Department of Religious Affairs Ministry of Culture www.dra.go.th By Phravidesratanaporn (Thanat Inthisan, Ph.D.) Walking on the Path of THE BUDDHA History, Scripture, and Archeology: A Brief Study Regarding Some Ancient Buddhist Sites By Phravidesratanaporn (Thanat Inthisan, Ph.D.) Walking on the Path of the Buddha First Edition : March 2007 Second Edition : January 2018 ISBN 978-974-7187-59-5 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any from or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Author. Cover Photographs: Dr. Handy Inthisan Designed by: Supon Sukonthaprapun Chalermchai Maleerod Printed at: Religious Affairs Department Printing ค�ำน�ำ พระพุทธองค์ได้ทรงตรัสว่า สถานที่ควรไป ควรเห็น เพื่อยังให้เกิดความแช่มชื่น เบิกบานใจ เจริญใจ และควรให้เกิดความสังเวชแห่งกุลบุตรผู้มีศรัทธา คือ สังเวชนียสถาน ๔ ต�าบล คือ สถานที่ที่พระตถาคตประสูติ พระตถาคตตรัสรู้อนุตตรสัมมาสัมโพธิญาณ พระตถาคตทรงประกาศธรรมจักรอันยอดเยี่ยม และพระตถาคตปรินิพพานด้วย อนุปาทิเสสนิพพาน อนึ่ง เพื่อปฏิบัติตามพุทธด�ารัสข้างต้น รัฐบาลได้มีมติเห็นชอบ ในการจัดตั้ง “กองทุนส่งเสริมการเผยแผ่พระพุทธศาสนาเฉลิมพระเกียรติ ๘๐ พรรษา” ในคราวการประชุมคณะรัฐมนตรี เมื่อ ๑๒ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๑ โดยมีวัตถุประสงค์ ประการแรกเพื่อส่งเสริมให้พระสงฆ์และพุทธบริษัทไปประกอบศาสนกิจและแสวงบุญ ณ สังเวชนียสถาน ทั้ง ๔ ต�าบลโดยมอบหมายให้กรมการศาสนาด�าเนินการบริหารจัดการ กองทุนและรับสนองพระราชปณิธาน ของพระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดช บรมนาถบพิตร ที่ได้ทรงได้สถาปนากองทุนเผยแผ่พระพุทธศาสนา ไว้เป็นเบื้องต้นแล้ว กรมการศาสนา กระทรวงวัฒนธรรม ได้ตระหนักว่าการแสวงบุญของชาวพุทธ เป็นสิ่งส�าคัญที่ท�าให้พุทธศาสนิกชนได้ร�าลึกถึงพระบรมศาสดา จึงได้จัดพิมพ์หนังสือ ภาษาอังกฤษ “Walking on the Path of the Buddha” งานนิพนธ์ของ พระวิเทศรัตนาภรณ์ (ดร.พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี) เพื่อให้พระสงฆ์ พุทธบริษัท และผู้สนใจ ทั่วไป ทั้งชาวไทย ชาวต่างประเทศ ได้ใช้เป็นคู่มือในการศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพทธภู พุทธสถาน ส�าคัญที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการประกาศพระศาสนาของพระพุทธองค์ตลอดพระชนมายุ ๘๐ พรรษา กรมการศาสนา ขอขอบพระคุณพระวิเทศรัตนาภรณ์ (ดร.พระมหาถนัด อัตถจารี) ที่ได้อนุญาติให้จัดพิมพ์หนังสือเล่มนี้อออกเผยแพร่ หวังเป็นอย่างยิ่งว่า หนังสือเล่มนี้ จะเกิดประโยชน์ในการเผยแผ่พระพุทธศาสนา และเสริมสร้างศรัทธาต่อผู้เลื่อมใสให้ยั่งยืน สืบไป (นายมานัส ทารัตน์ใจ) อธิบดีกรมการศาสนา Preface Lord Buddha had said, that the places where we should go and see for the sake of cheerful contentment heartily and bringing up the commiseration to all faithful Buddhists are Four Holy Places in four districts. The first place is where the Tathagata was born, the second place is where the Tathagata attained the unexcelled Supreme Enlightenment, the third place is where the Tathagata set rolling the Wheel of Dhamma, and the fourth place is where the Tathagata passed away into Parinibbana. For going by the Buddha Speech mentioned above, the government has approved the resolution to establish the “Buddhist Propagation Promotion Fund for the Celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the late King’s 80th Birthday.” in the meeting of the Council of Ministers when 12 June 2008 with the objective of encouragement the monks and Buddhists pilgrimage at the Four Holy Places in four districts by entrusting to the Department of Religious Affairs to handle on fund management and meet the commitment to the royal wish of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej who established the Buddhist Propagation Fund as a preliminary. Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture has realised that the pilgrimage of the Buddhists is significant to commemorate Lord Buddha and his teachings in remembrance, so the books “Walking on the Path of the Buddha” in English version which written by Phra Wites Rattanaporn, Ph.D. (Dr.Handy Inthisan) are published. This book is used as handbook for monks, Buddhists, and other people who are interested in Buddhism and Buddhist landscapes, which are relevant to the Buddhism announcement of Lord Buddha for his entire 80 years. Department of Religious Affairs would like to express sincere appreciation to Phra Wites Rattanaporn, Ph.D. (Dr.Handy Inthisan) for allowance to publish this book. This book will be useful for Buddhist Propagation and encourage the faith to all faithful people sustainably everlastingly. (Mr. Manat Thajatjai) Director – General Department of Religious Affairs No. 0301/5642 Department of Religious Affairs 10 Huay Kwang District, Bangkok 10310 November 23, 2017 Subject: Request for permission to publish “Pilgrimage to the Land of the Buddha” and “Walking on the Path of the Buddha” Dear Honorable Phra Videsratnaporn, The Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture, supports the Government religion-related projects by promoting to the Thai people the Buddhist doctrines in order