Report No. 87-339 F IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR : BIOGRAPHICAL PROFILES Cheryl J. Rathbun Foreign Affairs Analyst and Carolyn L. Hatcher Technic a1 Info mation Specialist With the research assistance of Peter Kappas Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division GOlLt;RNfvlENT ;X)CUMENTS COLLECTION NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNlVERSlTY LIBRARY March 27, 1987 The Congressional Research Senice works exclusively for the Congress, conducting research, analyzing legislation, and providing information at the request of committees. Mem- bers, and their staf'fi. The Service makes such research available. without parti- san bias. in many forms including studies. reports, compila- tions, digests, and background briefings. Upon request, CRS assists committees in analyzing legislative proposals and issues, and in assessing the possible effects of these proposals and their alternatives. The Service's senior specialists and subject analysts are also at.ailab1e for personal consultations in their respective fields of expertise. AB S TRAC T This report provides biographical information on individuals who have been associated in public reports with the controversy surrounding the secret U.S. arms sales to Iran and the channeling of profits to the rebels or Contras in Nicaragua. The information has been compiled from public sources. The report will be updated periodically and complements the CRS Report 86-190 F, Iran-Contra Affair: A Chronology. INTRODUCTION On November 3, 1986, a Lebanese weekly magazine, Al-Shiraa, reported that Robert C. McFarlane, former National Security Adviser to the President, had secretly visited Tehran to discuss with Iranian officials a cessation of Iranian support for terrorist groups in exchange for the supply of U.S. arms and spare parts to Iran. On November 3, 1986, Attorney General Edwin Meese announced that evidence indicated that profits from anus sales to Iran had been diverted to anti-Sandinista rebels. The Senate Select Commit tee on Intelligence Report , published on January 29, 1987, and the President's Special Review Board Tower, published on February 27, 1987, (referred to as the Tower Commission Report after the Chairman, Senator John Tower), showed that the United States had been engaged in an arms-for-hostage policy with Iran and that the proceeds of the arms sales had been diverted to fund the Nicaraguan rebels. Scores of people were involved in the Iran arms initiativelcontra resupply action: U.S. officials at the White House, the State Department, the Department of Defense, and the Central Intelligence Agency; foreign officials from Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere; and numerous private arms dealers, business- men and financiers from third countries. As additional names appear and new roles and relationships are revealed, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the names and activities of the participants in mind. This report is designed to ease that burden. It provides biographical information on individuals associated with the controversy. Entries are in alphabetical order. Data are drawn from The Senate Select Commit tee on Intel1igence' s Report on Preliminary Inquiry, the Tower Commission Report, U. S. and foreign newspapers and periodicals, wire services, and televi- sion and radio reports. This report is based on data available as of March 27, 1987. It will be updated and expanded as developments warrant. Hearings of the congressional select committees dealing with this issue are scheduled to begin on May 5, 1987. The Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition is scheduled to complete its report by August 30, 1987; the House Select Commit tee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran to complete its report by October 30, 1987; and Lawrence E. Walsh, special prosecutor appointed by the Justice Department, is mandated with investigating and if necessary prosecuting, criminal violations of officials involved in the Iran-Contra affair. A conscientious effort has been made to assure the factual accuracy of data presented here, but errors are likely to be present in reports of fast- moving events such as these, especially when some participants have a vested interest in limiting and/or distorting the public record. Each biographical entry includes the individual's nationality, current and relevant recent occupations, dates the person testified before various congressional committees investigating the controversy, when available, and a brief statement regarding the role reportedly played by each individual is also included. This list of individuals is not complete; additions and corrections will be made as more information becomes available. An asterisk (*) appears before the names listed in the alphabetical list- ing which have been added since the last update. CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL LISTING PAGE ABRAMS. Elliott ..................... 