JUNE 14, 1965 50 CENTS 34TH YEAH Broadcasting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION ANO RADIO Three networks almost sold out for '65 -66 season. p27 What the Estes decision means to broadcasters. p50 Loevinger calls for lighter regulation of CATV. p74 FCC reports new flexible UHF assignment plan. p86 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, ATLANTA;: GEORGIA When a market grows up with a modern look like this, you need a modern medium to sell it. Smart national advertisers use Spot Television -and they rely on the progressive stations we represent to do the job. NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS DETROIT LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS ONE NEAT PACKAGE gives you the most efficient 50 kw AM broadcast transmitter built anywhere! overall efficiency: 62% or better plate efficiency: 80% or better G power consumption: 120 kw @ 100% modulation, 92 kw @ 30% modulation, 82 kw @ 0 modulation E completely self- contained, includ- ing blower: compact design assures minimum installa- tion cost and uses only 62 sq. ft. of total floor space. for a descriptive brochure on Continental's new Type 317C 50 kw AM broadcast transmitter, write: Commercial Sales. Continental Electronics Manufacturing Com- pany.LT Box 17040, V Dallas, Texas 75217 A DIVISION OF LING -TEAM GO- VOUGHT, INC. PiRIr'i`ePiL.í Cl!iiTPilr-i! l ii1PiL.iMIii:LIJisii!i. i iili Pii.3 -- iaOlMti:inüiia . t:eiiMt.'6.1lü..iV.Ji\!'O.a \Sr'1l:ii4fl eAf.i1.7!it..i . ü\ i . _, 'Ti.i1t11.ItAJl. lfi iS! y t.\!ì iAiti.diilii..i i.ti \9 M it si Lllyt.!lLtalM..TJVletJiA.i.i IFA WI EJ FA w, PA JL1aiAIJ1.`t- iOatdt}a'!lVJL, 1 . riíc'ecajt}j ..r s, ktiI\fJ4!ru 10 1 r Ìt t, r' i 41.-45004C+p1°}. A have you only half the picture? MULTI -CITY TV MARKET \\WitltAMfHai- v Frequently manufacturers' sales figures show only cities where shipments are re- ceived by wholesalers and distributors. They do not show where these shipments are ..,.. actually sold by retailers over a wide area. ,,, x ;, :o7;S.I(lE Ask your sales staff for the full picture of your retail sales in the Lancaster- Harrisburg- ,\.. ..,,..... York area where WGAL -TV /Channel 8 offers READING oox «....,.-ll ESANO total- market coverage to do your selling. HARRISBURG -- rc n- \x cuNn. cANC o r. ... c LANCASTER . `. :ANS YORK ...outs ro.e' «..:. scqnsvule n.xnix GFTTYS/URG ìl) 11.«... xxovu, .«..«. CM"µ pÇ HAN, INGION xA GAL -TV /. el oMUC.w . «i1.... «. Channel 8 AM Lancaster, Pa. MEEKER Company, Inc. o. 316,000 WATTS New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Steinman Television Stations ClairMcCoÌlough, Prés. WEAL -TV Lancaster, Pa. KOAT -TV A1tüuquerque, N. M. KVOA -TV Tucson, Ariz.:: 4 BROADCASTING, June 14, 1965 Brake on group growth CLOSED CIRCUIT® FCC rulemaking providing for tougher multiple -ownership controls Pedigrees wanted Wilmington, WTVD[TV] Durham, WITN is expected to be issued for comment (TV] Washington, WRAL -TV Raleigh this week. Commission wants to be Whatever the outcome of CATV and wNc'r[Tv] Greenville, all N. C.), ready for appearance before Senator legislation (House Commerce Corn - plus background music and FM. John O. Pastore's (D -R. I.) subcom- mittee Chairman Oren Harris [D -Ark.] mittee June 23. Hearing is on other proposes FCC regulation but without matters, but senator is sure to question licensing authority), FCC will press Sound's the same commission on multiple- ownership for authority to require CATV firms to rule. He is critical of present interim supply ownership data. FCC Chair- Little change in programing is ex- policy freezing sales of top -50 market man E. William Henry feels this is es- pected to accompany swap -back late VHF's to persons already having V's sential if undesirable elements are to this week of NBC and Westinghouse in those markets. be kept out of field. stations in Philadelphia and Cleveland (see page 83). In radio, Westinghouse Proposal, which would be used as Mr. Henry has received uncon- plans to continue in Philadelphia the new interim policy pending conclusion firmed allegations that "undesirable "contemporary" music (and news) of rulemaking, is about same as that characters" are invading burgeoning policy it has followed in Cleveland last month - suggested by staff (BROAD- CATV field, have "threatened" com- but with different on-air personnel. CASTING, May 31). It would limit peting groups and have been involved NBC will retain in Cleveland disk ownership of TV's top 50 markets in in pay -offs to local officials. It's em- jockeys Westinghouse now has there. to three, no more than two of them phasized, however, that these are sim- would also bar ownership VHF's. It ply allegations, but they can't be Even lineup of network affilia- of more than two TV's per state, with checked unless FCC receives or as- tions won't be disturbed at outset, ac- only one in top two markets. And it sumes regulatory powers. cording to authorities. In