to improve their quality of life and morals. The books “Pilgrimage to the Land of the Buddha” and “Walking on the Path of the Buddha” are of great benefits because they contain valuable information about the Buddha, including his biography and works as well as important Buddhist historical sites. These two books also provide the basic knowledge of Buddhism and help promote the study of the Buddhist doctrines. We, therefore, would like to ask for your kind permission to publish the books and distribute them to educational institutions and other Buddhist organizations. Four thousand (4,000) copies of “Pilgrimage to the Land of the Buddha” three thousand (3,000) copies of “Walking on the Path of the Buddha” will be printed. We designate Mr. Sukpet Yanakaew, a senior religious academic, to be the coordinator. His phone number is 06 -1994- 7426 and his email is [email protected] Thank you for your kind consideration. Respectfully, (Manas Tharatjai) Director General Department of Religious Affairs Office of the Secretary Tel: 0 2209 3723 Fax: 0 2209 3724 Wat Thai Washington, D.C. 13440 Layhill Road, Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel (301) 871‐8660, (301) 871‐8661, www.watthaidc.org, E‐mail: [email protected] Subject: Permission for PublicationDecember of19, “Pilgrimage2017 to the Land of the Buddha” and “Walking on the Path of the Buddha” Subject: Permission for Publication of "Pilgrimage to the Land of the Buddha" and “Walking To: onMr. the PathManus of the Buddha” Taratjai, Director of Religious Affairs Department, MinistryTo: Mr. Manusof Culture Taratjai, Director of Religious Affairs Department, Ministry of Culture Reference: Memorandum dated November 23, 2017 - Permission for Publication of "Pilgrimage Reference: Memorandum dated November 23, 2017 - Permission to the Land of the Buddha" and “Walking on the Path of the Buddha” for Publication of “Pilgrimage to the Land of the Buddha” and “WalkingThe Religious on Affairsthe Path Department of the of the Buddha” Ministry of Culture had indicated its interest in the publication of the above referenced two books. Their publications are in line with the Department's goal of promoting the teachings of the Lord Buddha among Thais and the general population. These two books will help people to learn to apply the Buddha principles to Theimprove Religious the quality Affairs of their lives.Department of the Ministry of Culture had indicated its interest in the publication of the above referenced two It is with great pleasure to inform you of our approval for you to go ahead with the publications, books.and I have Their taken publications upon myself to forward are in th eline manuscripts with tothe the Department’s publisher already. goal of promoting the teachings of the Lord Buddha among Thais and the general population. These twoSincerely books Your will help people to learn to apply the Buddha principles to improve the quality of their lives. It is with great pleasure to inform(Phra Videsratanaporn) you of our approval for you to go ahead withSecretary-General the publications, of the Council and of I Thaihave Bhikkhus taken in theupon U.S.A. myself to forward the manuscriptsPresident to the of Wat publisher Thai Washington, already. D.C. Sincerely Yours, (Phra Videsratanaporn) Secretary-General of the Council of Thai Bhikkhus in the U.S.A. President of Wat Thai Washington, D.C. 4 Buddha_P 1-17 4 20/03/2007, 1:11 AM 4 Buddha_P 1-17 4 20/03/2007, 1:11 AM An Acknowledgement Without historic studies we may not be able to know what have been there last 2600 years ago in the land of the Awakened Buddha, what was going on at those days especially for the Buddhist world today. Ven. Dr. Thanat Inthisan did his studies on the very significant and important sites. Those who have not been in India may use this book for history of Buddhism and its civilization and how Buddhist teachings, Buddhist arts and culture had been influenced the world today in many ways. As we know today our friends from all parts of the world keep going to India just for visiting the Buddha places, because these places give them the peace of mind and insight. Buddhism is the teaching of the awakened Buddha which is beautiful in the beginning, peaceful in the middle, and peaceful at the end of the Buddha’s life. Buddhism is the teaching of non-violence, the teaching of loving kindness and compassion. When readers finished reading of this book, I am sure that they will realize that the places referred in this book can be named as the Wonder of the World. The world can learn about Buddhist civilization. Ven. Dr. Inthisan has presented such a wonderful aspect of Buddhist Historic places, after your reading you may want to go and see by your own eyes. And I am sure you will be one of those who want to make known the
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