Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89627-6 - The Resurrection and Collapse of Empire in Habsburg Serbia, 1914- 1918 Jonathan E. Gumz Index More information Index Adams, John Clinton, 147 Imperial requests for access to food Adler, Friedrich, 179 from Serbia, 16, 142, 174, 176, 178, 185, Agriculture 191 Financial repercussions of incentive- International law, 48, 136 based harvest collection, 170 Labor shortages, 99–100 Harvest collection and hostages, Military law, 105, 112–15, 117, 122, 124, 166 126–7, 130, 135–6 Incentive-based harvest collection, 161, Oversight of Military General 163–8 Government of Serbia, 5 Organization of, 160–8 Role in Imperial politics during the Requisition of harvest, 165 War, 15, 81, 96 Albania, 5, 10, 62, 157, 158, 208 Schools, 75 Allmayer-Beck, Johann Christoph, 12 Serb food crisis of 1915–16, 153 Aly, Go¨ tz, 84, 191, 247 Use of food from Serbia for the army, American Red Cross 145, 186–9 Serb food crisis of 1915–16, 157–9 Arz von Straussenberg, Artur, 220–1 Anderle, Josef Military law, 135 Agriculture, 164 Audoin-Rouzeau, Ste´phane, 9, 28, 65, Angelow, Ju¨ rgen, 3 242 Apathy, Eugen von, 132 Austrian Interior Ministry Appel, Michael Edler von, 43, 46, 52, 59 Serb food crisis of 1915–16, 154 Army High Command (AOK), 28, 31 Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, 178 63, 96, 98, 103, 107, 120, 133, 137–9, 145, 149, 160–1, 165, 190, 192, 197, 204, 221, Babic´, Otmar, 163 235 Balkan wars, 5, 35, 195, 206 Beliefs regarding food situation in the Barczy, Istva´n, 180 Empire, 175 Barnard, Otto, 158 Directives on Serb officers as prisoners Barth, Gustav, 178 of war, 82 Battle of Mount C˘er, 44 267 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89627-6 - The Resurrection and Collapse of Empire in Habsburg Serbia, 1914- 1918 Jonathan E. Gumz Index More information 268 Index Baumann, Eduard, 217, 220, 222, 226 Komitadjis in Bulgarian-occupied Complaints about restrictions on legal Serbia, 210–11 severity, 136–7 Occupation of Serbia, 7, 197 Becker, Annette, 9, 28, 65, 242 Suppression of Toplicˇa Uprising of Belgium, 149, 154 1917, 198 Invasion of, 20, 28, 58, 60 Bund der deutschen Sta¨dte O¨ sterreichs, Occupation of, 65, 101 180 Belgrade, 5, 22, 34, 93, 98, 170, 172, 181, 183, 239 Bureaucratic-absolutism, 3 Food prices compared to Vienna, 171, Habsburg Army, 5, 7–8, 10, 12, 15 174 234 Food shortages, 143, 146, 149, 152–3, Military General Government of 156–8 Serbia, 89–90 Internment, 97 Buria´n von Rajecz, Istva´n Freiherr von, Komitadjis, 225 150 Local administration, 95 Reluctance to allow starvation in Military law, 132, 139 Serbia, 155–6 Policing network, 90 Population, 6 Chickering, Roger, 19 Rations, 176 Clausewitz, Carl von, 17 Rumors about the Toplicˇa Uprising of Colonialism 1917, 201 Comparisons to war and occupation in Schools, 77–8 Europe, 10, 20, 28, 30, 243–4 Ties to Komitadjis in Croatia, 35 Connelly, Matthew, 238 Bell, David A., 240, 245 Conrad von Ho¨ tzendorf, Franz, 13, 31, 97, Berchthold, Leopold, 4, 116 186, 217, 235, 244 Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von, 240 Dismissal of, 133 Bohemia, 14, 64, 116, 139, 171, 241 