Published for the Members and Friends IN THIS ISSUE: of the Harpers Ferry John Brown Historical Association Sesquicentennial Spring 2009 Schedule of Events Captain John Cook Harpers Ferry Native to Sign John Brown Sesquicentennial New Novel Events Kick Off in April n October 16, 2009, one hundred and to History: The Wedding of Virginia Kennedy. fifty years will have passed since the A full day of programs and activities will orainy night a thin, grizzled man named John focus on the arrival of raider John Cook to Brown led twenty-one men down a Mary- Harpers Ferry and his marriage to local girl, land country road, across the Potomac Riv- Mary Virginia Kennedy. Highlights of the er, and into American History. His actions day will include family and youth activities over the next thirty-seven hours made him focusing on Harpers Ferry in 1859, and the a traitor and a hero, a murderer and a mar- dramatic presentation My Conspirator by 1859 Raid tyr. Regardless of what title one attached Cynthia Goetz. on Harpers Ferry to his name in 1859, it is certain that his Goetz is the current resident of the raid of the federal armory and arsenal in the house where John Edwin Cook, Jr., was born little town of Harpers Ferry, VA, heated the in Haddam, Connecticut. Hours of dedi- slavery debate and put the United States on cated research on Cook and his family— the unavoidable track to civil war. especially his sister, Katie—inspired Goetz’s The Harpers Ferry National Historical presentation. Told from Katie’s viewpoint, Park will begin its commemoration of the the story explores her “beloved if misguided/ anniversary of John Brown’s Raid on April foolish/foolhardy” younger brother’s life and 18, 2009, with the opening event: A Prelude his prominent role in Brown’s raid. Captain John Cook: A Spy Among Us In the early summer of 1858, a young man Born in Haddam, Connecticut in 1830, arrived in the bustling little town of Harpers John Edwin Cook grew up in a family of sev- Ferry, Virginia. He was short, but handsome: en. His father, Nathaniel, was a cobbler and deep blue eyes, and blonde hair that “curled a quarryman in pre-industrial Connecticut. about his neck.” He had a poetic nature, The Cook children were well-educated, suc- and spoke like a well-educated, well-raised cessful, or married well—one sister married New Englander. He took a job as a lock Governor A.P. Williard of Indiana. John tender on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. attended Yale and studied law in New York He also sold books and taught school in City. He also listened intently to famous The picture which appears the basement of the Presbyterian Church abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher. Whether on our newsletter’s nameplate, dating from 1803, is one of the on Shenandoah Street. The residents of it was due to his adventurous spirit, his oldest prints of Harpers Ferry. Harpers Ferry knew of this man, but they anti-slavery upbringing, or his somewhat Twenty years earlier, in 1783, didn’t know him. They didn’t know his true disgraceful dismissal from Yale, in 1855 John Thomas Jefferson had declared motive for settling in their town. And they Cook left New England and headed west to that this view was “worth a had no idea that in just over a year this Kansas—ground zero of the slavery debate. voyage across the Atlantic.” charming, well-respected man would be a Fighting against pro-slavery settlers in fugitive, wanted for treason, insurrection, Bleeding Kansas, Cook built a reputation and murder. continued on page 2 1 Armory Captain John Cook eral months later, under less Superintendent Continued from Page 1 friendlier circumstances. Members of being an incessant talker, Not every aspect of Jo (Kuhn) Curtis quick-tempered, reckless, Cook’s assignment in Harpers Brandywine, MD an expert with firearms and Ferry went according to plan. In memory of her son, women, and “not overly Specifically: Mary Virginia Jim Kuhn stocked with morality.” He “Jennie” Kennedy, the teen- Dr. Robert Johnson met John Brown in 1856, age daughter of his landlady. Harpers Ferry, WV and a year later Brown Just back from a strict board- Ronald Jones recruited Cook to his ing school, Jennie must Our Lady of Sorrows “Provisional Army of the have been smitten by the School, Farmington, MI United States,” organized dashing young boarder to resist pro-slavery ag- who wrote poetry and Paymaster Members gressions. Brown’s master told spellbinding stories. Jim & Suzanne Siliva plan was to take his army Cook’s letters suggest Taunton, MA & Harpers to Virginia where a raid on the that he truly loved Jennie, Ferry, WV federal armory in Harpers Ferry although when they married on Maureen Weber would certainly inspire thousands of slaves April 18, 1859, she was several