BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID ITHACA, NY 14851 Permit No. 746 Address correction requested SNOW LION ORDER FROM OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER NEWSLETTER & CATALOG 1-800-950-0313 FALL 1993 SNOW LION PUBLICATIONS PO BOX 6483, ITHACA, NY 14851, (607)-273-8506 ISSN 1059-3691 VOLUME 8, NUMBER 4 experience good health, prosperi- THE TASHI GOMANG ty or the enrichment of spiritual NEW HEAD OF qualities, so it creates difficulty in their lives. Building a stupa des- STUPA troys and pacifies such negative NYINGMA TRADITION by Mark Elliott energies and enriches the qualities for all inhabitants." Further, the In 1980 His Holiness the XVI proper container for these remains stupa will act as a source of bless- Gyalwa Karmapa came to the Baca is therefore a stupa, which will en- ings and place of pilgrimage to Grande, a large estate in the remote shrine the aspirations, blessings people of all faiths, will give peo- San Luis Valley of southern and form of the teacher. The Tashi ple a way to remember and reflect Colorado, at the invitation of Gomang Stupa will contain relics on the qualities of the XVI Kar- Maurice and Hanne Strong. Dur- of Sakyamuni Buddha, of His mapa and allow people who vener- ing his visit His Holiness had a vi- Holiness the XVI Gyalwa Karma- ate it to join their minds with the sion that this would be a place pa, and of many highly realized mind of the Buddhas and Bodhi- where the rich legacy of Tibetan Bodhisattvas. In addition one hun- sattvas. Buddhism could be transplanted, dred thousand tsa-tsas, or minia- At first the task of building such preserved and passed on to future ture stupas, are being made by a stupa seemed to us rather in- generations. He foresaw the crea- volunteers, each of which contains timidating, especially as we had no tion of a Tibetan medical center, rolls of mantras and the names of experience with the matter. For- a monastery and retreat center and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, carry- tunately there is an emerging tra- an entire lay community in this in- ing their blessings and vows to dition of stupa building in the spiring location, reminiscent of help all beings. These will be United States and many of the many famous meditation places in placed inside the stupa, together makers have been generous in his homeland. At that time the with many mandalas and offer- sharing their knowledge and ex- Karmapa selected and was given ings. While the outer shape is like periences. We also have the ongo- 200 acres of land in the Baca the body, the interior holds the life ing guidance of Khenpo Karthar Grande by the Strongs so that this force, invoking the presence and Rinpoche and have been fortunate vision could be fulfilled. the deep goodness and infinite to receive visits from great teachers Shortly after, the Ta Lama and compassion of all Buddhas and such as Bokar Rinpoche, Tenga a small group of Tibetans were Bodhisattvas. A statue of the XVI Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim sent to the Baca to work on the Gyalwa Karmapa is also being Rinpoche, who have given tremen- project. While significant progress made to be placed in the base of dous support and inspiration. Re- was made, sadly the Ta Lama the stupa, along with numerous cently Khenpo Gocha, who is passed away, the Tibetans relocat- decorative items and symbols. exceptionally well-versed in all ed and the project went into abey- Construction of the Tashi aspects of stupa making, has been ance until 1988 when Marianne Gomang Stupa will accomplish staying with us and imparting his and Ngodup Burkhar were sent to many purposes. First, it will bless own detailed knowledge and un- revive it. A house was purchased and consecrate the land, pacifying derstanding. All aspects of stupa as a practice and residential cen- the negative and enriching the building require much practice ter, a road built to the land and a positive energies. In the words of and ritual, with which Lama small group, including Maria Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, who Dorje from Santa Fe and Lama Pelaez and Mark Elliott, assem- is supervising all aspects of its cre- Tashi from Hamburg have been bled to work on realizing His Holi- ation, "When negativity in a par- particularly helpful. ness' vision. ticular area is allowed to The actual work on the Tashi After visiting the Baca Grande, accumulate, the inhabitants cannot Continued on page 3 His Eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Ida*. Rinpoche instructed us that the Kyabje Pema Norbu Rinpoche first step would be the creation of a forty-foot stupa on the land. On April 23,1993, His Holiness longing to the Nyingma tradition Sakyamuni Buddha had instruct- the Dalai