Trout’s Notes C10b References used or cited for 0680-9 / 0-8165-0613-2 (pbk.) 248 pages. Second edi- Cactus Chemistry Summary: By Species tion in 1997. ISBN 0-8165-1653-7 (hardcover)/ 0-8165- 1654-5 (paperback). Anderson, Edward F. & W.A. Fitz Maurice (1997) [Brackets around a title indicates it is likely an English translation Haseltonia 5: pp. ?? “Ariocarpus Revisted” (comment of the actual title. ] Incomplete citations or the use of the qualifier “From” indicates on page 19) See the full text at www.livingrocks.com/ that the paper listed was a second-hand reference. This means anderson.htm that this work was unavailable to us but was the reference cited Anderson, E. et al. (1925) American Journal of Pharmacy by our source. 97: 589-592. “Some Plant Gums of the Southwestern United States.” (Ernest Anderson, Lila Sands & Nelson Aardvark, David (Ed.) (1998) Entheogen Review (The Jour- Sturgis) nal of Unauthorized Research on Visionary Plants and Anjaneyulu, B. et al. (1965) Indian Journal of Chemistry 3 Drugs.) 7 (3): 70-71 & 7 (4): 99-100. [Aardvark: editor; (5): 237-238. “Chemical Investigation of Some Indian beginning with Volume 7 (1998)] ISSN 1066-1913. $25/ Plants.” (B. Anjaneyulu, V. Babu Rao, A.K. Ganguly, yr (quarterly) The Entheogen Review, POB 19820, Box T.R. Govindachari, B.S. Joshi, V.W. Kamat, A.H. 808, Sacramento, CA 95819 Manmade, P.A. Mohamed, A.D. Rahimtula, A.K. Agurell, Stig (1969) Experientia 25: 1132. “Cactaceae alka- Saksena, D.S. Varde & N. Viswanathan) loids. VIII. N-Methyl-4-methoxy-phenethylamine from Anonymous (1959) Bulletin on Narcotics 11 (2): 16-20. Lepidocoryphantha runyonii (Br. & R.)” [This actually “Peyotl.” should be (1969)a but, due to their use by ourselves and Anonymous (All; other than 1959) indicates correspon- others in works concerning only mescaline producing cacti, dence or reports from workers who requested anonym- it was felt that changing the other two to b and c, respec- ity. tively, would create more confusion than it would allevi- Arcoleo, A. (1961) Ann. Chim. (Rome) 51: 751-758. “Fla- ate.] vonoid pigments from Opuntia. I. Isorhamnetin from the Agurell, Stig (1969)a Lloydia 32 (1): 40-45. “Identification flowers of Opuntia ficus-indica.” (Antonino Arcoleo, of Alkaloid Intermediates by Gas Chromatography-Mass Michele Ruccia & Sigismondo Cusmano) [From 1962 Spectrometry. I. Potential Mescaline Precursors in CA 56: 10578h-i] Trichocereus Species.” Arcoleo, A. (1966) Atti. Accad. Sci., Lettere Arti Palermo Agurell, Stig (1969)b Lloydia 32 (2): 206-216 “Cactaceae Pt. 1. (1964-1965) 25: 323-332. “β-Sitosterol from flow- Alkaloids I.” ers of Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae).” (Antonino Agurell, Stig & Jan Lundström (1968) Journal of the Chemi- Arcoleo, Michele Ruccia & Maria Concetta Natoli) cal Society. D. Chemical Communications 1968: 1638- [From 1966 CA 65: 14092] 1639 “Apparent intermediates in the biosynthesis of mes- Backeberg, Curt (1958-1962) Die Cactaceae. Handbuch caline and related tetrahydroisoquinolines.” der Kakteenkunde. Agurell, S. et al. (1969) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Backeberg (1958) “Einleitung und Beschreibung der 58 (11): 1413-1414. “Cactaceae Alkaloids. VII. Alkaloids Peireskioideae