JJuRGENTjJ ~-Bi?-1 fa! cl f=q cil Q G I f£I cb IJ.1, esc=cft -l-1 JI a,• ~ II a1 ifl cb., ~-lIcit I a-i 51 Icl i!.I q R-c1 -l., -lI i!.1 ~-l ~- 2236685- ~q~- 0771-2236684 email :- [email protected] w. a 9 ,ffl"R:"112 a 1 1 -2 a 1 4/ FJ9-3eo ~, RePafa 1 3ITT.1cf51 ~, -2.-i-2.-t en e1 Pai c1 re o1 ~, -l-f cH M (30 cJT O ) P.jq1S1~:-c11cf5-2-ta-rr "' 3na, ti!ailcl-2 o 1 4, 3HcirJI"' m ........-liui~-2."S<-r-cb~c.--.-a(::,,..., 3-lcf1l~a, "Q"Tl<f ~ cffi" 3il csi IB<i \.I cfl cf5 3il csi Cai cf5T \.I fa~ j ~ al Icl tj_ I c1"' 1 cb-2.-13-IT 3na=f ti!ai , c1- 2 o 1 4 cf.> ~ -lM -2."S<c{?a 3-t a-i 1~ a , "!l"l1<f ~ cffi" 3TI"-lcf Pai a f=q ai 3-11 ci, J, m \.I cfl cf5 3-11 csi cai cBT vT$ ~ , \.I cfl cf5 3-11 csi cai cf.> ~a -a1" 56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II/Vol. I, rec:iiicf5 2 7 R-2.-tcMJ-l, 2 o 1 3, "Q?I" -2-i&-11 56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II/Vol. II, Rc:iiicf5 o 3 o16-ic1:fl, 2 o 1 4, "Q?I" -2-1&-11 56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II/Vol. Ill, Raiicf5 1 o o1aic1:fl, 2 o 1 4"Q?I" -2-i&-11 56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II/Vol. IV, Raiicf5 2 2 o1aic1:fl, 2 o 1 4, "Q?I" -2-i&-11 56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II/Vol. V, reaiicf5 o 1 lh-2c1:f\, 2 o 1 4, "Q?I" -2-1&-11 56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II/Vol. VI/471, Rc:iiicb 2 o 45-2.a:f\, 2 o 1 4, "Q"?J" -2-i&-11 56/Symbol/2014/PPS­ II/Vol. III, Raiicf5 08 ~, 2014 1!cl" "Q?I" -2-1&-I I "Q?I" -2-1&-I I 56/7/2011/PPS-II, Raiicf5 1 2 ~, 2 0 1 4, "Q?I" -2-1&-I I . 56/57/2011/PPS-II, Raiicb 1 2 ~, 2 0 1 4, "Q?I" -2-1&-I I 56 /Symbol /2014 / PPS-II/Vol. IX, f"ac:iiicf5 1 4 cFIT-cT_, 2 o 1 4 nm "Q3I" -2-1-82-11 56 /Symbol /2014 / PPS-II/Vol. X, f"ac:iiicb 1 s cFIT-cT_, 2 o 1 4 ~ Qk'lt!.li "Q3I" cT> -2-ic1uc:if 3ITcT~cfc.J5 cf51dc1161 %g ~~a ~ 1 clz Q t!.11 3 Qitcfc'1 Qct1 cf5 31 Icti cc:if cf> ~Er cR" -2-1 cf-2-i cti M"aT cBT a c"cB Ic1 l Hy Speed Post ELECTl()N COMMISSION ()F INnIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka l{oad, New Delhi-110 001. F.No. 56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II/Vol. I Dated: 27th December, 2013 l! To, / V The Chief Electoral Officers of All States and lJTs. ~ Sub:- General.Elections to the Lok Sabha, 2014- Concession to candidates set up by registered unrecognized political parties- allotment of common symbol under Para 1OB of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment). Order, 1968­ Regarding. Sir, l am directed to state that the applications of the following 2(two) registered un­ recognized political parties for concession in the allotment of a common symbol to their · .c,andidates being set up at the forthcm:ring General Ele~iion to the Lok Sabha, under the provisions of para 1OB of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, have been accepted by the Commissiof\. Accordingly, the Commission has decided lo extend the concession sought under Para 1OB to candidates of the said two parties for the forthcoming General Election to Lok Sabha, 2014, in the constituencies mentioned under:­ SL Name of the Party No. constituencies allotted. - ..... -· ....... ----·-· -­ ··--·-----··-······---·-- -· ......_. __ ---·-···-· l. UnionParty of India In all the Parliamentary Hottle consituencies of all States/ UTs in India. 2. Patriot In all the Parliamentary Hat consituericies of ·afl States/ UTs in India. 2. The Returning Offi~-.. ~~e above mentioned Parliamentary Constituencies, be directed to allot ,;; con\m'bti. s ....., mentioned above to the candidates set up by the / ,, ,,- -.....--....., ' /,, '\ ',:. ' ( ' ! 1.,. ::; : ' ~ \\ . /,;. ( ' .. ll }~ 'bf o . ~i>4-J')f , \. ' " '­ ~\:-> - ~ • ' \ relating to setting up of candidates by the party. It may also be noted that said common symbol allotted to the candidates of the above mentioned political party, is not allotted by oversight to any other candidate in these constituencies. However, the said symbol shall be available for allotment as free symbol to other candidates in all other constituencies. and in the constituencies ·,,v·hcre the aforesaid party docs not actually set up its ca~1diiic1t~.s_. 