Jasa Marga Ensuring Ensuring Synergy Human Resources Occupational Developing Governance Sustainability Customer to Manage Development Health Community of Economic Satisfaction Environment and Safety Welfare 2014 SUSTAINABILITYGrowth REPORT Guarantee PT JASA MARGA (PERSERO) TBK Connectivity for Sustainability Growth m o c . a g r a m a s a .j w w w PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. 2014 Sustainability Report 1 Sustainability 2014 Event Remarks from Remarks from About Company Performance Sustainability Highlights, President President Sustainability Profile Highlights Performance Awards and Commissioner Director Report 2014 Highlights Certification 2 PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. 2014 Sustainability Report Jasa Marga Ensuring Ensuring Synergy Human Resources Occupational Developing Governance Sustainability Customer to Manage Development Health Community of Economic Satisfaction Environment and Safety Welfare GrowthConnectivity for Guarantee Sustainable Growth Infrastructure is a material foundation and prerequisite that shall be taken into account in the economic development planning. Equitable distribution of infrastructure development, gives significant impact and contribution to the equitable distribution of economic development. Furthermore, a good road infrastructure will have direct impact on the increasing economic growth. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. (“Jasa Marga/the Company”) realizes that road infrastructure plays strategic role in connecting regions to achieve equitable distribution of public economic growth. The potential resources and natural assets among the regions can create a good synergy that serves as the economic development capital with the availability of adequate road infrastructure. Connectivity among those regions shall be realized and the existence of toll roads managed by the Company shall provide benefits for the toll road users who require efficient and reliable roll road for free-flowing distribution of goods and services and equitable economic development can be achieved. Jasa Marga will play significant role investor and operator of toll road is one of the companies who will play role significantly to realize the toll road infrastructure development in the next 5 years. In line with its mission, the Company consciously understands its existence in performing its business activities as toll roads developer and operator, the Company has duties to realize the acceleration of toll road development to support and the economic growth program launched by the Government. The experiences anc capacity of Jasa Marga in realizing the toll road development in Indonesia is a capital to achieve such opportunity. Jasa Marga encourages more efficient and faster business process so that such challenge and big opportunity can be achieved and executed. The Company’s performance in providing excellent quality of toll road infrastructure is part of Jasa Marga’s contribution to present national economic sustainable growth Table of Contents Theme and Meaning 1 Company Profile 43 Table of Contents 1 Jasa Marga Governance 54 GRI G4 Core Index 2 Ensuring Sustainability of 74 Economic Growth Sustainability Performance 6 Highlights Synergy in Environmental 80 Management 2014 Sustainability Performance 18 Highlights Ensuring Customer Satisfaction 94 Event Highlights, Awards and 20 Human Resources Development 104 Certification Occupational Health and Safety 112 Remarks from President 26 Guarantee Commissioner Developing Community Welfare 120 Remarks from President Director 30 Feedback Form 131 About Sustainability Report 2014 35 PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. 2014 Sustainability Report 1 Sustainability 2014 Event Remarks from Remarks from About Company Performance Sustainability Highlights, President President Sustainability Profile Highlights Performance Awards and Commissioner Director Report 2014 Highlights Certification Index GRI G4 Core Index Indicator Pages GENERAL STANDARD DISCLOSURE Strategy and Analysis G4-1 Report from the Board of Commissioners and Management Report 24, 28 (CEO) Organization Profile G4-3 Organization Name 41 G4-4 Products and Services 42 G4-5 Location of the Organization’s Headquarters 41 G4-6 Operations Area 43 G4-7 Ownership and Legal Form 41 G4-8 Market Share 43 G4-9 Scale of the Organization 46 G4-10 Employees Distribution 107 G4-11 Percentage of Total Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining 111 Agreements G4-12 Supply Chain 71 G4-13 Significant changes during Reporting Period 47 G4-14 Precautionary and Prudence Approach and Principle 62 G4-15 International initiative in environmental and social subscribed and 71 adopted G4-16 Membership of Industry Association 71 Material Aspect and Boundary G4-17 List of Subsidiaries 35, 42 G4-18 Process for Defining Content and Boundary 35 G4-19 List of Identified Material Aspect 37 G4-20 List of Boundary 38 G4-21 Boundary outside the Organization 38 G4-22 Effect of any restatements of information in previous reports 34 G4-23 Significant changes from previous scope and aspect boundaries 34 2 PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. 