ISSN 0013-8738, Entomological Review, 2014, Vol. 94, No. 4, pp. 605–612. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2014. Original Russian Text © V.A. Krivokhatsky, N.A. Shapoval, A.P. Shapoval, 2014, published in Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 2014, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 171–178. TAXONOMY Antlions (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) from Ornithological Traps on the Curonian Spit: a Three-species Community Containing a New Species V. A. Krivokhatskya, N. A. Shapovalb, and A. P. Shapovalc Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Received July 30, 2013 Abstract—A mixed antlion community is recorded at the “Fringilla” Research Station, “Rybachii” Biological Sta- tion, Curonian Spit, Baltic Sea, Kaliningrad Province, Russia; the adults were captured using ornithological traps and the larvae were found on sand dunes around. The ratio of the larval numbers in the mixed colonies of Myrme- leon tschernovi sp. n., Myrmeleon formicarius L., and Euroleon nostras (Geoffr.) is 100 : 3 : 2. The new species is described, the other two are recorded in Kaliningrad Province for the first time. Morphologically, Myrmeleon tschernovi sp. n. is similar to Myrmeleon bore (Tjed.), being its neighbor in the Baltic Region and occupying its econiche. The most characteristic distinctions between these species are found in the male genitalia and in the lar- val head chaetotaxy and color pattern. DOI: 10.1134/S0013873814040137 It is generally thought that the insect fauna of Rybachy-type traps was published by Markovets and Europe has been rather fully studied, and the probabil- Shapoval (2001); however, Neuroptera have not been ity to discover a new species in nature has been ex- collected earlier with such traps. tremely little for a long time (Frontaine et al., 2012). The material was collected from the Curonian Spit This was the reason why new European species were of the Baltic Sea (Kaliningrad Prov., Russia [55°08′N, described in recent decades only in the course of revi- 20°42′E]) at the “Fringilla” Research Station of the sions of small, poorly-studied taxa. In our opinion, the Zoological Institute, the Russian Academy of Sci- inventory process of the West Palaearctic fauna of ences. Numerous funnels of antlion larvae were ob- even such a small and well-studied family as Myrme- served near the ornithological trap almost every sum- leontidae (antlions, Neuroptera) is still unfinished. mer season (Fig. 1, 1–3); the adults with patternless This statement is substantiated not only by a relatively wings (the genus Myrmeleon L.) sometimes occurred recent record of new species in the Mediterranean in nets during work with birds and dragonflies. Basin (Aspöck and Aspöck, 2009; Pantaleoni and In August 2011, a pair of antlions with spotted wings Badano, 2012), but also by the results of our study. was caught in the trap. It was the northernmost record The data presented here are based on a unique finding of Euroleon nostras (Geoffr.) for Russia. Both in ornithological traps of a new species of this family individuals were mature and not tattered, but based in such a well-studied northern region as the Baltic on their condition, it was difficult to determine Sea coast. whether they were migratory or emerged on the split. The Rybachy-type traps have long been used for re- Therefore, in the summer of 2012, we closely investi- cords of migrating dragonflies at various ornithologi- gated a local larval colony of antlions and the state cal stations (Borisov, 2009; Kharitonov and Popova, of the migrants caught in nets. The study was carried 2010) and, among others, in recent years, at the Bio- out by A.P. and N.A. Shapovals at the station and by logical Station of the Zoological Institute of the Rus- V.A. Krivokhatsky and N.A. Shapoval in St. Peters- sian Academy of Sciences near Rybachii Village on burg. the Curonian Spit (Shapoval and Buszyński, 2012). Adults were collected from the traps every morning. Using such traps, records of lepidopterans (Shapoval In the series collected, the 5–10 most diverse individu- and Shapoval, 2007, 2008; etc.) were also made. als were selected, and the others were released beyond A general review of the animals recorded using the the trap. The species of the genus Myrmeleon were not 605 606 KRIVOKHATSKY et al. Fig. 1. Habitats surveyed: (1) plot no. 1 near nets, mixed antlion community; (2) plot no. 3, funnels of mixed antlion community; (3) plot no. 6, funnels of colony of Myrmeleon tschernovi sp. n.; (4) adult M. tschernovi sp. n. near ornithological trap. distinguished in the field, and their ratio was calcu- and on larvae of the cockroach Gromphadorhina por- lated based on the samples in the laboratory. The sex tentosa (Schaum). During both seasons, the recordings of the