Sky Angkor Airlines Your In-Flight Magazine Issue #06 Welcome to Sky Angkor Airlines! ក䮚ុមហ៊ុន Sky Angkor Airlines សូមស䮜គមន៍!䮚 We’re delighted to have you on board. យើង掶នក䮏ី翄មនស្សដល厶ន濄ក-អ䮓កធ䮜ើដំណើរᾶមួយក្ ុមហ៊ុនយើងខ䮉ុំ្ ។ Our growing fleet of A320s and A321s are flying to more យើងខ䮉ុំ掶នបន䮐មប្ ភ្ ទយន្ ោះល䮏 ខ្ A320 និង A321 ដលកំពុងដំណើរζរ្ destinations to offer you greater travel choices and opportunities, ោះហើរ䟅ζន់ល⯅ᾶច្ើន សម្្ប់ᾶជម្ើស និងឱζសζន់ត្ប្សើរ foremost of which are routes linking Cambodia to China. From ᾶងនះជូន濄ក-អ䮓ក្ ហើយជើងោះហើរមុនគបង䮢ស់របស់ក្ ុមហ៊ុនយើងខ䮉ុំ្ នឹងភ䮇ប់្ Siem Reap, we now operate to a wealth of Chinese destinations ជើងោះហើរពីពះ殶ᾶ㮶ចក្ កម䮖្ ុជា ζន់បទ្ សចិន្ ។ សព䮜ថ䮄ន្ ះ្ យើងខ䮉ុំ掶ន including Chengdu, Wuhan, Beijing, Tianjin, Wuxi, Nanning, ភ䮇ប់ζរ្ ោះហើរពីខត䮏សៀម殶ប្ 䟅ខត䮏ឆឹងទូ្ អ៊ូ莶ន ទីកុងប៉្ ζំង្ 䮶នជីន អ៊ូស្សី ុ Shanghai, Hefei, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Guiyang, Nanchang, 㮶ននីង ស៊ងហ្ ្ ហឺហ䮜ី ហ្សិងចូវ 㮶នជីង ហ䮂ីយ៉ង្ 㮶នាង 厶វទូ ⮶ថុង និងសអ៊ូល្ Baotou, and Datong, as well as Seoul in South Korea. And from ស䮶រណរដ䮋កូរ៉្ងត្បូងផងដ្រ។ បន䮐្មពីន្ះ យើង厶នភ䮇្ប់ζរោះហើរពីឆឹងទូ Sihanoukville, we operate to Chengdu, Wuhan, Tianjin, and Wuxi. អ៊ូ莶ន 䮶នជីង និងអ៊ូស្សុី មកζន់ខ្ត䮏ព្ះសីហនុ។ This time of year is arguably the best to visit Cambodia, with រដូវζលន្ះគឺᾶព្លវ្澶ដ៏ល䮢បំផុត ដើម្បីមកទស្ស侶ប្ទ្សកម䮖ុᾶ ព្្ះ the rains from the wet season starting to subside and cool, រដូវវស្羶厶នកន䮛ងផុត䟅 讶ζស䮶តុក៏ប្្ᾶស䮄ួត និងត្ᾶក់ល䮘មសម្្ប់ភ䮉ៀវ dry weather affording ideal touring conditions, especially out ទសចរណ៍្ ᾶពិសស្ 俅㾶មទីជនបទពណ៌បតង្ ។ ដូច䮓ះហើយ្ កពីប្្ ្្សទអង䮂រ in the luscious, green countryside. So why not explore what ហ្តុអ䮜ី濄ក-អ䮓កមិនសកល្បង䟅កម្羶ន䮏俅 សហគមន៍ទ្សចរណ៍ផ្ស្ងទៀតក䮓ុង Siem Reap province has to offer other than its magnificent ខត䮏សៀម殶ប?្ សូមស䮜ងយល់បន䮐្ មពីតំបន់ទ្ សចរណ៍ស្ ស់ស䮢្ ត䞶ំង俄ះ្ 俅ក䮓ុង Angkor temples with a community-based tour. Find out more in our feature article. ទស្羶侶វដ䮏ីល្ខន្ះ ។ ទន䮑ឹមនឹងនះដ្ រ្ 濄ក-អ䮓ក讶ចស䮜ងយល់បន䮐្ មអំពីវប្បសិប្បកម䮘គ្ ឿងអលង䮀្ រ្ Meanwhile, you can find out how the culture of jewellery ខ䮘្រ ដ្ល掶ន讶យុζល殶ប់រយឆ䮓្ំមកហើយ 讶ច俅ត្បន䮏រហូតមកដល់សព䮜ថ䮄្ន្ះ crafting, which has been practiced in Cambodia for hundreds 厶ន 㾶មរយៈស䮓្ដ្ សិប្បករក䮓ុងស្ុកល្បីៗមួយចំនួន ។ of years, continues today through the work of local artisans. យើងខ䮉ុំក៏សូមអញ䮇ើញ濄ក-អ䮓ក䟅កម្羶ន䮏俅ឧទ្架នᾶតិភ䮓ំគូលន្ និងប្្សទ We also invite you to discover the picturesque Phnom Kulen 讶ថ៌កំ厶ំង បឹង掶澶 ដ្លសុទ䮒ត្សក䮏ិសមសម្្ប់ដំណើរកម្羶ន䮏ព្ញមូយថ䮄្ច្ញ and the mystical Beng Mealea temple, both highly rewarding ពីទីក្ុងសៀម殶ប ។ ប្សិនបើ 濄ក-អ䮓កធ䮅ើដំណើរកម្羶ន䮏យូរព្ក ហើយនឹកឃ䮛្ន daytrips out of Siem Reap town. If all that exploration has ចង់ភ䮛ក់រសᾶតិ讶莶រក䮓ុងតំបន់俄ះ សូម讶នអត䮐បទពិសសរបស់យើងខ䮉ុំ្ ដលបង䮠្ ញ្ fired up your appetite for exquisite local food, check out our អំពីជមើសម䮠ូបកំពូលៗ្ 䞶ំង俅សៀម殶ប និងរមណីយ⮶នឆ䮓្䮋 រសមុទ្ ខ្ ត䮏្ ព្ះសីហនុុ។ feature on high class Cambodian cuisine options in both Siem Reap and in the beach resort town of Sihanoukville. ហើយ俅ខណៈព្លដ្ល濄ក-អ䮓កទកម្羶ន䮏នៅឆ្នេរសមុទ្រភាគខាង ប្ទ្ស សូមកុំភ䮛្ចធ䮜ើដំណើរ䟅 τះរ៉ុងសន䮛ឹម ដ្លᾶស䮐្នសួគ៌តំបន់ត្ូពិកពិតៗ! And while you’re down on the south coast, why not hop ដូច䮓ះ្ សូម濄ក-អ䮓កសមួលឥរិ្ យបថ បន䮒ូរ讶រម䮘ណ៍និងធ䮜ើដំណើរបក្ បោយ out to the idyllic island of Koh Rong Samloem – truly a ក䮏ី翄មនស្សរីក殶យ ។ ក្ុមហ៊ុន讶ζសចរណ៍ Sky Angkor យើងខ䮉ុំនឹងធ䮜ើζរ tropical paradise! ោះហើរᾶច្ើនទៀត俅លើវ្莶រដ៏ធំល䮜ឹងល䮜ើយន្ះដើម្បីជូនដំណើរ濄កអ䮓កទ So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride, as we stretch farther in ζន់ល⯅ᾶច្ើនទៀត ដ្លធ䮜ើោយ濄ក-អ䮓កមិន讶ចបំភ䮛្ច厶ន ។ the skies to get you to more memorable destinations. សូមអរគុណពីក䮚ុមហ៊ុន讶ζសចរណ៍ Sky Angkor The Sky Angkor Airlines Team 4 Arun in-flight magazine November 2017 - March 2018 Arun in-flight magazine November 2017 - March 2018 5 On October 9, Sky Angkor Airlines announced that they had officially started to participate in the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) in Cambodia of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The BSP is a system designed to facilitate and simplify the selling, reporting and remitting procedures of IATA Accredited Passenger Sales Agents, as well as improve financial control and cash flow for BSP airlines. There are BSP operations in some 180 countries and territories worldwide, with the system currently serving around 400 participating airlines with an on-time settlement rate of 100%. In 2016, IATA's BSP processed a total of $219 billion. The benefits of a BSP include simplification of electronic ticketing and sales reports, savings through having less resources required for billing and payment collection, enhanced control, and having the overall process monitored by a neutral body. 10月9日,天空吴哥航空公司宣布,他们已正式加入 国际航空运输协会在柬埔寨的开账与结算计划(简称 BSP)。此后,该公司还将申请中国开账与结算计划。 BSP是一个旨在促进和简化,国际航协认可的客运销售 代理商销售、报告和汇款程序的系统,以提高成员航 空公司的财务控制权和现金流。 目前,该系统业务覆盖了全球180个国家和地区,成员 航空公司约400家,准时结算率为100%。2016年,国际 航协开账与结算计划共处理了2190亿美元。 BSP简化了电子客票和销售报告,并通过减少计费和收 款所需资源节省了运营成本,增强了管理,并拥有中 立机构进行全程监控。 6 Arun in-flight magazine November 2017 - March 2018 CONTENTS 6 Airline News 12 Calendar of Events 16 Community-based Tours 22 Cambodian Jewellery 28 Fine Khmer Dining 34 Welcome to Cambodia 40 Welcome to Phnom Penh 42 Destination Siem Reap 8 Arun in-flight magazine November 2017 - March 2018 Cover image: Ta Prohm Temple The iconic tree roots surround a doorway at Ta Prohm temple. Featured in the 2001 Angelina Jolie movie, Tombraider, the 13th century structure is one of the most visited locations in Cambodia. Publisher: Sky Angkor Airlines Co-ordinating Editorial Board: Moonseop Lee EA Khunsocheat Directors: Dean Lennox Phnom Kulen Tim Gibbons 52 Philippe Janowski The Temples of Angkor Editors: 56 Dan Riley Yuanchang Wang 62 Beng Mealea Noun Molyna Creative Director: 66 Destination Sihanoukville Dean Lennox Graphic Designers: Koh Rong Sanloem Doul Reaksmey 74 Koum Bottra Sky Angkor Airlines History Editorial Contributors: 78 Stevo Joslin Sarah Brown Destination China: Beijing Jessica Tana 82 Photographers: 88 Fleet Information See individual images for credits Advertising Sales: [email protected] Route Map or telephone +855 (0) 12 254 182 89 Arrival Information 90 Airport Information 92 10 Arun in-flight magazine November 2017 - March 2018 Water Festival November 2nd-4th The three-day Cambodian festival, known locally as Bon Om Touk, commemorates the end of the rainy season, as well as the reversal of flow of the Tonle Sap River. Celebrations include traditional dragon boat racing along Phnom Penh's riverfront. Photo: Aleksandar Todorovic