Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-49782-4 - Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus Fiona Macintosh Index More information INDEX Accius 65 Aristotle 49, 50, 161 Phoenissae 65 Poetics 1–2, 14, 29–31, 46, 73, 86, Aeschylus 4, 32 133, 181 Laius 5 anagnorisis (recognition), 30, 43, 74 Libation Bearers 4, 21 peripeteia (reversal) 30, 43, 74 Oedipus 5 Politics 15, 70 Oresteia 161 Ars Poetica, see Horace Prometheus Bound 55, 154 Artaud, Antonin 173–5, 176, 180 Seven against Thebes 5, 17–20 The Spurt of Blood 174 ending of 34 Sphinx 5 Balinese gamelan 184 Agathon 39 Ballets Russes 109, 134 Agrippina Bakathir, Ali Ahmad 189 mother of Nero 37, 42, 66 Barbaro, Daniele 72, 96 Al-Hakin, Tawfiq 189 Barber, Samuel 191 Allan, Maud 123–4, 129 Barker, Granville 112, 118, 122, 123, Altertumswissenschaft 134 127, 128 Anderson, Judith 192 Barrault, Jean-Louis 173–4, 175 Anguillara, Giovanni Andrea dell’ As I Lay Dying 176 Edippo 95 Beckett, Samuel 151 Annunzio, Gabriele d’ Bérard, Christian 141 La Città Morta 128 Berkoff, Steven Anouilh, Jean Greek 162, 173–81, 184, figure 15 Médée 183, 192 Oedipus 191 Antigone, see Sophocles, Mendelssohn, Bernhardt, Sarah 91 Meurice, and Vacquerie Betterton, Thomas Antiphanes 1–2, 3–4, 7, 31 as Oedipus 62 fragment of 29 Biancolelli, Pierre François (called Apolline 102, 106, 161, 185 Dominique) Appia, Adolphe 111 Oedipe travesti 78, 97 Aristophanes 25 Bizet, Georges Acharnians 32 Carmen 139 Frogs 25, 28 Blanchar, Pierre Lysistrata 109, 127–8, 146 Oedipe-Roi 145–54, 158, 181, figure 11 Aristotelian blind[ing of] Oedipus catharsis 73 in antiquity 2, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, tragic emotions 16 28, 34, 37, 41, 42, 45, 52 tragic hero(ine) 43 in Berkoff 180 see also Sophoclean hero(ine) and tragic conjured in Picasso’s set 153–4 hero(ine) in Corneille 52, 86 196 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-49782-4 - Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus Fiona Macintosh Index More information Index 197 in Dryden and Lee 60 in Milton’s Samson Agonistes 55 in Enescu 138 modern substitutes for generally in Guthrie’s production 167 69–70, 80 in Joyner 54 in post-WW2 productions 148, 152, 165, in Lacroix 86 174, 182, 183 in Milton 55 in Reinhardt’s Greek productions 109–10 Mounet-Sully’s performance as 91, 154, in Renaissance 47–8, 69, 70 figure 5 in Rotimi 170 in Reinhardt’s production 112 Senecan 39, 44–5, 48, 50 in Voltaire 86 substitute for in Corneille’s theatre 50–1 Boucourechliev, André in Sophocles 70 Le Nom d’Oedipe 184–7, 192 cinema 140 Bouhélier, Saint-Georges de 131, 155 Mounet-Sully’s involvement in 131, Oedipe, Roi de Thèbes 133, 134–8, 139, 132–3 155,,figure 9 City Dionysia 4, 5, 8, 10, 29, 135 Boulez, Pierre 157 Cixous, Hélène 162 Brahm, Otto 110 Le Nom d’Oedipe (originally Le chant du Brecht, Bertold 173 corps interdit) 184–7, 192 Breuer, Lee Cocteau, Jean 101, 130, 144, 145, Gospel at Colonus 189 154, 163 Brewster, Yvonne 190 Antigone 139, 140–3, 145 Brook, Peter La Machine infernale 133, 139, 140–3, Oedipus 174 161, 179 Brumoy, Pierre 75, 79, 96, 98 Le Testament d’Orphée 143 Buchanan, Jack 152–3 Oedipe Roi 142 Burrill, Eva 152 Oedipus Rex (with Stravinsky) 134, 139–40, 141 Cambridge ritualists 165 Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle 141 