Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19163-0 - The Visual Culture of Chabad Maya Balakirsky Katz Index More information Index 770 Eastern Parkway (Chabad headquarters), AGUCH v. Barry Gourary, 155–163 13, 14, 105, 144–145, 146, 198, Agudas Chasidei Chabad (AGUCH), 29, 31, 221 32, 55, 110, 133, 134, 196. See also brand, as, 169–173 Shalom Dovber Levine Eastern European aesthetics and, 145–148, book trial, 155–163 163 library exhibitions in, 55, 152, 196 end of dynasty, as, 155–163 photographs, release of, 110 library and, 13, 31, 32, 110, 133, 152, Agudath Israel party, 103 155–163, 196 Ahad HaAm, 175 manifest destiny, as, 148–152 Aharon of Staroselye, 35 memorial, as, 152–155 Aish HaTorah, 6 merchandise display of, 168 Alexander III, 22, 28 messianic temple, as, 121, 141, 163–168, Allegheny County v. Greater Pittsburgh 173, 185 ACLU, 219 photography in, 94–100, 133, 226, alter heim. See shtetl 232–234 Alter, Avraham Mordechai, 76 proxy for Schneerson, as, 165–168, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 171 207–208, 217 rebbe’s balcony in, 109, 229, 233 American Jewish Congress (AJC), 209 rebbe’s court, as, 51, 129, 145–148 Americanism replicas of, 14, 152–155, 160, 165, 167, architecture and, 149–152 169–171. See Chabad House Chanukah campaigns and, 211, symbol of movement, as, 163, 168 217–220 videography in, 149, 163, 223, rebbe portraits and, 41, 100 232–234 aniconism Hasidic, 8, 10–11, 49 Aboab da Fonseca, Isaac, 19, 32 Jerusalem, in. See Jacques Lipchitz Abuhatzeira, Yisrael, 164 literary characterization of Jewish, 1–2 acts of kindness, 105, 174 WZO religious delegates and, 175, Adler, Alfred, 62 177 Adventures of Yaakov and Isaac, The Anschluss, 55 (Kubert), 41 Antokolsky, Mark, 44, 46 Aelia Capitolina, 189–190 Arch of Titus menorah, 182, 184, 186–188, Agam, Yakov, 207, 216, 226 220 235 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19163-0 - The Visual Culture of Chabad Maya Balakirsky Katz Index More information 236 Index architecture, dynastic billboards, 105, 206 assimilation and, 137 Bland, Kalman, 1 consecration of, 15, 145–146, 165, 226. Blau, Tina, 54 See also 770 Eastern Parkway Bnos Yaakov Pupa, 145 destruction of, 132, 152–153 Bogomilsky, Elazar, 211 identity of community and, 8, 14, 148, 171, Bogomilsky, Moshe, 162 197–198 books, antisemitic, 139 inheritance of, 129–134 books, as objects, 7–9, 31, 134–135, 155–163, outreach and, 226 228 religious experience, in, 3, 11, 104, 141 Bos, Jaap, 62 transportation of identity through, 13, 148, Brandeis, Louis, 78 149–152, 159–163, 170 branding Arnheim, Rudolf, 232 770 Eastern Parkway, 14, 169–173 Aronoff, Yitzchak, 133 Chanukah menorah, 224 art history rebbe-portraits and, 117–118 nationalism and, 176 Tablets of Law, 138–140 popular culture and, 233 Brenner, Fred´ eric,´ 118, 232–234 reality of image in, 36 Breslav Hasidic movement religion and, 6, 16 rehabilitation of Uman, 9, 133 Art School for Women and Children (Viennese Brooklyn Abroad (Robbins and Becher), 145, Kunstschule fur¨ Frauen und Madchen),¨ 54 152, 170–171 Aszod, Yehudah, 20–21 Brooklyn Museum of Art, 98 Avi-Yonah, Michael, 168, 200 Buber, Martin, 176–177, 203 ba’alei teshuvah (newly observant Jews), 