The National Livestock Weekly May 26, 2003 • Vol. 82, No. 32 “The Industry’s Largest Weekly Circulation” www.wlj.net • E-mail: [email protected] • [email protected] • [email protected] A Crow Publication ‘Mad-cow’ worries intensify becoming prevalent.” Institute. “The (import) ban has but because the original diagnosis Canada has a similar feed ban to caused a lot of problems with our was pneumonia, the cow was put Canada what the U.S. has implemented. members and we’re hopeful for this on a lower priority list for testing. Under that ban, ruminant feeds situation to be resolved in very The provincial testing process reports first cannot contain animal proteins be- short order.” showed a possible positive vector North American cause they may contain some brain The infected cow was slaugh- for mad-cow and from there the and spinal cord matter, thought to tered January 31 and condemned cow was sent to a national testing BSE case. carry the prion causing mad-cow from the human food supply be- laboratory for a follow-up test. Fol- disease. cause of symptoms indicative of lowing a positive test there, the Beef Industry officials said due to pneumonia. That was the prima- test was then conducted by a lab Canada’s protocol regarding the ry reason it took so long for the cow in England, where the final de- didn’t enter prevention of mad-cow disease, to be officially diagnosed with BSE. termination is made on all BSE- food chain. they are hopeful this is only an iso- The cow, upon being con- suspect animals. lated incident. demned, was destined to be test- While there was some concern ed by Alberta provincial officials, (See Mad-cow on page 7) Thumbs down at the border perhaps some central nervous sys- tem tissue got into some feed, there meat and cattle from countries By Steven D. Vetter were thoughts from both govern- where mad-cow disease is con- ment, science and industry officials WLJ Editor Story on cancer firmed. that the case could be “sponta- The North American beef in- Both U.S. and Canadian offi- neous.” In other words, the disease dustry has, until recently, been cials were quick to reiterate the could have popped up without in- link sketchy able to capitalize on the world meat disease was an isolated case of one volving suspect animal tissue be- market because of its factual claims cow, out of a herd of 150 in north- ing fed. By Sarah L. Roen bovine spongiform encephalopa- ern Alberta, found infected with the When the ban will be lifted was WLJ Associate Editor thy, known as BSE or “mad-cow” disease. That herd, representing unknown as of presstime last week, The beef industry was dealt two blows last week disease, has not been found in the three producers, was depopulated but some sources were hopeful the which may affect consumer confidence in meat prod- cattle herds of Mexico, U.S. or in full last Wednesday, according ban would last approximately a ucts. The first was a destroyed animal that tested Canada. However, all that changed to USDA. week, if not less. positive for mad-cow disease and the second was a report from re- last Tuesday morning when Cana- Also, USDA said it appeared “Canada is working feverishly searchers at Ohio State University saying there may be a possible dian government officials an- Canada was doing everything it to get the problem solved and link between a commonly used growth implant and breast cancer. nounced the confirmation of the could to make sure the case was an they’re continuously working with Although the specialist and leader directly involved in the study disease in a six-year-old cow slaugh- isolated one and the original origin USDA to get the border back open,” comparing beef consumption with elevated levels of the growth-pro- tered in January. of the cow is verified. said J. Patrick Boyle, president moting hormone Zeranol in women is quoted as saying there is no Immediately following that an- “Canada is taking proper pre- and CEO of the American Meat evidence to suggest eating beef is dangerous, a recent CBS News nouncement, U.S. government of- cautions for what appears to be an broadcast indicated it might be. The broadcasted report said re- ficials banned shipments of meat isolated case of mad-cow disease,” Market could see searchers at Ohio State University mixed beef from Zeranol-treat- and livestock from Canada. The said U.S. Agriculture Secretary ed cows with human breast cancer cells and saw “significant” can- ban includes any beef-derived prod- Ann Veneman. “They have the pro- ‘silver lining’ cer cell growth — in some cases at levels 