Lama confirmed Kyabje in Bodh Gaya on January 9,1992. ed his students to cremate his body Palyul Dubwang Pema Norbu However, at that time Rinpoche after his passing and place his ash- Rinpoche as the new head of the was on a visit to Tibet. On his re- es in a stupa, an architectural ren- Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Bud- turn, Rinpoche accepted the dering of enlightenment, the dhism. The post became vacant af- leadership at another gathering of shape of which represents the ter Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Nyingma lamas, during the Buddha crowned and seated in Rinpoche passed away on Septem- Nyingma Great Prayer Festival meditation posture upon a lion's ber 28, 1991. The new Nyingma held in Bodh Gaya on January 3, throne. His crown is the top of the head had an audience with His 1993. Penor Rinpoche heads the spire, his body the vase shape, his Holiness the Dalai Lama in Namdroling Monastery in Lug- legs the four steps of the lower ter- Dharamsala on June 5, 1993. sung Samdubling settlement, race, and the base his throne. Kyabje Pema Norbu Rinpoche, Bylakuppe. You can read about There are eight kinds of stupas popularly known as Penor Rin- the Palyul Nyingma lineage in The in the Tibetan tradition. The par- poche, was elected to succeed Dil- Garland of Immortal Wish- ticular form selected for the pro- go Khyentse Rinpoche by a Fulfilling Trees. ■ ject by His Eminence is the Tashi gathering of lamas and abbots be- Gomang Stupa, or stupa of many auspicious doors, representing the 84,000 paths to enlightenment Dzogchen 30-31 taught by the Buddha himself. Catalog Contents: The function of a stupa is more Health & Fitness 29 than just symbolism, however. Adventure & Travel ... 22-23 History & Politics 31 When a great teacher, such as His Art & Photography 24 Kalachakra 28 Holiness the XVI Gyalwa Karma- Audio Tapes 20 Language 27 pa, is alive, his body is known as Biography 29-30 Music & Chants 21 the nirmanakaya and is not regard- Calendars 17 Ordering Info 44 ed as an ordinary body, but is seen Cards 18-19 Other Traditions 25 as containing the very essence of Children 28 Posters 18 awakened mind. Similarly when Cookbooks 28 Religion & Phil 32-40 the teacher dies physically, his re- mains are considered to be a dis- Dalai Lama 26-27 Videos 22 tillation of this same essence and Death & Dying 21 Women's Studies 17 to have enormous power, the pow- Dharma Items 13-16 er of complete wakefulness. The SNOW LION FALL 93 NEWSLETTER & CATALOG NEWS Nying-ma Lama, but he is also a IN MEMORIAM: Ngag-pa, one of a small group of yogis who specialize in unusually dif- LAMA YESHE DORJE ficult and dangerous practices requir- ing control of vast powers. One RINPOCHE example is controlling the weather; another is the dm ceremony, in which On July 23, 1993 Lama Yeshe rainfall, can also easily destroy an en- the Lama summons all of the nega- jporje Rinpoche, the Dalai Lama's tire crop. Without the services of a tive forces afflicting the people who weather-controller, passed on. Thefol- capable weather-controller, entire vil- come to the ritual, appeases and dis- kwmg story was written by L.B. Grotte lages may starve. perses them. The participants are in memory of him. Interspersed with cracks of thun- thus relieved of the obstructing forces A blue-black giant of a 'woman der, the downpour continues. Rin- in their lives, whether physical or wearing a tigerskin loincloth, fifty poche shrugs and walks down to his mental. So dangerous is this ritual feet tall with flaming orange hair, residence to change his soaked rain- that very few will perform it. standing in a torrent of flames and coat. I seek refuge in the temple. Sur- Nonetheless, the Lama tells me later, holding a skullcup filled with blood. rounded by fierce-visaged statues and it is much more difficult to control That was the sort of person we need- paintings of wrathful Tibetan medita- one's mind than to control the weath- ed at the moment. Overcoming the tbnal deities, I watch the rain gushing irs urn m mn er. He seems to be gently suggest- Introducing GESAR watches. Now you can tell the time monsoon requires almost unimagina- off the roof. The construction will ing that the former is a more with GESAR NUMERAL, a classie'design with white dial ble power. Before me, though, stands have to be delayed. This is a seri- appropriate project for me than the and black Tibetan numerals or GESAR FLAG, a beautiful five Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche, a gentle, ous setback for the Lama, as today, latter. color circular interpretation of the Tibetan National Flag. bespectacled Tibetan lama. He also Sunday, is the best day for such a We finish breakfast.
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