1 申 述 的 摘 要 Gist of Representations 有關事項 Subject Matter 支持下列一項或以上修訂項目: I. 就圖則所顯示的事項作出的修訂項目 A 項 - 把解放軍駐港總部以北的一幅海旁土地由「休憩用地」地帶修訂為「其他指定用途」註明「 軍事用地(1)」地帶。 B 項 - 刪除圖則上標上附註「軍事碼頭(有待詳細設計)」的直線連此附註。 II. 就圖則《註釋》作出的修訂項目 (a)項 - 把「其他指定用途」地帶註明為「適用於所有其他地點(上文未有列明者)」的土地用途表標 題修訂為「適用於所有其他指定用途(上文未有列明者)」,使文義更為清晰。 (b)項 - 在「其他指定用途」地帶註明為「適用於所有其他指定用途(上文未有列明者)」的土地用途 表之下,為新的「其他指定用途」註明「軍事用地(1)」地帶加入主水帄基準上 10 米的建築物高度 限制及略為放寬建築物高度限制的條款。 Support one or more of the following amendment items: I. Amendments to Matters shown on the Plan Item A - Amendment of the zoning of a strip of waterfront site to the north of the People‟s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison Headquarters from “Open Space” to “Other Specified Uses” (“OU”) annotated “Military Use (1)”. Item B - Deletion of the straight line with annotation „150m Military Berth (subject to detailed design)‟ from the OZP. II. Amendments to the Notes of the Plan Item (a) - Revision to the heading of the Schedule of Uses for the “OU” zone annotated “For All Other Sites (Not Listed Above)” to “For All Other Specified Uses (Not Listed Above)” for clarity purpose. Item (b) - Incorporation of remarks for the imposition of the building height restriction of 10mPD and a clause that allows for minor relaxation in the new “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Military Use (1)” zone under the Schedule of Uses “For All Other Specified Uses (Not Listed 2 Above)” for the “Other Specified Uses” zone. 並無提供任何建議修訂。 No proposed amendments are provided. 申述編號 申述人名稱 Representation No. Name of ‘Representer’ TPB/R/S/H24/8-1 Michael Tsang TPB/R/S/H24/8-2 方嘉偉 TPB/R/S/H24/8-3 中西區發展動力 CW Power TPB/R/S/H24/8-4 山水摯友 TPB/R/S/H24/8-5 同心網絡 TPB/R/S/H24/8-6 坊眾社會服務中心 TPB/R/S/H24/8-7 香港中西區婦女會 TPB/R/S/H24/8-8 孫慧瑩 TPB/R/S/H24/8-9 林樹根 TPB/R/S/H24/8-10 洪麗雲 3 有關事項 Subject Matter 反對下列一項或以上修訂項目: I. 就圖則所顯示的事項作出的修訂項目 A 項 - 把解放軍駐港總部以北的一幅海旁土地由「休憩用地」地帶修訂為「其他指定用途」註明「 軍事用地(1)」地帶。 B 項 - 刪除圖則上標上附註「軍事碼頭(有待詳細設計)」的直線連此附註。 II. 就圖則《註釋》作出的修訂項目 (a)項 - 把「其他指定用途」地帶註明為「適用於所有其他地點(上文未有列明者)」的土地用途表標 題修訂為「適用於所有其他指定用途(上文未有列明者)」,使文義更為清晰。 (b)項 - 在「其他指定用途」地帶註明為「適用於所有其他指定用途(上文未有列明者)」的土地用途 表之下,為新的「其他指定用途」註明「軍事用地(1)」地帶加入主水帄基準上 10 米的建築物高度 限制及略為放寬建築物高度限制的條款。 部分申述人提出反對,但並無指明任何修訂項目。 Oppose one or more of the following amendment items: I. Amendments to Matters shown on the Plan Item A - Amendment of the zoning of a strip of waterfront site to the north of the People‟s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison Headquarters from “Open Space” to “Other Specified Uses” (“OU”) annotated “Military Use (1)”. Item B - Deletion of the straight line with annotation „150m Military Berth (subject to detailed design)‟ from the OZP. II. Amendments to the Notes of the Plan Item (a) - Revision to the heading of the Schedule of Uses for the “OU” zone annotated “For All Other Sites (Not Listed Above)” to “For All Other Specified Uses (Not Listed Above)” for clarity purpose. Item (b) - Incorporation of remarks for the imposition of the building height restriction of 10mPD and a clause that allows for minor relaxation in the new “OU” annotated “Military Use (1)” zone under the Schedule of Uses “For All Other Specified Uses (Not Listed Above)” for the “OU” zone. Some of the representers raise objection without specifying any amendment item. 4 主要建議修訂 Main proposed amendments - 把有關用地的用途地帶回復為「休憩用地」; Revert the zoning of the subject site to "Open Space"; - 把位於海濱的有關用地開放給公眾使用。任何設施(包括碼頭)必須開放給公眾使用,而非為駐 港解放軍單獨使用; Open the subject site along the waterfront for public use. Any facilities, including pier, should be open for public use but not for the sole use of the People‟s Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison; - 重新考慮有關用地及鄰近地方的土地用途; Reconsider the land use of the subject site as well as its nearby areas; - 建議使用有關用地作其他用途,包括住安(公營或私營房屋)、商業、旅遊、社區、文化、藝術、 康樂及綠化用途 (如海濱長廊、公園、露天茶座、單車徑、大笪地、寵物公園等); Suggest to use the subject site for other uses, including residential (public or private housing), commercial, tourism, community, cultural, arts, recreational and greenery uses e.g. promenade, park, alfresco dining, cycle track, bazaar, pet garden, etc.; - 於有關用地重置皇后碼頭; Re-assemble the Queen's Pier at the subject site; - 於其他地點發展駐港解放軍的軍事設施/碼頭(如新界、離島等); Develop military facilities/dock of PLA Hong Kong Garrison at other locations, e.g. New Territories, outlying islands etc.; - 檢討由解放軍駐港總部與軍事碼頭之間的通道的設計,如把該通道於非軍用時間開放給公眾使 用,或把該走廊建於地底等; Review the design of the corridor between the PLA Hong Kong Garrison Headquarters and the military dock, e.g. opening the corridor for public use when the military dock is not in use or constructing the corridor underground; - 依照現有的規劃機制把有關用地的現有構築物正規化;以及 Regularize the existing structures at the subject site through existing planning mechanism; and - 刪除略為放寬建築物高度限制的條款。 Delete the provision of the minor relaxation clause for the building height restriction. 5 申述編號 申述人名稱 Representation No. Name of ‘Representer’ TPB/R/S/H24/8-11 Ting Natalie TPB/R/S/H24/8-12 Yeung Kin Chung TPB/R/S/H24/8-13 Joseph Lui TPB/R/S/H24/8-14 Lam Cho Hon TPB/R/S/H24/8-15 立法會議員陳家洛 TPB/R/S/H24/8-16 Tse Wai Sui TPB/R/S/H24/8-17 Mak Wa Cheong TPB/R/S/H24/8-18 朱凱迪 TPB/R/S/H24/8-19 Chan Man Yee TPB/R/S/H24/8-20 環保觸覺 Green Sense TPB/R/S/H24/8-21 Kei Shiu Kong TPB/R/S/H24/8-22 Manuela Fridrich TPB/R/S/H24/8-23 Lee Cheuk Hung TPB/R/S/H24/8-24 