Campbell, Douglas 163, 166, figure 13 Cooke, William Carlyle, Thomas The Elements of Drama Criticism 93 On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic Copeau, Jacques 148 in History 86 Corneille, Pierre 50–3, 66, 67, 74, 81 Carson, Edward 128, 129 Le Cid 50, 69 Chekhov, Anton Oedipe 50–3, 74, 75–6, 88, 97, Uncle Vanya 152 figure 1 Chénier, Marie-Joseph influence on Dryden and Lee’s Oedipus Oedipe-Roi 80, 84, 189 58, 59 Chorus parallels with Voltaire’s Oedipe absence of in Dryden and Lee’s 75–6 Oedipus 61 Courtney, W. L 115–16, 117, 120 absence in seventeenth-century versions of Craig, Edward Gordon 111, 126, 135 Oedipus 69 at Bayreuth 109, 126 Dacier, André 73–4, 133 in Berkoff 178 dance 137–8 in EdipoTiranno in Vicenza 70–1 Daniélou, Jean 139 in eighteenth century 75, 78, 79–81 Dasté, Jean 148 Greek 10, 11, 12, 13, 34, 39, 45, 46, 50, Dasté, Marie-Hélène 148 51, 69, 70, 75, 86 Davis, Colin 156 in Italian Renaissance theory 70 Dawson, Douglas 120, 128 in Jean Prévost’s Edipe 49 Debussy, Claude 184 in Lacroix’s Oedipe-Roi 84–5, 89, 94, 174 Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari in Mendelssohn’s Antigone 82 L’Anti-Oedipe 160 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-49782-4 - Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus Fiona Macintosh Index More information 198 Index democracy Everyman and Greek tragedy 10–11 Oedipus as 31, 81, 89, 95, 130, 175, 179 Dennis, John The Impartial Critic 69, 95 Fagins, James B. 163 Dio Cassius Farrah, Abd’Elkader 140, 156, Frontispiece Epitome 37, 65 fashion Dionysia, see City Dionysia in Revolutionary France 81 Dionysus 10, 28, 168 Faucit, John Savill Dionysiac 102, 106, 108, 124, 161, Oedipus 114, 127 185, 187 film Doat, Jan 148 Oedipus in The Band Wagon 152 Dolce, Ludovico of Guthrie’s Oedipus Rex 161, 166 Giocasta 46 Pasolini’s Edipo Re 181, 188 Dolfin, Giacomo 96 see too cinema Donner, Johann Jakob Christian 82 Fleg, Edmund 138–9 Dove, Rita Ford, John Darker Face of the Earth 189 ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore 174, 180, 191 Doyle, Simon 189 Foucault, Michel 160–1 Dryden, John Fournier, Louis Eduard 100, 154 Essay of Dramatic Poesie 59 Freud, Sigmund 90, 100, 111, 132, 133, Dryden, John and Nathaniel Lee 138, 139, 141–2, 150–1, Oedipus 53, 57–64, 114, 117, 118–19, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 170, 128, 135, 138 173, 174, 176, 179, 181, 182, Duncan, Isadora 109, 123–4, 129 184, 188 Duse, Eleonora 128 Fromm, Erich 182 Edipe, see Jean Prévost, Tallemant Gabrieli, Andrea 71, 72 de Réaux Gager, William Edipo Tiranno, see Orsato Giustiniani Oedipus 48, 66 Eisenstein, Sergei 140 Ganeau, François 148 eisodoi 11, 26 Gascoigne, George, and Francis Electra, see Sophocles and Euripides Kinwelmershe, Jocasta 46, 48 Eliot, T. S 181 Geffroy, Edmond 87–8 on Senecan tragedy 38–9, 65 Gémier, Firmin 133, 135–8 Elufowoju, Femi 190 Gesamtkunstwerk 109, 110, 131, 135 Enescu, George 131 Gide, André Edipe 133, 138–9 Oedipe 134, 140, 143–5, 161, 179 Epictetus Giustiniani, Orsatto 70, 71, 72, 96 Dissertationes 35 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 86, 93 Euripides 4 Graham, Martha 191 Aeolus 180, 191 Cave of the Heart [initially Serpent’s Heart] Electra 4 181, 191 Hecuba 14, 47 Night Journey 162, 181, 184, 185, 191 Hippolytus 7, 180 Grotowski, Jerzy 173, 