Session: J01-2 J01. Session title: Monitoring of the cryosphere II Type: Oral Monitoring of the Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 Time: 10:30 - 12:00 cryosphere Room: Room 403 Chairs: Erik Ivins (Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology) Masato Furuya (Hokkaido University) Session: J01-1 Time Title Program No. Session title: Monitoring of the cryosphere I Type: Oral 10:30 Inter-annual modulation of seasonal J01-2-01 Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 glacial velocity changes in the Time: 08:30 - 10:00 Eastern Karakorum detected by ALOS-1/2 data Room: Room 403 Muhammad Usman, Masato Furuya Chairs: Paul Winberry (Central Washington University) Masaki Kanao (National Institute of Polar Research) 10:45 The influence of the Antarctic J01-2-02 lithosphere on glacial isostatic adjustment modelling Time Title Program No. Jorg Ebbing, Folker Pappa, Valentina 08:30 Seismic Tremors and their Relation J01-1-01 Barletta, Rene Forsberg, Fausto to Cryosphere Dynamics in April Ferraccioli, Bas Blank, Wouter V. D. 2015 around the Lutzow-Holm Bay, Wal, Michael Kern East Antarctica 11:00 Geodetic studies of GIA and ice J01-2-03 Masaki Kanao sheet changes by JARE invited 08:45 Repetitive cryoseismicity at J01-1-02 Yoichi Fukuda, Yuichi Aoyama, the Fimbulisen Ice Shelf, East Koichiro Doi, Hideaki Hayakawa, Antarctica Jun'ichi Okuno, Jun Nishijima, Takahito Myrto Pirli, Sebastian Hainzl, Andreas Kazama, Keiko Yamamoto, Toshihiro Koehler, Johannes Schweitzer Higashi, Kazuo Shibuya 09:00 Seismology reveals ice sheet basal J01-1-03 11:30 Using geodetic data to constrain J01-2-04 conditions contemporary GIA signals in Genti Toyokuni, Hiroshi Takenaka, Scandinavia and North America Ryota Takagi, Masaki Kanao, Seiji K. Simon, R. E. M. Riva Tsuboi, Yoko Tono, Dean Childs, 11:45 5000 Year Advance and Retreat J01-2-05 Dapeng Zhao Models for West Antarctica and a 09:15 Complex Behavior of Glacial J01-1-04 Geodetically Based Solution for Earthquakes Reveal Subglacial Mantle Viscosity and More Recent Conditions and Accelerated Cryospheric Loss J. Paul Winberry, Audrey Huerta, Erik Ivins, Helene Seroussi, Lambert Richard Aster, Howard Conway, Caron, Surendra Adhikari, Eric Larour, Michelle Koutnik, Sridhar Douglas Wiens, Andrew Lloyd, Mirko Anandakrishnan, Andrew Nyblade, Scheinert Douglas Wiens 09:30 Advances in Design and Deployment J01-1-05 of Seismic Arrays for Polar Regions Session: J01-3 Audrey Huerta, J. Paul Winberry, Bruce Beaudoin, Paul Carpenter, Session title: Monitoring of the cryosphere III Doug Wiens, Andrew Nyblade, Rick Type: Oral Aster, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Jason Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 Hebert, Philip Chung, Kent Anderson, Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Susan Bilek, Terry Wilson Room: Room 403 09:45 Absolute Gravity Measurements in J01-1-06 Chairs: Eric Larour (Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Antarctica from 2009 to 2015 Institute of Technology/NASA) Larry Hothem, Y. Rogister, A. Memin, J. Takahiro Abe (Hokkaido University) OBrien, M. Amos, P. Gentle, T. Wilson, A. Capra Time Title Program No. 13:30 High resolution gradient fingerprint J01-3-01 mapping and its impact on urban planning Eric Larour, Erik Ivins, Surendra Adhikari 13:45 Sea level rise