insects was determined only for the collection were accompanied by field photographing of the in- specimens. sects with Canon 350 D photo camera; the collection specimens were photographed with a Sony Cyber-shot Larvae were collected simultaneously (16.VI.2012) camera with magnifying lenses; a MBS-1 microscope from all the plots (Table 2) previously detected and was used for fine details. described. Mixed larval communities of two or three antlion species were usually associated with ecotonous The whole material, including the type series of the elements of the dune landscape: sandy bare areas in new species described here, is deposited in the collec- willow stands, the edges of pine plantings, roads, etc. tion of the Zoological Institute, the Russian Academy Uniform sandy areas, slopes of overgrowing dunes, of Sciences, St. Petersburg. and lowlands were most frequently inhabited by homotypical colonies of the new species described A LIST OF THE SPECIES FOUND below as Myrmeleon tschernovi sp. n. Euroleon nostras (Fourcroy, 1785) The larval stages of Euroleon nostras and Myrme- Material. 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Kaliningrad Prov., Curonian leon formicarius L. were described earlier (Krivokhat- Spit, “Fringilla” Research Station, ornithological traps, sky, 2011); therefore, the larvae of the new species 15.VIII.2011; 2 ♂ and 9 ♀, same locality and methods, were rather simply separated for determination. In 27.VII–24.VIII.2012; 4 larvae of 2nd instar, plot nos. 2013, additional material of larvae of the new species 1, 2 and 8, 16.VI.2012 (A.P. Shapoval). was collected: in one of the colonies, 16 larvae of the 2nd and 3rd instars were collected on 15.V.2013; they In the monograph on the antlion fauna of Russia were fed in the laboratory at first on the ants Lasius (Krivokhatsky, 2011), Eu. nostras was referred to as fuliginosus (Latr.) and then mainly on larvae of the a western Palaearctic nemoral species; however, it has laboratory culture of the fly Calliphora vicina R.-D. not been recorded earlier from the territory of Kalinin- ENTOMOLOGICAL REVIEW Vol. 94 No. 4 2014 ANTLIONS (NEUROPTERA, MYRMELEONTIDAE) 607 Table 1. The number of adult antlions collected with ornithological trap of the “Fringilla” Research Station on the Curonian Spit, Baltic Sea, in 2012 Myrmeleon Date M. tschernovi sp. n. M. formicarius Euroleon nostras spp. 27.VII 12 2 28.VII 25 29.VII 20 2 males, 4 females 02.VIII 6 1 male 1 male, 4 females 03.VIII 6 1 male, 2 females 3 females 04.VIII 10 2 males, 2 females 1 male, 1 female 05.VIII 6 2 males, 2 females 1 male, 1 female 1 female 06.VIII 43 2 males, 2 females 1 male, 1 female 1 female 07.VIII 19 7 females 2 females 08.VIII 3 1 male, 1 female 1 female 1 male, 1 female 10.VIII 1 12.VIII 1 1 female 13.VIII 2 14.VIII 3 1 male, 2 females 1 female 15.VIII 8 2 males, 6 females 16.VIII 2 2 females 18.VIII 3 1 male, 1 female 1 female 1female 19.VIII 3 2 females 1 female 1 male 20.VIII 8 2 females 4 females 21.VIII 1 1 female 22.VIII 1 24.VIII 7 2 males, 3 females 2 females 26.VIII 1 1 female 31.VIII 1 1 female 01.IX 2 1 female 1 female Total number 196 56 22 13 of the individuals collected Relative number 10 3 2 of individuals grad Province. The nearest records in the ZIN collec- ginal position in relation to those of M. tschernovi tion are those made from Lithuania, Latvia, and Po- sp. n., being mainly situated under the edge of a dune land; therefore, record of the species from the (Fig. 1, 1). Curonian Spit is obviously quite expected. Unfortu- nately, out data are not sufficient to estimate the dura- Myrmeleon formicarius Linnaeus, 1767 tion of the existence of this population. It may be only a short-term colony periodically re-established owing Material. 4 ♂ and 18 ♀, Kaliningrad Prov., to the wind drift from the southwest. Curonian Spit, “Fringilla” Research Station, ornitho- logical traps, 02.VIII–01.IX.2012; 6 larvae of 3rd in- In Puszcza Kampinoska (Lomna, the environs of star, plot no. 3, 16.VI.2012 (A.P. Shapoval). Warsaw, 2005), we observed a colony of larvae of this species immediately under the slope above a large In the Russian fauna (Krivokhatsky, 2011), M. for- colony of M. bore (Tjed.) (Krivokhatsky, 2011). In the micarius is known as a Transpalaearctic nemoral- areas with mixed communities on the Curonian Spit, boreal species; however, it has not been recorded in funnels of the larvae of Eu. nostras also occupy a mar- the territory of Kaliningrad Province. In the Baltic ENTOMOLOGICAL REVIEW Vol. 94 No. 4 2014 608 KRIVOKHATSKY et al. Table 2. The number of individuals and the instars (2nd, 3rd) of the antlion larvae collected from various plots in the area of the trap complex of the “Fringilla” Research Station on the Curonian Spit, Baltic Sea (16.VI.2012) No.
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