Tibb an-Nabi ˶Β͉ ϟ ͊ΐσ Medicine of the Prophet ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ήϔϐΘδϤϟ ΪϤΤϣ ϦΑ ήϔόΟ αΎΒόϟ Α AH 432 .Mustaghfiri d-Muhammad al .Abbas b -` Abu µl Translator¶s note: The compiler of this collection was an Ash`ari Hanafi and thus not Shi`i, so care ought to be taken in regards to its contents as to whether it agrees or not with the hadiths in our books. However, this work has found widespread usage amongst the Shi`a, being used in our books (such as in Bihar), and is thus included here on the site. `Allama Majlisi wrote in regards to it: Ύ<ΎϤϠϋ Ϧ Α ϝΪΘϣ έθϣ <Ϝϟ Ϧ ϔϟΎΨϤϟ ϕήσ Ϧϣ έΎΒΧ ήΜϛ ϥΎϛ ϥ ( ι ) Β<ϟ ΐσ ΏΎΘϛ ³And the book Tibb an-Nabi ϡ ϝα ϝ ϝω ϝϝ ϝι, even though the majority of its reports are from the paths of the opponents (turuq al-mukhalifeen), however it is famous (and) in circulation amongst our scholars." In the translation, I have not included most of the occurrences of the expression "The Messenger of Allah ϝι ϝϝ ϝω ϝ said" that occurs at the beginning of the narrations. Ϣ Σήϟ ϦϤΣήϟ Ϳ ϢδΑ By the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful : ΔΑΘϜϣ Ϊ ϧΎγ ϑάΤΑ ΕΪΟ . ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ Β<ϟ ΐτΑ ΔϣγϤϟ ΔϟΎγήϟ ά This is the treatise that is called Tibb an-Nabi (Medicine of the Prophet) ϝω ϝϝ ϝι ϝ. And I found it written with the isnads deleted: . ϡΎδϟ · ˯Ω ϟ ϖϠΧ · ˯Ω ϟΎόΗ Ϳ ϖϠΧ Ύϣ : ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ Ϳ ϝγέ ϝΎϗ The Messenger of Allah ϝ ϝω ϝϝ ϝι said: Allah ϝωΕ has not created a malady, but that He has created for it a cure, except for death. ˯Ύϔθϟ ϝΰϧ ˯Ϊϟ ϝΰϧ άϟ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ He who has sent down the malady has sent down the remedy. ήϤόϟ ϝτΑ Ϧ έήΤϤϟ ήθΑ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Give tidings to the hot-tempered of the longevity of the life-span (in another copy - ϥ έΫΡϡϝ - objects of caution. i.e. announce the prolonging of the life-span to those who observe precaution). ΓΩήΒϟ ˯Ω Ϟϛ Ϟλ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ The root of every malady is coldness (or, frigidity). ΘθΗ Ζϧ Ϛδϣ ΘθΗ Ζϧ Ϟϛ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Eat when you crave (have an appetite) and stop while you are (still) craving (hungry). ΎΗΩϋ Ύϣ Ϛδϔϧ ςϋΎϓ ˯Ω Ϟϛ αέ Δ ϤΤϟ ˬ ˯Ω Ϟϛ Ζ Α ΓΪόϤϟ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ The stomach is the house of every malady, and diet (i.e. a dietary regimen) is the head of every cure. So give yourself what you have accustomed it to. Ϊ Ϡϋ ΕήΜϛ Ύϣ ϟΎόΗ Ϳ ϟ· ϡΎότϟ ΐΣ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ The most beloved of food to Allah ϝωΕ is that upon which the hands are plentiful (i.e. when many people gather together to partake of it). ˯Ύ Βϧ Ϟϛ ΙΜϟΎΑ ˬ ΓήΑΎΒΠϟ Ϟϛ Ϧ <ΛΎΑ Ϟϛ ϥΎτ θϟ Ϟϛ ΓΪΣ ϊΒλ΄Α Ϟϛ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Eating with a single finger is the eating