THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 707 The Notre Dame Scholastic A LITERARY—NEWS WEEKLY PUBLISHED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME ILLUSTRATED Btsice ^mii Ikemper Vittuxufi : Vitt ^Q.mii €rai Motitutni VOL. LVIII. MARCH 26, 1926. No. 23 INDEX Frontispiece 708 Easter Garden (A Poem) Charles PMllvps 708 The Week _...J. A. Withey 709 Musical and Theatrical Notes —A. L. Meyers 714 The College Parade /. T. Cullinan 718 Editorial . 719 Enter Easter L. R. Mclntyre, '28 720 The Silent Warning Joseph B. Shanley, '29 721 The Splendor of That Day (A Poem) Cornelms Shea, '28 722 On Growing Up Be-i-nard Garber, '28 723 Rewards of Vengeance ._: Victor L. Zimmerman, '28 724 The Collegiate Convention John Gibbons, '26 726 Peter, the Cat Robert Caves'MS,'2?> T21 Sport News J. P. McNamara 728 The Safety Valve 736 Advertisers in Notre Dame publications deserve the patronage of Notre Dame men. Entered as second-class ^natter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailiiin at special rate of postafie. Section 1103, October S, 1017, authorized June 2.7, lOlS. 708 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Easter Garden Here where the ivintei-'s blight too long has lain, A tomb no longer, but a gateway bright And barren frost the only floiuer to bloom, That smiling opens to life's ga/i'den fair Noiv sudden siveeps the sweet ablution, rain; Whereunto, beckoning our souls from night. Noio, through the veiling tears tve see the tomb- Our Master passes on the breath of prayer.^ —CH. PH, THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 709 PSSJMSS 3aaajgaj8aaffl«aaja>S8gag{^^ ' THE WEEK ^^JiyJuTTuTTTfnTfTTtr?^yarittTfft?^TTTTTT^ f?T(rTTTfTit'TittTSi?^:fir^i?^rfr^rV^ST7rrff^:fy7^Xy7^if!^f^^ tTS'ff^Tr^^frffff^ff^Tf^tff^rrrtffTTfrffr^^ We see by the editorial page that it's here. things, a prologue. But nobody was cheated The storm doors are gone froni the Main and comparative haniiony reigns once more. Building. Mr. Navarre may now open class­ Then there was the Monday night concert room windows without fear of being tossed which stands out as undoubtedly the best out bj'' shivering fellow students. Sheep­ ever offered on the stage of Washington skins cast longing eyes toward the cedar Hall. There was also the Passion Play at S-t. chest and the moth-balls. One hardy pioneer Mary's: we note but do not qualify. Rather has already walked around the lakes and a giddy week-end, all told. lived to tell the tale. Poetry and mud flour­ Seniors are beginning to look worried. ish side by side and the slicker has come into Some mathematical genius has figured out its own again. that, after Easter vacation, but a scant three To preserve the essential unity of this is­ weeks remain in which to do a thesis. The sue, we should chronicle here a frightful list realization of this appalling fact is distinctly of melodramatic happenings. But it is hard upsetting. Thus far the Seniors have ac­ to live up to the note struck by The Reward cepted the dictum of one who should know: of Vengeance and The Warning Something- "When you've got your proposition you're or-other. The titles sound so bloodthirsty half done." Confidence in this blithe aphor­ that we lacked courage to read further. May- ism is beginning to wane. he you don't. Anysvay there is not much On with the Easter formals! Not very of melodrama to record. many are planned for this year but those Unless 3'ou take Macbeth at the Oliver last few sound entertaining-. When one considers Saturday night. Every student who under­ that a week of Easter vacation contains but stands the English language seems to have one day which is not dedicated to something attended at least one of the Mantell per­ other than amusement, it is distinctly con­ formances. Saturday night was easily the soling to be able to look forward to a good most popular, probably because in that play dance on that one day. our local actors took the most prominent Three hundred philosophy students at­ parts of their two-day engagement. Mr. tempted to learn how to measure an atom Lemmer, we believe, enacted the sterling last Monday night. Yes, they attempted. role of Another Lord: we are not quite sure And now they can all say "So interesting^: but inany of his friends seem to have recog­ but very involved." nized his public speaking-debating-Washing- Most philosophy students prefer to read ton-Day-Oration voice in that tremendous the Juggler anyway, particularly when it has line: "All hail! the King!" Anywaj'-, a tempting Jew on the cover. Dear old Shakespeare came and went, and furnished Brownson tui-ns out for something called food for discussion in most of the English spring practice and the church clock con­ classes. And that's something. tinues to be amazingly on time. Earnest A surprising number" of entertainments professors give quarterly examinations and appeared to break the Lenten monotony. The earnest ladies of the bucket scrub vigorously Absurdities succeeded in charming both at the mud on the steps of the Main Build­ smiles and dollars from large audiences who ing. Both discover unsuspected things. came for a laugh and got, among other —J.A.W. 710 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC GROOM FOR EASTER DANCES tersch — announce "Chuck" Halweigen's or­ You've heard it—who hasn't?