2014 Sustainability Report Jasa Marga Ensuring Ensuring Synergy Human Resources Occupational Developing Governance Sustainability Customer to Manage Development Health Community of Economic Satisfaction Environment and Safety Welfare Growth Guarantee Index Indicator Pages Stakeholders G4-24 List of Stakeholders 68 G4-25 Basis for Stakeholders Identification 68 G4-26 Approach to Stakeholders Engagement 68 G4-27 Topics sdiscussed with Stakeholders 68 Report Profile G4-28 Reporting Period 34 G4-29 Publication of Previous report 34 G4-30 Reporting Cycle 34, 38 G4-31 Contact Person 38 GRI G4 Content Index G4-32 Option “In Accordance”, Index List and Assurance 34 Assurance G4-33 External Assurance 38 Governance G4-34 Governance Structure 56 Ethics and Integrity G4-56 Corporate Values and Ethics 50, 66 SPECIFIC STANDARD DISCLOSURES CATEGORY: ECONOMIC Aspect: Economic Performance G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 75 G4-EC1 Direct Economic Value Generated and Distributed 77 G4-EC2 Impact of climate change 76, 88 Aspect: Market Presence G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 108 G4-EC5 Ratio of new employee salary to regional minimum wage (UMR) 108 PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. 2014 Sustainability Report 3 Sustainability 2014 Event Remarks from Remarks from About Company Performance Sustainability Highlights, President President Sustainability Profile Highlights Performance Awards and Commissioner Director Report 2014 Highlights Certification Index Indicator Pages Aspect: Indirect Economic Impacts G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 123 G4-EC7 Impact of general facilities development and other supports 126 G4-EC8 Significant Indirect Economic Impacts 124 CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENT Aspect: Energy G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 82 G4-EN3 Energy Consumption within the Organization 84 G4-EN6 Reduction of Energy Consumption 86 Aspect: Emission G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 87 G4-EN15 Direct Green House Gas Emission (GHG) 87 G4-EN19 Reduction of Green House Gas Emission (GHG) 89 SUB-CATEGORY: LABOR PRACTICES AND DECENT WORK Aspect: Employment G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 108 G4-LA1 Employee Turnover 110 G4-LA2 Benefits Provided to Full-Time Employees that are not Provided to 109 Temporary Employees Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 115 G4-LA6 Injury rate, absenteeism rate caused by occupational diseases, or lost 118 days G4-LA8 Health and Safety Topics Covered in Collective Bargaining 116 Agreements Aspect: Training and Education G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 110 G4-LA9 Average Hours of Training Per Year Per Employee 110 G4-LA10 Training Program for Employees Entering the Retirement Period 110 Aspect: Diversity and Equal Opportunity G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 105 G4-LA12 Composition of governance bodies and employees distribution 107 4 PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. 2014 Sustainability Report Jasa Marga Ensuring Ensuring Synergy Human Resources Occupational Developing Governance Sustainability Customer to Manage Development Health Community of Economic Satisfaction Environment and Safety Welfare Growth Guarantee Index Indicator Pages Aspect: Equal Remuneration for Women and Men G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 108 G4-LA13 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men 108 Aspect: Supplier Assessment for Labor Practices G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 71 G4-LA14 Supplier screening based on labor practices criteria 71 SUB-CATEGORY: HUMAN RIGHTS Aspect: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Agreement G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 111 G4-HR4 Violation on Freedom of Assocation within Organization or Supplier 111 Aspect: Supplier Human Rights Assessment G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 71 G4-HR10 Supplier screening using human rights criteria 71 SUB-CATEGORY: SOCIETY Aspect: Local Communities G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 123 G4-SO1 Percentage of Operations with Implemented Local Community 125 Engagement, Impact Assessments, and Development Programs Aspect: Anti-corruption G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 62 G4-SO4 Communication and Training on Anti-Corruption Policies and 63 Procedures SUB-CATEGORY: PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITY Aspect: Product and Service Labeling G4-DMA Disclosures on Management Approach 95 G4-PR5 Results of survey measuring customer satisfaction 105 PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. 2014 Sustainability Report 5 Sustainability 2014 Event Remarks from Remarks
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