LESSON NOTES Basic Bootcamp S1 #1 Basic Greetings in Dutch CONTENTS 2 Dutch 2 English 2 Vocabulary 3 Sample Sentences 4 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 5 Grammar 5 Cultural Insight # 1 COPYRIGHT © 2016 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DUTCH 1. Jacob: Hallo. Ik heet Jacob. Hoe heet jij? 2. Mies: Hallo Jacob. Ik heet Mies. 3. Jacob: Leuk je te ontmoeten! 4. Mies: Insgelijks. ENGLISH 1. Jacob: Hello. I'm Jacob. What's your name? 2. Mies: Hello Jacob. My name is Mies. 3. Jacob: Nice to meet you! 4. Mies: Same here. VOCABULARY Dutch English Class insgelijks same here adverb ik I pronoun hoe how interrogative, adverb hello (infomal, answering hallo the phone) expression leuk nice adjective heet ( heten) be called verb DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #1 - BAS I C GREETI NGS I N DUTCH 2 jij you pronoun, personal pronoun je you pronoun te to adverb ontmoeten to meet verb SAMPLE SENTENCES Ik wens je insgelijks het beste toe. Ik heet Jacob. "Likewise, I'm wishing you well." "My name is Jacob." Ik kom uit de Verenigde Staten. Ik moet vanavond naar huis. "I'm from the United States." "I have to go home tonight." Vertel me hoe ik de afstandsbediening Ik heet Marije, hoe heet jij? moet gebruiken. "My name is Maria, what is your name?" "Tell me how to use the remote control." Hoe gaat het? Hallo Mies hoe gaat het? "How are you?" "Hello Mies, how are you?" Hallo Adam. Het was leuk je gesproken te hebben. "Hello, Adam." "It was nice talking to you." Wat een leuk feest. Het was leuk je gesproken te hebben. "What a nice party." "It was nice talking to you." Hoe heet hij? Jij bent lang! "What is his name?" "You are tall!" Wat wil je? Zij zit te lezen. "What do you want?" "She is reading." DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #1 - BAS I C GREETI NGS I N DUTCH 3 We kunnen elkaar bij het station Het lijkt me ontzettend leuk om je ouders ontmoeten. te ontmoeten. "We can meet at the station." "I would love to meet your parents." Ik ontmoet je om 10 uur 's avonds voor Ik wil hem ontmoeten. het station. "I want to meet him." "I will meet you at 10 PM in front of the station." De makelaarster is een klant aan het Waar ontmoeten we elkaar? ontmoeten. "Where do we meet?" "The real estate agent is meeting a client." VOCABULARY PHRASE USAGE There are various ways to greet each other in Dutch. Hallo, very similar to the English "Hello" is often used. We also use Hoi, which is "Hi" in English. This is a bit more casual. For Example: 1. Hoi, hoe gaat het ermee? "Hi, how are you doing?" 2. Hallo, hoe heet jij? "Hello, what is your name?" Leuk je te ontmoeten is like the English "nice to meet you." A more formal way of saying this is Aangenaam. The full sentence would be: Aangenaam kennis te maken. For Example: 1. Goedemorgen. Ik heet Tim Jansen. Aangenaam kennis te maken. " Good morning. My name is Tim Jansen. Nice to meet you " We can translate Insgelijks as "Same here." You are basically just saying that you feel the same. DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #1 - BAS I C GREETI NGS I N DUTCH 4 For Example: Jacob: Ik wens je succes. Jacob: "I wish you goodluck." Mies: Insgelijks Mies: "Same to you." GRAMMAR The Focus of This Basic Bootcamp Lesson Is How to Ask Somebody Their Name Hallo. Ik heet. Jacob Hoe heet jij? "Hello. I’m Jacob. What’s your name?" To ask someone their name, just ask, Hoe heet jij? Literally, this means "How are you called?" The first word, Hoe means "How." It is followed by the word for "to be called," in Dutch this is Heet. And finally it uses jij which means "you." CULTURAL INSIGHT Greet Dutch People Like a Pro When we meet someone we know we kiss the person on the cheek, three times. In general, women kiss both men and women. Most common for men is to kiss women and hug men. However recently things have been changing and I've seen men kissing other men too. DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #1 - BAS I C GREETI NGS I N DUTCH 5 LESSON NOTES Basic Bootcamp S1 #2 Talking Nationality in Dutch CONTENTS 2 Dutch 2 English 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences 3 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 4 Grammar 5 Cultural Insight # 2 COPYRIGHT © 2016 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DUTCH 1. Jacob: Hallo. Ik heet Jacob, ik ben Nederlands. 2. Mies: Hallo, Ik heet Mies. Ik ben Belgisch. ENGLISH 1. Jacob: Hello. My name is Jacob, I'm Dutch. 