Wo Tat Hon TPB/R/S/H24/8-25 Dominic Chow TPB/R/S/H24/8-26 新民主同盟 Neo Democrats TPB/R/S/H24/8-27 羅樂然 TPB/R/S/H24/8-28 人民力量立法會黨召集人陳偉業議員 TPB/R/S/H24/8-29 Central & Western Concern Group - Katty Law TPB/R/S/H24/8-30 Lam Chun Wah TPB/R/S/H24/8-31 Lee Sun Wah TPB/R/S/H24/8-32 何來 TPB/R/S/H24/8-33 Kenneth Yu TPB/R/S/H24/8-34 林 TPB/R/S/H24/8-35 Li Cheuk Hin TPB/R/S/H24/8-36 Li Kwan Ho 6 申述編號 申述人名稱 Representation No. Name of ‘Representer’ TPB/R/S/H24/8-37 彭嘉妍 TPB/R/S/H24/8-38 民主黨中西區黨團 TPB/R/S/H24/8-39 Mo Wing Fat TPB/R/S/H24/8-40 Lui Cheuk Lai TPB/R/S/H24/8-41 Society for Protection of the Harbour TPB/R/S/H24/8-42 Designing Hong Kong TPB/R/S/H24/8-43 Mary Mulvhill TPB/R/S/H24/8-44 Twiggy Ngo TPB/R/S/H24/8-45 PC TPB/R/S/H24/8-46 William Leung TPB/R/S/H24/8-47 Save Our Shorelines - John Bowden TPB/R/S/H24/8-48 Nigel Kat TPB/R/S/H24/8-49 Ka Lam Chan TPB/R/S/H24/8-50 Denis Leung TPB/R/S/H24/8-51 Alfred Kwok TPB/R/S/H24/8-52 L. Cheung TPB/R/S/H24/8-53 Wing Bun Ng TPB/R/S/H24/8-54 Kit TPB/R/S/H24/8-55 Patrick Ng TPB/R/S/H24/8-56 余健鴻 TPB/R/S/H24/8-57 Eric Chan TPB/R/S/H24/8-58 Jez Shu TPB/R/S/H24/8-59 Ho-Yan Kwan TPB/R/S/H24/8-60 Louis Li TPB/R/S/H24/8-61 Ken Wong TPB/R/S/H24/8-62 Stephen Ho TPB/R/S/H24/8-63 Jacqueline Kwok 7 申述編號 申述人名稱 Representation No. Name of ‘Representer’ TPB/R/S/H24/8-64 Chun Kwan TPB/R/S/H24/8-65 Shing, Gleion TPB/R/S/H24/8-66 Cheong Ho Yan Cindy TPB/R/S/H24/8-67 Miriam Choi TPB/R/S/H24/8-68 Samuel TPB/R/S/H24/8-69 Jack Wong TPB/R/S/H24/8-70 Philip Yeung TPB/R/S/H24/8-71 沒有姓名提供 No name is provided TPB/R/S/H24/8-72 Clarence Chung TPB/R/S/H24/8-73 Joe TPB/R/S/H24/8-74 Andy Yung TPB/R/S/H24/8-75 Ivan K.C. Fong TPB/R/S/H24/8-76 Chit Hang Lee TPB/R/S/H24/8-77 Zoe Wong TPB/R/S/H24/8-78 Angus Chung TPB/R/S/H24/8-79 Wong Lok Sang TPB/R/S/H24/8-80 Liu Tsz Ki TPB/R/S/H24/8-81 April Lai TPB/R/S/H24/8-82 Chow Lok Yee TPB/R/S/H24/8-83 Chan Wai Long TPB/R/S/H24/8-84 Alex TPB/R/S/H24/8-85 Kai Chun Li TPB/R/S/H24/8-86 Gary Wat TPB/R/S/H24/8-87 Timothy Wong TPB/R/S/H24/8-88 Billy Pang TPB/R/S/H24/8-89 Cheuk Pan Chow TPB/R/S/H24/8-90 Chan Kai Yin 8 申述編號 申述人名稱 Representation No. Name of ‘Representer’ TPB/R/S/H24/8-91 Siu Lung Yiu TPB/R/S/H24/8-92 Neo Young TPB/R/S/H24/8-93 Chan Chi Ho TPB/R/S/H24/8-94 Chan Wing Yee TPB/R/S/H24/8-95 Siu Kam Jack Cheng TPB/R/S/H24/8-96 W.L. Wong TPB/R/S/H24/8-97 Ko Yuk Kuen TPB/R/S/H24/8-98 Jack Cheng TPB/R/S/H24/8-99 Li Ka Yeung, James R. TPB/R/S/H24/8-100 Ng Chi Sang TPB/R/S/H24/8-101 Chan Pui Pui TPB/R/S/H24/8-102 Wai Yin Chan TPB/R/S/H24/8-103 Miu Ying Kwong TPB/R/S/H24/8-104 Ellie Arroway TPB/R/S/H24/8-105 K.T.
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