of Shaytan. Eating with two is the eating of the insolent. And (eating) with three is the eating of the prophets. ϓ ΔϛήΑ έΎΤϟ ϥΎϓ ϡΎότϟ ΩήΑ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Cool the food, for verily there is no blessing in heat. ΔϠ ϤΟ Δ<γ ϧ ϢϜϣΪϗ Ρέ ϧΎϓ ϢϜϟΎόϧ όϠΧΎϓ ϢΘϠϛ Ϋ· : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ While eating, remove your sandals, for verily it relaxes your feet and it is a beautiful custom. Δ<Πϟ ϟ ΖϗΎΘη Ϣόϣ Ϟϛ ϦϤϓ ˬ ϊοΘϟ Ϧϣ ϡΪΨϟ ϊϣ Ϟϛ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Eating with the servants is from humility. Thus, one who eats with them, paradise yearns for him. ΔΎϧΪϟ Ϧϣ ϕδϟ ϓ Ϟϛ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Eating in the market is of baseness. ΗθΑ Ϡ Ϟϛ΄ ϖϓΎ<Ϥϟ ˬ Ϡ ΓθΑ Ϟϛ΄ ϦϣΆϤϟ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ The believer eats according to the desire of his family, and the hypocrite (is the one whose) family eats according to his desire. Ϧϣ Ύ Η΄Η ΔϛήΒϟ ϥ΄ϓ ˬ ϡΎότϟ ΓέΫ ϝΎ<Θ ˬ Ϡ ΎϤϣ ϢϛΪΣ Ϟϛ΄ Ϡϓ ΓΪΎϤϟ Ζόο Ϋ· : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ . δ ϠΟ ϞΠΨ ϚϟΫ ϥΎϓ Ϣ Ϊ ϡϘϟ ϊϓή ΘΣ ˬ ϊΒη ϥ Ϊ ϊϓή ϢϛΪΣ ϡϘ ˬ Ύϋ When the table is set, every one of you must eat what is before (lit. near/next to) him, not reaching over to the top of the food (i.e. not extending to take from the center/top), for verily the blessing comes to it (i.e. the food) due to the topmost of it. And none of you must rise nor lift his hand, even if he has had his fill, until the group has raised their hands; for verily that embarrasses his companion. τγ Ϧϣ Ϡϛ΄Η ΗΎϓΎΣ Ϧϣ ϠϜϓ ϡΎότϟ ςγ ϓ ΔϛήΒϟ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ The blessing is in the middle of the food, so eat from its brim and do not eat from its middle. Ϊ ήΜϟ ˬ έΤδϟ ˬ ΔϋΎϤΠϟ : ΔΛΜϟ ϓ ΔϛήΒϟ : (ι ) ϝΎϗ The blessing is in three: the congregation (al-jama`a, i.e. in eating together), the suhoor (pre-fajr meal taken prior to fasting), and the thareed (a dish composed of meat and crumbled bread in a broth). Ϧ Θ ϠϜϟ Ώάϋ Ϧϣ Ϧϣ Ϧ ΘΒθΨϟ ϞϤόΘγ Ϧϣ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ One who makes use of the two pieces of wood (i.e. the miswak and the khilal - toothpick) is safe from the affliction of the kidneys. ΪΟ<ϟ ΏΎ<ϟ ΔΤμϣ ΎϤϧ΄ϓ πϤπϤΗ ϡΎότϟ ήΛ Ϡϋ ϠϠΨΗ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Use a toothpick after food, and rinse your mouth, for verily it promotes health in the canine (teeth) and the molars. Δ<Πϟ ϓ ΒΣΎλ ϊϣ ϥΎϤ ˬ ϥΎϤ Ϧϣ ΔϓΎψ<ϟ ˬ ΔϓΎψ<ϟ Ϧϣ ϧΎϓ ϠϠΨΗ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Use a toothpick for it is a part of cleanliness, and cleanliness is from faith, and faith is with its owner in the Garden. ˯Ω Ϟ ΨΒϟ ϡΎόσ ˬ ˯Ω ΩΠϟ ϡΎόσ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ The food of the generous is a cure, and the food of the miserly is a malady. ΎδΤϠ ϦϤϟ ήϔϐΘδΗ ΔόμϘϟ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ The qas`a (a type of bowl) seeks forgiveness for the one who licks it. ΔϋΎϤΠϟ ϓ ΔϛήΒϟ ϥΎϓ ˬ ϗήϔΗ ˱Ύό ϤΟ Ϡϛ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Eat together and do not separate, for verily the blessing is in the congregation. ϡΆη ϡΎότϟ ΓήΜϛ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Abundance of food is a bad omen (shu¶m; or, calamity). Δ<γ ϕίέ ϟ Θϔ ϥ Ϡϋ ˱ΎϘΣ ϥΎϛ ϟΎόΗ Ϳ ϟ πϣ αΎ<ϟ Ϧϣ ϤΘϛ ΝΎΘΣ ωΎΟ Ϧϣ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ . Σ One who is hungry or who is in need but conceals from the people and turned to Allah ϝωΕ, then it is His duty that He open up for him the provision of a year in a lawful way. Ϧϣ Ϊϟ Ϊϟ Ϊϟ ϓϋ ˬ ϗίέ Ϧϣ Δόγ ϓ εΎϋ Ύϣ εΎϋ ΓΪΎϤϟ Ϧϣ ςϘδ Ύϣ Ϟϛ Ϧϣ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ . ϡήΤϟ One who eats what has fallen from the table shall live what he lives in abundance of provision, and his child shall be forgiven, even if he was born illegitimately. ϔ ο ϡήϜ Ϡϓ ήΧ ϡ ϟ ͿΎΑ ϦϣΆ ϥΎϛ Ϧϣ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ One who has faith in Allah and the Last Day must honor his guest. ϦϣΆϤϟ Χ έΆγ Ϧϣ ϞΟήϟ Ώήθ ϥ ϊοΘϟ Ϧϣ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ It is a part of humility that a man should drink of the leftover (drink) of his brother believer. ΑΎδΣ Ϟϗ Ϡϛ Ϟϗ Ϧϣ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ One who lessens his eating shall have his reckoning lessened. ˯ Ϙ Ϡϓ δϧ ϦϤϓ ˬ ˱ΎϤΎϗ ϢϛΪΣ ϦΑήθ : ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Do not drink standing, any of you, and whoever has forgotten, then he is to vomit. ˰ ΓήΧ Ύ ϧΪϟ ϓ ˰ ϥόϠϣ ήϜΘΤϤϟ : ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ The hoarder is accursed, in this life and in the hereafter. ίΠϟ ϦΒΠϟ Ϟδόϟ ϦϤδϟ Γέάϟ ΐ Αΰϟ ήϤΘϟ ή όθϟ ήΒϟ : Γήθϋ ϓ έΎϜΘΣ : ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ . Ζ ΰϟ Hoarding is in ten things: wheat, barley, dates, raisins, durra, ghee, honey, cheese, nuts, and oil. ϐΑ ϐσ ϡΎότϟ ϓ · ΓέΎΠΗ ˯ήϤϠϟ ϦϜ Ϣϟ Ϋ· : ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ When there is no business for a man other than in food, then he oppresses and wrongs. <ϣ Ϳ ΉήΑ Ϳ Ϧϣ ˯ήΑ ΪϘϓ ˱Ύϣ Ϧ όΑέ ˯ϐϟ Α κΑήΘ ˱ΎϣΎόσ ϊϤΟ Ϧϣ : ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ One who collects food waiting for it to rise in price after forty days, then he has nothing to do with Allah, and Allah has nothing to do with him. αϓ ϡάΠϟΎΑ ϟΎόΗ Ϳ Αήο ˱ΎϣΎόσ Ϧ ϤϠδϤϟ Ϡϋ ήϜΘΣ Ϧϣ : ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ One who hoards food from the Muslims, Allah ϝωΕ shall strike him with judham and insolvency. ΔϛήΑ έΤδϟ ϥ΄ϓ ήΤδΗ : ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Do suhoor (having a meal prior to fajr before the fast), for verily suhoor is a blessing. ΏΎΘϜϟ Ϟ ϑΧ ήΤδΗ : ϢϠγ ϟ Ϡϋ Ϳ Ϡλ ϝΎϗ Do suhoor, in opposition to the people of the Book.
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