29026 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 2, 19'76 H.R. 15012. August 2, 1976. Judiciary. Au­ tinuation through fiscal year 1977 of specified ment during any fiscal year do not exceed thorizes the issuance of a visa to a. certain grants under the Indian Elementary and Sec­ the total receipts of the Government during individual notwithstanding membership in a. ondary School Assistance Act, the Elementary such fiscal year and that the Federal in­ class of excludable aliens under the Immi­ and Secondary Education Act, and the Adult debtedness is eliminated. gration and Nationality Act. Education Act. H.J. Res. 1054. August 24, 1976. Post Office H.R. 15013'. August 3, 1976. Public Works H.R. 15018. August 3, 1976. Ways and and Civil Service. Designates March 13 to 19, and Transportation. Amends the Federal Means. Authorizes any amount received from 1977, as "National Community Health Week." Aviation Act of 1958 to require identifying appropriated funds as a scholarship by a. H.J. Res. 1055. August 24, 1976. Post Office markings on aircraft so as to be readily iden­ member of a. uniformed service who is receiv­ and Civil Service. Designates March 13 to 19, tifiable by persons on the ground whenever ing tr&ining under the Armed Forces Health 1977, a.s "National Community Health Week." such aircraft is operated at low altitudes. Professions Schq,larshlp Program from an H.J. Res. 1056. August 24, 1976. Post Office H.R. 15014. August 3, 1976. Agriculture. educational institution to be treated as a. and Civil Service. Designates the third week Amends the Consolidated Farm and Rural scholarship, excludable from gross income of September of 1977 as "National Reha­ Development Act to authorize the Secretary under the Internal Revenue Code for calen­ bilitation Week." of Agriculture to make and insure loans un­ dar years 1976, 1977, and 1978. H.J. Res. 105·7. August 24, 1976. Post Office der such act for the solar heati:qg or cooling H.R. 15019. August 3, 1976. Ways and and Civil Service. Authorizes the President of residential structures on family farms. Means. Amends the Tariff Schedules of the to issue a. proclamation designating the week H.R. 15015. August 3, 1976. Banking, Cur­ United States to limit the importation of beginning October 3, 1976, and ending Octo­ ber 9, 1976, as "National Volunteer Firemen rency and Housing. Stipulates that the cost mus~rooms. Week." of furnishing water to public organizations HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS for waterfowl conservation pu rposes in the H.J. Res. 1058. August 25, 1976, Post Office H.J. Res. 1051. August 23, 1976. Judiciary. and Civil Service. Designates September 8 Grasslands areas of the San Joaquin Valley in Proposes a. constitutional amendment to as­ California shall be nonreimbur5able where of each year as "National Cancer Prevention sure that the total outlays of the Govern­ Day." specified conditions are satisfied. ment during any fiscal year do not exceed H.R. 15016. August 3, 1976. Veterans' Af­ the total receipts of the Government during H.J. Res. 1059. August 25, 1976. Judiciary. fairs. Authorizes the Administrator of Vet­ such fiscal year and that the Federal in­ Proposes a. constitutional amendment which erans' Affairs to make loans and loan guaran­ debtedness ls eliminated. provides that the term of office of the Presi­ tees to ·veterans for the purchase of solar H.J. Res. 1052. August 23, 1976. Post Office dent and Vice President shall be six years, heating and cooling systems to be used in and Civil Service. Designates January 13, and no person shall be elected to the office any dwelling or farm residence to be owned 1977 as "Religious Freedom Day." of President more than once. and occupied by the veteran as his home. H.J. Res. 1053. August 24, 1976. Judiciary. H.J. Res. 1060. August 25, 1976. Post Office H.R. 15017. Augu~t 3, 1976. Education and Proposes a. constitutional amendment to as­ and Civil Service. Designates February of Labor. Authorizes appropriations for the con- sure that the total outlays of the Govern- ea.ch year as "American History Month." EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INCREASED BENEFITS FOR SSI monthly benefit-which for an indivi­ AN AVIATION PIONEER-GONE RECIPIENTS dual is $167.80 and for couples is WEST $251.80-be stretched? Clearly, this monthly benefit is being stretched to th€ HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN breaking point. But increasing these HON. DALE MILFORD OF NEW YORK benefits may mean the difference be­ OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tween starvation and survival for this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 2, 1976 Nation's needy citizens. It means money Thursday, September 2, 1976 to purchase food, to pay the