE, D. & CRAME, J. A. (eds) 2006. Cretaceous-Tertiary High-Latitude Palaeoenvironments, James Ross Basin, Antarctica. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 258,201-206. 0305-8719/06/$15 © The Geological Society of London 2006. 202 INDEX Colbert Formation 65 Enchodus sp. 86, 97,113,115,116,120 Colobanthus quietensis 76 E. ferox 94 Cominella ottoi 158 Endoceratium ludbrookiae 15 conifers, deciduous v. evergreen 68-69 Eocene Conosphaeridium striatoconus 15 faunas compared with Patagonia 180-181 contourites 32 body size and thermal strategy 183-185 corals 24 diversity 183 Cosmasyrinx brychiosinus 158 sample bias 182-183 Crabeater Point Beds 65 stratigraphy see La Meseta Formation Cretaceous vertebrate fossils 177-178 floral fossil record 65-66 see penguins; Sparnatheriodontids; Aptian-Albian 66--69 Sudamerica ameghinoi Campanian-Maastrichtian 71-74 equisetites 68, 69 Cenomanian-Santonian 69-71 Eucrossorhinus 89 stratigraphy 110-112 Eucryphyioxylon eucryphiodes 70 Hidden Lake Formation 9, 9,11,12,14-15, Eurhomalea ftorentinoi 158 23-25 Ezcurra Inlet Group 65 summary 15-17 Whisky Bay Formation 10,11-14,12 facies analysis and associations vertebrate palaeontology Hidden Lake Formation history of research 112 conglomerates 26 systematics 113-120 cross-bedded sandstones 31-33 Cretascyllium 89 graded sandstones 33 Cretorectolobus 89 pebbly sandstones 26-27 Cribroperidinium edwardsii 11 sediment sheets 31 Cross Valley Formation 65,127,130,137,147,167 stratified sandstones 27-28, 29 Eocene flora 183 thick sandstones 28-29, 30 first studied 1 thin sandstones 29-31 Cucullaea donaldi 158 Hobbs Glacier Formation 190 Cunoniaceae 52, 70 James Ross Island Volcanic Group 190 Cupressaceae 74,136 La Meseta Formation 127-129,146,149-150 Cyatheacidites 66 ferns 68, 69, 74, 75 Cyathidites 11, 66 Ferugliotherium 135 Cyrtochetus bucciniformis 158 Ficophyllum 68 Fildes Peninsula Group 65 Dacrydium 71, 74 Finlandia Formation 65 Delphinornis spp. fish fossils 159 D. arctowski 153,157 L6pez de Bertodano Formation, teleosts 94 D. gracilis 157 Santa Marta Formation D. larseni 153,157 Actinoperygii 91-94, 96-97 density flows 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 40 Holocephalians 85-86 Dentalium pulchrum 158 Neoselachians 86-91, 95-96 Derorhynchidae 179 Foersterichnus rossensis 24 Derorhynchus minutus 179 Fuscospora 72 Deschampsia antarctica 76 Fusinus suraknisos 158 diamictite see Hobbs Glacier Formation gastropods 14, 23,158 Diconodinium multispinum 11 Gaudryceras 15 Dicotylophyllum 68 General Circulation Model (GCM) 59 Didelphimorphia 179 Gin Cove Member 9,15 Didymaulichnus 24 ginkopsids 68, 69 Dilleniaceae 136 glacigenic sediments see Hobbs Glacier dinoflagellates 13,15 Formation Dufayel Island Group 65 Gondwanatheria 135-136,179 dykes 137 see also Sudamerica ameghinoi graphic logs, Hidden Lake Formation 35, 36, 38, 39 Eights, James 63 Gunnarites antarcticus 111 Elaeocarpaceae 52 Gustav Group Elasmisauridae 113,115,116-117,120-121 distribution maps 8, 9, 24, 50, 84,110 Elatocladus sp. 67 fossils 66 Electroma notiala 158 stratigraphy 1, 7, 9,17, 23, 83, 95 Elgar Formation 65 see also Hidden Lake Formation; Kotick Point Elopomorpha 92, 96 Formation; Lagrelius Point Formation; Enchodontidae 113,115, 116 Whisky Bay Formation INDEX 203 Hamamelidae 71 James Ross Island 2, 50, 101,102,110 Hamilton Point (James Ross Island) 191 first visitors 1 Haq sea-level curve 131 Neogene stratigraphy 192 Haslum Crags Member 111 James Ross Island Volcanic Group 10, 84,193, Hedycaryoxylon sp. 71 198 H. tambourissoides 70 distribution map 189 Helminthoida 30 facies associations 190 Herbert Sound Member 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 97 lithofacies interpretations 193 Heteroglyphis dewoletzky 163,172 lithostratigraphy 196-197 Hexanchidae 113,114,115 stratigraphy 190-193 Hexanchiformes 86-88, 95 Josepha ottoi 158 Hiatella tenuis 158 Hidden Lake