30 times lower than the uct or animal feed from Canada, ac- tocol in place to not only catch the in disease debacle. government says is safe. cording to the Food and Drug Ad- disease, but to keep the elements (See Cancer on page 6) ministration. The U.S. border is thought to cause the disease from See page 7 routinely closed against imports of U.S. markets ignore mad-cow news Cattle markets were resilient to strong market. under negotiated cash compared contracted. est price on record. This also demon- last week’s news of a cow in Cana- Trade was slow as feeders were to 234,670 the week before. Live Retailers have reported that strates just how lean the slaughter da that tested positive for BSE. firm on their asking prices of $80- prices on that limited trade ranged there are no negative buying pat- cattle supply is. The news immediately forced all 81 live and $128 dressed, with beef between $78 and $80, and $123 to terns developing prior to Memo- Feeder cattle markets came roar- cattle futures contracts down the prices holding at record levels with $126.50 dressed. Formula cattle rial day, and other analysts are in- ing back after last Tuesday’s de- $1.50 limit on Tuesday, but came the absence of any Canadian beef averaged $125.88 on 11,400 head dicating that holiday clearance bacle, and most markets reported roaring back on Wednesday. The on the market. Packers, on the oth- with an average weight of 755 will be an important indication heavy feeders up $2, with the major news media appeared to be er hand, were offering $77 live and pounds. Last week there were of consumer response to the BSE lighter, grass-ready calves up $4. responsible in their reporting, and $124 dressed — and not getting 437,000 head contracted for deliv- situation. Western Video Auction’s Thurs- there are still short supplies of safe much done. ery this week, and through Thurs- Boxed beef markets are main- day sale was showing a very strong domestic cattle helping maintain a There were 41,109 head traded day only 238,000 head had been taining great strength, with the market, with many yearling steers heavy Choice topping out at trading at or above the $80 mark. $144.45 and Select just $19 behind. Rick Machado, one of the auction- Only 50 percent of the slaughter eers, said yearlings were $1-3 high- mix is grading Choice and feeders er and calves $1-2. need more time on current sup- Max Olvera, manager at Cattle- plies and don’t need to sell cattle men’s Livestock, Galt, CA, said this week. they have had the best sales ever. Slaughter levels remain strong In last Wednesday’s sale, a set of with 530,000 cattle going through 147 black steers weighing 755 packing houses as of Thursday, pounds brought $87, and 52 2,000 head less than the week pri- weaned, pre-conditioned calves or. Packers are earning a nice mar- weighing 679 pounds brought gin of $55 per head, with an aver- $90.10. Also, heifers were trading age live-cattle buy of $79.49. $8-10 behind the steers. Cattle are Slaughter ending May 16 was (See Market on page 11) 749,000 head, and the same week a year ago was 700,000 head. Boneless beef markets were much stronger, jumping $4.57 in NEWS one day. Canadian cattle that help NEWS feed this market have had an im- pact and buyers are working hard Cool weather has limited grass growth, although recent moisture has greened up pastures and filled stockwater sources to secure supplies. The 50-percent across many parts of the Plains and western U.S. Above, several creeks which have been dry for as long as a decade trim market is also extremely are flowing again. — Photo by Steven D. Vetter strong at $70.24, perhaps the high- (priority handling) (priority handling) INSIDE WLJ APRIL PLACEMENTS — While WA PROCESSOR BOUGHT — FEEDER TRADE — Prior to last LAND-GRAB BAN — The state INDEX USDA reported a 29-percent in- The fifteenth-largest beef proces- week’s report of BSE in Canada, legislature in Montana recently Beef Bits . .P-3 crease in April feedlot placements sor in the country was bought Canadian officials had indicated amended the state code to ban Markets . .P-10 compared to last year, analysts last week by an Idaho-based cat- a desire to open up a pilot project the federal government from buy- Classifieds . .P-12 weren’t ready to cast total bear- tle company, who said it would that would allow Montana and ing up more state-owned land. Sale Reports . .P-15 ishness on the summer fed mar- work on improving the efficiency North Dakota ranchers to ship Page 5. ket.
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