months Falling Waters, WV to rise up and join him. And he entrusted pregnant. Their wedding license was issued John Cook to gather the intelligence re- at the Jefferson County Courthouse, and Master Armorer quired for the attack. it is believed they were married in a civil Members Arriving in Virginia, Cook rented a service at Jefferson Rock—not in a church. Allison Alsdorf room at the boarding house of Mrs. Anne Their son, John Cook, Jr., was born just a Harpers Ferry, WV Kennedy on Union Street in Bolivar. Af- few months after the wedding. Kirk Bradley ter finding employment on Lock 33 of the John Cook was now a husband and a Sanford, NC C&O Canal, Cook concentrated on his true father. And John Brown was preparing his Donald and Patricia Burgess mission. He studied the layout of the town, men for their attack. Harpers Ferry, WV especially the federal armory and arsenal. At the end of September, Brown sent Hon. and Mrs. Thomas He drew maps, recorded train schedules and a wagon for Cook and his wife with a note: Curtis and Family shift changes, and learned the strength of “Be careful not to say or do anything which Baltimore, MD the county’s militia units. Cook also gath- will awaken any suspicion. You can say Peter Dessauer ered information about the local slaves. your wife is going to make a visit to some Harpers Ferry, WV How many were there? How many were friends of hers in the country. Be very care- Clark Dixon, Jr. willing to join Brown’s army and possibly ful that you do not let any of our plans leak Ranson, WV Kim and Frank Edwards give their life to end slavery? out.” For her safety, Jennie was being sent Edgewood, MD As the months passed, Cook main- to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Cook Wayne Hammond tained a mostly superficial relationship bid farewell to his wife and infant son, not Saxton, PA with the townspeople. He did, however, knowing if he would see them again. Bruce Kramer purposely introduce himself to Colonel Brown then tasked Cook with finding Baltimore, MD Lewis W. Washington, a local militia leader, out the number of male slaves on or near Anne A. Long and the 46-year old great-grandnephew of the roads to Harpers Ferry. On September Myersville, MD George Washington. After stepping in front 30, Cook reported from Charles Town: Cynthia K. Mason of him on the street, he elicited an invita- “The slaves are discontented and ready to Baltimore, MD tion to Washington’s home “Beall-Air” in swarm like bees.” Linda Parks Halltown, Virginia, about five miles west of Finally, at 8:00 p.m. on October 16, Washington, DC Harpers Ferry. Washington showed Cook John Brown and twenty-one followers set George Rutherford two relics kept in a locked cabinet: a pistol off from a Maryland farmhouse towards Ranson, WV presented to General Washington by the the Ferry. After marching silently for two Karen, Terry, and Josh Willis Marquis de Lafayette, and a sword from the hours in a cold drizzle they reached town. Chestertown, MD Prussian King Frederick the Great. Telegraph wires were cut. Night watchmen Cook claimed to be from a Kansas became hostages. The raiders met little buffalo hunting party and engaged Washing- resistance and quickly took control of the ton in stories of his skilled marksmanship. armory. Brown then sent Cook and several Washington agreed to a friendly shoot- others down the road towards Halltown, 2 ing contest, and, much to Cook’s surprise, to a house Cook knew well. After batter- won. Cook would return to Beall-Air sev- continued on page 4 Please visit www.john- Schedule of Upcoming Events brownraid.org for further details. New events and Four states are planning events to com- nial. A full day of programs and activities press releases are being memorate the 150th Anniversary of John focusing on the arrival of Captain John added frequently. Brown’s Raid. Please visit www.johnbrown- Cook to Harpers Ferry and his subsequent raid.org for further details. New events and marriage to Virginia Kennedy. Highlights press releases are being added frequently. include family and youth activities focus- ing on Harpers Ferry 1859 and a dramatic April 1 - October 31, 2009 presentation entitled. “My Conspirator”, Exhibition, “From the First Shot to the the life of Captain John Cook as told by his Gallows: Winchester’s Involvement with sister, Kate. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Harpers the John Brown Raid” Ferry National Historical Park, (telephone: Sponsored by the Winchester-Frederick 304-535-6029; website: www.nps.gov/hafe). County Historical Society, this exhibit focuses on rare artifacts that tell the story May 1, 2009 of Winchester’s involvement with the John Preview of the documentary based on Brown Raid.
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