BUDGET WORKS DETAILS OFWORKSUNDERPWD BUILDINGSDIVISION,THALASSERYDURIN 1 2 1 Fire & Rescue 2 Budget page No./ Item no. 3 Budget Provision in lakhs Mattannur Kannur 4 LA Constituency Thalassery Thalassery 5 Division Home (F) Dept 6 Department Name ofProject Fire Station,Mattannur. Construction ofbuilding for 4059-60-051-85 Quarters Kannur Rescue StationandStaff Construction ofFireand 4059-60-051-85 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4059-60-051-85 4059-60-051-85 Head of Account GO(MS)No.225/13 Home dated,07/09/13 for Rs.900L AS No. Date & Amount 900.00L 33/CE/BL/2014-15 dated TS No, Date & Amount MARCH 2017 4.2.15 for Rs.900 Lakhs Fire &Rescue 30.4.15 Date of tender SE(K) 64/2015-16 Dated: Agreement No. & Date 08/01/2016 Page 1 ULCCS Ltd Name of Contractor Tender percentage 80280384/- Estimate PAC 98038381/- Agreed PAC 12 Months Period of completion in months Site Hand over Date 15.09.2015 14/09/2016 Date of completion as per agreement Extended Date of Completion Actual date of completion Present Stage submitted on Revised A.S completion G THEYEAR2016-2017 sep 2016- proposal Nearing 5Crores 94% Physical progress(%) Electrical workin Estimate under Electrification preparation Stages of final stage 112375+10281658 Expenditure up to current month Amount required upto this financial year Remarks 1 5 4 3 2 3 Azhikode Taliparamba Kalliassery 4 Thalassery Thalassery Thalassery 5 General Education (SC) General Education PWD(E) Department 6 GHSS Pallikkunnu Construction ofabuildingfor 4202-01-202-91(P) in Kannur buildings forGHSSMorazha Construction of10classroom 4202-01-202-91 Office,Payangadi. Construction ofAEO 4059-01-051-86-16 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4202-01-202-91(P) 4202-01-202-91 4059-01-051-86-16 G.O (Rt) No.4780/2013/ G.Edn G.O (Rt) No.4780/2013/ G.Edn Go(Rt)No:1817/10/PWD dtd 2/12/2010 dated,Tvm 12/11/13 Rs.125 dated,12/11/13 Rs.198 Lakhs for Rs.55 Lakhs Lakhs 125.00 198.00 55.00 General Education CR/12/2014-15 dtd 14/7/14 49/ CE/ BL/11-12 dtd 12/8/11 CR 4/14-15 dt 3.06.2014 12.9.2014 6.8.15 29.10.2011 SE(K) 43/2015-16 Dated: SE(K)36/2013-14 dt 28.01.2014 16/11/2015 Page SE(K)01/2015-16 Dt.17.4.15 2 Pradeep P P.I Rajeev P.MAJUSH 28.89% above 30% above 64.43% 1,94,84,847/- 5529575/- 13517882/- 17423198/- 2,53,30,301/- 9092280/- 9 Months 18 Months 9 Months 16-11-2015 28.01.2014 24.04.2015 15-05-2017 28.10.2014 23--01-2016 30.07.2015 Work completed Work completed Work completed 100% 100% 100% Work Awardedtothe From Ele.DivKKD submitted toele.Dn. contractor Sri.Sunil Rs.2,82,000/-Work 02/14-15 Dated submitted toele. submitted toele. KKD Esd5/11-12 Dated 20/04/2011 Periyaram Kannur 38/14-15 Dated tendered duedate Being Tenderd Dn. KKDEsd Dn. KKDEsd 28 /04/2014 Ele. Estimate Ele. Estimate Rs5,70,000/- Rs.7,10,000/- Ele. Estimate 10/10/2014 10.12.2015 10158623 8145562 1 8 6 7 2 3 Kalliassery Kalliassery Dharmadam 4 Thalassery Thalassery Thalassery 5 General Education (SC) Dept General Education (SC) Department 6 G.V..H.S.S MadayiKannur Construction ofabuildingfor 4202-01-202-92(P) Kannur (Boys) for G.V.H.S.SMadai, Construction ofabuilding 4202-01-202-93(P) in KannurDistrict Chembilode Panchayath School atChalain Higher Secondary floor buildingofChala of theexistingground Class roomsonthetop Construction of6Nos. 4202-01-202-91(P) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4202-01-202-92(P) 4202-01-202-93(P) 4202-01-202-91(P) GO(Rt) No.4213/14/G.Edn Dated,Tvm G.O(Rt) No.3371/2014/G.Edn Tvm G.O (Rt) No.4780/2013/ Gl/Edn dated,12/11/13 Rs.85 16/10/2014 Rs. 50 Lakhs dated,22/8/14 Rs.100 Lakhs Lakhs 50 Lakhs 100 Lakhs 85.00 DR77/2014-15dtd 03/12/2014 DR./7/2014-15 dtd 22.11.2014 DR/87/13-14 Dt.29.01.14 09-02-2015 9--02-2015 31.5.14 EE/BLD/29/2016-2017 dt. 16--06- EE/BLD/30/2016-2017 dt. 16--06-2016 2016 Page EE/BLD/74/14-15 DT. 31.01.15 M/s Kerala Land Reforms M/s Kerala Land Reforms Co-Op- 3 Development Co-Op- Society Society K.V. VALSARAJ. 