ORGANISM INDEX A G Anabaena, 288 Gleocapsa, 325, 326 Aphanizomenon, 288 Aquifex, 281, 283–285 H Archaeoglobus, 279 Halococcus sp., 151 Arcobacter, 301 Halococcus species., 151 Artemia salina, 322 Halomicronema, 152 Aspidella terranovica, 222 Halothece, 152 Astralopithecus africanus, 401 Homo habilis, 401 Homo sapiens, 355, 365, 401 B Homo species, 402, 403 Beggiatoa, 301–306 Hyella gigas, 321 Bona fide, 20 I C Ilionia prisca, 301 Caldivirga, 286, 289 Caldivirga-Thermocladium, 286 K Charnia, 222 Kimberella, 223 Chlorobium, 283, 284, 285 Krolotaenia gniloskayi, 121 Chloroflexus spp., 169 Kullingia, 217, 222 Chroococcidiopsis, 152, 323–326, 329, 343 Chroococcus, 152, 326 L Coccomyxa, 326 Leptolyngbya, 150 Conophyton, 165 Leptolyngbya-Phormidium- Contra, 286 Plectonema, 325 Cyanidium caldarium, 121 Lyngbya, 152 Cyanothece, 150 Lyngbya sp, 196, 200 D M Desulfococcus-Desulfosarcina, 301 M. gryphiswaldense, 338, 339 Desulfovibrio, 301 M. magnetotacticum, 338, 339, 343, 344 Dickinsonia, 217, 223, 225 Magnetospirillum, 338 Matteia, 343 E Methanococcus, 279, 280 Eosynechococcus, 150 Methanococcus-Methanothermobacter- Euhalothece, 152 Archaeoglobus, 279 Methanopyrus, 279, 280, 289 F Methanothermobacter, 279, 280 Fasiculochloris, 326 Microcoleus, 150, 151, 152 Friedmannia, 326 Microcoleus chthonoplastes, 196, 200 521 522 ORGANISM INDEX N T Nosto, 283, 284, 288 Texosporium sancti-jacobi, 325 Nostoc, 150 Thermocladium, 286, 289 Thermofilum, 283, 286, 289 O Thermofilum-Caldivirga- Oscillatoria sp, 196 Thermocladium, 286 Oscillatoria spp., 169 Thermoproteus neutrophilus, 286 Thermoproteus neutrophilus-Pyrobaculum P spp, 286, 289 Plectonema, 150 Thermothrix spp., 169 Pleurocapsa, 150, 152 Thermotoga, 281, 283, 284, 288 Prochloron, 150, 151 Thermus-Deinococcus, 325 Pseudomonas denitrificans, 344 Thiobacillus denitrificans, 344 Pyrobaculum spp, 286 Thiomargarita, 302 Thiopedia rosea, 196 S Thioploca, 301, 302 Schizothrix sp., 149 Thiothrix, 301 Sensu stricto, 186 Trebouxia jamesii, 325 Solentia sp., 149 Spirulina, 152 V Stanieria, 152 Virgibacillus, 328 Symploca, 150 Synechococcus, 150 X Synechococcus sp, 200 Xenococcus, 150 SUBJECT INDEX A Astrobiological, 121, 135, 321, 328 Abiogenic, 42, 43, 50, 51, 57, 60, 61 Astrobiologist, 41 Accelerator mass spectrometry, 397 Astrobiology, 41, 321–329, 393–395, 405, Acid halide, 75, 84 516, 518 Acid rain hypothesis, 415 Astrobiology definition, xvi Action principle, 372, 378, 382 Astronomy, 393, 394, 405 Aftermath, 412, 413 Astrophysics, 411 Akilia, 42–46 Atacama Desert, 322–324, 328 Alamo, 418 Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) Alcohol, 72, 74, 75, 78–81, 83, 84 basalts, 418 Algorithmic complexity, 373, 377, 378, ATP hydrolysis, 463–465 379, 381, 383 ATP synthesis, 463, 465 ALH84001, 475–484, 486 Australia, 94 Amino acid, 72, 74–79, 83 Authigenic carbonate, 301–303 Amino alcohol, 72, 75, 81, 83–84 AMP, 461 B Amphibians, 415 Bacteria, 300–304, 308 Amrum island, 196–200, 202 Barberton, 42, 54, 55–58 Anabolism, 456, 462–464 Barberton Greenstone Belt, 27–34 Ancestral state reconstruction, 286–290 Bauer principle, 372, 375–382, 384 Anoxia, 419 Beacon Sandstone, 324, 325 Anoxic, 256, 269 Bedout impact crater, 418 Antarctica, 321, 322, 