Citation: K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C38, 090001 (2014) (URL: http://pdg.lbl.gov) Supersymmetric Particle Searches A REVIEW GOES HERE – Check our WWW List of Reviews A REVIEW GOES HERE – Check our WWW List of Reviews SUPERSYMMETRIC MODEL ASSUMPTIONS The exclusion of particle masses within a mass range (m1, m2) will be denoted with the notation “none m m ” in the VALUE column of the 1− 2 following Listings. The latest unpublished results are described in the “Supersymmetry: Experiment” review. A REVIEW GOES HERE – Check our WWW List of Reviews CONTENTS: χ0 (Lightest Neutralino) Mass Limit 1 e Accelerator limits for stable χ0 − 1 Bounds on χ0 from dark mattere searches − 1 χ0-p elastice cross section − 1 eSpin-dependent interactions Spin-independent interactions Other bounds on χ0 from astrophysics and cosmology − 1 Unstable χ0 (Lighteste Neutralino) Mass Limit − 1 χ0, χ0, χ0 (Neutralinos)e Mass Limits 2 3 4 χe ,eχ e(Charginos) Mass Limits 1± 2± Long-livede e χ± (Chargino) Mass Limits ν (Sneutrino)e Mass Limit Chargede Sleptons e (Selectron) Mass Limit − µ (Smuon) Mass Limit − e τ (Stau) Mass Limit − e Degenerate Charged Sleptons − e ℓ (Slepton) Mass Limit − q (Squark)e Mass Limit Long-livede q (Squark) Mass Limit b (Sbottom)e Mass Limit te (Stop) Mass Limit eHeavy g (Gluino) Mass Limit Long-lived/lighte g (Gluino) Mass Limit Light G (Gravitino)e Mass Limits from Collider Experiments Supersymmetrye Miscellaneous Results HTTP://PDG.LBL.GOV Page1 Created: 8/21/2014 12:57 Citation: K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C38, 090001 (2014) (URL: http://pdg.lbl.gov) 0 χ1 (Lightest Neutralino) MASS LIMIT χ0 is often assumed to be the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). See also the e 1 χe0, χ0, χ0 section below. 2 3 4 e e e We have divided the χ0 listings below into five sections: 1 e 1) Accelerator limits for stable χ0, 1 2) Bounds on χ0 from dark mattere searches, 1 3) χ0 p elastice cross section (spin-dependent, spin-independent interactions), 1 − e 0 4) Other bounds on χ1 from astrophysics and cosmology, and 5) Unstable χ0 (Lighteste Neutralino) mass limit. 1 e 0 Accelerator limits for stable χ1 Unless otherwise stated, results in this section assumee spectra, production rates, decay modes, and branching ratios as evaluated in the MSSM, with gaugino and sfermion mass unification at the GUT scale. These papers generally study production of χ0 χ0 (i 1, j 2), χ+ χ , and (in the i j ≥ ≥ 1 1− case of hadronic collisions) χ+eχ0epairs. The mass limitse e on χ0 are either 1 2 1 direct, or follow indirectly frome e the constraints set by the non-observatione of χ and χ0 states on the gaugino and higgsino MSSM parameters M 1± 2 2 ande µ. Ine some cases, information is used from the nonobservation of slepton decays. + Obsolete limits obtained from e e− collisions up to √s=184 GeV have been removed from this compilation and can be found in the 2000 Edi- tion (The European Physical Journal C15 1 (2000)) of this Review. ∆m=m 0 m 0 . χ2 − χ1 e e VALUE (GeV) CL% DOCUMENT ID TECN COMMENT >40 95 1 ABBIENDI 04H OPAL all tanβ, ∆m >5 GeV, m0 >500 GeV, A0 = 0 2 >42.4 95 HEISTER 04 ALEP alltanβ, all ∆m, all m0 3 >39.2 95 ABDALLAH 03M DLPH all tanβ, mν >500 GeV 4 >46 95 ABDALLAH 03M DLPH all tanβ, all ∆m, all m0 5 e >32.5 95 ACCIARRI 00D L3 tanβ > 0.7, ∆m > 3 GeV, all m0 We do not use the following data for averages, fits, limits, etc. ••• ••• 6 DREINER 09 THEO 1 ABBIENDI 04H search for charginos and neutralinos in events with acoplanar leptons+jets and multi-jet final states in the 192–209 GeV data, combined with the results on leptonic final states from ABBIENDI 04. The results hold for a scan over the parameter space covering the region 0 < M2 <5000 GeV, 1000 <µ<1000 GeV and tanβ from 1 to 40. This limit supersedes ABBIENDI 00H. − 2 HEISTER 04 data collected up to 209 GeV. Updates earlier analysis of selectrons from HEISTER 02E, includes a new analysis of charginos and neutralinos decaying into stau and uses results on charginos with initial state radiation from HEISTER 02J. The limit is based on the direct search for charginos and neutralinos, the constraints from the slepton search and the Higgs mass limits from HEISTER 02 using a top mass of 175 GeV, interpreted in a framework with universal gaugino and sfermion masses. Assuming the mixing in the stau sector to be negligible, the limit improves to 43.1GeV. Under the HTTP://PDG.LBL.GOV Page2 Created: 8/21/2014 12:57 Citation: K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C38, 090001 (2014) (URL: http://pdg.lbl.gov) assumption of MSUGRA with unification of the Higgs and sfermion masses, the limit improves to 50GeV, and reaches 53GeV for A0 = 0. These limits include and update the results of BARATE 01. 