und Opuntioideae.” Vol. I: pages 1-638, of Echinocereus merkeri” (Stig Agurell, Jan Lundström plates 1-35. & A. Masoud) Backeberg (1959) “Cereoideae (Hylocereeae-Cereeae Agurell, S. et al. (1971)a Abh. Deut. Akad. Wiss. Berlin (in [Austrocereinae])” Vol. II: pages 639-1360, plates 36- press) [From LUNDSTROM 1983] 107. Agurell, S. et al. (1971)b Lloydia 34 (2): 183- 187. “Cactaceae Backeberg (1959) “Cereoideae (Austrocactinae)” Vol. III: Alkaloids. X. Alkaloids of Trichocereus species and some pages 1361-1926, plates 108-160. other cacti.” (Stig Agurell, Jan G. Bruhn, Jan Lundström Backeberg (1960) “Cereoideae (Boreocereeae)” Vol. IV: & Ulla Svensson) pages 1927-2629, plates 161-211. Anderson, Edward F. (1961) PhD Dissertation; Claremont Backeberg (1961) “Cereoideae (Boreocactinae)” Vol. V: College. "A taxonomic revision of Ariocarpus, pages 2631-3543, plates 212-255. Lophophora, Pelecyphora, and Obregonia." Backeberg (1962) “Nachträge und Index.” Vol. VI: pages Anderson, Edward F. (1962) American Journal of Botany 3545-4041. 49 (6): 615-622. "A revision of Ariocarpus (Cactaceae). Backeberg, Curt (1970) Kakteenlexikon. Second edition. II. The status of the proposed genus Neogomesia" Backeberg, Curt (1976) Kakteenlexikon. Third edition with Anderson, Edward F. (1966) Brittonia 21: 299-310 : "The Appendix by W. Haage. biography, ecology and taxonomy of Lophophora Backeberg, Curt (1977) Cactus Lexicon. Enumeratio (Cactaceae)." diagnostica Cactacearum Fourth edition. (translated Anderson, Edward F. (1967) American Journal of Botany from German by Lois Glass) Blandford Press; Dorset 54 (7): 897-903. “A Study of the Proposed genus ISBN 0 7137 0840 9 Obregonia (Cactaceae).” Bailey, Liberty Hyde & Ethel Zoe Bailey (1976) Hortus Anderson, Edward F. (1980) Peyote. The Divine Cactus. Third. A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the The University of Arizona Press: Tucson. ISBN 0-8165- United States and Canada. Revised and expanded by the Trout’s Notes on Cactus Chemistry; By Species staff of the L.H. Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University. Brown, S.D. et al. (1972)a Journal of Organic Chemistry 37 Macmillan Publishing Co. 1290 pages. (5): 773-775. “The isolation, structure, synthesis and ab- Below, L.E. et al. (1968) Journal of Pharmaceutical solute configuration of the cactus alkaloid macromerine” Sciences 57 (3): 515-516. “Macromerine from (Stanley D. Brown, Joe E. Hodgkins & Manfred G. Coryphantha runyonii” (L.E. Below, A.Y. Leung, J.L. Reineke) McLaughlin and A.G. Paul) Brown, S.D. et al. (1972)b Journal of Organic Chemistry 37 Bergman, Robert (1971) American Journal of Psychiatry. (11): 1825-1828. “The isolation, structure, synthesis and 128: 695-699. “Navajo Peyote Use: Its Apparent Safety.” absolute configuration of the cactus alkaloid gigantine” Bergström, G.A. (1934) Kungl. Fysiograf. Sällskapets i Lund (Stanley D. Brown, J.E. Hodgkins, J.L. Massingil, Jr. & Förhand 4: 235 “Further Note on the Occurrence of Cit- M.G. Reinecke) Bruhn, Jan G. (1973) Planta Medica 24 (4): 315-319. “Eth- rate in Succulent Plants.” [From HEGNAUER 1964] Bird, H.L., Jr. (1974) Sterols and Fatty Acids of Organ Pipe nobotanical Search for Hallucinogenic Cacti” Cactus (Lemaireocereus