I" Prepared By

I" Prepared By

i RECONNAISSANCE ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY REPORT iiiii!!i" ::!_!i! CITY OF WILLIAMSBURG _"_ prepared by FRAZ1ER AS_X2IATES ili :::::: iiiiliiiii!i :i Jt_y1992 i::ii!i ii = ........_:_---_.%_ ........................................_-._......................................................_:!::::* i Acknowledgemen City of WilLiamsburg Pl_xr,kngDep_*_enl P_d ToNester_P]armlngDi_:ct.or Ka[hleenA_M'_eroPlasmas COIOXLi_ Wtliim_sburg Fo_daL_on _Zobe_aReid,,.&_.slstaniA,_dult.eetu_!C_]lectionsM_na_er _rldAssociate Cop_s;_¢a_or ProjectC n ult _ FFazler Associates 121 South Augusta Street Stauntor_, VJrg_.uta 244.01. Wflliam T. t,h-_cziez-,Pr_'_cipal Ann. MeCleaDh ._jec_. Manager Rand_ Skeiilk: S_veyor Li_ %f_.cker, Su_'eyor Tn}s publ.icat}on is sponsored by the Cii:y ofWflliamsbu<g, I[ is funded m pa_.. by a gFm_t frozn 12_eVtrginta Department of_-iisto_c Resoup_eso TABLE OF CONTENTS SURLY METHODOLOGY _CKGROUND TO SURVEY 1 SURVEYOBJECTIVES 2 SURVEY ME_I'HODS AND I_SEARCH DESIGN 2 SUMMARYOF SURVEY DATA 3 HISTORIC CONTEXT AND ARCIIITECTURAL ANALYSIS 5 SETI'LEMENT PATTERNS 5 Histor._c Contex_ Surveyed Reaource.._ ETHNIC1TYANDIMMIGRATION 8 H_ataric Context. Surveyed }_aesaurces RESIDENTIAL/DOMESTIC 10 Historic Context Sm_eyed Resources RELIIGION 33 Hk_tortc Context Sm_eyed Resom'ces HEALTHCARE 36 Htato_.c Conte_xt Su rv_::yedResour_:es EDUCATION 38 Hi$l.9_c Co_tt_.xt Surveyed Resources MILITARY 44 Histo_c Conl.e_xt Surveyed P.esou_zes COI_,LMERCE/TRADE 46 Historic Context Surveyed 1Re._urces SUBSISTENCE/AGRIICULTURE 53 Histo,ic Co.,-iteozt Su_'eeyed Resources GOVERN_MEN_'/LA.W/PO LITI Ca-XL 57 Historic Cow,text. Surveyed .Resources SOCIAL 60 H_st_:a;lc C_:mIext Sm_,eyed Resources RECREATION/ARTS 64 Historic Context Surveyed Resources TRANSPO[_I'NI:ION/COMMUNICATION f_7 Historic Cow,text Surveyed Resources FUNE_RARY 75 Historic Cont.ex_ Smweyed Resources ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE ARCHFFECf'URE, AND COMMUNITY PI_NNING 75 Historic Contex"t Surveyed Resources IxM.NDSCAPE 79 t-itstoI_c Cow,text Surveyed R_m_rces [NI..)US_I'IWAN[)PROCESSING, 79 Historic Conte-._ Surveyed Resources TECHNOLOGY/EN-GINEERING 80 Sm_eyed Resources I_I_CO_NDATIONS FOR NATIONAL RI_GISTER AND SURVEY POTENTIAL [NDIVff)UAL NOMINATIONS 82 PO_FENI?IAL HIST.ORIC I)IS_I'RIC'I_; 82 FUTURE SUR_qEYRECOMMENDATIONS 88 Threatened BuiNings Thematic Surveys Subsequent Smweys of Mid:IXventteth Cen.tuW Architectu_ Tou_sm ThematicSurvey _CO_NDATIONS FOR _N]_G EDUCATION 89 Disladbution of Survey Forms to Prf._perty O_n.ers Buildi.ng Maintenance IlfforlIlailo_l for Property Owners To'dr BrOellures Audio-Visual Presentations on Historic Resources Local A_;_-ards Newspaper Articles Cable Tele%slon. I_fformation Series •Education of the Local ReaI Estate Communily Measured Dra_g.s by Lacal t_ucat_o.nal Ir_stttutlans Creation of a Local Archive Heritage Education in the $ch{_ols PROTECTION 91 National Register Nominations Re.view of Curren_ 7x_rn_g for Po[ential Impact on I-iistor_.c Sites Expar_dmg Duties of the A_zhlteeturaI Re,o_.ewBoard Easemenl Program Tax [neentNes %r Historic Preservation Hlstomic Si.te EntW into City Intbrmation Base {G!S} Public Properties' Acquisition Zor_ing Conditiorts for Historic Sites Prese_,a_lon Sir-ategies in the Ciiy's Comprehensive Plan Certified Lrx?NGc_verim_entDesi&_atton _OIJllC_ FOIl PNt_SERVATIOlg NATIO N\gL ORGANIZATIONS 94 