State's Farm Yonth Organize Vegetable Grower's ASSOC'D NUMBER 2 ESTABLISHBD JUNE, 1893 LOWELL. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. MAY 12. 1949 i Officers have been elected and an If our women readers happened active program launcned for the en- to mlM "Tour Washington Review" suing year by the newly-organised by CongreBuman Gerald R. Ford, Kent Countty CROCRC P LOWELL MOOU SOFTIALL SEASON TO OPEN MONDAY NIGHT Michigan chapter of the National Jr., we Buggent that they turn to Chri s Leonard,7 49 Junior Vegetable Growers Associa- page four of their Ledger of April High Honor Awarded Sends Beam Overteoi | tion, according the Kenneth Ouater- 28, as Mr. Ford's article describing One carload of beans -60,000 hout, assistant state 4-H Club lead- the rooms of the White House, the pounds was on Its way overseas Local Businessman er. famous ornamental celling In the Lowell High Student Tuesday to help feed the starving. i One of the first Items on the new Gold Room, and the 81 fireplaces, John W. Dregge, admission rep- The beans will oe distributed charter's agenda will be thla year'a will be found to be of unusual In- resentative of Dartmouth College, through the Christian Rural Over- Mourned by Many production-marketing conteet of terest. Hanover, N H, lias announced that Seas ProgramiH| . Rev. T. V. McKen- . , . tha NJVOA. Thla la one of UttM rm- In the early days there was no David P. Stiff of Ada Is the only nn. Pastor of Holy Family Catho- | ( hrlstopher E. Leonard, one of tionaj vegetable growing projecta Ip)well 8 most highly esteemed clt- ^ auociation sponsors each year other way of heating the White one of four applicants In the Grand i|c Church, Sparta, was Chairman Huuae except with these many fire- Rapids area to be accepted for en- f the CROP drive for funds in ii liens died unexpectedly about 1:80 to emphaJI,ze lhe neWMt of 0 places, and It se^ms as we think of ,0 clock Monday afternoon while productlon and marketing. AgricuW rolunent In Dartmouth for the com- Kcnt County which was begun In It that the providing of the logs for Ing year. He Is one of the 660 out of March. About $4,000 waa donated making a purchase at Henry s drug tural 9cho|arBhlpB to,a|ing $6,000 are these must have been an almost 6000 applicants to enter the college, by persons In the rural areas of |8tor®• provided by the A A P Food Storea endless task. next fall. He Is the son of Mr. and |the County. Some gave cash, others I Chris, as he was known to all, had anually to farm youths competing, — The problem of remodeling this Car~ y Stif"""f cropsBHri. TTh e crops were converted . not been enjoying good health for The company provides these schol- fine old tOxecmUve Mansion la be- Into cash. Isome time past, although on the arshlps to encourage farm boys and fore Hie cornmlttoo at the present x t *•' fk i day of his death he was In good girls to realize the need for provid- splrlts and was apparently feeling Ing the nation with adequate foods, time and Ut getting a great deal of w !%• thoughtful consideration. better. The news of his death came offlcera of the new chapter were Anyway, our women readers as a distinct shock to everyone. eiected at an organlratlonal meeting Grand River Flood hc,d wilt not wan! to mitt thlt timely #" Biographical Sketch on the campus of Michigan artlolt. I Christopher Elbrldge Leonard, ^College. They will represent son of Mr. and Mrn. Honry I>eonard. hu"dr®d» of farm youths through- The Showboat Garden Club Is to Control to Come Up ut the tnt 0 w t k e was born In Lowell township. Sep- ° a' • ®^ A ^ 1 ® . ^ be commended on Ita efforts to re- temher 11, 1R99, at the home where ?? year8 NJVOA «ctlvltles. In- vive the Interest In growing pe- he has since resided with the ex- c ude.d are r®I»M«ntatlveB from the tunias In Lowell this year. Some At Ionia, May 25lh ceptlon of twelve years spent In dlBlrlct •, addition yeare ago the petunia was chosen to tho oh<l Flood control and soli conserve I business In Ionia. ptar'fl board of adult ad- as the official flower of Lowell vil- tlon In the Grand River basin will Lowell^Moono row—William Dawson, Jack Fong or, Pat McCormlck, Nelson Storm- r"."" 