thurberii) PhD dissertation; Uni- Bruhn, Jan G. (1975)a Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 3-38. [from ŠTARHA nd] versity of Arizona at Tuscon. [From GIBSON & HORAK; Bruhn, Jan G. (1975)b Phytochemistry 14: 2509-2510. also KIRCHER & BIRD 1982] Boke, Norman H. & Edward F. Anderson (1970) American “Phenethylamines of Ariocarpus scapharostrus” Journal of Botany 57 (5): 569-578. “Structure, Develop- Bruhn, Jan G. & Stig Agurell (1974) Journal of Pharmaceu- ment and Taxonomy in the Genus Lophophora.” tical Sciences 63 (4): 574-576. “Cactaceae alkaloids. XVIII. Braga, D.L. & J.L. McLaughlin (1969) Planta Medica 17 Two new alkaloids from Coryphantha calipensis H. Bravo” (1): 87-94. “Cactus alcaloids.[sic] V. Isolation of horde- Bruhn, Jan G. & Stig Agurell (1975) Phytochemistry 14: nine and N-methyltyramine from Ariocarpus retusus” 1442-1443. “O-Methylpellotine, a new peyote alkaloid Bravo H., Helia (1932) Anales del Instituto de Biologia de from Lophophora diffusa.” la Universidad Nacional de México. 3 (1): 15-18. Bruhn, Jan G. & Catarina Bruhn (1973) Economic Botany “Contribucion al Conocimiento de las Cactaceas de 27: 241-251 “Alkaloids and Ethnobotany of Mexican Mexico. Myrtillocactus grandiareolatus, sp. nov.” Peyote Cacti and Related Species.” (Nice anthropological Bravo-Hollis, Helia (1937) Las Cactáceas de México. Vol- review of other sacred cacti. Their chemical analysis did ume 1. (in collaboration with Hernando Sánchez-Mejorada not include any quaternary or neutral compounds.) R.) [First edition] Bruhn, Jan G. & Bo Holmstedt (1974) Economic Botany 28 Bravo, Helia (1967) Cactaceas y Succulentas Mexicanas 12: (4): 353-390. “Early Peyote Research. An Interdiscipli- 8-17. “Una revision del genero Lophophora.” nary Study.” Bravo-Hollis, Helia (1978) Las Cactáceas de México. Vol- Bruhn, Jan G. & Jan-Erik Lindgren (1976) Lloydia 39 (2-3): ume 1. (in collaboration with Hernando Sánchez-Mejorada 175-177. “Cactaceae Alkaloids. XXIII. Alkaloids of R.) [Second edition] Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum and Cereus jamacaru” Bravo, Helia & Don K. Cox (1958) Cactaceas y Succulentas Bruhn, Jan G. & Jan Lundström (1976)a American Journal Mexicanas 3: 3-12. “Estudios Cactalógicos. Heliabravoa of Pharmaceutical Education 40: 159-160. “A Student chende (Goss.) Backeberg” Experiment in Pharmacognosy: Biosynthesis of Mesca- Bravo-Hollis, Helia & Hernando Sánchez-Mejorada R. line in the Cactus Trichocereus pachanoi.” (1991)a Las Cactáceas de México. Volume 2 Bruhn, Jan G. & Jan Lundström (1976)b Lloydia 39 (4): Bravo-Hollis, Helia & Hernando Sánchez-Mejorada R. 197-203. “Alkaloids of Carnegiea gigantea. Arizonine, a (1991)b Las Cactáceas de México. Volume 3 New Tetrahydroisoquinoline Alkaloid.” Britton, Nathaniel Lord & Joseph Nelson Rose (1919-1923) Bruhn, Jan G. & Hernando Sánchez-Mejorada (1977) Phy- The Cactaceae. Descriptions and Illustrations of Plants of tochemistry 16: 622-623. “Phenethylamines From the Cactus Family. [The Carnegie Institute of Washington, Echinocereus cinerascens and Pilocereus chrysacanthus” Publication No. 248, Washington.] Bruhn, Jan G. et al. (1970) Acta Chemica Scandinavica 24 Reprinted many times. Our
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