STATEORGANIZATIONS 94 IX)CALORG_NIZ&'I1ONS 94 BIBLIOG_ 96 _NDICI_$ APPENDIX A: NUMERICAL LISTING OF SUR\rEYED t_SOURCF.,S 98 APPENDIX B: ALPHABL_'ICAL MSTING OF SURVEYEDRESOURCES 107 ]_NDNOTES 115 SDR_Y IM_HODOLOGY h_tor_c_ penods, _d three histo_cai themes fi_.t were a_n:ffJcant m the deve.Iopment of Wfll/amsburg arid the BACKGROUND TO SURVEY m_rroundOa_g counties. The repo_ assessed the level of surv_ _of each of the "study In. June of i991, the Ci_ _of Williamsburg units" and higt93_ted areas re,quiring undertrick a reconnaissance survey of its further study. architectural resources, thrcmgh a grit from the V_rginia Departn_ent of Hlsto_c To augment hhe 1985 repo_ and make it a Resources {VDHR}. Although a limited more useful toot for planners, the amount of survey had been conducted Departaimat of Archae_._logicat Research at outside the historic area,"d_ecity Colonial Willk_m_bu_. prepared re_lsions to recognized the need to better identL5,- and the report, The 5{. revision, a more recordits resources to assist with future succmct product, 'a_as completed in 1988. pLea_rklngefforts. In 1991, a new report, entitl.ed "Resource ProtectionPlmmi_ Revi_ted: James City" Wi'd': the establishment of..the Colonial CounWo York County, and City of Williamsburg Foundation in the t930s the Wiltiamgourg" was prepared to make the awareness of fhe value _p,d importm:ce of report findings more u.a_ful to planners, All American blstow m_d historic preservation three reports addressed Sue need for carat earlier to the Cit_- of..Williamsburg resource iden_ffication. The planning than mo,._ other areas of the Untied Stamp, recommm_datlorks for Williamsburg "I?mse early preserv'ation offers led to the tr_aluded a comprehensive a.rc:hit.ecturaI restoration and r_:onstl"uct{on of mnnerous surv_-, colonlalstn_c.'mres and to considerable arehitectur_d, h_toricaI and archaeological The need for the iderrtffication of research on Vir_gnia's colonial, histo_-o architex'.lurat resources in the Ci W of Wflllam.sburg was particularly acute as Despite, or perhaps because of, Colonla] neglect and mounting developmem Wflllamsburg's tutorise i_terest in.the pressm'es were resulting k:the conlJa:ued elghteenl2_ century, ]1trio a_en:ion had demoIttton of e_x-is_imgstructures. On. been paid to prehistoric, seventeenth, August 16, 1991., after reeeivmg a g__nt n:neteenth or twentiethee.n.tu W settlement from the Virg3maDepartment of Historic and related cultural resources° ",_ls Resources 6q)HR}, the Ci_- ofWlIllamsburg sRuation was first o.d_r_._e,__o ""_,_ _ in 1984 when i._sued a o,..qucs,.r_ ._ , for proposals to conduct a the Deparm:ea:t of Archaeological eo_3prehe.r_si_-e architeciur_d survey ofthe Excavation at Colonial V/llliamsburg City's ArchiteckuraI Preser_-ation District as applied to the Virginia Dlx_ision.of Historic it. is deRlned by the City's Zon:i_g Landmarks {now VDHR) for a grant, to Ordh_arme, _md as recommended by the prepare cultural _soume mmaagement Comprehensive Piano plans for James City Counl>', York Counb: mad t_e cities of Williamsburg ea_d The Ci%yof Wflliamsburg hired Framer Poquoson. The result of this effort, issued Ass_:_::iates of Sta_mton, Virgi_tia, to conduct l'..a1985, was a 1,200-page document the surv_u William T, _zier, principal, trttended to _9.we as a pl'_trfing tom fbr was responsible for i_m survey. Lisa 1hacker these Tidewater corrmmnities, se_wed as project manager and prepared the initialhistoric context Randai1 Skelrtk The report, based on the :f_esource conducted the field surv W m_d prepared Proieci_ion Plam-_-_g Process (RP31 tbrmat the architectural armi3.,s_s. Ann McCleaw developed by the National P_rk Service, served as the prqJect editor, w--tting tile m:tlined twenty-three ':study units" or areas hNtoric conte_xtwith. Li.?