—^that thun­ chestra. derous thud-thud of number twelves bearing The "trous" are pressed. On with the foot- tons of he-man avoirdupois to and fro about fest! the campus. It's only the collective Notre Dame man gently flitting to and from class­ ANNOUNCE MEDALS AND PRIZES es. A certain number of medals and prizes Yes, you've heard it — but did you ever are awarded at Commencement each year on witness the collective N. D. man in his role the basis of competitive effort. The atten­ as a ballroom charmer? Iron heels discarded tion of all students who may be interested, for petite pumps and twinkling toes displac­ is called to the following list of competitive ing hammering heels. That's the son of the prizes, supplied by Father DeWulf, chairman Golden Dome at affairs like these: of the Faculty Committee on Scholarships The boys from big, bad Chicago will rattle and Prizes. Details can be learned from the unruly hoofs at a no-civies-allowed affair in heads of departments listed. All prize es­ the Grand Ball Room of the new Palmer says are due by May 1. House Tuesday, April 6. The proper atmos­ phere will be injected by Harry Denny and The Meehan medal for English is awarded his Notre Dame Collegians, and fair play will to the student in the Senior Class who writes be seen to by John McMullen, President of the most satisfactory essay on a literary the Notre Dame-Chicago Club. All visiting subject. Consult Father Carrico, head of Notre Dame men are invited to attend. the Department of English. The Barry medal for elocution is awarded Three bucks! That's the glad greeting on the basis of a contest to be held June 1. from the Toledo gang. Unlike the gentle­ Consult Professor Kelly, head of the Depart­ men from the home of the W. G. N., how­ ment of Speech and Drama. ever, thej'^ do not bar hand-me-do^vns. They call it a Spring Informal, and jubilantly an­ The Dockweiler medal for Philosophy is nounce the acquisition of Tom Howard's Co­ awarded to the Senior in the College of Arts lumbus Darkies to convert notes into noise and Letters who submits the most satisfac­ from nine till one (o'clock). They follow tory essay on a philosophical subject. Con­ the lead of the W. G. N.'s by celebrating the sult Father Miltner, head of the Department same evening, but go them one better by of Philosophy. broadcasting publicity concerning certain The Monsignor F. A. O'Brien Prize is "entertainers and novel decorative effects." awarded to the student, in any college of the Now that the season of unmentionable University, for special study and distinction weather is over, the Hoosiers come out of in a historical subject. This is a money hiding and say things about the Fort Wayne prize. Consult Father Ryan, head of the De­ Club, the Anthony Hotel, Harry Denny's Col­ partment of History. legians, and Easter Monday. Fair enough! Fifty dollars is awarded by the South Bend Tribune to the student in the School Not to be imitative, or anything like that, of Journalism who submits the most satis­ but Easter Monday is mentioned in dispatch­ factory thesis on a journalistic subject. Con­ es concerning the Grand Rapids bunch also. sult Professor Cooney, director of the School And not that they're a high-hat bunch, but of Journalism. formal dinner dance is the way they spell it, and it's to be committed in the Grill Room Announcement will be made in the near of the Morton Hotel. Four hours—from nine future of the competitive scholarships avail­ till one — will be consumed along with the able for the year 1926-27. dinner. Attendance is restricted to members of the club and one guest. The committee— Failure is the exciting force in the drama Leo Walsh, Vincent Stace, and Carl Pet- of life.—^F.j.H. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 711 THE OPERATIC TRIO never heard better voices than these, nor a A double surprise, and one of generous more finished accompaniment than Mr. St. proportions, was served in Washington Hall Leger's.
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