Food situation in the Empire, 182 Bo¨hme, Eduard, 244 Food situation in Serbia, 25, 149, 185, Bolfras, Artur Freiherr von, 36, 97, 115 239 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 46, 63, 73, 124, 139, Imperial politics, 5 224, 244, 246 Imperial values, 71 Request for access to food from Serbia, Intelligentsia in Serbia, 83 182–3 Invasion of Serbia in 1914, 47 Unrest in 1914, 34–43 Military law, 114–15, 130 Unrest in 1918, 227–8 Reluctance to allow starvation in Boyer, John W., 16, 68 Serbia, 151, 192 British Red Cross, 163 Schools in Serbia, 75–6 Serb food crisis of 1915–16, 147 Serb subversion in Bosnia- Brolly, Teodor, 181 Herzegovina, 36 Brosch von Aerenau, Alexander, 46 Social Darwinism, 12, 28 Brusilov Offensive, 1, 6, 96, 195 War aims regarding Serbia, 63, 71 Budapest, 171, 179–80, 189 Croatia, 35–6, 96, 175, 227 Bulgaria, 4–6, 151, 155, 196, 199, 207 Czernin von und zu Chudenitz, Ottokar Executions of Komitadjis, 136 Graf, 134, 199 Killing of Kosta Vojnovic´in Bulgarian Efforts to save the Empire, 238 zone of occupation, 223 International system and, 239–41 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89627-6 - The Resurrection and Collapse of Empire in Habsburg Serbia, 1914- 1918 Jonathan E. Gumz Index More information Index 269 Dalmatia, 34, 36, 43, 114–15 Request for access to food from Serbia, Dangelmaier, Emil, 111–12, 128 142 Dankl, Viktor von, 115 Gerlach, Christian, 191 Davis, Belinda, 145, 191 Germany, 145, 191 Dea´k, Istva´n, 12 Army, 229 Dimitrijevic´, Mita, 209, 212–14 Army and international law, 18 Disease, 5, 62, 147, 159 Army and use of starvation in South- west Africa, 192 Egger, Karl, 1, 148 Army withdrawal to the Hindenburg Eksteins, Modris, 23 Line, 99 Elias, Norbert, 245 German assistance in the suppression Eugen, Archduke of Austria, 115 of the Toplic˘a Uprising of 1917, 198 Falkenhayn, Erich von, 151 Occupation of the Baltics, 65, 160 Feldgericht, 126, See also Military law Third Reich and comparison to Examination of evidence in, 129, Habsburg occupation practices, 191, 131–2 224–47 Foreign Ministry, 105 Third Supreme Command, 187, 242 Request for access to food from Serbia, Geyer, Michael, 20, 29, 60–1, 144, 229 186 Giesl, von Gieslingen, 33 Serb food crisis of 1915–16, 149–50, 155 Glaise von Horstenau, Edmund, 81, 134, Foucault, Michel, 27, 93, 233 172, 175 Fraenkel, Ernst, 108 Goranj Milanovac France, 11, 60 Military law, 120 Crisis of 1917, 241–2 Graf, Daniel, 66 Ideology of the leve´e en masse, 17 Graz, 129 Military, 107 Military law, 125 Occupation of, 66 Great Britain Franco–Prussian War, 17 Policy toward Habsburg Empire, 241 Frank, Liborius, 46–9, 51–2, 59–60, 239 Green Cadres, 227 Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria Greene, Warwick, 159 (Thronfolger), 3–4, 24, 34, 36–7, 69, Grgjic´, Stjepan, 41 237, 241 Officers sympathetic to Franz Ferdi- Habsburg Army nand, 13, 32, 70 Atrocities in Serbia in 1914, 53–8 Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria, 34, 98, Fear of civilians in Serbia in 1914, 51 112, 123, 128, 133, 210 Fear of Komitadjis in 1914, 42–3 Frevert, Ute, 31 Hierarchical vision of war, 191 Freytag, Hans, 96–7 