Distributed Amplifiers

Distributed Amplifiers

Distributed Amplifiers Ali Medi Outline • Introduction • DA principles of operation • DA with artificial T-lines • DAs with improved gain stages • Noise in DAs • DAs with tapered T-lines • Loss compensation in DAs • Transformer-based DA 2 Introduction • Distributed amplifier basic idea first introduced in 1936 [Percival 36] to overcome traditional GBW limit of vacuum tube amplifiers. • The name distributed amplifier first introduced in [Ginzton 48]. • The key idea is to absorb parasitic capacitances of the transistors into T-lines to improve the amplifier bandwidth. 3 DA principles of operation −휃푔/2 푉푔1 = 푉푖푛푒 1 −(푘− )휃푔 푉푔푘 = 푉푖푛푒 2 퐼푑푘 = 푔푚푘푉푔푘 푛 1 1 퐼 = 퐼 푒−(푛−푘+2)휃푑 표푢푡 2 푑푘 푘=1 휃푔,푑 = 훾푔,푑푙푔,푑 = 훼푔,푑 + 푗훽푔,푑 푙푔,푑 퐿푔 푛 푍0푔 = 1 퐶푔 + 퐶푔푠/푙푔 퐼 = 푉 푒−푛휃푑푒−(휃푔−휃푑)/2 푔 푒−(푘−1)(휃푔−휃푑) 표푢푡 2 푖푛 푚푘 푘=1 퐿푑 푍0푑 = 푔푚푘 = 푔푚 퐶푑 + 퐶푑푠/푙푑 1 1 − 푒−푛(휃푔−휃푑) −푛휃푑 −(휃푔−휃푑)/2 퐼표푢푡 = 푔푚푉푖푛푒 푒 2 1 − 푒−(휃푔−휃푑) 4 DA principles of operation 1 푒−푛휃푑 − 푒−푛휃푔 퐴푣 = 푔푚푍0푑 2 푒(휃푔−휃푑)/2 − 푒−(휃푔−휃푑)/2 For Loss-less T-lines (αg = αd =0) 푛 1 sin 훽푔푙푔 − 훽푑푙푑 퐴 = 푔 푍 2 푣 푚 0푑 1 2 sin 훽 푙 − 훽 푙 2 푔 푔 푑 푑 Available power gain 2 1 2 푛 푍0푑 퐼표푢푡 1 sin 훽푔푙푔 − 훽푑푙푑 퐺 = 2 = 푔2 푍 푍 2 푝 2 푚 0푔 0푑 1 푉푖푛/2푍0푔 4 sin 훽 푙 − 훽 푙 2 푔 푔 푑 푑 For 훽푔푙푔 = 훽푑푙푑 1 퐴 = 푛푔 푍 푣 2 푚 0푑 1 퐺 = 푛2푔2 푍 푍 푝 4 푚 0푔 0푑 5 DA principles of operation • The available power gain derived as 1 퐺 = 푛2푔2 푍 푍 푝 4 푚 0푔 0푑 • The power gain can be increased using more gain stages (n). • In presence of T-line losses 2 −푛훼푑푙푑 −푛훼푔푙푔 1 2 푒 − 푒 퐺푝 = 푔푚푍0푔푍0푑 4 푒(훼푔푙푔−훼푑푙푑)/2 − 푒−(훼푔푙푔−훼푑푙푑)/2 • There is an optimum n that maximizes Gp: ln⁡(훼푔푙푔/훼푑푙푑) 푛표푝푡 = 훼푔푙푔 − 훼푑푙푑 6 DA principles of operation • It is desired to have T-lines with high Z0. • Narrow T-line: higher loss (ohmic and skin effect), electron-migration limit (~ 1mA/um2). • Line losses are frequency-dependent; affecting gain flatness. 7 DA with artificial T-lines • Image impedance for artificial T-line: 퐿 1 푍푖휋 = 퐶 휔 2 1 − 휔푐 −1 • Line propagation factor: 휃 = 2 sin 휔 휔푐 • Line cut-off frequency:휔푐 = 2/ 퐿퐶 8 DA with artificial T-lines • Assuming ωcg= ωcd and θg=θd 1 1 2 2 −2푛훼푔(휔) 퐺푝 = 푛 푔푚푅0푔푅0푑푒 2⁡ 4 1 − 휔 휔푐 • DA bandwidth is limited by cut-off freq. of T-lines. • DA GBW limit: 푛푔 퐴 0 휔 = 푚 ≅ 푛휔 푣 푐 퐶 푇 • DA frequency response exhibits undesired peaking near cut-off freq. • Input and output lines of DA should be terminated in their image impedance. 9 High-gain DA architectures Cascaded DA Matrix DA 14 DA with improved gain stage Design issues in DA gain stages: • High Gm value is desired to enhance DA gain. • Gm variations with freq. affect the DA gain flatness. • BW of DA is limited by BW of Gm stages. • Noise contribution of Gm stage should be low. • The DA stability is compromised when using multi- stage amplifiers as gain stage. 