Photo: igorstevanovic International Human Rights Day - December 10th Independence Day - November 9th Local human rights groups will observe Cambodia marks its 64th anniversary of independence from French colonial rule this the 69th edition of International Human year, with a huge turn out expected to watch King Norodom Sihamoni and other top Rights Day with events including public government officials light a flame at Phnom Penh's iconic Independence Monument. forums, theatre shows and marches. 12 Arun in-flight magazine November 2017 - March 2018 Photo: Sealstep Photo: small1 Victory Over Genocide Day January 7th This marks the anniversary of the fall of Pol Pot’s brutal Khmer Rouge regime in 1979. It will be marked with patriotic speeches International New Year's Day - January 1st from governemnt Cambodians are always up for a party. Expect the welcoming of officials, remembrance 2018 on December 31st to involve plenty of late-night revelry services, and cultural and, of course, fireworks at midnight in all major tourist spots. displays of the era. Photographer: Redstone Chinese New Year - February 16th–18th While not an official national holiday in Cambodia, Chinese New Year is still one of its most celebrated annual events, with many shops and businesses closing and special ceremonies held. Say goodbye to Year of the Rooster and hello to Year of the Dog! 14 Arun in-flight magazine November 2017 - March 2018 Photo: Buffalo Trails Community Connections When visiting Siem Reap, spending time exploring the iconic temples of Angkor is at the top of every traveller’s to-do list, and with good reason. There is, however, much more to explore in Siem Reap – and indeed Cambodia – than these ancient wonders. Arun in-flight magazine November 2017 - March 2018 17 An estimated 80% of the Cambodian population live in rural areas, so getting out of town and into the countryside can be an incredible way to connect with local communities, while deepening your understanding of the Kingdom and its people. While heading off to the horizon by yourself might be a little daunting, there are thankfully a number of excellent organisations offering community-based tours in and around Siem Reap. One of these is Buffalo Trails (not to be confused with the Buffalo Tours), specialising in countryside experiences in the founders’ home village, located approximately 40 minutes south of Siem Reap by car. For visitors on a tight schedule, the two half-day tour options could be ideal. Spend a morning riding along rice paddy-lined roads in a buffalo cart, stopping to learn about seasonal produce and centuries-old farming techniques along the way, as well as trying your hand at traditional palm leaf weaving. Alternatively, take a gentle 4km wander through the village, meandering along lotus ponds and through pagodas and local markets as you learn about life away from main roads, and internet connections. In addition, Buffalo Trails offers full-day and multi-day experience, some of which incorporate the Angkor Temples, as well as homestay opportunities in rural villages. All tours are private, so prices depend on the number of people in your group, but half-day
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