3. In the event of the above said party failing to meet the requirement of the minimum number of candidates, as prescribed in Para 1OB of the said Symbols Order, 1968, i.e., 10% of total number of Parliamentary Constituencies in the concerned State/UT subject to a minimum of two constituencies in States having less than twenty parliamentary constituencies allotted to the State (except the States having only one scat), in which they seek allotment of a common symbol to their candidates, then the said common symbol shall not be available to its candidates. Yours faithfully, v.,...,.,JA~ (V ARIND I,:Jl KlJMA R) SECRETARY Copy to:_ - --­ 1. The President, It is informed that the party and the Indian Oceanic Party, candidates must comply with each of the K-316, M.B.Road, Lado Sarai, New Delhi- 110030. provisions of Para 13 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968. I ------ - ------------ -------------------------------- ----------------- ---------­ 2. All Pr. Secretaries and Secretaries of Election Commission oflndia. 3. All Zonal Sections of Election Commission of India. 4. Guard File. • By Speed Post ELECTION C()MMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka R.oad, New Delhi-110 001. ! No. 56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II/Vol. II Dated: 3rd January, 2014 ro. I / The Chief Electoral Officers of All States and UTs. ~ ~~ Suh:- General Elections to the Lok Sabha, 2014- Concession to candidates set up by registered unrecognized political parties- allotment of common symbol under Para 1OB of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968­ Regarding. Sir. I am directed to state that the application of the following 1(one) registered un­ recognized political party for concession in the allotment of a common ·symbol to its candidates being set up at the forthcoming General Election to the Lok Sabha, under the provi:0 ions of para 1013 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, l968. has been accepted by the Commission. Accordingly, the Commission has decided 10 extend the concession sought under Para 1OB to candidates of the said party for the fo1ihcorning Oeneral Flcetion 1n Lok Srthhrt, ?.014, in th~ .. onsti111~n .. i~s m~ntion~cl below:­ ---- " -----­ SI. Name ofthe Pai1y No. of Parliamentary Common Symbol No. constituencies allotted. -- --- I. Indian Oceanic Party In all the Parliamentary Telephone consitucncies of all States/ UTs in India. 2. The Returning Officers of the above mentioned Parliamentary Constituencies, be directed to allot the common symhol mentioned above to the candidates set up by lhe aforesaid one registered un-recognised political party, subject to fulfillment of the provisions of Para 13 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968 relating to setting up of candidates by the party. It may also be noted that said C( symbol allotted to the candidates of the above mentioned political party, is not all01 oversight to any other candidate in these constituencies. However, the said symbo be available for allotment as free symbol to other candidates in all other constituc and in the constituencies _',v·here the aforesaid party docs not actually set up its_c_anc.ljii 3. In the event of the above said party failing to meet the requirement of the rnini1 number of candidates, as prescribed in Para 1OB of the said Symbols Order, 1968. 10% of total number of Parliamentary Constituencies in the concerned Statc/lT 1· sut to a minimum of two constituencies in States having less than twenty parliamcnl constituencies allotted to the State (except the States having only one scat), in which tl seek allotment of a common symbol to their candidates, then the said common syrnl shall not be available to its candidates. Yours faithfull) v°"_J,Ac­ (VARINDER KUMAR) SECRETARY Copy to:_ --- - 1. The President, It is informed that the party and the Indian Oceanic Party, candidates must comply with each of the K-316, M.B.Road, Lado Sarai, New Delhi­ 110030. provisions of Para 13 of the Elcctio1 Symbols (Reservation and Allotment Order, 1968. 2. All Pr. Secretaries and Secretaries of Election Commission ofIndia. 3. All Zonal Sections ofElection Commission of India. 4. Guard File. By Speed Post ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Ninadlan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110 001. Dated: 10th January, 2014 k Chief Electoral Officers of All States and UTs. "'' Sub:- General Elections to the Lok Sabha and/or State Legislative Assemblies, 2014 Concession to candidates set up by registered unrecognized political parties- allotment o common symbol undet Para 1OB of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment Order, 1968- Regarding. Sir, I am directed to state that the applications of the following 12(twelve) registered un recognized political parties for concession in the allotment of a common symbol to their candidate being set up at the forthcoming General Election to the Lok Sabha and/or State Legislativ1 Assemblies, 2014, under the provisions of para 1OB of the Election Symbols (Re~ervation an Allotment) Order, 1968, have been accepted by the Commission.
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