6, cabinet de travail. See scholar’s study 133 Camp David Accords, 187 Baal Shem Tov (BeSHT), 35, 51, 221 Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary), 75 costume and, 30 Carter, Jimmy, 215 lulke image and, 86 cemeteries, 23, 27, 56, 150, 190, 195 Baby Photo (Roumani), 98, 99 Chabad House, 15, 173, 198, 223 Bais Moschiach (magazine), 46 college campus, 101, 169, 223 Balzac, Honore´ de, 73, 74 Kfar Chabad, Israel, 154–155 Baram, Chani, 198 London, England, 151 Baratchenko, 186 Los Angeles, California, 152–154 Barton’s Candies, 213 Melbourne, Australia, 169 Becher, Max, 170–171 Milan, Italy, 154, 169, 195 Beis Rachel, 145 Mumbai, India, 122–125 Beit Avraham (journal), 84 Sao˜ Paulo, Brazil, 169, 170 Belz Great Synagogue (Beit ha-Midrash Chabad Magazine, 217 ha-Gadol), 164 Chabad of Vermont v. City of Burlington, 218 Ben Gurion, David, 187, 213 Chabad-Lubavitch of Georgia v. Zell Miller, Benjaminson, Yerachmiel, 201 218 Berez, Yitzchak, 96 Chagall, Marc, 193, 201 Berger, David, 4, 15, 223, 227 Chanel Chanukah (Leibowitz and Lieberman), Berkowitz, Michael, 179 210 Bernhardt, Sarah, 87 Chanukah Bernstein, Herman, 139 American Zionism and, 181, 191, 203, 204, Beverly Hills menorah (Agam), 216 213 Bezalel ben Uri, 178 Americanism and, 211, 217–220 Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts, 38, 45, 46, Chabad holiday, as, 123, 196, 215–222 177 Christmas and, 14, 210–213 museum and, 177–179 Chanukah lamp, 15, 123 Bialik, Hayyim Nahman, 48 antisemitism and, 208–209 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19163-0 - The Visual Culture of Chabad Maya Balakirsky Katz Index More information Index 237 Christmas tree and, 14, 205, 207, 210–211, Dornac, 87 218 Dov Baer of Lyubavichi, 35–37, 147 design of, 14, 174, 181–188, 201 Drake, Carolyn, 118 public display of, 205–210, 217–220, dreams 226 soul-images, as, 63 scale of, 204, 205–210 transmission of dynastic history through, 66 Temple Menorah and, 179–181, 186–188 dress, Hasidic Chanukah Live, 219, 221, 222, 223, 228, 229, folding of jacket, 26, 39 232–233 gartl, 59, 149 Chanukah Live! (Brenner), 228–230, 233–234 kapote, 149, 150 charisma, 8, 9, 21, 98, 101, 166 shtraymel, 39, 41, 56, 149 Chassidic Art Institute (CHAI), 197 suit, 68 Chazan, Netanel, 40 tallit, 9, 41, 79 chess photograph, 112–114 tallit katan, 79 chess pieces, 113 tie, 68 Chusseau Flaviens, Ch., 87 tzitzit, 79 Clothespin (Oldenburg), 206 vest, 68 Cohen, Richard, 8, 19–20, 36 watch-chain, 68 concealment wearing rebbe’s portrait, 105 Jewishness, of, 79, 209, 215 white silks, 24, 26, 30, 86 Schneerson’s illness, of, 109 women and, 39, 111 zaddik’s beauty, of, 20 yarmulke, 56, 79 Congressional Gold Medal, 144, 172 Drizin, Chaim, 205 contemplation, 34–36, 40 Dubnow, Simon, 4 Coolidge, Calvin, 78 Dynner, Glenn, 30 Crown Heights, 31, 153, 154, 160, 185, 212, 221. See also sacred geography; 700 Eastern District High School, 145 Eastern Parkway Ehrlich, Avrum, 22, 92, 177 center of Chabad in, 115, 122, 132, 133, Eizenstat, Stuart, 217 134, 150, 151, 171 Emblem and Flag Committee, 186 Chabad Houses and, 148–152 Emden, Jacob, 20, 36 construction in, 151 Emek Halakha (journal), 83 crime in, 123 Ein Sof (name for God), 35 Discourse on