CLASS OF 1846. ~272 .. (Born at Sea) .. C. SEAFORTH STEWART · . ...(Ap'a N. J.) .... ~ Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1842, to July 1, 1846, when 11e was gradun,ted lind promoted in the Al:my to SECOND LIEu·r., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, J 'ULY 1, 18!G. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the eOHstmction of Ft. Trumbull, New London harbor, Ct., 1846-47, - anc1 of Ft.. W,wren, Boston ha-rbor, ]\fas., 1847- 49; ilt the l'ililitary Academy as Asst. Pl'Ofessor of Engineering, &Jp. 9, 1849, to Aug. 28. (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINENRS, JULY. 1, 1853) 1854; as Asst. Engineer in the cOllstruct.ion of Ft. Warren, Boston harbor, Mas., 1854- 57; il8 Buperiutenc1ing Engineer of the constrnction of Fts. Wn,r­ :Ii" Son of Chaplaiu SnwART, U. e. Navy. 140 GRADUATES OF THE 1846. CLASS RANK. ren, Independence, and 'Vinthrop, Boston harbor, Mns., 1857- 61,-and of (CAPTAIN, COIlPS OF ENGINEEIlS, JULY 1, 18GO, FOIl FOUIlTEEN YEAIlS' CONTINUOUS SEIlVICE) Great Brewster, and Deer Isbnd Sen-walls, Boston harbor, Mas., 1859- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- G6: as Asst. Engineer, Apr. 21 to Sep. 20, 18Gl, and Chief Engineer, Sep. 20, 1861, to Nov. 12, 1864" of the Defenses of H:nnpton Roads, Va.; in erecting field works at Newport News, May '27 to June 15, 1861; ill the Virginia PeninsulaI' Cam­ paign (Army of the Potomac), being engaged flS Asst. Engineer in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 21 - ~1ay 4, 1862, - BaWe of Williflmsburg, ThLl.y 5, 18G:.l,-nncl Reconnoitering with the Advance of t.he Anuy nnder Brig.-Geneml Stoneman, from ~Williamsburg to ThIechflnicsville, M:l)' 7 to June :3, 18G2, whon sickness compelled his return to .Ft. Monroe, Va. ; lIS Cunsulting Engineer during the <"fAJOIl, COIlPS OF ENGINKEIlS, "IAIl. 3, 18(3) Defense of Suffolk, Va., Apr. 24- 30, 18G3, ~- in t.he construction of the Defenses to COver Portsmouth and Norfolk, Va., l\hy-Junc, HlG3,- and on "!ajor-Gen­ • eml Dix's Expedition to White House, demonstrC1ting against Richmond, June 23 to J nly 8, 180:3; ill charge of the constl'l1ction of Defenses for the Camp for Rebel Prisoners of "Tar, at Point Lookout, lId., July 17 to Nov. 12, 18G4; as Chief Engineer of the fi'Iiddle Military Division, Nov. 18, 1864, to.June IG, 1865; (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., FED. 25, 1863, FOU LONG, F,UTHFUL, AND EFFICIENT SERVICES) (BVT. COJ'.ONEL, MAn. 13, 186.), FOIl GALL.\NT AND MEnITORIOVS SEIlVICES DURING TIm REBELLION: DECLlmm) on special duty in Baltimore and Cumbcrlall'l, "ld., June 22 to Aug. 16, 1865, and at Ft. Clinch, FI:I., Aug. 17 to Oct. 21 , 18G5; and in charge of the Dcfenses of DelawarA RiYer and Bay, Nov. 11, 1865, to ,- C1nd of the Harbor Improvemcnts of the Delaware, July, 1866, to (LIEUT.-COLONEL, CORPS OF E"'GI~EEllS, }!lAIl. 7, 1867) l.273 . (Born' Pa.} ....GEORGE B. McCLELLAN ....... (Ap'cl Pa.) .. 2 Military History.-Caclet at the U. S. Milit<u'y Academy from .Tuly I, 1842, to July 1, 1846, when he was graduated and promoted in the Anny to BVT. SECOND LmUT., COIlPS 01' ENGINEERS, ,JULY 1, 1846. Served: in the W,u with Th1exieo, 18·16-48, atblehed to the Comp:lllY of Sup­ pers, ~'1ill e l"S, a,nd Pontoniers, being engaged in opening the ROiLcl frolH ~1ata­ moras to Tampico, 1846-47,-Sioge of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9-29, 1847, - B"ttle of (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS 01)' ENGlNEEIlS, APR. 24, 1847) Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17-18, 18!7,- Skirmish of Amnzoque. Ma.y 1<1, 1847,- Bat­ tIe of ontreras, Aug. 19-20, 1847,-Battle of Chmubusco, Aug. 20, 1847,­ (Bn '. FmsT LIEUT., AUG. 20, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND ThIERITOIUOUS OONDUCT IN THE BATTLES OF CONTRER\S AND CHUllunusco, MEX.) constl'llcting B"aeries against Chapultepcc, Sep. 9- 1:3, 18·!7, - anc1 Assanlt and Capture of tne City~of Mexico, Sep. 13-1<1,1847; at West Point, N. Y., attached (Bv'f. CAPTAIN, SEP. 8, 1847, FOR GALLANT AND MERITOllIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF MOLINO DEL HEY, MEX.: DECLINED) (BVT. CAPTHN, SEP. 13, 18·17, FOR GALLANT AND "'lERITORIOUS CONDUCT IN THE BATTLE OF CHAPULTEPEC, MEX.) to Company of Engineer troops, 1848- 50, and in command, 1850- 51; as Asst. Engineer in building Ft. Dela.ware, 18;j1 - i;~; as Engineer of Exploring Expe­ dition to t1w sources of the Hed R.iver of Texas, 1852; as Chief Engincer of the Department of Texas, 1852,-ancl in charge of Survcys of rivers an(l h:n'bors on the Gulf Coast of Texas, It>52 - 53; as Engineer for Exploration and Snr­ U. S. :&IILITARY ACADEMY. 141 NUMBER. 