324–326, 325 Beecher’s trilobite, 93, 113 Dry Valleys, 326, 328 Beggiatoa, 301–306 sandstone, 325 Benthic foraminifera, 414 Antarctic ice cap, 416 Big Bang, 445–451 Apes, 355, 356, 360, 363 Biogenic, 42, 45–52, 54, 55, 57, 60 Apollo missions, 396, 397 Biogeochemistry, 397, 405 Archaea, 236, 238, 242, 243, 286, 289, 290, Biogeology, xvi 300, 303, 309, 310, 322 Bioindicators, 395 Archaeol, 303 Biological couplings, 374–378, 384 Archean, 42, 47, 49, 50, 53, 56, 58, 59, Biologically spontaneous, 376 91, 303 Biological vacuum, 384 Archean microbial life, xxiv Biology, first principle, 384 Arcobacter, 301 Biomarkers, 146, 154–156, 515, 519 Arid, 322, 326–329 Biomolecule, 72, 75, 84–85 Artemia salina, 322 Biosedimentological, 162, 164–167, 169, Artic regions, 322, 326 175, 177 Assimilation, 456–459, 462–464 Biosignature(s), 7, 8, 16, 19, 71, 85, 86, Asteroid, 412, 415 161–163, 165, 177, 251–254, 268 523 524 SUBJECT INDEX Biosilicification, 74 Coccolithophorid algae, 414 Biostabilisation, 184 Coccomyxa, 326 Birds, 415 Cohesion, 184, 193 Bitter Springs, 8–19, 92, 95, 113 Cohesiveness, 193, 194, 198, 200 Bivalves, 414 Cold seeps, 300–303, 309, 310 Black hole, 448 Columbia River flood basalts, 419 Bony fish, 415 Cometary ices, 428–432, 434, 436 Brachiopods, 414 Comets, 427–433, 435–438 Brains, 357–359, 361–363 Communities, 321, 322, 324, 325, 327, 329 Breccia, 253 Compartmentalization, 281–285 Burgess Shale, 94, 113 Condensed fibrillar meshwork, 198 Buxa Dolomite, 121–127, 131, 134 Contamination, 32 Convergence, 356, 357, 360–363, 363, 367 C Convergentists, 356 Callisto, 310, 518, xx Conway-Morris. S, 361, 362 Cambrian, 91–94 Corals, 414 Carbon, 43–47, 53, 56–60 Cosmic background radiation, 445, 446 Carbonaceous, 252, 253, 259 Cosmic microwave transparency, 464–466 Carbonates, 475–482 Cosmic rays, 431 discs, xxiv Cretaceous-Tertiary, 412 “globules,” xxiii, xxv Crinoid-brachiopod-tabulate-rugosid- minerals, xxii–xxv bryozoan, 417 rocks, xxi–xxiii Crocetane, 303 Carbon dioxide, 419, 420 Crocodilians, 415 Carbon isotopic events, 419 Cryptoendoliths, 321, 325– 328 Causality, 450, 451 Curled crack margins–flipped-over mat Cenozoic impacts, 412, 417, 420 edges, 193 Champsosaurs, 415 Cyanobacteria, 148–151, 154, 183, 184, Chasmoendolithic, 326 186, 196, 198–204, 321–323, Chasmoendoliths, 321 325–327, 516 Chemical Evolution, 427, 436 Chemolithoautotrophic, 269 D Chemolithotrophic, 256 Deccan traps, 414, 418 Chengjiang, 94 Deposit, 235, 240, 243, 244 Cherts, 28–30 Deserts, 183, 186, 188, 191, 195, 205, 206, Chesapeake Bay, 416 322, 324, 326, 328 Chicxulub, 413–416 Desiccation, 183, 184, 186, 188, 189, China, 94, 95 191, 194, 195, 197–199, 201, 202, Chloride, 322 204–207 Chroococcidiopsis, 323–326, 329 Desulfococcus, 301 Chroococcus, 326 Desulfosarcina, 301 Citric acid cycle, 460–462 Desulfovibrio, 301 Clastic sediment, 184, 207 Devonian, 305, 306 Clastic sedimentary record, 184 Devonian extinctions, 418, 419 Clastic sedimentary surfaces, 184 Diatoms, 414 Clathrate, 309, 310 Dinosaurs, 412–415 Clustered aggregates, 202 Domal structures, 202, 203, 205 Coastal sabkhas, 195, 200–203 Domes, 200–204 SUBJECT INDEX 525 Doushantuo, 92, 93, 95, 99, 107, 109–113 Eukaryotes, 121 Drake, F., 355, 356 