Copyright by Hortencia Jiménez 2011 The Dissertation Committee for Hortencia Jiménez Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: The Start of a New Era?: Examining the Austin Immigrant Rights Coalition (AIRC) and Experiences of Latinas Committee: Michael Young, Supervisor Simone Browne Maya Charrad Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez Lisa Martinez Nestor Rodriguez The Start of a New Era?: Examining the Austin Immigrant Rights Coalition (AIRC) and Experiences of Latinas by Hortencia Jiménez, B.A., M.A. Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Texas at Austin August 2011 Dedication Dedico esta tesis doctoral a mi esposo Luis S. Santiago Jr, e hijos Luis J. Santiago III, Itzel J. Santiago y Cocos que viene en camino. Gracias por su amor y apoyo incondicional. ¡Los amo mucho! Por la memoria de mi padre JavierJiménez Rodriguez (1956-1998). Acknowledgements I have met many wonderful people in graduate school who have offered their kind support in all stages of my doctoral studies both academically and personally. First, I want to express gratitude to the fifty-three participants of the immigrant rights movement for sharing their personal stories. Second, I am very fortunate and grateful for my dissertation committee members, Michael Young, Maya Charrad, Nestor Rodriguez, Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez, Lisa Martinez, and Simone Browne. I want to thank Michael Young for being an amazing and wonderful person, dissertation committee chair, mentor, professor, and friend. I want to thank him for being supportive, encouraging, and enthusiastic about my research project. Gracias Michael por ver en mi un potencial que yo no veía en la Primavera Latina del 2006. Ese semestre cambío mi vida personal e intelectual. Without your consistent support, guidance, feedback, gracious editions on my manuscripts and chapters, this dissertation would have not been possible. I would like to thank the inspiring guidance of Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez, the fervent thoughts of Nestor Rodriguez and his willingness to read manuscripts related to my research, and the thoughtful advice and collegial support of Maya Charrad and Lisa Martinez. I also want to thank Simone Browne for her encouragement and for being a superb role model as a professor and friend. I am thankful to my friend Jazmin Rosa-Bausa who edited my dissertation. I am grateful to the Center for Mexican American Studies (CMAS) at the University of Texas at Austin for the financial support in the form of assistantships for the academic years 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and the generous $20,000 CMAS dissertation fellowship for the 2010-2011 academic year. The CMAS dissertation fellowship allowed me to write my dissertation and to relocate with my family to California to be closer to v the extended familia. A word of thanks is also due to Bob Hummer and Veronica Aravena for a National Science Foundation EDGE-SBE fellowship for the academic year 2007-2008 and two summer fellowships in 2008, 2009. I am also thankful for a U.S- Mexico/Borderlands Student Research Award from the College of Liberal Arts for two summers: 2007 and 2009 as well as the Patricia Witherspoon Research Award from the the Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Participation at UT Austin. Without the above financial support I would have not been able to complete my coursework and research for my dissertation. I would have never gone this far without the love and unconditional support of my family and friends. Estudiar y ser madre a la vez no ha sido fácil, pero es posible con la ayuda de amistades como Angela, Daniel, Brenda, Yeojin, Jinwoo, Juan Carlos, Cate, Laura, Monica, Naomi, Maria Luisa, Josefina, y Ana. Muchas gracias Angela y Brenda por brindarme su apoyo en tiempos difíciles en mi carrera y por las numerosas veces que cuidaron a Luisito e Itzel. I want to thank my mother for her love and lifelong sacrifice of having one of her daughters raised in the U.S. Thank you mother for being a warrior and a soldadera all these years. I know that you silently and loudly shed many tears in my ausencia, and I still question why me, why did I have to come to this country. I still do not know but I have found internal peace in my heart and have accepted my destiny. Your sacrifice was not in vain as this dissertation is more than a dissertation; it’s also my childhood, adolescent, and college years of sacrifice of being away from you, my father, and sisters. To my sisters Norma, Mayra, Patricia, and Eva, you inspire me everyday to grow up like you, hard working mujeres que no se dan por vencidas. Patricia, you motivate me in so many ways with your courage, tenacity, and perseverance of being in a foreign country in vi a precarious situation to provide