15 DA with improved gain stage • A high-gain cascode amplifier is used as gain stage (low freq. Gm= gm1gm2R) • Values of R and L are optimized to achieve flat response. • Average gain of 16dB is achieved over 0-11 GHz in 0.18-um CMOS. [Guan 06] 16 DA with inductive-peaking gain stage • Flat and high gain and flat and low NF are achieved by adopting a slightly under-damped Q factor for the second-order Gm freq. response. • Two-stage DA with S21 > 20 dB over 3-10 GHz is designed in 0.13-um CMOS. [Lin 11] 17 DA with cascaded gain stages [Chien 07] 18 Noise in Distributed Amplifiers • Noise sources in DA: – Noise from input source resistance – Noise from input line termination – Noise from output line termination – Noise from transistors (drain and gate current noises) [Aitchison 85] 21 Noise in Distributed Amplifiers • Concepts of forward and reverse gain: 푛 2 1 sin 훽푔푙푔 − 훽푑푙푑 1 퐺 = 푔2 푍 푍 2 = 푛2푔2 푍 푍 ⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡ 훽 푙 = 훽 푙 푓 4 푚 0푔 0푑 1 4 푚 0푔 0푑 푔 푔 푑 푑 sin 2 훽푔푙푔 − 훽푑푙푑 2 푛 2 1 sin 훽푔푙푔 + 훽푑푙푑 1 sin 푛훽푙 퐺 = 푔2 푍 푍 2 퐺 = 푔2 푍 푍 ⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡ 훽 푙 = 훽 푙 푟 4 푚 0푔 0푑 1 푟 4 푚 0푔 0푑 sin 훽푙 푔 푔 푑 푑 sin 2 훽푔푙푔 + 훽푑푙푑 22 Noise in Distributed Amplifiers • Noise from input source resistance appears in the output with gain of Gf. • Noise from input line termination appears in the output with gain of Gr. • Noise from output line termination directly appears in the output. • Output noise due to drain current noise source in k-th transistor: 1 푖 (푘) = 푖 푒−푗 푛−푘+1 훽푑 푛,표푢푡,퐼 2 푛푑,푘 23 Noise due to gate current noise • Output noise due to gate current noise in k-th transistor: – Forward amplification path: 1 푖 (푘) = 푔 푖 푍 (푛 − 푘 + 1)푒−푗 푛−푘+1 훽 푛,표푢푡,퐼퐼 4 푚 푛푔,푘 0푔 – Reverse amplification path: 1 sin(푘 − 1)훽 푖 (푘) = 푔 푖 푍 ⁡푒−푗 푛+1 훽 푛,표푢푡,퐼퐼퐼 4 푚 푛푔,푘 0푔 sin 훽 24 Overall noise generated by transistors • Neglecting correlation between the drain and gate current noises, output noise power due to transistors is derived as: 2 푛 2 1 2 1 2 푉푛,표푢푡 = 푔푚푍0푔 푓(푟, 훽) 푖푛푔 + 푛푖푛푑 푍0푑 4 푟=1 4 • For FET devices: 25 DA Noise Factor • Noise from gate line termination is important in low and high frequencies. 훽 = 0⁡, 휋⁡(휔 = 0⁡, 휔푐) → sin푛훽 푛 sin 훽 = 1 • For large values of n, noise from transistors would be dominant: 26 DA noise reduction using passive termination • The terminating resistor of the gate T-line is replaced with a resistive-inductive network. • This terminating circuit improves the average noise: – It produces less thermal noise at low frequencies – It adds an intentional mismatch preventing the noise power to be fully transmitted to the T-line. • Optimized values of Rg1,2 for min. noise: 20, 50 Ω [Moez 08] 27 DA noise reduction using passive termination • The lowest NF (1.8 dB) reported for DA in 0.18-um CMOS. 28 DA noise reduction using active termination • A diode-connected transistor is used for termination of