rent or the Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, today I am winter fuel, and to meet the everyday Mr. MILFORD. Mr. Speaker, this Na­ introducing legislation to provide in­ economic needs of survival: tion has lost a leading citizen and a true creased benefits for the needy aged, the This week the House overwhelmingly pioneer, Maj. Bill Long. blind, and the disabled under the sup­ passed by a vote of 374 to 3, H.R. 8911, Anyone with a pilot's license number plemental security income program. the Supplemental Security Income consisting of six digits or less, is prob­ Under my proposal, SSI benefits fOJ;" an Amendments of 1976, making certain ably very familiar with Maj. Bill Long. individual recipient would be increased equitable changes in the SSI 'program. Many knew him personally. !rom $1,752-the current cost-of-living Mr. Speaker, in the interest of continu­ In the next monthly meeting in "Quiet adjustment is $2,013-to $2,500; for ing to meet the needs of SSI recipients, I Birdmen" hangars, . all over the world, couples, the SSI benefits would be in­ am inserting the full text of my bill at Major Bill's name will be specifically creased from $2,628-the current· cost­ this point in the RECORD, and I wel­ mentioned in the traditional toast to "all of-living adjustment is $3,021-to $3,750. come the support of my colleagues on QB's who have gone West." For the non­ The estimated cost of these increases for this measure: flyer, the "Quiet Birdmen," more popu­ the calendar year 1977 would amount to H.R. 15432 larly known as the QB's, is a professional approximately $3 billion. A bill to amend title XVI of the Social Se­ pilot's fraternity with local cha.pters­ Mr. Speaker, these increased benefits curity Act to provide an increase in the hangars-located throughout the world. would be targeted to more than 4.3 mil­ benefits payable to aged, blind, and dis­ Major Bill's membership in the frater­ lion needy aged, blind, and disabled citi­ abled individuals under the supplemental nity dates back to its origin. zens who currently receive SSI bene­ security income program I was privileged to know Major Long fits-2.3 million needy aged, 75,000 blind, Be it enacted by the Senate and House personally, as did practically every pilot and 1.9 million disabled-citizens who of Representatives of the United States of in the north Texas area. We loved him are on the threshold of poverty and America in Congress assembled, That (a) sec­ and we will miss him. whose eligibility for SSI benefits are tions 1611(a) (1) (A) and 1611(b) (1) of the Mr. Speaker, I feel that this man's limited to savings of less than $1,500- Social Security Act are each amended by record is an outstanding example of good excluding home, car, and personal striking out "$1,752" and inserting in lieu citizenship, worthy of the attention of thereof "$2,500". the U.S. Congress and the citizens of this effects. ' (b) Sections 1611(a) (2) (A) and 1611(b) It is my understanding that the na­ Nation. (2) of such Act are each amended by striking I asked an outstanding aviation jour­ tional poverty level for an individual is out "$2,628" and inserting in lieu thereof pegged at $2,352, and for couples, it is "$3,750". nalist, Mr. Al Harting, to take pen in $2,958. Obviously, these figures mask the SEC. 2. The amendments made by the first hand and outline a sketch of the char-• fact that the poverty-level threshold section of this Act shall apply (notwith­ acter and life of Maj. Bill Long. The varies from State to State and from re­ standing any increase under section 1617 of following is the characterization com­ gion to region, but one fact is unmis­ the Social . Security Act taking effect prior piled by Mr. Harting: takenly clear: Increasing the SSI bene­ to January 1, 1977, but subject to any in­ AN AVIATION PIONEER-GONE WES; fits for these needy citizens barely meets crease under such section taking effect on or (By Al Harting) their needs for economic survival. After after that date) with respect to payments This Nation lost one of the legendary all, how far can the J-uly 1976 SSI for months after December 1976. architects of American airpower when Major September--2, 19 76 EXTENSIONS OF R£MARKS '29027 William Francis (Blll) Long passed away in Aviation School until selling the property in la-coach, Irene Moreno, Joan K. his homet9wn of Dallas on Thursday night, 1961. He was among the first distributors of Schmidt, Claudia Schneider, Albert August 19, 1976, at the age of 81. such early-day commercial airplanes as the Schoen.field-assistant manager, Tim A. A World War I pilot-observer in combat Laird Swallow, Stinson, American Eagle, overseas, Major Long became one of America's Eagle Rock, Buhl, and others.
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