_ T:mk.er, and of t:.tsto.._c lmportm]ce, twenty specific advising on the architectural anat.-sis. SUt_VEY OI_51_CTIVF_ under l'ifl>-ye_ old important to the development, of the City of ff_e recop_a_asance au_-ey area was Wtlllamsburg. roughly three square n_e_s tn area and (7} Produce recommendations for a local lncIuded four hundred bufldL.ugs which tnventoKv of algn_ff;_:ani a_ahitectureo were more_ than flf_.yyem_ in age. "i_ae Plarming Depart.erie of the Clkr"cf SIS]RVI_Y METHODS WiI1_tamsburg prepared a list of the I_I_]_CH D_I{}N properties to be surveyed,Tne survey f_a:used pl_mantty on the city's _chitecmraI The fLrat phase of the proJec_ was to develop Preservation District, defined for fhe the b&_tor_c context for the sur_ey, based purposes of this report, as the expm_ded on the elghtee_ historic themes specified by district adopted }n 1991. "l_m survey the _e_DHRt_r state h.istor_c conte_xq_s. _cluded a number of buildings associated Fr_ter Associates relied heavily on the now with the College of _illtam and Mary, hk_tortc c_nt.e_s developed f_r Ihe RP3 many of which were houses remodeled _nto report for the storey m'ea, a report which office space_ _Fn_._ebuildings bad been reflects the most current Ie_eI of research prelimla._rarlly•sure, eyed as part of the WDHR about Wflliamsburg_s hl_o_. Other state-armed building surv_.c3,. _._hecl_"s research materials tricluded a variety of survey list. h_.ciuded tbxee bui}dk_gs withh_ secor_da,_- sourceson Wil]iam_sburghisto_ the Colmzlal WiIliamsburg Htsto_c.Area, and the C_W's Compre.henslve Pie.no defiued for the purposes of this repo_ as Kathleen A_ Maher, P"lmmer for the City, that outltued na Chapter 21_411{B) _t-_the heIped d_rect and re_.esv the research and axming ordman.ce, to gather additions1 i_gormation that was needed. Ti_e objectives of the sa,.wey were to: {l) Document VDHR's htstonlc corit_:ts tn At the beginning of th._s survey, the VDHR's relation to m;i}or themes of the C}_'s pre,vious smokey effol_s for the City of ht,storleal and m'chitectur_d Wii}damsburg had included ei_lty_nirie development; properties. The m_io_ty of these were m (2} Reco_. at the reco_uais_m.ce level oil the CdontaI Wtlliamsburg Historic Area, h,istoric resources over lift}-years old; seven were on the campus of William and {3} Rex_'ordat the intensive level: MaaT, and an additiorrat twelve were {a} _,M1pre-1860 resources historic archaeolo_l.cal sites. Only thirty_ {b) Post-1860 resources eligible for the _ree p_evlously surveyed properkies were Virginia Landmarks Register or }nthe proposed or a_ready adopted Nat_ona} Register of Historic Places. _chttectu,-_ Preservaklon Dlst_ct {_D}. to} Representative e_'_amples of cultural The APT) COB.taiBSthe ea.rl._est historic resources over t'ffPr"yems old, neighborhoods outside the Historic x_'ea, [4.) Identify for further research the histo_e Iargely early_twentlet.h century in character, resources impo_an.t to the dmmlopment and the major early cor_dors within _he of the City of Wgltamsburg.

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