the input line (Req = 1/gm = 50Ω). • A large device with low current is adopted to achieve low noise. • NF < 2.2 dB achieved over 1-24 GHz (0.25-um pHEMT). NF (dB) Conventional Active termination [Ikalainen 96] 29 DA noise reduction using high-resistance term. • The input line terminated in a high resistance values, and designed as a transformer to provide matching. • The max. value of termination is determined by the design bandwidth. 50Ω 125Ω 250Ω [Meharry IMS 07] 30 Weighted Distributed Amplification • View the whole DA as a finite-impulse-response (FIR) system for different noise sources. • Design problem: find the best weights for a given DC bias. Wang and Hajimiri, ISSCC 09 31 Weighted Distributed Amplification Wang and Hajimiri, ISSCC 09 32 Tapered-Line DA • Reverse output line termination is eliminated. [Ginzton 48] 33 Tapered-Line DA 34 Tapered-Line DA 35 Tapered-Line DA design issues • Condition ID1 = ID2 cannot be satisfied perfectly; leading to reflection in output line. • If Z0/n is different with load termination, a transformer would be needed at the output. • For large values of n, very narrow or wide lines would be required in the output line sections. 36 Tapered-Line DA practical example J. Roderick and H. Hashemi, ISSCC 09 37 Tapered-Line DA practical example J. Roderick and H. Hashemi, ISSCC 09 38 Tapered DA with line termination • The line impedances are tapered by scaling their lengths. • M-derived section are employed to improve impedance matching. Arbabian and Niknejad, TMTT 09 39 Tapered DA with line termination • Elevated CPW with shielding is used to achieve high Z0 values while reducing line losses. • CPW Z0 increases with decreasing W/(W+2G). – W↓ : ohmic loss↑ – G↑ : shunt loss↑ • E-CPW improves Z0 and loss. 40 Tapered DA with line termination • E-CPW provides Z0 over 80Ω and loss less than 0.5dB/mm over 20-60 GHz. • Four DA stages are cascaded to improve the gain. 41 Distributed Power Amplifiers • One major deficiency of broadband power amplifiers is their relative low efficiency. • In a conventional distributed PA: – The largest voltage swing occurs at the last stage. – Only the last stage experiences max. allowed voltage swing when output power saturates. – The preceding stages never approach max. available voltage swing, hence, degrade the overall efficiency. • The output-line impedance needs to scale up from the last stage to the first stage while the transistor size and bias current need to scale down in the same direction. Chen and Niknejad, TMTT 11 42 DA with internal feedback • Feedback can be employed to improve DA gain. Arbabian and Niknejad, ISSCC 08 43 DA with internal feedback • The forward-to-reverse isolation allows stable operation. • The input DA designed for low noise. • The output DA designed for high output power.

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