176 Medea 14, 86, 181–2 Guattari, Félix see Deleuze, Gilles Oedipus 17, 21, 22–4, 42, 43 Guthrie, Tyrone 147 Orestes 20 as director of Oedipus Rex 161, 163–8, Phoenician Women 17–20, 21–2, 23, 24, 175, 190, figure 13 32, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 143 Trojan Women 14 Hall, Peter 159, 189 Evans, Thomas Hannen, Nicholas 148 Oedipus 49 Harcourt, Robert 117–18 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-49782-4 - Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus Fiona Macintosh Index More information Index 199 Hare, John 120, 128, 129 Seneca’s Oedipus 41–2 Herodotus twentieth-century versions 181 The Histories 33 Jones, Ernest 100, 150–1, 163 Heuzey, Léon 94 Jones, Henry Arthur 117, 119, 128 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 102, 106 Jouvet, Louis 133, 148 Elektra 106, 137 Joyce, James 181 Die Königin Jokaste 111 Joyner, William Oedipus Rex 110 The Roman Empress 53–4, 55, 67 Ödipus und die Sphinx 110, 111, 132 Julius Caesar 36 Ödipus-Monolog 110 Oedipus 36 Hogarth, William 64 Jung, Carl 175, 182 Hölderlin, Friedrich 178 Homer Kane, Sarah Odyssey 22 Phaedra’s Love 180 Honneger, Arthur 148, 157 Kemble, John Philip Hopkins, Anthony 148, 156 as Oedipus 62 Horace Kent, Jonathan 188 Ars Poetica 36 Kipnis, Leonid (aka Lola) 161 Hudson, William H. 110 Klein, Melanie 151, 160, 162, 176, 184, Hughes, Ted 186, 189 translation of Seneca’s Oedipus 175, 178 Kleist, Heinrich von Hylas The Broken Jug 162 Roman pantomime dancer 36 Konat, Yaya Oedipe noir ou le drame de la jeunesse 189 Ikhlasi, Walid 189 Kristeva, Julia 161 Ingegneri, Angelo 71, 96 Kroll, Nathan 191 intermedi 71 incest La Bruyère, Jean de 66 and the ancien regime 74, 76 Lacan, Jacques 161 and censorship 62, 116–23, 187 Lacroix, Jules in Dryden and Lee’s Oedipus 59–60, 62 King Lear 84 in early modern versions of Oedipus 46 Macbeth 84 for Artaud 174 Oedipe-Roi 83–91, 102–7, 110, in Le Nom d’Oedipe 184–7 124, 151 Nero’s attempted incest with Testament de César 84 Agrippina 37 Valéria 84 in Seneca’s Oedipus 41–2 La Demares, Charlotte 78 in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus 5, 8, 9, Lafayette, the Great (Sigmund 41, 75 Neuberger) 113 in ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore 180 Laing, R.D. 161 in twentieth-century versions 62, 116–23, La Mesnardière 69, 95 138, 141, 171, 180, 182 Lecoq, Jacques 173 under Roman law 40, 41 Lee, Bart 191 Ion (of Chios) 36, 64 Légouvé, Ernest Irigaray, Luce Médée 86 Speculum of the other Woman 161 Leloup, J. Gueido 189 Jeffers, Robinson Lennox, Charlotte 98 Medea 192 Léonard, Nicholas G. Jocasta Oedipe-Roi ou la Fatalité 79, 98 Prominence in Euripides’ Oedipus 23 Levant, Oscar 153, 154 Euripides’ Phoenician Women 21 Libation Bearers, see Aeschylus © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-49782-4 - Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus Fiona Macintosh Index More information 200 Index Living Theatre 176 Mounet-Sully, Jean 87–95, 102–7, 110, Longinus, Ps.- 113, 114, 124, 125, 130, 134, 138, On the Sublime 64 140, 143, 144, 150, 151, 154, 160, Lonsdale, Michel 185 174, figure 4, figure 5 Lord Chamberlain in Athens 94 and censorship of Sophocles’ Oedipus in Romania 95 Tyrannus 62, 114–23 in silent film of Oedipe-Roi 132, 142,
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