the Neighborhood (Sh’hunah Encounters: The Life of Jacques Lipchitz, Siha), 150 192 race tensions in, 150 Encyclopaedia Judaica, 47 site of redemption, as, 141, 144–145 Establishment Clause, 207, 217, 218 culture wars, 137, 176, 192 ethnographic perspective, 1, 29, 40, 99, 228 Cunin, Boruch Shlomo, 153 Etkes, Immanuel, 7 Evsektsii (Jewish section of the Communist DC Comics, 41 Party), 78, 137 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 231, 232, 233 ex libris, 135 Daily Independent, The (newspaper), 139 exhibitions, use of Dantzic, Jerry, 226 AGUCH library, 55, 152, 196 Degel Haze’irim (journal), 83 art expos, 197, 228 Deutsch, Shaul Shimon, 46, 109–110, Chabad House keys, 152 114–115 Detroit art exhibition, 194 Diamond Horseshoe Theater, 192 Jewish Children’s Museum, 198–202 Diaspora: Homelands in Exile (Brenner), 228 modern art and, 197–198 Dick Tracy, 135 Philadelphia art gallery, 198 Didan Netzah, 161, 162 Sages through the Ages, 201 Dollar Sundays. See Sunday Dollars Season of Lights, 218 Don Juan, 64 Six Days of Creation, 199, 201 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19163-0 - The Visual Culture of Chabad Maya Balakirsky Katz Index More information 238 Index exile, 72, 78, 130, 148 Groenendijk, Leendert, 62 court in, 131, 134, 173 Gurary, Nosson, 133 exchange of photographs during, 81, 82 Gurary, Shaya, 133 image of, 85, 88–89 Gutnick, Joseph, 117–118 self-purification, 66 Third Temple during, 165–166 Haaretz (newspaper), 45 Eybeschutz, Jonathan, 19–20, 32 Hagenbund, 54 Ha-Kerem (journal), 84 Facebook, 115 Ha-Tamim (journal), 46, 78, 84, 85, 89, 130 Feinstein, Moshe, 208 Ha-Zefirah (journal), 46 Fifth Zionist Congress, 176. See also World Heartfield, John, 139 Zionist Organization Heilman, Chaim Meir, 36 Filter, Elimelech, 19 Herzl, Theodor, 40, 175 Fine, Steven, 1 Heston, Charlton, 118 First Amendment, 217 Hirschfeld, Al, 105, 108, 118, 226 First Fridays, 197 History of Zionism, 46 Fishkoff, Sue, 215 Hitler, Adolf, 139, 189, 209 fonts, 134, 224 Hoffman, Josef, 113 Ford, Henry, 139 Holocaust Encyclopedia, 139 Forst, Siegmund, 135 Holtzberg, Gavriel, 122, 125 Fournel, Victor, 68 Holtzberg, Rivkah, 122, 123, 125 Fourth of July parade float, 175 Holtzberg, Yuda, 116 Freud, Sigmund, 61–63 “How to Reach 72 in a Jewish Art,” (Kitaj), RaSHaB and, 61 119 Wilhelm Stekel and, 62 Freund, Gisele,` 68 Ida Goldman, Batsheva, 9 Frieden, Levi Yitzchak, 97–98 illness narratives, rebbe, 65, 66, 67, 71, 76, Friedman, Menachem, 156 112, 113 Friedman, Yosef, 106 immigration and, 9, 49, 51, 73, 89, 129, 131, Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe 141, 148 (F.R.E.E.), 40 insider-outsider perspective, 1–3, 10, 26, 48, 97, 118, 134, 144, 162, 202, 209, 232, gaze, 10, 26, 30, 34–35, 86 234 female, 54–60 International Emissary Convention, 142, 221 male, 56–57 Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 63 sacred, 10 Israel Museum, 190, 192 Gerer rebbe Bezalel Museum, as progenitor of, 179, 189 photography of, 75, 76 cultural Zionism and, 179, 188 gift-giving, 8, 56, 100, 196, 205, opening exhibition, 193 213 Temple model and, 200 Ginzburg, Yehudah Leib, 26–27, 29, 30 Glovachevsky,
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