TOWNSHIP OF BLANDFORD-BLENHEIM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, June 2nd , 2021 Princeton Centennial Hall 4:00 p.m. 1. Welcome 2. Call to Order 3. Approval of the Agenda Recommendation: That the agenda for the July 7th, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council be adopted. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest a. June 16, 2021 Minutes of Council Recommendation: That the minutes of the June 16th, 2021 Meeting of Council be adopted, as printed and circulated. 5. Business Arising from the Minutes 6. Delegations / Presentations 7. Correspondence a. Specific i. City of St. Catharines, Clerk, Re: Lyme Disease Awareness Month Recommendation: That the Township support the resolution of the City of St. Catharines and call on the Ontario Government to expand testing to all strains of Lyme Disease and improve the level of treatment and care for those diagnosed with the crippling disease. b. General i. Oxford County, Public Works, Re: Community Safety Zone Criteria and Warrant Process Township of Blandford-Blenheim Website Recommendation: That the general correspondence be received as information. 9. Public Meeting a. Public Meeting under the Planning Act i. Application for Zone Change - ZN1-19-05 588922 Ontario Inc. (Stubbe’s Farm Products) Recommendation: That the Council of the Township of Blandford-Blenheim approve the zone change application File No. ZN 1-19-05, submitted by 588922 Ontario Inc. (Stubbe’s Farm Products), for lands described as Pt Lt 12, Conc. 1 (Blenheim), PT 1, 41R7961, Lt 1, N of Railway St, Plan 65, PT 1, 41R8484, PTS 1-4, 41R8292, Township Blandford-Blenheim, to be rezoned from ‘Special Development Zone (D-4),’ ‘General Industrial Zone (MG),’ Residential Type 1 Zone (R1),’ and ‘Special Residential Type 1 Zone (R1-6)’ to ‘Special General Industrial Zone (MG-3)’ to facilitate the expansion of the rail transfer facility. 10. Staff Reports a. Dustin Robson, Oxford County – Planner i. ZN1-20-04 - Housekeeping By-law Recommendation: That Report ZN1-20-04 – Housekeeping By-law be received as information. b. Jim Harmer – Drainage Superintendent i. DS-21-09 – June Monthly Report Recommendation: That Report DS-21-09 be received as information. c. Jim Borton – Director of Public Works i. PW-21-13 – June Monthly Report Recommendation: That Report PW-21-13 be received as information. i. PW-21-14 – Winter Salt Joint Tender Results Recommendation: Township of Blandford-Blenheim Website That Report PW-21-14 be received as information; And further that Council accept the quote submitted by Cargill Salt, Road Safety a Division of Cargill Limited for the 2021-22, 2022-23 & 2023-24 winter salt supply delivered to the Drumbo Yard at a unit price of $74.94 for white salt & $97.41 for treated salt; $76.44 for white salt & $99.35 for treated salt; $78.35 for white salt & $101.34 respectively per tonne plus HST. d. Trevor Baer – Manager of Community Services i. CS-21-08 – June Monthly Report Recommendation: That Report CS-21-08 be received as information. e. Rick Richardson – Director of Protectice Services i. FC-21-13 – June Monthly Report Recommendation: That Report FC-21-13 be received as information. ii. FC-21-14 – Purchase New Fit Tester Recommendation: That Report FC-21-14 be received as information, And further that Council approves the purchase of a new fit tester with the cost to be split equally between the RFSOC partners including Ingersoll and Tillsonburg Fire Departments at a total cost of $18,900.00 plus applicable taxes. iii. FC-21-15 – Declared Surplus Equipment Recommendation: That Report FC-21-15 be received as information, And further that Council approves that the following equipment 1990 Ford E- One Pumper (Asset ID 82-07) be declared surplus to the needs of the municipality; And further that the surplus equipment be liquidated on Govdeals. Township of Blandford-Blenheim Website 11. Reports from Council Members 12. Unfinished Business 13. Motions and Notices of Motion 14. New Business 15. Closed Session a. Security of the property of the municipality or local board Re: CN Bridge on Blenheim Road b. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. Re: Plattsville Splash Pad Committee 16. By-laws a. 2254-2021, Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 1360-2002, as amended (ZN1-19-05); b. 2255-2021, Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council. Recommendation: That the following By-laws be now read a first and second time: 2254-2021 & 2255-2021. Recommendation: That the following By-laws be now given a third and final reading: 2254-2021 & 2255-2021. 17. Other None. 18. Adjournment and Next Meeting Wednesday, August 4th, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Recommendation: That Whereas business before Council has been completed at _____ pm; That Council adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, August 4th, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Township of Blandford-Blenheim Website Wednesday, June 16, 2021 WebEx Virtual Streamed live to Township of Blandford-Blenheim YouTube Channel 4:00 p.m. MINUTES Council met at 4:00 p.m for the second Regular Meeting of the month. Present: Councillors Balzer, Banbury and Demarest. Staff: Baer, Borton, Harmer, Krug, Matheson, Mordue, and Richardson. Other: Planner, Dustin Robson Regrets: Mayor Peterson Deputy Mayor Demarest in the Chair. 