Amiga Graphics Reference Card 2Nd Edition

Amiga Graphics Reference Card 2Nd Edition

Quick reference information for graphics, video, 2nd Edition desktop publishing, Covers new Amiga animation, and image 3000 graphics processing on the modes, 24-bit color Commodore Amiga hardware, DOS 2.0 personal computer. Reference Card overscan, and PAL. ) COLOR MODELS Additive Color Mixing Subtractive Color Mixing Red-Green-Blue Cube Hue-Saturation-Value Cone Cyan Value White Blue Blue] Axis Yellow Black ~reen Axis When mixi'hgpigments, cyan, yellow, Red When mixing light, red, green, and blue and magenta are primaries. Example: are primaries. Yell ow is formed by To get blue, mix cyan and magenta. Shades of gray are on the long Cyan pigment absorbs red, magenta adding red and green, for example. diagonal between black and white. pigment absorbs green, so the only component of white light that gets re­ The Visible Electromagnetic Spectrum flected is blue. 380 420 470 495 535 575 wavelength (nanometers) 770 Hue: Color; spectral position. Often measured in degrees; red=0°, yellow=60°, magenta=300°, etc. Hue is undefined for shades of gray. (ultraviolet) Purple Violet yellowish Red (infrared) Saturation: Color purity. A highly-saturated color is nearly Blue Orange monochromatic, i.e., contains only one color from the spectrum. White, black, and shades of gray have zero saturation. Value: The darkness of a color. How much black it contain's. DELUXE PAINT Ill KEYBOARD COMMANDS White has a value of one, black has a value of zero. Brush Painting Modes Page and Screen Commands While an animation is playing: ; ana, move brush along fixed axis Fl matte (brush pattern) F9 menu bar on/off r reverse animation perpendicular to its plane F2 color (solid) FlO menu bar and toolbox on/off <-(left arrow) reduce frame rate : and" like above but in large steps F3 replace I coordinates on/off ->(right arrow) increase frame rate <and> change observer distance F4 smear S show full page space bar halt animation Ctrl lock y-axis so brush F5 shade j jump to spare page Esc stop animation movement changes only on F6 blend J copy to spare page x and z coordinates F7 cycle make stencil Perspective \ toggle angle and position F8 smooth n center page around pointer All keys are on the numeric keypad. displays ' (grave) stencil on/off Enter activate perspective mode Brush Sizing and Orientation cursor keys scroll screen . (keypad decimal) reset center Miscellaneous Commands . (period) one-pixel brush Ctrl-cursor adjust screen position - (keypad minus) perspective fill ? show memory info box - (minus) smaller brush Ctrl-a memory check +,= larger brush Animation unshifted shifted Del pointer on/off Z stretch M call move requester 0 reset all reset axes, positions, Shift constrain tovertical or h halve left A hold down for animpaint axes to 0° and settings to 0 horizontal drawing only H double Ctrl leave trace's with line, curve, 7 rotate ... 1° - large angle * x flip top-to-bottom unshifted rectangle, circle, ellipse, and 8 rotate +1 ° + large angle y flip right-to-left 1 previous frame x polygon tools 9 set to 0° fix X axis z rotate 90 degrees.clockwise 2 next frame spacebar cancel operation X double size horizontally 3 go to frame 4 rotate -1° - large angle * Esc cancel operation Y double size vertically a (again) repeat last menu command 4 play and loop continuously y 5 rotate+ 1° + large angle o add outline to brush Help reset colors 0 and 1 to B&W 5 play animation once 6 set to 0° fix Y axis 0 remove outline from brush 6 play ping-pong 7 previous animbrush frame rotate -1 ° - large angle * Mouse Equivalents Brush Handle Placement 8 next animbrush frame z 2 rotate +1° + large angle right Alt-A. right mouse button Alt-s center brush handle (default) 3 set to 0° fix Z axis left Alt-A left mouse button Alt-x flip brush handle horizontally shifted right A-cursor move pointer Alt-y flip brush handle vertically 1 first frame (*default is 90 degrees) left A -cursor move pointer Alt-z set brush handle location 2 last frame 3 repeat last "go to" .. d continuous freehand Color 4 play in reverse continuously dotted freehand s x D filled freehand curve p call pallete requester 5 play animation once backwards Deluxe straight line v q smoothed curve { previous background color 6 not used / --..... } next background color 7 first animbrush frame Paint fill f ..(.:. fill reguester F 9 airbrush [ previous drawing color 8 last animbrush frame Toolbox ] next drawing color rectangular outline c circle outline filled rectangle ~ .ti ~ C filled circle Tab cycle colors ellipse {# w i>olygon , (comma) pick color from screen Copyright 1990 by Richard Lucas. All Rights Reserved. filled ~~ W fillec P.OIY.Qon pick up brush b r " t text (Esc to quit) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• recall ola brush B " .. A T font reguester snap wid symmetry alig!!_grid with P.Omter ~ E8 +1 < zoom out magnify mj) [QJ > zoom in VllJIJ\" IJN undo u K clear screen/animation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 UR Helvetica 24 Bold Italic Underlined Al/Styles AMIGA ABC DE FG HI J KLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefg hij kl mnopq rstuvwxyz 0 11 FONTS 1234567 890 & ?! $.,;: @# /o A* ( ) { } [ ] < > = + _ - ~ ' ' \ I / Helvetica 18 Bold Italic Underlined Al= :~~!;~~~KL11N~:~sT~~:·,, abc~~:W~~op~tZ;': ABCDEFGH I JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 &? !$ . ,;:@#-%A*(){}[] <> =+_- H''" \ I/ 1234567890 &?!$.,;: @#%"'* () {} [] < > = + _ - ...... 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