65'-6"----->j I #2210 I I r ROOM 2 REST RC OM ,'~"lfIilliml Conference I , '"I Warehouse o,.., ROOM 1 ROOM 3 ROOM 5 Parcell Upper Level ~~~- ROOM 1 ROO~ 2 ROOM 6 ROOM1~~'. RMl .. RAlStO f'LOOR ROOM 4 ROOM 5 b ",'. ~ ... i '":'i ...q\l, 1 r'- ROOM 1 r 'u:: ~ Lower Level '\ '\ ~ IR~turn to site m~~ ] ,::;;, IReturn to photos I {:II " I #2229 I Flammable Storage Parcell Fu:el Pumps 750 SF Constructed: 1990 Southfacing -~ 0­ Westfacing '"ir. /'l., "7 \"'''.,1 {, ~ IReturn to site map I =@ IFloor Plan I 0: ~~ I #222? I ~ 36' 0" ~ 12'-0" I' 12'-0" "I- 12'-0" ------- Parcell 1 "0 I o 0) Flammable Storage 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fuel I I I I Pumps I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I ~ I ~ (W W) ,, =:3 [i~t~~~~ite ma~J ==::II I Return to photos I ~ FCR ASSESSME\JT NW1!4 SEC. 28 T.16S. R.4E. W.t.4. A~D TAXATIO\i 16 45 2& 2 lANE COUNlY O~ seAL[ 1" .. toCt BLUE RIVER 8_"442:t .r_"*"MF~~D4F .HAD 83/91 W!.!:_~ -~f """".... .. ....m., ::: .;.. :::.'" ~ ,~ ~; Iil:i ......... , ,~ ,n it it ~ 1 ~ iii .... , : ~. -+­ ,I I i' , ~ I :' , ~~>~E~ :~:~.; :~:'fi ,: ~ ,. ;() II ..'" I• .... /' """ ..... i!" I I I c-' I I d:I I ta I -tYt / _1~, J- .... -­ ~~f 1545282 tv 'E'lWHI4SU /} BlUE RIVER ,} .,; . .~ ~II '" "It ....~..,,; 0 ..J- ;';\. ~.r..,';~ f,..../ -/.. 0 0­ 0 .. :e .;o~* ./'- ~'\D '" {!. f v. / '10 ~ ... € • .~~ .....:-uC't~ .. 0..,,,, • ft. , "" J,,'\ • • ;; f-- -- 8 \ I I ~----I---~- _______-\ ____J • I ---­ --------- \\ I I ~\ I I \i j' I ~~-"'~,J; ~ I I .'It I II P ~'" i ~ ': ~ <" '.~ i :~ I,,, is •• ________+- ___________ -+-"..~__1._ ~~ ! • ,i §. ~ . • .'­ I i i ,I o • =§ I Ii !!I 2 I I ,r------l~-----f~----~--~--iI I I I I I I n I I - v' .1, § i : • I • • ; 00-<'<") = I • lD~ .... ... • EXHIBIT 8 PLAN AMENDMENT & ZONE CHANGE MAP 16-45-28-20 Tax Lots 300 & 400 Map 16-45-29 Tax Lots 1700 & 1800 , .­ IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ) IN THE MATTER OF APPLYING THE RURAL ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATIONS AND ) RURAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ZONES TO ORDINANCE NO. PA 884 ) RURAL LANE COUNTY OUTSIDE THE ) METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN ) BOUNDARY, AND OU'.l'SIDE ALL URBAN ) GROWTH BOUNDARIES, REPEALING PRIOR ) ZONING DISTRICTS AND PLAN DESIGNA­ ) TIONS, AND ADOPTING A SAVINGS AND ) SEVERABILITY CLAUSE WHEREAS, the plan deSignations and zoning districts app1:lcable to rural Lane County are not in fuLL COMPliance with the Statewide'00'18, aDd . ,'';' " -..... WHEREAS, the Orevon State Land Conservation and Development COllllllis.lon has granted Lane County an extension of. time to revis. its clesignatiens and zones to bring them into confomity with the Statewide Planning Ooals', end WHEREAS, the Board of County COllllllissioners has received from the Lane County Planning Commission and the West Lane County Planning COlllllliasion recollllllended application of the new plan designations and zonea, and ' '­ WHEREAS, the Board of County COllllllissioners bas conducted a public hearing and ia now ready to take action. now, therefore, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: . , 1. The Plan Designation and Zones as sat forth on the attached map. (Exhibit "An,) are hereby applied to Rural Lane County outside the Metropolitan Area General Plan Boundary and outside all Urban Growth Bounderies as modified by the attached challljJe request summary, Board of County Commissioners action column (Appendix nS") • 2. Wi th exception of tbe following I (a) Rural Transportation Plan (Adopted by Ordinance No. '-80). (b) Willamette Greenway Plan (Adopted by Ordinance No. 783). (c) Parks and Open Space Plan (Ad~ted by Ordinance No. SSO). (d) Solid Waste Management Plan (Adopted by Ordinance No. 771 and subsequent amendment). (e) Coastal Resourcea Manaqement Plan (Adopted by Ordinance No. 803) (Amended by Ordinance Noe. S62 and 876) . .­ 1 - ORDINANCE NO. PA 884 (f) Siualaw River Dredqeel: Material Disposal Plan (Adopted b1 Ordinance No. 749) (Amended by Ordinance Nos. S6l and 877). (q) Housinq Plan (Adopted by Ordinance 1-78). c::orciinq Secretary Meeting of the Board -.1 , 2 - ORDINANCE NO. PA 8S4 Ic47 ORDINANCE NO. PA B84 • LEGISLATIVE FI!'IDINGS .... Ordinance No. PA 8S4 is the implementation of the policies adopted in Ordinance No. PA S83. The support documents and Findings adopted in that Ordinance are, therefore, adopted as if fully set forth herein. Major map changes, based upon a nonresource designation are supported by prior ~asi-judicilll or current Findings set forth on attached Exhibit liD • The Diagrllllls and Zones reflect only one "need" exception arising from a prior quasi-judicial application. We, therefore, readopt the need exception set forth on attached Exhibit "E".