1. Welcome 2. Call to Order 3. Approval of the Agenda RESOLUTION #1 Moved by – Councillor Balzer Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it hereby resolved that the amended agenda for the June 16th, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council be adopted with the addition of By-law 2253-2021. .Carried 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None. 5. Adoption of Minutes a. April 21, 2021 Minutes of Council RESOLUTION #2 Moved by – Councillor Balzer Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it hereby resolved that the Minutes of the June 2, 2021 Meeting of Council be adopted, as printed and circulated. .Carried 6. Business Arising from the Minutes Township of Blandford-Blenheim Council Minutes None. 7. Delegations / Presentations a. Christene Scrimgeour, Scrimgeour & Associates Re: 2020 Financial Statements Christene Scrimgeour presented the 2020 Financial Statements report, no further questions were asked by Council. RESOLUTION #3 Moved by – Councillor Balzer Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it hereby resolved that the Draft 2020 Financial Statements as presented by Christene Scrimgeour of Scrimgeour & Associates be adopted as printed and circulated. .Carried b. Larry Balkwill & Carrie Montgomery, Residents, Re: Drumbo Pavilion Project Larry Balkwill presented the request for the Drumbo Lions to have a pavilion built in the Drumbo Park northwest of the existing washroom and canteen building. Balkwill proposed a 34 by 44 feet structure that is open on all sides for the purpose of shading those watching baseball or their children at the playground equipment. Carrie Montgomery request the Township apply for a grant for the project. Manager of Community Services, Trevor Baer responded that Trillium Grants could be applied for in the fall if the project is to move forward. CAO/Clerk, Rodger Mordue, noted that a partnership agreement shall be brought back to Council if they are agreeable to the project. Council directed staff to do so as they are agreeable to the project. RESOLUTION #4 Moved by – Councillor Balzer Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it hereby resolved that the delegation from Larry Balkwill & Carrie Montgomery of the Drumbo Lions Club be received. .Carried Township of Blandford-Blenheim Council Minutes c. Ben Addley, Oxford County EMS Chief, Re: Questions pertaining to Tiered Response Protocol Oxford County EMS Chief, Ben Addley, Deputy Chief, Ryan Hall, and Oxford County CAO Michael Duben sat to present a report on Tiered Responses Protocol. Chief Ben Addley reviewed the tiered response protocol and detailed changes due to the COVID pandemic. Furthermore, Addley noted that tiered response would resume in Step 3 of the provincial reopening plan, anticipating this to happen in late July. RESOLUTION #5 Moved by – Councillor Balzer Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it hereby resolved that the presentation from Ben Addley, Oxford County EMS Chief be received. .Carried 8. Correspondence a. Specific None. b. General i. Oxford County Director of Public Works, Re: Bag Tag Program Sustainability Review RESOLUTION #6 Moved by – Councillor Balzer Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it hereby resolved that the general correspondence be received as information. .Carried 9. Public Meeting None. 10. Staff Reports Township of Blandford-Blenheim Council Minutes a. Dustin Robson, Oxford County – Planner i. CP2021-189 – Request for Extension of Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision SB10-06-1 – Westside Communities (Plattsville) Inc. RESOLUTION #7 Moved by – Councillor Balzer Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it hereby resolved that the Council of the Township of Blandford- Blenheim advise Oxford County that the Township supports a two (2) year extension of draft approval for the plan of subdivision submitted by West Side Communities (Plattsville) Inc. (SB10-06-1), for lands described as 16 & 17, Concession 12 (Blenheim) and Parts 1 & 2, Plan 41R-8446, Township of Blandford-Blenheim, to August 31, 2023 to provide the owner with additional time to consider potential redline amendments to the existing draft plan of subdivision, and satisfy the conditions of draft plan approval. .Carried b. John Scherer – Chief Building Official i. CBO-21-07 – May Monthly Report RESOLUTION #8 Moved by – Councillor Banbury Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it resolved that Report CBO-21-07 be received as information. .Carried c. Rick Richardson – Director of Protective Services i. FC-21-12 – May Monthly Report RESOLUTION #9 Moved by – Councillor Banbury Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it resolved that Report FC-21-12 be received as information. .Carried d. Trevor Baer – Manager of Community Services Township of Blandford-Blenheim Council Minutes i. CS-21-07 – Terms of Reference, Plattsville Splash Pad Committee RESOLUTION #10 Moved by – Councillor Banbury Seconded by – Councillor Demarest Be it resolved that Report CS 21-07 be received as information; and, The Township Council approves the Terms of Refence for the Plattsville Splash Pad committee.
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