A G E N D A K A U P A P A MANAAKI TOIORA COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, 25 May 2021, 9.00am Council Chamber Hauraki House William Street Paeroa Membership Mayor D A Adams Councillors Cr R Harris - Co-Chair Cr A Spicer – Co-Chair Cr P G Anderson Cr R D T Broad Cr P D Buckthought Cr C A Daley Cr R G E Garrett Cr B J Gentil Cr S Howell Cr P A Milner Cr D Smeaton Cr J R Tilsley Cr R L Wilkinson Executive Leadership L D Cavers P Thom Staff K McLaren R Jenks J Stephenson C Litchfield J McIver Public Distribution Paeroa Office/Library Plains Area Office Waihi Area Office/Library Chief Executive L D Cavers Hauraki District Council, P O Box ͭͳ, William Street Paeroa, New Zealand P: ͬͳ ʹͲͮ ʹͲͬ͵ or ͬʹͬͬ ͳͯͰ ʹͯͰ (within the District) E: [email protected] www.hauraki-dc.govt.nz Delegations: Manaaki Toiora Committee Reporting to: Council Purpose Manaaki Toiora means to assist in the well-being of our communities or to lift ones mana in the sense of well-being. The Council wants to assist the communities of Hauraki to thrive. The primary objective of the Manaaki Toiora Committee is to oversee the implementation of projects and initiatives under the current Community Growth and Community Initiatives Activities of the Council and contribute to the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the District and its people. In particular, the Council has agreed to focus on projects and initiatives that will improve social and economic deprivation levels where possible and will help the Hauraki communities work toward the 2021 Community Outcomes Membership: Mayor All Councillors of the Hauraki District Council, of which two are appointed as Co-chairs One Council appointee Meeting frequency: Monthly meeting on the Tuesday prior to the last Council meeting of the month, commencing at 9.00am Delegation: The Council delegates to the Manaaki Toiora Committee the following powers, duties and responsibilities: Development and approval of the Manaaki Toiora action plan. Management and oversight of the development and engagement on the Manaaki Toiora Strategy, which will replace the Council’s Social Strategy and Economic Development Strategy. Make recommendations to the Council for adoption of the Manaaki Toiora Strategy. To receive and review reports and presentations from Council staff and community groups and make recommendations to the Council. Authority to approve expenditure up to $5,000 per project within the existing approved Community Growth budget subject to reporting the expenditure to the next Council meeting. To make recommendations to the Council on the allocation of the Social Strategy Fund which will be used to promote the goals of the Hauraki District Council Social Strategy. To review and recommend to the Council the proposed Manaaki Toiora Activity and the proposed budget for the inclusion in the draft 2021-31 Long Term Plan for consultation with the community. Management Group Manager Community Development responsibility: Ngà Karakia Timatanga (opening) (1) Kia tau te rangimarie May peace be widespread Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana May the sea be like greenstone Hei huarahi ma tatou i te rangi nei A pathway for us all this day Aroha atu, aroha mai Let us show respect for each other Tatou i a tatou katoa For one another Hui e! Taiki e! Bind us all together! (2) Whakataka te hau ki te uru, Get ready for the westerly Whakataka te hau ki te tonga. and be prepared for the southerly. Kia mākinakina ki uta, It will be icy cold inland, Kia mātaratara ki tai. and icy cold on the shore. E hī ake ana te atākura he tio, May the dawn rise red-tipped on ice, he huka, he hauhunga. on snow, on frost. Haumi e! Hui e! Tāiki e! Join! Gather! Intertwine! Karakia Whakamutunga (closing) Kia whakai-ria te tapu Restrictions are moved aside Kia wātea ai te ara So the pathways is clear Kia turuki whakataha ai To return to everyday activities Haumi e. Hui e. Tāiki e! Join Gather Intertwine! MANAAKI TOIORA COMMITTEE AGENDA Tuesday, 25 May 2021 – 9.00am Presentations 9.15am: Organisation: Diane Drummond - Hauraki Rail Trail Charitable Trust Subject: Six Monthly Report Order of Business Pages 1. Karakia timatanga – Cr Daley 2. Apologies 3. Declarations of Late Items 4. Declarations of Interests 5. Confirmation: Manaaki Toiora Committee Minutes – 27-04-21 – 6 2934910 6. Community Initiatives Report April - May 2021 - 2954356 10 7. Community Advocacy Report - March-April 2021 - 2954424 15 8. Community Growth Update Report May 2021 - 2954367 18 9. Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Report - April 2021 - 2954374 22 10. Hauraki Rail Trail Six Monthly Report - January 2021 - 2955810 24 11. Manaaki Toiora Committee - 2021 Work Programme - 2954646 28 Appendix C - Social Strategy Action Plan 2028 – 2839431 37 12. Karakia whakamutunga 1 Manaaki Toiora Committee Agenda- 25-05-21 - 2955811 MTC Agenda - 25-05-21 Page 6 HAURAKI DISTRICT COUNCIL MANAAKI TOIORA COMMITTEE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MANAAKI TOIORA COMMITTEE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, WILLIAM STREET, PAEROA ON TUESDAY, 27 APRIL 2021 COMMENCING AT 9.00AM PRESENT Cr R Harris (Co-Chair), Cr A M Spicer (Co-Chair), His Worship the Mayor, Cr P A Milner (Deputy Mayor), Cr P G Anderson, Cr R D T Broad, Cr C A Daley, Cr R G E Garrett, Cr S Howell, Cr D Smeaton, Cr J R Tilsley and Cr R L Wilkinson IN ATTENDANCE L D Cavers (Chief Executive), P Thom (Group Manager – Community Development), K McLaren (Community Development Advisor (Social), R Jenks (Community Development Advisor (Economic), C Litchfield (Community Advocacy Officer), J Stephenson (Community Employment Liaison) and C Black (Council Secretary) Karakia timatanga Cr Smeaton opened the meeting with a karakia. APOLOGIES RESOLVED THAT the apology of Cr Buckthought, Cr B Gentil and the Mayor, D A Adams be received and sustained. MTC21/27 Milner/Harris CARRIED DECLARATION OF LATE ITEMS There were no late items. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Cr Tilsley declared an interest in Item 12: Positive Paeroa Quarterly Funding Accountability Report CONFIRMATION: MANAAKI TOIORA COMMITTEE MINUTES - 30-03-21 - 2923069 RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Manaaki Toiora Committee held on Tuesday, 30 March 2021 are received and confirmed as a true and correct record. MTC21/28 Harris/Howell CARRIED MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (for correction only) There were no matters raised. 1 MTC Comittee Minutes – 27-04-21 - 2934910 MTC Agenda - 25-05-21 Page 7 COMMUNITY INITIATIVES REPORT - MARCH AND APRIL 2021 - 2921043 The Community Development Advisor (Social) presented the monthly activity report on community initiatives covering the months of March and April 2021. RESOLVED THAT the report be received. MTC21/29 Tilsley/Daley CARRIED COMMUNITY ADVOCACY REPORT - MARCH-APRIL 2021 – 2931098 The Community Advocacy Officer presented an update of activities carried out during the period March-April 2021. RESOLVED THAT the report be received. MTC21/30 Wilkinson/Garrett CARRIED COMMUNITY DIGITAL CONNECTIVITY REPORT – 2931111 The Community Advocacy Officer presented a report which provided an update of the internet connectivity status in the Hauraki District. RESOLVED THAT the report be received. MTC21/31 Smeaton/Anderson CARRIED The report specifically updated on the Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) acceleration and expansion, Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI2) and expansion, the Mobile Black Spot Fund (MBSF) and Marae Digital Connectivity. COMMUNITY GROWTH UPDATE REPORT - 2931205 APPENDIX A HAURAKI BUSINESS SENTIMENT – 2930847 The Community Development Advisor (Economic) presented a report that updated on the activities in relation to community growth. RESOLVED THAT the report be received. MTC21/32 Milner/Harris CARRIED 2 MTC Comittee Minutes – 27-04-21 - 2934910 MTC Agenda - 25-05-21 Page 8 MAYORS TASKFORCE FOR JOBS - COMMUNITY RECOVERY PROGRAMME ROUND TWO – 2931216 The Community Development Advisor (Economic) presented a report that sought approval from the Committee that Council apply for the second round of funding for the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Community Recovery Programme (Gr8 Job Hauraki) and support of underwriting the programme for six months from 01 July 2021 if funds aren’t received through the programme. RESOLVED THAT the report be received. MTC21/33 Anderson/Broad CARRIED RESOLVED THAT the Manaaki Toiora Committee recommends that Council support an application being developed to continue the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Community Recovery Programme (Gr8 Job Hauraki), and THAT the Manaaki Toiora Committee recommends that Council support the underwriting of the basic components of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Community Recovery Programme (Gr8 Job Hauraki) for six months from 1 July 2021 to the value of $40,000. MTC21/34 Spicer/Harris CARRIED MAYORS TASKFORCE FOR JOBS - MARCH 2021 – 2931417 The Community Employment Liaison presented a report that provided an update on activities and progress of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs project. RESOLVED THAT the report be received. MTC21/35 Tilsley/Howell CARRIED POSITIVE PAEROA - FUNDING ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT - JAN- MARCH 2021-2931790 The Positive Paeroa Chair, Judith Jamieson attended and spoke to the Positive Paeroa quarterly funding accountability report for the January to March2021 period. RESOLVED THAT the report be received. MTC21/36 Harris/Howell CARRIED GO WAIHI - FUNDING ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT - APRIL 2021 – 2931789- JAN – APR 2021 The Community Development Advisor (Economic), in the absence of the Go Waihi Chair, presented the GO Waihi quarterly funding accountability report to April 2021. 3 MTC Comittee Minutes – 27-04-21 - 2934910 MTC Agenda - 25-05-21 Page 9 RESOLVED THAT the report be received. MTC21/37 Harris/Wilkinson CARRIED HISTORICAL MARITIME PARK - FUNDING ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT – JAN - MARCH 2021 – 2931788 The Community Development Advisor (Economic) presented the Historical Maritime Park quarterly funding accountability report for the period January - March 2021. RESOLVED THAT the report be received.
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