Cleveland, would prevent common ownership of Westinghouse's radio station has been only television and aural stations in independent, and NBC will operate as same community, only TV and only That BMI job independent there until "arrange- daily newspaper in same community, ments" can be worked out with WOAR, and only aural station and only daily Among candidates for presidency of its present Cleveland outlet. In Phila- newspaper in same community. Pro- Broadcast Music Inc., vacant since ac- delphia, it's said, Westinghouse is ex- posal would not require divestiture cidental death of Robert Burton last pected to carry NBC radio programs and it would make exceptions in cases March, is Howard H. Bell, director of temporarily, presumably to give NBC of assignments and transfers to heirs radio and television codes of National chance to find new outlet. Swap poses and legatees of multiple owners. Pres- Association of Broadcasters. Mr. Bell, even fewer problems in TV program- ent outside ownership limits of seven 38, has been with NAB since 1951 and ing, since Westinghouse is NBC af- AM's, seven FM's and seven TV's before becoming code director in No- filiate in Cleveland and will continue (no more than five VHF's) would vember 1963 was vice president for re- in Philadelphia. main unchanged. planning and development. He is graduate of University of Missouri and holds law degree from Catholic Uni- Thanks, but no thanks versity, Washington. Don't write; telephone Board of Association of National Many names are under consideration New technique is being used by Advertisers seems nearer consensus on of BM! board, headed by Chairman FCC legal staff to force television sta- position it'll take on FCC's proposal Sydney M. Kaye. Board is desirous of tions into line on local -live origina- to curtail TV network control of making appointment fairly promptly tions. Instead of writing letters, which nighttime programing. Indications are because of danger that competing have bounced both into Congress and ANA will tell FCC -probably in fall copyright pools will begin to raid BM! FCC meetings, staff lawyers now call -it considers plan arbitrary and un- list of blue -ribbon publishers and Washington counsel of stations under workable and that there should be writers who wonder about BMI's fu- review for license renewal and in- massive study also embracing other ture. formally mention purported shortcom- problems, including pay TV and com- ings. Particularly emphasized have munity TV, along lines pro- somewhat ABC's first CATV been lack of preemptions of network posed by Chairman Oren Harris (D- programs for local live. Compliance Ark.) of House Commerce Commit- ABC is on verge of announcing usually follows. tee. There was substantial advertiser first acquisition of community antenna support for this approach even before system-and it may very well be Wil- Attorneys, who resent approach as Mr. Harris made his proposal at ANA mington, N. C., plant owned princi- coercive, nevertheless feel they are convention last month (BROADCASTING, pally by Martin F. Malarkey and as- duty -bound to keep their station clients May 17), but it was reported more sociates. Mr. Malarkey, CATV pio- out of trouble and, therefore, "co- firmly based after ANA board meeting neer and consultant in Washington, operate." But practice is beginning to last week -even though FCC Chair- is understood to be associated in new stimulate repercussions and could man E. William Henry in meantime ABC subsidiary formed for ventures break out in FCC meeting at any time had met privately with number of in CATV field (CLOSED CIRCUIT, May with likelihood that Commissioner Lee ANA leaders to talk about FCC plan 31). Wilmington CATV began in Loevinger, who has vehemently pro- and exchange views on it (BROADCAST- 1962, has over 3,500 subscribers, tested letter writing device, will spear- ING, May 31). brings in five TV stations (WECT[TV] head effort. Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in January, by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS Inc., 1735 DeSales Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C., and additional offices. MOR E PEOPLE everywhere in Philadelphia listen to WIRadio EIG 99 than any other Radio Station MORE total listeners MORE total homes in MORE adult listeners MORE time periods Represented by Katz Agency STORE/j LOS ANGELES CLEVELAND MIAMI TOLEDO DETROIT c,;,.nGf;S' If JP" 11'(;13.5. ll.c1'I) !I _I /,`¡," YVIBG NEW YORK MILWAUKEE CLEVELAND ATLANTA TOLEDO DETROIT 117-IA' IMITI -Tr WJW -Tr 11'..7(;,1 -1'l" Il:c I'D -7T N7é'.4. -T1" FIRST IN PHILADELPHIA All estimated and limited as shown in reports: Based on average audience estimates, Monday to Friday, 6 AM to 12 PM, PULSE -January- March, 1965; Adult Audience Age 18-49 (Radio PULSE LQR 100 -11 -April -June, 1964) Leads all other Philadelphia stations in circulation.
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