1 * ABSHIRE. David M ..................... 3 * ALLEN. Charles ..................... 4 ANDERSON. Terry ..................... 5 * ARMITAGE. Richard L ................... 6 * BOLKIAH. Hassanal .................... 7 BUCKLEY. William .................... 8 BUSH. George ...................... 9 * CACERES ROJAS. Cesar Augusto .............. 11 * CALERO. Adolfo ..................... 12 CARLUCCI. Frank C .................... 13 CASEY. William J . ................... 14 * CASTILLO. Tomas/Thomas ................. 16 *CAVE. George ...................... 17 * CHANNELL. Carl R . ................... 19 * CICIPPIO. Joseph J ................... 21 CLARRIDGE. Duane .................... 22 * CLINES. Thomas .................... 23 * COY. Craig ..................... 24 CROWE. William J . ................... 25 *CRUZ.Arturo ....................... 26 * De GARAY. Edward ..................... 27 * DUTTON. Robert C . ................... 28 EARL. Robert ....................... 29 * FAHD. Ibn Abdal.Aziz ................... 30 * FARINA. Roland ...................... 31 * FIERS. Donald ...................... 32 * FORTIER. Donald R .................... 33 FRASE R. Don a1d ..................... 34 *FULLERy Graham ..................... 35 FURMARK. Roy ..................... 36 GADD. Richard B ..................... 37 * GARNEL. Jose ..................... 38 *GATES.RobertH ..................... 39 * GEORGE. Clair ..................... 41 GHORBANIFAR. Manucher .................. 42 GOMEZ. Max (see Felix RODRIGUEZ) * GREGG. Donald ...................... 44 * GUELL. Linda ...................... 45 HAKIM. Albert ...................... 46 * HALL. Fawn ....................... 48 * HASENFUS. Eugene ..................... 49 * INOUYE. Daniel ...................... 50 JACOBSEN. David ..................... 51 JENCO. Lawrence Martin .................. 52 * JUCHNIEWICZ . Ed ward ................... 53 KELLY. John H ...................... 54 KHASHOGGI. Adnan . ................... 55 KILBURN. Peter . .................... 57 KIMCHE. Dmid ...................... 58 * KOCH. Noel ....................... 59 LEDEEN. Michael A .................... 60 LILAC. Robert H . .................... 62 * LIMAN. Arthur L . .................... 63 McFARLANE. Robert C . .................. 64 * McLAUGHLIN. Jane E .................... 66 Mc MAHON . John N . .................... 67 * MEDINA. Ramon ...................... 69 * MEESE. Edwin 3d ..................... 70 * MEDJIA VICTORES. Oscar Humberto ............. 71 * MESSING. Andrew Jr .................... 72 MILLER. Ernest ...................... 73 * MILLER, Richard ..................... 74 MUSKIE, Edmumd ...................... 75 * NAKASONE. Yasuhiro .................... 76 * NIELDS. John ....................... 77 NIMRODI. Yaacov ..................... 78 NIR. Amiram ....................... 79 NORTH. Oliver L . .................... 80 * OWEN. Robert ....................... 82 * PARLOW. Thomas ...................... 83 * PERES. Shimon ...................... 84 PEROT.H.Ross ...................... 85 *PIOWATY. John ...................... 86 PAGE POINDEXTER. John M .................... 87 POkTELL. Colin L ..................... 89 * QUINTERO. Rafael (~hi.~hi)................ 90 *RABIN. Yitzhak ..................... 91 RAFSANJANI. Ali Akbar Hashemi .............. 92 REAGAN. Ronald ..................... 93 REED. Frank H ...................... 95 REGAN. Donald T ..................... 96 RODRIGUEZ. Felix (alias Max ~omez)............ 97 SCHWIMMER. Adolph (All .................. 98 SCOWCROFT. Brent .................... 99 SECORD. Richard V .................... 100 SHACKLEY. Theodore C .................. 102 SHULTZ. George P .................... 103 * SINGLAUB. John .................... 105 * SPORKIN. Stanley .................... 106 * SULTAN OF BRUNEI (see Hassanal BOLKIAH) SUTHERLAND. Thomas P .................. 107 * TAMBS. Lewis ..................... 108 * TEICHER. Howard J . .................. 109 TOWER. John G . .................... 110 TRACY. Edward A . ................... 111 VERY Fabian ....................... 112 * WALSH. Lawrence E . .................. 113 *WATSON.SamIII ..................... 114 WEINBERGER. Caspar W .................. 115 WEIR. Benjamin ..................... 117 * ZUCKER. Willard I . .................. 118 PHILIPPINES .PAGE VERY Fabian ....................... 112 PORTUGAL GARNEL, Jose ....................... 3 8 SAUDI ARABIA. FAHD. Ibn Abdal-Aziz .................. KHASHOGGI. Adnan .................... SWITZERLAND FARINA. Roland ...................... UNITED STATES ABRAMS. Elliott ..................... ABSHIRE. David M . ................... ALLEN. Charles ...................... ANDERSON. Terry ....................
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