10.10% above 10.10% above estimate rate 19.53% ABOVE 54,97,888/- 93,53,420/- 8108418 60,53,175/- 1,02,98,115/- 9691992/- 9 Months 12 Months 9 Months 23--06-2016 23--06-2016 17-01-2014 22--03-2017 22--06-2017 Work completed Completed. Masonry in Structure completed Structure progress 85% 65% 100% From Ele.DivKKD Dn. KKDDated submitted toele. Estimate tobe Being Tenderd Estimate tobe 26 /04/2016 Ele. Estimate Rs4,00,000/- submitted submitted 11 10 1 9 2 3 Taliparamba Peravoor Kannur 4 Thalassery Thalassery Thalassery 5 General Education Dept. General Education General Educatin (SC) 6 Chavassery Kannur Secondary Schoolat for ChavasseryHigher Construction ofclassrooms HSE- AnnualPlan2015-16- 4202-01-202-91 (P) Kannur Goverrnment TownHSS, 4202-01-202-91(P) paramba inKannur Vidyanikethan,Tali Construction ofa GVHSS,Tagore 4202-01-202-92 building for District 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4202-01-202-92 4202-01-202-91 (P) 4202-01-202-91(P) GO(Rt) No.924/2016/G.Edn dated: GO(Rt) No.176/2016/General GO(Rt) No.152/15 General Education dated,Tvm 16/01/2016 for Education dated,13/01/2015 02--03-2016 Rs.50 Lakhs Rs. 100 Lakhs Rs.150 Lakhs 50 Lakhs 100 Lakhs 150 Lakhs 812/2016-17 dated: 10--06-2016 for Rs. 2806/2015-16 Dated: 23/01/2016 50 Lakhs for Rs.150 Lakhs 11--07-2016 EE/BLD/34/2016-17 Dated: 22--06- SE(K)/28/2016-2017 dt. 21/06/2016 2016 Page EE/BLD/58/2016-17 Dated.05/08/2016 4 Ashraf P K K.C. Joseph M/S MCN Infrastructure Solutions Below( -10%) 3.99 % below estimate rate 3.9% above 4864073/- 9669168/- 1,37,66,475/- 4377666/- 9283369/- 1,43,03,368/- Six Months 12 Months 18monthz 30-06-2016 29--06-2016 29-06-2017 28--12-2017 Column forIst floor inprogress Complete Upto plinth beam level reached d 100% 20% 25% preparatio Estimate Work awarded under n 12 14 13 1 2 3 Azhikode Taliparamba Kalliassery 4 Thalassery Thalassery Thalassery 5 General Education (SC) General Education 6 Department General Education (P) Dept. Valapattanam hall forCHMGHSS Secondary classroomsanda Construction ofHigher 4202-01-202-91 for GHSSCheruthazham Construction ofNewbuilding 4202-01-202-93 (P) Welfare LPSchool (P)Construction of 4202-01-202-93 a buildingfor Government Ezhome 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4202-01-202-91 4202-01-202-93 (P) 4202-01-202-93 (P) GO(Rt)No.176/2016/Gl. Edn G.O (Rt) No.3368/2016/G.Edn GO(MS) No.3228/2015/General Education dtd 16/1/2016 Rs.105L dated,14/10/16 Rs.293.62.Lacks dated,Tvm 04--08-2015 Rs.102 Lakhs 105L 293.62.Lacks 102 Lakhs HEALTH -ALOPATHY 817/2016-17 for Rs. 105 L 2324/2015-16 Dated: 4--01-2016 12--02-2016 EE/BLD/28/2016-17 Page 5 Raju Joseph 9.999% below Estimate rate 9484917/- 8491520/- 9 Months 12 Months held up T Sestimate due to Masonry in resubmitted completed work Structure CRZ issue progress 50% Electrical estimate to besubmitted 16 15 17 1 2 3 Azhikode Taliparamba Kannur 4 Thalassery Thalassery Thalassery 5 6 package) School atKannur.(Malabar Construction ofNursing 4210-03-105-99 Kannur District. at Mangattuparambain women &ChildrenHospital Construction ofbuildingfor 4210-01-110-93 Labouratory, Kannur Regional PublicHealth Construction ofabuildingfor 4210-04-107-99 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4210-03-105-99 4210-01-110-93 4210-04-107-99 Go (Rt) 2042/08 / H & FWD GO(Rt)No.1048/09/PWD dt, 14/7/09 158.00 L GO(RT)4458/97 Dt. 26/12/98 Rs. 300.00 L dtd 12/6/08 Rs.66.5 Lakhs 158.00 L Rs. 300.00 L 66.5 5/CE/ B& LW/ 08-09 dtd 118/CE/B&LW/09-10 dt, 22/12/09 CE/15/98-99 Dt. 25/2/99 30/6/08 SE(K)17/2010-11 SE(K)19/1999-2000 dt 06.11.99 SE(K)03/2009-10 Page M/S Kerala State Construction Corporation Ltd 6 Raju Joseph M.Muhammed Kunhi Kannur 25% above 21488264 5599922/- 16000573 30513334/- 6999903 30.06.2010 36 Months 30.06.2010 10-11-1999 06-02-2009 29.12.11 09-11-2002 6/10/2009- 14/1/11 31.07.2014 31-12-2010 30-04-2013 work completed.
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