for our family and carve a better future for you and the family that you have created. You inspire me everyday. Te quiero mucho! To my abuelita Clara, tia Florentina and tio Eleazar, thank you for welcoming me into your lives and for caring for me all these years. Your love, patience, wisdom, and of course, buena comida have left a mark in my life. The person I am today is in great part thanks to you. Gracias por todo su amor, los quiero muchisimo. I want to recognize my primo Junior “JR” and Jerry Jimenez for being the first of the familia to pursue a college degree. Both of you laid the foundation for the Jimenez to pursue a college degree and instilled in me the desire to be like you, college educated. I have carried your legacy a step further and now await for our future generations to go beyond what I have accomplished. Gracias primos por ser un modelo ejemplar! To my cousin Daniel, I love you like a brother! Keep up a positive attitude and outlook in life. I thank my extended family both in California and Texas. Moving to Texas to pursue a PhD was not easy in so many respects and to write about that would require me to write another dissertation! My adopted uncles, Lucia Fajardo and Salvador Fajardo were very instrumental in keeping my moral and emotional stability. Thank you for your warmth, love, and affection toward me, my husband and my children. Gracias a mi tio/compadre Teodoro and comadre Concha for always encouraging me and believing in me and for allowing me to part of your children’s lives as their godmother. My husband’s family, la familia Santiago Sotelo has been truly my family since day one. I appreciate your love, kindness and most importantly for respecting and supporting the decisions that my husband and I make as a couple and as parents. I especially want to thank my comadre Marcela and mother in law Toña for going to Texas for the birth of both of Luisito and Itzel and caring for us during my cuarentena. I am especially grateful for your support in taking care of our kids while I was writing my vii dissertation and commuting from Patterson to teach in San Jose and King City in the Fall 2010 semester and from Salinas to King City and Seaside in the Spring 2011 semester. Words cannot adequately express my deep appreciation for the many sacrifices Luis, my husband, endured. His patience, understanding, and love sustained me throughout my undergraduate education and especially in graduate school and final stages of my dissertation. Gracias por todo tu apoyo y amor. Eres mi mejor amigo y compañero del alma. ¡Te amo amor mio! Luisito e Itzel, aun están muy pequeños para comprender el significado de un doctorado para una mujer mexicana inmigrante como su mamá pero se que un día comprenderán los sacrificios que su mamá hizo para lograr este título. Espero inculcarles la importancia de una educación y que sigan nuestros pasos en adquirir una educación universitaria. Este es el mejor regalo que les podemos ofrecer! Ustedes son el futuro y la luz de nuestro camino. Los adoro y amo muchísimo! Con mucho cariño, amor, admiración y respeto para toda mi familia y comunidad Latina, Mexicana, inmigrante, Mexico-Americana/Chicana/Xicana. ¡Con sacrificio¸ esfuerzo, y ganas sí se puede! viii Acknowledgements (Spanish version) Durante mi trayectoria de doctorado he conocido a personas maravillosas que me han brindado su apoyo tanto en lo académico como en lo personal. Primero, quisiera expresarles mi gratitud a los cincuenta y tres participantes del movimiento de derechos para los inmigrantes que generosamente compartieron sus historias conmigo. Segundo, me gustaría extender mi gratitud a los miembros de mí comité que generosamente me brindaron su tiempo para que este proyecto se haya llevado a cabo: Michael Young, Maya Charrad, Nestor Rodriguez, Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez, Lisa Martinez y Simone Browne. En especial quiero agradecerle a Michael Young por haberme guiado intelectualmente y por su entusiasmo y su interes personal en mis ideas y en mi trabajo. Gracias Michael por que tu viste en mi un potencial que ni yo misma logre ver en la Primera Latina del 2006. Lo que ocurrio durante ese semestre cambio mi vida tanto en lo personal como en lo intelectual. Sin tu apoyo constante, sin tu dirección, sin tus comentarios de retroalimentación, esta tesis no hubiera sido posible. Quiero agradecerle a Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez por su apoyo, y a Nestor Rodriguez por haberme inspirado con la convicción de sus ideas y su actitud siempre dispuesta a leer mi trabajo y aconsejarme donde podría mejorar. A Maya Charrad y a Lisa Martínez les quiero agradecer por sus acertados consejos y por su apoyo al navegar la burocracia y la política de la institución académica.
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