· Note that pursuant to CPR sUl\lDlary, the new designation 1s Destination Resort, rather than Coft'llercial Zones. However, the exception to the Goal remains valid. The site review conditions are also readopted. ..., .. In addition, map chang-es occurring on the basis of a Marqinal Landa designaUon are explained in the attached Exhibit "F". • All other changes' to the maps from the original staff recommendation are supported by chanqes to the developed and committed exception and the information and Findings submitted with CPR requests. Because the lUIIount of supporting information ill 'l(ery extensive, it ill not possible to set out new Findings for each approval, nor is such analysis appropriate for a legislative Ordinance. However. the basis for the approval exists in the written attachmente to the CPR's, public testimony and deliberation. This information is available on request. EXHIBIT "e" .:. LEGEND PLAN DESIGNATIONS \ \0:- ILIlOEND ZONES o Agrlcultuf.' La"," @ Al,port O..,e'8uon o F.r••t Land COMMERCIAL lONI!S ® R....alLIImI @ Lhilued committe'.' (COMMUNITY) COIIIII....'lIy (§) NeiehbofftOOd CommercIal ® PubUe facility @> COlm1'l"'o~8f e Pa," & Rec,.aU_ 0 Rv,.' Commerqial @ COI'ftfII.rciat AORICUL TURAL ZONES o 1ft_trial ( £25) taclv."',. "arm U•• ~5 ~ AI,,,o'l ( E30) lach"'ve 'ettn U•• :lO <3 Mat_a' R•• ourc, f MI".r.' G.ID Eac....l•• F.m Uee 40 ( NRC":') Natural R._arc, :CoMentIUOI'I Ate. ( £60) £u:t...... Farm UH 110 Ar•• Subject To Coa••al ReIOUfC•• MatUIJg,,..ont Plan FOREST ZONES @ Nc:rintDact.d for.st Land', Roaaay RaUroad @ Impacted t=or••• Landd City LlmII5 ..........._- ".'ro ptOft Bouncfary INDUS TRIAL lOBI!S • Urb.. Growth soundary LiGht I""nt'lal " Count, Un. 8 .. u~, ••• ... Wnlamette Ifl."r OrHnwa, €I Heavy ',"",strlal RESOURCE ZONES 9 Hat""a' R•• OVfC. @ ..../Jllc helRIy e PI'" /I R""",.tlon @ Qua..y /I Ittlnlng @ Seftd.• Gr.,•• ICP I Controlled PfCC...ift8 RESIDENTIAL %DHlS S 1II__R..ldentl.1 @ Qard.n Ap.rtment @ Rural R.. ld.......1 @ Rural Residential @ Rur.' ResiGe"ttal C (RRlO) Aur•• H••tetenllal ISR I Site R....W I '-I.~ f1 fD~---,.___ .....--~.~ ... '01 I I f ,.- .' 1 k'" i ".'. f' 1 I(,r .­ 1 y\ , ,. ., ~\ ".~. .. •oo . !: 0: 1;, 0' EXHIBIT 9 PLAN AMENDMENT & ZONE CHANGE MAP 16-45-28-20 Tax Lots 300 & 400 Map 16-45-29 Tax Lots 1700 & 1800 J SI EXHIBIT "K n DEVELOPED AND COMMITTED LANDS EXCEPTIONS (SUPPLEMENTAL FINDINGS) Map: 16-45-21,16-45-28 plot: 621 Name: Blue River Rural Community Exception Number: 1 11. PARCEL CREATION HISTORY a) 84 parcels were created before adoption of the goals, determined as follows: i. Using the boundaries and dates of partitions which have been plotted from the Lane County Assessment and Taxation maps onto the computer drawn map of the exception area, the total number of parcels in this category created prior to December 27, 1974 is: O. ii. Using the boundaries and dates of subdivisions which have been plotted from the Lane County Assessment and Taxation maps and survey records onto the computer drawn map of the exception area, the total number of parcels in this category created prior to December 27, 1974 is: 72. iii. Using the Lane County computer drawn map and year-built data for residences which have been plotted onto the computer drawn map of the exception area, the total number of parcels not included in above categories i. and ii. and having a residence built prior to December 27, 1974 is: 6. iv. Using the Lane County Assessment and Taxation maps and year-built data for residences which have been plotted onto the computer drawn map of the exception area, the total number of parcels not included in above categories i., ii. and iii. either vacant or having a residence built after December 27, 1974 is: O. It is assumed that parcels in categories iii. and iv. were created prior to December 27, 1974 for two reasons. The first reason is that the parcel had a residence on it prior to 12/27/74 which indicates that the parcel existed in some form prior to 12/27/74. The second reason requires a more detailed explanation. On March 26, 1975. Lane County adopted land division regulations which required County approval of all partitions and recording of partition maps for all approved partitions. The 3/26/75 land division ordinance adoption date corresponds closely to the 12/27/74 Goal adoption date. It is generally accurate to assume that, if parcels were created after 12/27/74, they would be included in an approved and recorded partition map; and, that parcels without an approved and recorded partition map were created before 12/27/74. v. Using the Lane county computer drawn map with the year built data and the partition and subdivision data plotted on it, the total number of parcels not included in an approved and recorded partition or subdivision, and being vacant or having a residence without built-upon data prior to 12/27/74 is: 6.
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