from the Greenland J01-3-02 and Antarctica ice sheet melt from combined CryoSat and GRACE inversion Rene Forsberg, Sabastian Simonsen, Valentina Barletta 60 14:00 A 25-year Arctic Sea-level Record J01-3-03 J02. (1991-2016) and first look at Arctic Sea Level Budget Closure Recent large Ole Andersen, Stine K. Rose, Marcello Passaro, Jerome Benveniste and destructive 14:15 The regional high-precision ice flow J01-3-04 velocity mapping using DInSAR and earthquakes offset tracking methods Kaoru Shiramizu, Koichiro Doi, Yuichi Aoyama 14:30 Glacier surge mechanism of Steele J01-3-05 Glacier in Yukon, Canada: the 2011- Session: J02-1 2016 surging episode Session title: Recent large earthquakes I Takahiro Abe, Masato Furuya, Daiki Type: Oral Sakakibara Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 14:45 Present-Day Ice Reservoir Mass J01-3-06 Time: 08:30 - 10:00 Balance Estimates Room: Intl Conf Room (301) C. K. Shum, Jian Sun, Kun Shang, Chairs: Manabu Hashimoto (Kyoto University) Junyi Guo, Yuchan Yi, Vibhor Agarwal, Thorne Lay (University of California Santa Cruz) Chunli Dai, Santiago de La Pena, Ian Howat, Qiang Shen, Guoqing Zhang, Alexander Braun, Graham Cogley, Time Title Program No. Xiaoli Ding, Linghong Ke, Chungyen 08:30 Complex seismicity and hypocenter J02-1-01 Kuo, Hyongki Lee distribution of the 2016 Kumamoto invited earthquakes, Kyushu, Japan, and their relation to the stress field and crustal structure Session: J01-P Hiroshi Shimizu, Group for urgent Type: Poster joint seismic observation of the 2016 Date: Tuesday, August 1/ Wednesday, August 2, 2017 Kumamoto earthquakes Time: 15:30 - 16:30 09:00 Detailed crustal deformation and J02-1-02 Room: Shinsho Hall fault ruptures of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake revealed by ALOS-2 Title Program No. SAR data Tomokazu Kobayashi, Hiroshi Yarai, Yu Classification of ice tremor recorded J01-P-01 Morishita, Satoshi Kawamoto, Satoshi at Syowa Station in Antarctica Fujiwara, Takayuki Nakano Yuya Tanaka, Yoshihiro Hiramatsu, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Masaki Kanao 09:15 Ground motion simulation during J02-1-03 the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake GROUND DEFORMATION MAPPING J01-P-02 mainshock in near-fault area and BY ALOS1/2 INSAR: CASE STUDIES Aso caldera AT HERSCHEL ISLAND, CANADA, Kimiyuki Asano, Tomotaka Iwata AND BATAGAIKA CRATER, SIBERIA Kazuki Yanagiya, Masato Furuya 09:30 Simultaneous estimation of the J02-1-04 dip angles and slip distribution on Temperature dependent seismic- J01-P-03 the two active faults of the 2016 frequency attenuation in ice and Kumamoto earthquake through a permafrost weak non-linear inversion of InSAR Seth Saltiel, Brian Bonner, Shan Dou, data based on ABIC Jonathan Ajo-Franklin Yukitoshi Fukahata, Manabu Hashimoto 09:45 Postseismic deformation of 2016 J02-1-05 Kumamoto earthquake by the dense GNSS continuous observation Shigeru Nakao, Takeshi Matsushima, Takao Tabei, Makoto Okubo, Tadashi Yamashina, Takahiro Ohkura, Takuya Nishimura, Takuo Shibutani, Masahiro Teraishi, Takeo Ito, Takeshi Sagiya, Kenjiro Matsuhiro, Teruyuki Kato, Jun'ichi Fukuda, Atsushi Watanabe, Yusaku Ohta, Satoshi Miura, Tomotsugu Demachi, Hiroaki Takahashi, Mako Ohzono, Teruhiro Yamaguchi, Kazumi Okada 61 Session: J02-2 Session title: Recent large earthquakes II 