3 ABDALLAH 03M uses data from √s = 192–208 GeV. A limit on the mass of χ0 is derived 1 from direct searches for neutralinos combined with the chargino search. Neutralinose are searched in the production of χ0χ0, χ0χ0, as well as χ0χ0 and χ0χ0 giving rise to 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 4 cascade decays, and χ0χ0 ande χe0χ0,e followede by the decaye e χ0 e eτ τ. The results 1 2 1 2 2 → hold for the parametere spacee definede e by values of M < 1 TeV,e µ e2 TeV with the 2 ¯ ¯ ≤ χ0 as LSP. The limit is obtained for tanβ = 1 and large m , where¯ ¯χ0χ0 and chargino 1 0 2 4 paire production are important. If the constraint from Higgs searchese e is also imposed, max the limit improves to 49.0 GeV in the mh scenario with mt=174.3 GeV. These limits update the results of ABREU 00J. 4 ABDALLAH 03M uses data from √s = 192–208 GeV. An indirect limit on the mass of χ0 is derived by constraining the MSSM parameter space by the results from direct 1 searchese for neutralinos (including cascade decays and ττ final states), for charginos (for all ∆m+) and for sleptons, stop and sbottom. The resultse hold for the full parameter space defined by values of M < 1 TeV, µ 2TeV with the χ0 as LSP. Constraints 2 ¯ ¯ ≤ 1 max ¯ ¯ e from the Higgs search in the mh scenario assuming mt =174.3 GeV are included. The limit is obtained for tanβ 5 when stau mixing leads to mass degeneracy between τ ≥ 1 and χ0 and the limit is based on χ0 production followed by its decay to τ τ. In the 1 2 1 e pathologicale scenario where m andeµ are large, so that the χ0 production crosse section 0 ¯ ¯ 2 is negligible, and where there is mixing¯ ¯ in the stau sector buet not in stop nor sbottom, the limit is based on charginos with soft decay products and an ISR photon. The limit then degrades to 39 GeV. See Figs 40–42 for the dependence of the limit on tanβ and mν . These limits update the results of ABREU 00W. 5 ACCIARRIe 00D data collected at √s=189 GeV. The results hold over the full parameter space defined by 0.7 tanβ 60, 0 M 2 TeV, m 500 GeV, µ 2 TeV ≤ ≤ ≤ 2 ≤ 0 ≤ ¯ ¯ ≤ The minimum mass limit is reached for tanβ=1 and large m0. The results¯ ¯ of slepton searches from ACCIARRI 99W are used to help set constraints in the region of small m0. > > The limit improves to 48 GeV for m0 200 GeV and tanβ 10. See their Figs. 6–8 for the tanβ and m0 dependence of the limits.∼ Updates ACCIARRI∼ 98F. 6 DREINER 09 show that in the general MSSM with non-universal gaugino masses there exists no model-independent laboratory bound on the mass of the lightest neutralino. An essentially massless χ0 is allowed by the experimental and observational data, imposing 1 some constraints on other MSSM parameters, including M2, µ and the slepton and squark masses. 0 Bounds on χ1 from dark matter searches e These papers generally excludee regions in the M2 – µ parameter plane assuming that χ0 is the dominant form of dark matter in the galactic halo. 1 These limits aree based on the lack of detection in laboratory experiments, telescopes, or by the absence of a signal in underground neutrino detectors. The latter signal is expected if χ0 accumulates in the Sun or the Earth 1 and annihilates into high-energy eν’s. VALUE DOCUMENT ID TECN We do not use the following data for averages, fits, limits, etc. ••• ••• 1 AARTSEN 13 ICCB 2 AARTSEN 13C ICCB 3 ABRAMOWSKI13 HESS HTTP://PDG.LBL.GOV Page3 Created: 8/21/2014 12:57 Citation: K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C38, 090001 (2014) (URL: http://pdg.lbl.gov) 4 ACKERMANN 13A FRMI 5 ADRIAN-MAR...13 ANTR 6 BERGSTROM 13 COSM 7 BOLIEV 13 BAKS 6 JIN 13 ASTR 6 KOPP 13 COSM 8 ABBASI 12 ICCB 9 ABRAMOWSKI11 HESS 10 ABDO 10 FRMI 11 ACKERMANN 10 FRMI 12 ABBASI 09B ICCB 13 ACHTERBERG 06 AMND 14 ACKERMANN 06 AMND 15 DEBOER 06 RVUE 16 DESAI 04 SKAM 16 AMBROSIO 99 MCRO 17 LOSECCO 95 RVUE 18 MORI 93 KAMI 19 BOTTINO 92 COSM 20 BOTTINO 91 RVUE 21 GELMINI 91 COSM 22 KAMIONKOW...91 RVUE 23 MORI 91B KAMI none 4–15 GeV 24 OLIVE 88 COSM 1 AARTSEN 13 is based on data collected during 317 effective days with the IceCube 79- string detector including the DeepCore sub-array.
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