2. Mies: Hello, My name is Mies I'm Belgian. VOCABULARY Dutch English Class Belgisch Belgian (nationality) adjective ik I pronoun heet ( heten) be called verb hello (infomal, answering hallo the phone) expression ben am verb Nederlands Dutch (nationality) adjective SAMPLE SENTENCES Ik ben Belgisch. Ik heet Jacob. "I'm Belgian." "My name is Jacob." Ik kom uit de Verenigde Staten. Ik moet vanavond naar huis. "I'm from the United States." "I have to go home tonight." DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATI ONALI TY I N DUTCH 2 Hoe heet hij? Hallo Mies hoe gaat het? "What is his name?" "Hello Mies, how are you?" Hallo Adam. Ik ben blij. "Hello, Adam." "I am happy." Ik ben Nederlands. "I'm Dutch." VOCABULARY PHRASE USAGE In English we say “the Netherlands” for the country and “Dutch” for the language and nationality, however in Dutch we say Nederland for the country and Nederlands for the language and nationality. We use “Belgium” for the country and “Belgian” for the nationality. For Example: Ik woon in Nederland. "I live in the Netherlands.” Hij spreekt Nederlands. “He speaks Dutch.” Ik ben Nederlands. “I am Dutch.” Some more nationalities: Dutch English Duits German Amerikaans American Frans French Italiaans Italian Chinees Chinese DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATI ONALI TY I N DUTCH 3 Japans Japanese Spaans Spanish Brits British GRAMMAR The Focus of this Lesson is Asking Where People are From Hallo. Ik heet Jacob, ik ben Nederlands. "Hello. My name is Jacob, I’m Dutch." Let's have a closer look at how to talk about where people are from. In the dialogue, we used Ik ben. The verb ben changes when the pronoun changes, like this: Dutch "English" Ik ben "I am" Jij bent "You are" Hij is "He is" Zij is "She is" Het is "It is" Wij zijn "We are" Zij zijn "They are" U bent "You are" So if we add a nationality it can look like this; Dutch "English" Ik ben Nederlands "I'm Dutch" Zij zijn Chinees "They are Chinese." DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATI ONALI TY I N DUTCH 4 Zij is Amerikaans "She's American." Hij is Duits "He is German" Bent u Spaans ? "Are you Spanish?" Mijn vriendin is Frans "My girlfriend is French." Mijn vriend is Italiaans "My friend is Italian." Wij zijn Brits "We are British." CULTURAL INSIGHT A Life-long Love of Travel The Dutch love traveling; practically any place on the planet you go you can find a "cloggy." This is nothing new: it has been like that for a very long time. A long time ago the Dutch colonized countries all over the world including Surinam, South Africa, Indonesia, and Aruba, which are a few among a much longer list. In many places the influence of our presence is still noticeable in the language and culture. DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATI ONALI TY I N DUTCH 5 LESSON NOTES Basic Bootcamp S1 #3 Useful Phrases for Learning Dutch CONTENTS 2 Dutch 2 English 2 Vocabulary 3 Sample Sentences 5 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 6 Grammar 8 Cultural Insight # 3 COPYRIGHT © 2016 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DUTCH 1. J: Pardon, hoe zeg ik "Cheese" in het Nederlands? 2. M: Kaas. 3. J: Sorry, ik begrijp het niet, kunt u het herhalen? 4. M: Kaas. 5. J: Kunt u langzamer spreken? 6. M: Kaas. 7. J: Kunt u het voor mij opschrijven alstublieft? ENGLISH 1. J: Excuse me, how do you say "Cheese" in Dutch? 2. M: Cheese. 3. J: I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Can you repeat that? 4. M: Cheese. 5. J: Can you speak more slowly? 6. M: Che-ese. 7. J: Can you write this down for me, please? VOCABULARY DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #3 - USEFUL PHRAS ES FOR LEARNING DUTCH 2 Dutch English Class Gender hoe how interrogative, adverb zeg say verb pardon excuse me, I'm sorry expression neuter Kaas cheese noun feminine,masculine herhalen to repeat verb in in preposition het it, the, me pronoun begrijpen to understand verb niet not adverb kunnen can, to be able to verb u you pronoun feminine, masculine langzamer more slowly adjective opschrijven write down verb spreken to speak verb voor for preposition alstublieft please interjection SAMPLE SENTENCES Vertel me hoe ik de afstandsbediening Ik heet Marije, hoe heet jij? moet gebruiken. "My name is Maria, what is your name?" "Tell me how to use the remote control." Hoe gaat het? Wat zeg jij? "How are you?" "What do you say?" Pardon, is deze plaats nog vrij? Pardon, waar is de St Mary's Church? "Excuse me is this seat taken?" "Excuse me, where is St Mary's Church?" DUTCHPOD101.COM BAS I C BOOTCAMP S 1 #3 - USEFUL PHRAS ES FOR LEARNING DUTCH 3 Mijn zusje houdt niet van kaas.
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