14:00 Surface Ruptures that could have J02-3-02 Type: Oral been caused by aftershocks of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 Sidao Ni Time: 10:30 - 12:00 Room: Intl Conf Room (301) 14:15 Crustal deformation of the 2016 J02-3-03 Chairs: Thorne Lay (University of California Santa Cruz) Kaikoura earthquake, New Zealand, revealed by ALOS-2 Manabu Hashimoto (Kyoto University) Yu Morishita, Tomokazu Kobayashi, Satoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Yarai Time Title Program No. 14:30 Complex rupture of the 2016 J02-3-04 10:30 Comparison of macroseismic J02-2-01 Kaikoura earthquake, New Zealand studies of two similar megathrust Simone Cesca, Joachim Saul, Yong earthquakes in Ecuador Zang, Rongjiang Wang, Sebastian Juan-Carlos Singaucho, Celine Hainzl, Vasiliki Mouslopoulou, Onno Beauval Oncken, Torsten Dahm 10:45 The 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, J02-2-02 14:45 Seafloor displacement of the J02-3-05 Ecuador earthquake: aftershock 13 November 2016 New Zealand sequence analysis using a minimum earthquake estimated from tsunami 1D velocity model waveforms and GPS data Sergio Leon-Rios, Ana Luiza Martins, Aditya Gusman, Kenji Satake, Endra Amaya Fuenzalida-Velasco, Lidong Gunawan Bie, Tom Garth, Pablo Gonzalez, James Holt, Andreas Rietbrock, Benjamin Edwards, Marc Regnier, Diego Mercerat, Michel Pernoud, Session: J02-4 Matthieu Perrault, Javier Santo, Alexandra Alvarado, Susan Beck, Anne Session title: Recent large earthquakes IV Meltzer Type: Oral Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 11:00 The 2015 Nepal earthquake: J02-2-03 Time: 16:30 - 18:00 Evidence for a horizontal underthrusting of India beneath the Room: Intl Conf Room (301) Himalaya Chairs: Shin-Chan Han (University of Newcastle) Qi Wang, Xuejun Qiao Thorne Lay (University of California Santa Cruz) 11:15 Is the 2013 Lushan earthquake J02-2-04 (Mw=6.6) an independent event Time Title Program No. or a strong aftershock of the 2008 16:30 Postseismic deformation J02-4-01 Wenchuan, China mainshock following the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura (Mw=7.9)? earthquake, New Zealand Shoubiao Zhu Sigrun Hreinsdottir, Ian Hamling, Susan Ellis, Laura Wallace, Paul Denys, 11:30 Coseismic deformation associated J02-2-05 Neville Palmer, Lara Bland, Phaedra with the 2001 Ms 8.1 Kunlun Upton, Charles Williams, Elisabetta earthquake from GPS and its D'Anastasio tectonic implications Kaihua Ding, Qi Wang, Jeffrey 16:45 Intraslab rupture triggering J02-4-02 Freymueller, Ping He, Shuiping Li, megathrust rupture co-seismically Yunguo Chen, Yangmao Wen, Caijun in the December 17, 2016 Solomon Xu, Shaomin Yang, Xuejun Qiao Islands Mw 7.9 earthquake Thorne Lay, Lingling Ye, Charles Ammon, Hiroo Kanamori 17:00 Anatomy of the source zones of J02-4-03 Session: J02-3 large earthquakes in Japan Session title: Recent large earthquakes III Dapeng Zhao, Zhouchuan Huang, Xin Type: Oral Liu Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 17:15 From Sumatra 2004 to Today, J02-4-04 Time: 13:30 - 15:00 through Tohoku-Oki 2011: what we Room: Intl Conf Room (301) learn about Tsunami detection by Chairs: Thorne Lay (University of California Santa Cruz) ionospheric sounding Manabu Hashimoto (Kyoto University) Giovanni Occhipinti,
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