1846. CL~SS RANK. vey of the Western Division of the projected Northern Pacific Railroad (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1853) through the Cascade Monnt.ains, 1853-54; on Special service, in collecting rail­ road stat.istics for the War Department, 1854- 5;3; and as Member of the Militl1l'Y (CAPTAIN, 1ST CAVALRY, iVIAR. 3, 1855) Commission to the "Theatre of 'YIll' in Europe," 1855- 56, his official report being published by order of Congress, 1857, embracing his remarks upon the Operations in the Crimea, and the OrganiZittioll, Iustruction, Equipment, &c., of European armies. RESIGNED, .JAN. 16, 1857. Civil History.- Translator from thc French of " Manual of Bayonet Exer­ cises," adopted for the use of the U. S. Army, 1852. Chief Engineer of IllinoiR Central Railroad, 1857-58,--alld Vice-President, 1858-60. President of St. Louis, Mo., and Cincinnati, 0., Railroad, 1860-6l. Member of several scien­ tific associations, 1853- 61. Military HistOl·y.-Served d11l'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding Stutes, (MAJOR-GENERAL, OHIO VOLUNTEERS, ApR. 23, 1861) 1861- 62: in command of the Department of the Ohio, Muy 13 to July 15, 1861, (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAY 14, 1861) being engaged in the Action of Rich Mounb1in, W. Va., July 11, 186l.- ancl, by a forced march upon the Rebel camp, compelling Geneml Pegram's ~U1T()n­ der, near Beverly, W. Va., July 12, 1861;* in command. headquarters lit WaBh­ ington, D. C., of the Division of the Potomac, July 27, 1861, - of the Depll.rt­ ment of the Potomac, Aug. 17, 1861, - of the Army of the Potomac, Aug. 20, 18fil,- :md as GeneYIlI-in-Chief of the Armies of t.h e United States, Nov. 1, 1861, to Mar. 11, 18G~; in the Advance upon Manassas, Mar. 6-10, 1862 ; in command of the Army of the Potomac in the Virginia Pcninsula.r Campa.ign, Mar.- Aug. , 186:2, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-lUay 4, 1862,-Occupatioll of Williamsburg, May 5- u, 1862,- B,tttlc of Fair Oaks, MIlY 31- June 1, 1862, -and the Battles of the Seven Days' change of base to the James River, June 26-July 2, 1862; in command of the Defenses of Wash­ ington, D. C., Sep. 2- 7, 1862; in the Maryland C'lmpaign, in command of the Army of the Potomac, Sep. 7 to Nov. 10, 186~, being engaged in the Battle of South l\Iountain, Sep. 14, 1862, - Battle of Antietfl,m, Sep. 17, lS62, - and March to 'Warrenton, Va., Oct.- Nov., 1862; and waiting orders at New York city, Nov. 10, 1862, to Nov. 8, 1864, during which time he waR 1I0minllted by the Chicago Convention as a Candidate tor President of the Unitetl Slates, but was defeated at the election in 1864, by President Abraham Lincoln. n.ESIG~ED, Nov. 8, 18&1. Civil History.-Residence in New York city till 18G5, and subsequently in Europe. 1274.. (Born N. H.) ., .. CHARLES E. BLUNT ...... (Ap'd at Largc) .. 3 Military History.- Cadct at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1842, to .Tuly 1, 1840, when lle W(lS graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn'. SECOND Lmm·., CORPS OF ENGINEElIS, JULY 1,1846. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the construction of Ft. Winthrop, Boston har­ bor, Mas., 1846- 52, Ilnd 1853; and as Superintending Engineer of Survey of (SECOND LmUT., CORPS m' ENGI"'EERS, FEll. 28, 1848) * The thank ~ of Congress wore t endered to General McCJ.ELLA.N, July 16, 1861) for 'e the series of briUhat nnd dcciRivo victories" achieved by his army OV01' t.ho Robel.." "un the battle-fields of West.ern Virginia." 142 GRADUATES OF THE NUMBEI!. 1846. CLASS RANK. East Dennis Breakwuter. Mas., pl'eservation of'Vood's Hole and Provincetown harbors, Mas., and Tepairs of Hyannis lll'enkwatel', Mus., 1852,-of preserya­ tion of Plymouth lleach, Mus., 1853,- of the construction of Ft. Montgomery, Rouse's Point, N. Y., 1854- 61,-und of the TepaiTs of Ft. Wayne, Detroit, (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, FEB. 2, 1854) (C.HTAiN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1860, FOR FOURTEEN YEAilS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE) Mich, an(l Fts. POTter, Niagara, and Ontario, N. Y., 1854-61. SeTved during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: as Asst. Engineer ill the constru('t.ion of the Defenses of \Vashington, D. C., South of the Potom!l.c, May 4. to Nov. 20, 1861; as Superintclllling Engineer of the con­ struet.ion of the Dercn ses of Boston harbor, and Massachuset.t.Hllfty, N0\'. 20, 18Gl, to ,Tan. 16, 1865; in geneml charge of JTts. Porter and Niagara, N. Y. , C~fAJOn, Conps OF ENGINEERS, ULUl. 3, 1863) Noy. 20, 18(\1, to May 21, 1863, - 01' Ft. Montgomery, Noy. 20, 1861, to Sep.
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