Europa, 121, 300, 310, 518, 519 Drake Equation, 355 Evaporate minerals, 188, 205 Drop in sea level, 414 Evaporative pumping, 196 Evaporite(s), 188, 189, 195, 196, 205, 328 E Events, 183, 188, 189, 193–196, 205, 206 Early Earth, 516, 517, 519 Evolution of life, 393–395, 400, 401, Early Oligocene, 416 403, 404 Early Sun, 394, 396, 405 Exergonic reactions, 459, 460 Earth, 41–43, 45–47, 49, 50, 51, 59, 60, Exobiology, 341 515–520 Exoplanets, xix earliest fossils, xxvi Experimental simulations, 428, 434 oldest microfossils, xxiv Exponential assimilation, 458, 459 Echinoids, 414 Exponential growth, 457–459 Ecology, 340–341 Extinctions, 411–420 Ediacara, 93, 94, 113, 121, 133, 214–217, Extinctions by impact, 398 222–225 Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), Ediacaran, 214, 215, 217, 222, 223 184, 198–202, 266–269, 322, 327 EDTA, 256, 259, 264, 265 Extraterrestrial(s), 356, 357, 361, 362, Element analysis, 257, 258 364–366, 411, 515, 518, 519 Eleonora Bay Formation, 321 Extraterrestrial bio-signatures, 518 Enceladus, 518, 519 Extraterrestrial environments, 518, 519 Encephalization Quotient, 358, Extraterrestrial life, 518 360–363 Extreme environments, 183, 186, 299, 300 Endergonic derivatives, 459–461 Extremophiles, 337 Endoliths, 321–329 Extropy, 374, 376 communities, 321, 322, 325, 327 microbial communities, 324, 325 F microorganisms, 322–325, 327 Fasiculochloris, 326 niches, 328 Fern spike, 414 End-Triassic extinctions, 417, 419 Filamentous, 268 Enzymes, 456–460, 462, 465 Filamentous bacteria, 301 Eocene, 416, 419, 420 Flash-flood, 183, 195, 206 Eocene extinctions, 416, 419 Floating grains, 204 Eocene-Oligocene, 416, 419 Flood basalt eruptions, 419, 420 Eocene-Oligocene boundary, 416 Fluid inclusions, 254, 257 Eocene-Oligocene extinctions, 416 Fluorite, 253 Epeiric seas, 184, 186 Fossilised life, xxiv EPS. See Extracellular polymeric Fossilised Martian bacteria, xxv substances Fossilised remains, xvii E.Q. See Encephalization Quotient Fossilized, 252, 260 Eroded mat fragments, 193 Fossil life, xxiv Erosion pockets, 199 Fossil records, 393–405 Erosion remnants, 199 Fossils, 27, 29, 30, 32, 515, 516, 518–520 Etching, 256, 259, 262–266, 268 Friedmannia, 326 Etching protocols, 264, 265 Frog and salamander, 415 Ethiopian and Yemen traps, 419 Fullerenes, 418 Euendoliths, 321, 322 Fungal, 27, 30–32, 34 526 SUBJECT INDEX G Hydrothermal minerals, 253, 254, 256, Galactic cosmic rays (GCR), 394, 396, 258, 268, 269 398, 402 Hydrothermal systems, 251–254, 256, 259, Galena, 253, 269 266, 268–270 Gamma ray bursts (GRBs), 403, 404 Hydrothermal veins, 256, 267 Ganymede, 518 Hydrothermal vents, 300, 301 Gas hydrate, 300, 301, 303, 309 Hydroxyarchaeol, 303 Gastropod, 414 Hyella gigas, 321 General life, 372, 382 Hypercapnia, 419 General theory of relativity, 448 Hypersaline, 322, 329 Genesis Mission, 397 Hyperthermophilic, 253, 254, 266, 267, 269 Geochemistry, xvi Hypolithic, 322 Gleocapsa, 325, 326 Hypoliths, 321 Goethite, 32–35 Green algae, 322, 325–327 I Greenland, 42–46 Ilionia prisca, 301 Groundwater, 196, 198–203, 205 Impact crater, 252, 253 Gubbio, Italy, 412, 417 Impact-induced, 252–253, 256, 258, 264, Gypsum, 327 268–270
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