Formation 9, 9,10,12, 14-15,17, 22, 24, K/T boundary 111 65, 69, 71, 72 Kaitoa schmitti 158 depositional environments Karlsen Cliffs Member 111 base of slope 33-34 King George Island 64 basin floor 38-40 Palaeogene flora 74 fan-delta 34-38 stratigraphy 65, 188 evolution of deposition 40-41, 42 King George Island Supergroup 65 facies analysis Kotick Point Formation 9, 9,15, 22, 24, 65 conglomerates 26 cross-bedded sandstones 31-33 La Meseta Formation 65,137,145,167 graded sandstones 33 age 129,149 pebbly sandstones 26-27 facies associations 127-129,146,149-150 sediment sheets 31 faunas compared with Patagonia 180-181 stratified sandstones 27-28, 29 body size and thermal strategy 183--185 thick sandstones 28-29, 30 diversity 183 thin sandstones 29-31 sample bias 182-183 flora 51, 52 first studied 1 palaeocurrent record 28 fossils see penguins; Sparnatheriodontids; provenance 25-26 Sudamerica ameghinoi sedimentology50-51 graphic log 148 stratigraphy 23-25 impact of sea level on 130,131 tectonic setting 41-43 mammal fauna 136,178,179 volcanic setting 43 map 147 Himalia Ridge Formation 65 stratigraphy 126-127 Hobbs Glacier Formation Lachman Crags Member 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 97 distribution map 189 Lagrelius Point Formation 9, 9, 22, 24, 65 facies associations 190 Lamniformes 88-89, 95-96 lithostratigraphy 193,194-196 lapilli 43 provenance 198 Larsen Basin 1, 22-23,125,126 stratigraphy 188 stratigraphy 65 Holocephalians 85-86 Lauraceae 52,136 humerus, basis of penguin systematics 150,151,152 Laurelites jamesrossii 70 hummocky cross stratification 30 leaf fossils hyaloclastite 190,191 Cretaceous flora 51-53 Hydrocotyllophyllus 68 first recorded 49 preservation 51 Ichthyodectiformes 92-94, 96-97 use as palaeoclimate indicators 136,183 Illicioxylon spp. methods of analysis 53-56 I. antarcticum 70 results 56-59 1. tenuradiatum 70 Leiodon sp. 104,105,113,120,121 Inoceramus spp. Lenitrophon suteri 158 I. australis 14,15 Lewis Hill Member 10,11,12 I. carsoni 15 lichens 76 I. inaequivalvis 14 Lingula antarctica 158 I. neocalidonicus 14,15 Litopterna 179 inverse grading 33 see also Sparnotheriodontids Isabelidinium glabrum 11,13 liverworts 68 Ischyodus dolloi 85, 86 Livingston Island 64 Isurus 91 stratigraphy 65 James Ross Basin 125,126 lizards (marine) see Mosasaurinae formation of 1 Llanocetus denticrenatus 159 204 INDEX L6pez de Bertodano Formation nearest living relative (NLR) technique distribution maps 127,137,147,167 in palaeoclimate analysis fossils 111-112 methods 53 fish 86, 91, 94, 97 results 56 mosasaurs 103,104, 105,107 Neogene stratigraphy 9, 24, 65, 84 floral fossil record 74-76 Lophozonia 72 glacial climate 187 lycophytes 69, 75 glacier character 187-188 stratigraphy see James Ross Island Volcanic Group Maccoyella 16 Neoselachians 86, 87, 90, 91 Macrauchenia 163 Hexanchiformes 86-88, 95 Magnoliales 51 Lamniformes 88-89, 95-96 Magnolidae 71 Squatiniformes 89, 96 Mammalia (mammals) Synechodontiformes 89-91, 96 of A. nordenskjoeldi biozone 159 Neptune Glacier Formation 65 of La Meseta Formation 177-178,178-180 Nordenskj61d palaeoflora 183 see also Sparnotheriodontidae also Sudamerica Nordenskjold Formation 65 ameghinoi Nordenskj61d, Otto 1 Marambio Group Nothofagaceae 52,136 distribution maps 12, 50,110 Nothofagidites sp. 71 fossils N. senectus 71 mammals 177-178,178-180 Nothofagoxylon spp. wood 66 N. aconcaguaense 70 stratigraphy 2, 7, 9, 9,17, 23, 24, 83, 84, 85 N. corrugatus 70 see also L6pez de Bertodano Formation; Santa N. kraeuseli 70 Marta Formation; Snow Hill Island N. mendendezii 70 Formation N. ruei 70 Marambio Island see Seymour Island N. sclariforme 70 Marambiornis exilis 157 N. triseriatum 70 Marambiotherium glacialis 179 Nothofagus 71, 74, 75,183 Marsupialia 179 Notidanodon spp. Maytenus 75 N. dentatus 86, 87, 95,113,114,115 Megalops atlanticus 92 N.
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