AIRPORT CITY BELGRADE “ Awarded as THE BEST OFFICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT of the year IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE “ Airport City Belgrade newsletter April / 2016 n ° 19 City within a city Liberation through dance Somehow over time Avenue has become a hallmark of our Avenija je nekako vremenom postala zaštitni znak našeg City within the city: as place for our events, but also as an grada u gradu: kao mesto događanja ali i kao inspiracija inspiration for the camera lens, as a place of inexhaustible za oko kamere, kao mesto pozitivne energije za sve one positive energy for all those who spend rare moments of koji provedu retke trenutke opuštanja u toku radnog relaxation during their workday in our gardens. dana u našim baštama. Rami Wimmer ACB architect, speaks in his interview about Rami Wimmmer, arhitekta ACB-a, u svom intervjuu the importance of Avenue as a communicational backbone u ovom broju govori o njenoj važnosti kao okosnice, of the complex, and how the architecture supports the kičme, kompleksa i o tome na koji način arhitektura entity of ACB city, which in this fourth phase is also seri- podržava celinu ACB grada koji u ovoj četvrtoj fazi ously conquering the heights. And he also talks about the ozbiljno osvaja i visinu. I o sledećoj fazi u kojoj ćemo next phase, in which we will grow more… rasti još... 02 Airport City Belgrade newsletter Airport City Belgrade newsletter 03 > Interview Guy Weizman Israel - Mecca of contemporary dance Contemporary dance has been mainly associ- ated with Israel in recent years. Tel Aviv has become a Mecca for contemporary dance and dancers. Folklore has always been an important part of Jewish culture and Orthodox Jews dance a lot. Dance represents an escape from reality and the only thing a man can do without speak- ing about politics directly. It has a universal un- derstanding… you are no longer required to speak the same language. However, the rise of modern dance in Israel only began with those who were born in freedom. Dancing requires liberty and the pursuit of free expression. This is largely thanks to the hard work of Ohad Na- harin with the Betsheva Dance Theatre. He ap- peared at the right time and raised dance to another, higher level. Thanks to him, Tel Aviv’s art scene is more international and open to ex- changes with other cultures. Izrael -- Meka savremenog plesa Poslednjih godina se savremeni ples najviše ve- V zuje za Izrael. Tel Aviv je postao Meka za savre- Editor’ s word Rec urednika meni ples i plesače. Folklor je oduvek bio važan deo jevrejske kulture. Ortodoksni Jevreji dosta Dear readers, Dragi čitaoci, plešu. Ples je bekstvo od stvarnosti i jedina In this issue of What’s up there is one topic, please U ovom broju Whats up-a postoji tema koja je, do- stvar koju čovek može da radi, a da ne govori allow me a personal remark, which is extremely im- zvolite mi da budem lična, meni izuzetno značajna, a direktno o politici. Pokret ima univerzalno ra- portant to me, and which, in a certain way, distingu- koja nas na odredjeni način izdvaja od ostalih poslovnih zumevanje, nije vam više potreban isti jezik. ishes us from other business centres of the kind: The mesta u gradu: Priča o vojniku. Međutim, uspon savremenog plesa u Izraelu je Soldier’s Tale. Ponosna sam na stranice posvećene Guy-u Weizmanu počeo tek sa onima koji su rođeni u slobodi. Ples I’m really proud of the exclusive interview with Guy Weiz- i Priči o vojniku i na činjenicu da smo našom do- iziskuje slobodu i traženje slobodnog izraza. To je najvećim delom zasluga onoga što je godi- man, what he said about us and L'Histoire du Soldat and nacijom pomogli da ova izvanredna predstava zaživi nama radio Ohad Naharin sa Betsheva Dance the fact that our donation helped to bring this extraor- na beogradskim daskama. Ponosna sam što je beo- teatrom. On se pojavio u pravo vreme i podigao dinary play to life on Belgrade’s stage. I am proud that gradska publika tako zrelo i bez rezerve prepoznala ples na jedan drugi, viši, nivo. Umetnička scena antiratnu, vrlo sofisticiranu i tešku poruku koju ova the Belgrade audience so maturely and unreservedly re- Tel Aviva je nakon njega internacionalnija i ot- predstava nosi. Izuzetno mi je drago što smo bili cognised the anti-war and very sophisticated, yet heavy vorenija za razmenu s drugim kulturama. message that is carried by this show. I was also glad that spomenuti skromno i primereno, onoliko koliko spada we were mentioned in humbly and appropriate manner, u meru dobrog ukusa, podržavajući svest o znača- within the boundaries of good taste, while keeping in ju davanja kao takvog i onoga što njegov doprinos EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH GUY WEITZMAN from business, which is not the case in Western Europe, umetnosti može da učini na duže staze. I moram focus the importance of concept of giving per se and where culture is only on the market, left without any sup- priznati na kraju da sam najviše ponosna na kolege u what this can contribute to the arts in the long run. And port. I believe that those who support this idea are just as ACB-u i saradnike Whats up-a i koji su svi, bez rezer- in the end I have to admit that I’m proudest of my colle- important, if not more important, than the holders of that agues in ACB and the team of What’s up who recognized ve, prepoznali iste te momente i vrednosti. idea. How many talented artists did not get a chance to the same values and points to be proud of. Znam da smo okruženi diktatom kvazi modernog ci- implement their ideas due to a lack of adequate support? I know that we are surrounded by the dictates of qua- nizma koji voli da tvrdi da je profit sve, da su se sve Liberation through dance si-modern cynicism, which likes to claim that money is vrednosti izgubile, da je pristojnost out a necivilizo- Personal liberation is an omnipresent theme in your everything, that all values have been lost, that decency is vanost i grubost in, da je umetnost out a rijaliti in. “Dance is the best kept secret for liberation and West. Yugoslav culture is fascinating and you are hos- was very moving from this hiding perspective, but I decided work. How do you achieve that through dance? I think you can achieve it quickest with dance, because ‘out’ and discourtesy and rudeness are ‘in’, and that art is Ne znam smem li da još uvek budem toliki optimista and Belgrade is the best kept secret of Europe” pitable people like us [Israelis]. There is also this constant I wanted it to be a little more concrete and modern. I was (neko bi rekao svesno naivna), ali verujem da je većini fight for your pride, though I’m not sure how good that is curious to find out what someone asks when they come you have to kind of liberate yourself from your body ‘out’ and reality-show ‘in’. I don’t know whether I dare to Dance has always been the best kept secret for liberation. nas potrebno da znamo i da verujemo da je pristoj- (laughs), and there is generosity and friendship. back home after years of fighting… Based on that, we when dancing. The essence of dancing is doing the im- still be so optimistic (some would say deliberately naïve), By liberating the body, the magic of dance permeates and I think Belgrade is Europe’s best kept secret. The West started interviewing soldiers who returned from war and possible with your body -- telling a story with muscles but I honestly believe that most of us need to know and nost još uvek in i da vrednosti kao lepota, znanje i opens room for debate on important issues, thereby push- does not have all this in one place, and this is probably the this text is a literally transcript of those stories. and skin and cells, and not with words. We pick a sub- believe that decency is still ‘in’ and that values like beauty, umetnost još uvek stanuju u ovom vremenu – sasvim ing back certain borders within society. This is exactly what westernmost point at which the East has arrived. ject and then try to cross a couple of borders. Before legitimno u drugačijem obliku nego u prošlom veku Netherlands-based international dance company Club Guy & knowledge and art still reside in this time – quite legiti- There are Serbian dancers in the play (Ana Ignjatović this, we did a project in Holland called Phobia… That ali još uvek s istom pozitivnom vrednosnom konota- Roni, led by Israeli artist Guy Weizman, has been doing since mately, in different forms than in the last century, but still What about the Netherlands, where you live? Zagorac, Nataša Gvozdenović, Luka Mihovilović, one was really about terror and how you perceive the cijom. it was founded in 2002. Already known to Serbian audiences with the same positive connotation. It’s beautiful, but it doesn’t have that something. People Vladimir Čubrilo, Nikola Tomašević and Luka Lukić). idea of people just blowing themselves up. What we are for its previous performances with BITEF and at the Serbian And in the end we are so happy that we have succee- I na kraju, veoma nam je dragoceno što smo u jednom are trying to determine what is the new Europe and the How important are collaborations with other artists trying to do is really understand how one comes to the National Theatre in Novi Sad and the Belgrade Dance Festi- ded in implementing this project in one business envi- potpuno poslovnom ambijentu , u real estate kompaniji new identity.
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