Imperial bureaucracy, 13–15, 64 Friedrich, Archduke of Austria, 75, Imperial civil society, 12, 15–16, 30–3, 181 70, 105, 110, 145, 190–2, 232–3, 235 Schools, 75 Imperial politics, 14–16, 64 Imperial values, 64, 71 Gellately, Robert, 85 Memory of 1848, 31–2 Generaldirektion der Allerho¨chsten Officer corps, 12, 31, 46, 161–2, 187, Privaten und Familienfond 245–6 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89627-6 - The Resurrection and Collapse of Empire in Habsburg Serbia, 1914- 1918 Jonathan E. Gumz Index More information 270 Index Habsburg Army (cont.) Hranilovic´, Oskar von Regulations for repressive measures, Imperial politics, 81 33 On the Komitadjis, 21, 37, 47 Repressive measures and atrocities in Hull, Isabel, 11, 17, 20, 243 Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1914, 39–43 Hungarian Honved Ministry, 189 Repressive measures in Syrmia in 1914, Hungary, 101, 165 39 Food for Austrian half of the Empire, Restraint of violence, 22, 51, 53, 59 6, 150 Social Darwinism, 12–13 Internment camps, 41, 103 Special access to food from Serbia, Serb food crisis of 1915–16, 143, 153 186–9 Units’ independent attempts to International law, 18 purchase food in Serbia, 185 Belligerent qualifications, 17 Habsburg Empire Geneva Convention, 48 Cities request food from Serbia, 180–1 Habsburg Army, 33, 45, 47–50, 52, 59 Collapse of, 234–5 Hague Conventions, 17–18, 45, 48–9, 59, Crisis of state over food, 185–6 65, 106, 108, 116–17, 136–7 Currency weakness, 168–70 Restraint of violence in Serbia, 136 Demands for exploitation of occupied International system, 108, 141, 235, 237–8 countries, 175–6, 179 Destruction of in World War I, 241–3 Image of Serbia with regard to food, Habsburg Empire and, 235–8 173, 189–90 Serb food crisis of 1915–16, 155–6, 192 Instability in 1918 and its impact on Internment, 89, 98, 96–103, 195, 202 MGG/S, 228 Policies for Imperial territory under Ja´rmy, Andor, 198–9, 202–4, 217 occupation, 59 Jaross, Wilhelm von, 163 Response to Serb food crisis of 1915–16, Jelavich, Charles, 73 146–7, 149–56 Josef, Archduke of Austria, 57 Haindl, Waltraud, 13 Josephinism, 72 Hanisch, Ernst, 109 Jovanovic´, Dragolub, 7 Hautmann, Hans, 108 Ju¨ nger, Ernst, 187 Healy, Maureen, 9, 16, 107, 144, 180 Jungerth, Michael, 102 Hermann, David, 3 Herold, Otto, 218, 222 k.k. Amt fu¨r Volkserna¨hrung, 142, 176–7, Herwig, Holger, 6 191 Hindenburg, Paul von, 187, 242 Kanik, Franz, 171–2 Hoen, Maximilian von, 173 Karagjorgjevic´, Peter (King of Ho¨ fer, Anton, 150–1, 176 Serbia), 62 Ho¨ fer, Franz, 99–100, 175, 185 Karl, Emperor of Austria, 138, 188 Hohenlohe-Schillingsfu¨ rst, Konrad Efforts to save the Empire, 134 Prinz zu, 154 International system and, 238–9 Holquist, Peter, 8, 144 Retrenchment of legal severity, 133–4 Hoover, Herbert Katholische Frauenverein fu¨r Niedero¨s- Serb food crisis of 1915–16, 159 terreich Horne, John, 19, 27, 58, 60, 241 Request for access to food from Serbia, Hortstein, Lothar von, 57 184 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89627-6 - The Resurrection and Collapse of Empire in Habsburg Serbia, 1914- 1918 Jonathan E.
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