'Isors. lage, and probably no other species ris a p be the subject of discussion at the r.and, Roman Maloney, Mao . John Brlggs. Center row—Louis Seeley, Lester Sherman, Carrol - , , f' Alan Olson, South Haven, will It as colorful of as long-blooming pn s coh ft3 r e y r8 first annual meeting of the Grand Potter, Jim Brlggs, Gordon y. Leonard Kerr. Back row—Jack Wlnko, Haroll Dawson, Mel Lewis, |^ y '" ® ^' ;® " ®® serve as president; Clarence as the petunia. It Is decorative and River Water Control Aasoclatlon to Peter Stukkle. Floyd Polrier, lovely and la easily grown in any - «"»•• • ZZ' r be held In the Ionia city hall at 2:00 h Last season several thouaand fans Monday night at Recreation Park Common Council, will deliver the He graduated from Lowell 'f?h r.t ' . nrif1 wmiBm nHr^A "Rnm.n soil. p. m., .tfay 25, according to^ an an- Left abtorb tema of the Shew* r. J .VI ~ I, T, IT watched the local Moose team Wlft at 8:30, against an as yet unnamed first pitch. school with the class of 1919, and t ' TTB IH HH_' ' PNR.IPJ nouncement Nj'" h* 88 out of 42 games played. The opponent. Several hundred dollars ... rT1|1_. „ - V(.,r. the following year went to Ionia ^*1? boat Club't enthutlaim and plant f patunlat everywhere, along eurbt. J, Vogt, Grand ® r.puUtion of the local club apread have been apent towards putting L.i?"im J !***'• .^worked In studio business the Association, who incited all exUn't t^T iMnythe dlamo^dT^ha^^The KeS ^ X keTn^ for^h eb M^rvkeVofl ^u! .nt'' ^ w"h®n he ret"urned to ^'"t In wlndew boxet, tnd In gardtnt. Southwestern Michigan; Keep Lowell bleomlna all tutnmtr terested to^atten_d.__ Itopnotch teama of thla a^om have been holding regular practice ^n,7n frnm ?hi the Leonard Col. J. O. Colonna. U- f Arjny ITTWU.wouldU no.•«»t , schedule games with flosslons under the watchful eyes of or "ve h'®*1 c,afl8 rn®" frorn Studios. He has made many friends Arden Peterson, Ionia North Cen- long. Wlth ,0Vlal tnanner an<1 klnd, 1 ,chaKa 1 an , ,an Haack • Bnglneers, Milwaukee, will ba the th#m yur ^ ^ MeIv|n who wni agaln man. ^"^ep^JrdVrsd and a fuU souad ^ y V"* ^ J ' i1^ , ' Sayt a prominent doctor, "Food li principal speaker. Col. Colonna has b . newly onranised Ihtef- age the local aggregation. have been ordered, and a full squad ditposltlon, and built up a nice bus- Armada, Eaatern Michigan. medicine, t feel certali that many DAVID P. STIFF E«n tulhorlitd by th« public work, ^ hl^h^' bVrTund.r th. "• ""«I^ ln« in ,hotor.Phr. II" •111""" Ou«.rhout, committee of the Houte of Rapre-:Rockford Bpart^ Cedar Sprlnffc direction of Orval Jessup, will pre- out the teaaon. i He waa-a member of the B. P. O. E. headquartera is at Michigan State allmenta are largely the result of David la co-salutotorlan of faulty eating. Food it the founda- sentativea to make a Greenville, aaaurlng local f, A capacity crowd Is expected on and the Masonic Order of Ionia and College in East Lansing, the NJVGA perfectly coiv 0*a*? * f™" "fi ^ 0' ^a"d b"ln op.nlng ceremonies, and Monday nl^t l^aLocal l fanV^ifans wili l bbee Rotary Club and Board of Trade of adult advisory board includes Glen tion of health. A r dutt ,n and ,h0Wn Tn whiJh the ' ? ]?« S" which includes the Grand and Itt Th; tht lld off^ ^ chairman of parks k t lnformed of future attract,ons Lowell. ,W. Cowlea, agricultural instructor, atltuted diet It one ou an d and principal Ingredlenta are mlik milk , ' w»»olaallc ability. tributarlea. Ralph H. Musser - lhe 1M9 teaaon In proper ttyl#n«t, committee of the through the udg,r He Is survived by his wife, the South Haven High School; Floyd producta, any wholei gralntvratna, leafiniifwy ' David hat alto been chosen to rector U. 8. Department of Agrl- j I former Clarice Kaufman, whom he W. Hicks, Macomb County 4-H culture toil comervation service at green vegetables and fmlL represent the local Rotary Club at married In 1920; his step-father. Club agent, and Forrest A. Smith, Milwaukee, it also expected to at- "I'm convinced that of all the the Camp at Muakegon this week Dr. Frederick Stuewer Engle Hanson, other relatives, and Michigan Chain Stores Bureau, mtdlclnet crested out of the . and . will attend the Conference at tend. F. J. McMohen A a host of friends who will miss his Raymond Borden. Lansing, retiring The Grand River Water Control earth, faatf la the chief 1* Jackson Sunday through Tueaday, PybUe Power "IU Wtu«f First Report Shows WIM Speok at PTA on cheerful greeting and who extend president, who headed efforta to Aasoclatlon, organiaed last year, has "SSL MM* Jlay 15-17, aa Junior Rotarian, go- sincere sympathy to those be- organlle the chapter, will alao lf you think upon ymiraelf.
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