Food from the Sulawesi Sea, the need for integrated sea use planning Audrie Jacky Siahainenia Food from the Sulawesi Sea, the need for integrated sea use planning Audrie J. Siahainenia Thesis committee Promotors Prof. Dr. H.H.T. Prins Professor of Resource Ecology Wageningen University Prof. Dr. J.A.J Verreth Professor of Aquaculture and Fisheries Wageningen University Co-Promotor Dr. W.F. de Boer Associate Professor, Resource Ecology Group Wageningen University Other members Prof. Dr. H.J. Lindeboom, IMARES - Wageningen University Prof. Dr. S.R. Bush, Wageningen University Dr. J.A.E. van Oostenbrugge, Wageningen University Dr. R. Hille Ris Lambers, WWF the Netherlands This research was conducted under the auspices of the C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology and Resource Conservation (PE&RC) Food from the Sulawesi Sea, the need for integrated sea use planning Audrie J. Siahainenia Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor at Wageningen University by the authority of the Rector Magnificus, Prof. Dr. A.P.J. Mol, in the presence of the Thesis Committee appointed by the Academic Board to be defended in public on Tuesday 30 August 2016 at 8:30 a.m. in the Aula Audrie J. Siahainenia Food from the Sulawesi Sea, the need for integrated sea use planning 180 pages. Ph.D. Thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL (2016) With references, with summaries in English and Dutch ISBN: 978-94-6257-886-9 DOI: 10.18174/387488 …..to my parents “I’m a slow walker, but I never walk back” Abraham Lincoln, 1809 –1865 Table of contents Chapter 1 General introduction 1 Chapter 2 The influence of human disturbance on the structural complexity of 13 mangrove forests in the Berau Delta, East Kalimantan Chapter 3 Influence of mangrove roots system on marine fish and crustacean 33 communities, an experimental approach Chapter 4 Impact of spatial context on catches of small-scale fisheries catches 47 in the Berau Delta, Indonesia Chapter 5 Effort allocation and total catches of small-scale multi-gear fisheries 65 in the Derawan Marine Conservation Area (DMCA), East Kaliman- tan, Indonesia Chapter 6 General discussion and conclusions 97 References 123 Summary 145 Samenvatting 149 Appendices 153 Acknowledgements 171 About the author 175 Completed Training and Supervision Plan - PE&RC 177 CHAPTER 1 General Introduction 2 Chapter - One Chapter 1 General Introduction 1.1 Project background 1 Fish and shrimp are important protein sources for humans. With the increasing human population and technological development, the global demand for fish and shrimp is also increasing. On the other hand, the natural supply of fish and shrimp is dwindling, which makes fishing more difficult. Fishing technology has been developed to enhance the catch per unit effort or increase the yield of aquaculture to meet the demand. Some of these ‘modern’ fisheries and aquaculture techniques are destructive to the environment or have other adverse effects on the fish and shrimp stock. The fishing efforts have been used by scientists to identify important factors that influence the stability of fish and shrimp populations in nature. One of the key factors identified is an availability of sufficient adult animals that can reproduce. To ensure that enough juveniles can reach adulthood, the amount of animals caught should be in balance with its natural supply. It is also important that suitable habitat and sufficient food be available for juveniles. Mangroves offer a critical habitat for the juveniles of many commercial fish and shrimp species (Mumby et al. 2004, Mumby 2006), and my Ph.D. project focused on the importance of the mangrove habitat for sustainable fisheries. 1.2 Mangroves as nursery for fish and shrimp Mangroves are defined as tidal forests, coastal woodlands or oceanic rainforests, which thrive in vast areas along shallow coastal areas, bays, estuaries, and deltas, with an abun- dant supply of fresh water from rivers (Kathiresan and Bingham 2001). Without a supply of fresh water, mangrove habitats cannot develop (Sukardjo 2004). Related to the habitat in intertidal areas, the mangrove distribution, and vegetation types are closely associated with the salinity, soil type, tidal type and flooding frequency (Kus- mana 1991). To be able to thrive in the intertidal area, mangrove vegetation should be tolerant to high salinity (Saenger et al. 1983). According to the FAO (1982), mangroves are trees and shrubs that grow below the highest tidal point. In more detail, Duke (1992); p.64 defined mangrove vegetation as: “a tree, shrub, palm or ground fern, generally ex- ceeding one-half meter in height, and which normally grows above mean sea level in the intertidal zone in marine coastal environments or estuarine margins”. When referring to the mangrove habitat, the term mangroves are commonly used, although it relates to the mangrove forest habitat, not to the individual trees. In general, mangrove vegetation can be categorized into true mangroves and associated mangroves. Wang et al. (2011) defined true mangroves as true halophytes and mangrove associates that are glycophytes with a certain salt tolerance. Globally, there are about 60 species of true mangroves (Saenger 4 Chapter - One et al. 1983, Spalding et al. 2010). In Indonesia, where the study area of this research is located, all 60 species of mangroves have been recorded, 43 of which are true mangroves and the other 17 species are associated mangroves (Noor et al. 1999, Bengen 2003, Kus- mana 2010). Mangroves have a higher primary productivity than coastal terrestrial forests (Kusmana 1991, Sukardjo et al. 2013a). Lugo and Snedaker (1974) reported that the gross pro- ductivity of mangroves is higher than that of coral reefs and seagrass habitats. Due to this high productivity, mangrove habitats are highly important as feeding, spawning and nursery areas for fish and shrimp (Kusmana 1991, Primavera 2005a). Beck et al. (2001, p.635) define a nursery area as: “a habitat is a nursery for juveniles of a particular species if its contribution per unit area to the production of individuals that recruit to adult pop- ulations is greater, on average, than other habitats in which juveniles occur”. The man- grove habitat is an important nursery habitat for fish and shrimp, as illustrated by previous publications (Thayer et al. 1987, Morton 1990, Robertson and Duke 1990). Abundant of juveniles were found exclusively in mangrove habitats with much larger densities than those encountered in adjacent habitats, such as mudflats and seagrass beds (Laegdsgaard and Johnson 1995, Vance et al. 1996, Manson et al. 2003). A study conducted in the Bangalore Delta, Bangladesh, reported that 400 species used the mangrove habitat as the nursery ground, of which 20 were prawn species and 44 crab species (Gundermann et al. 1983, Lowe-McConnell and McConnell 1987). In addition, Mumby et al, (2004) described a strong positive relationship between the presence of adjacent mangroves and the abundance of reef fishes on coral reefs outside the intertidal area. Fish use the mangrove habitat in various ways: some species are only occasional visitors, some only use it at certain life stages, whereas other species are only found in mangrove forests (Manson et al. 2005a). Some species use mangroves as a corridor to move be- tween the low saline estuarine area to coral reefs (Mumby et al. 2004, Mumby 2006) and offshore waters (Ramı́rez-Garcı́a et al. 1998). The relationship between mangroves and fish and shrimp is influenced by two main factors: a higher food availability in man- groves and increased possibilities to obtain shelter from predation (Nagelkerken and Van Der Velde 2002, Sheridan and Hays 2003, Manson et al. 2005a). The nursery, feeding, and protective roles are not mutually exclusive, but they interact in complex ways. For instance, a juvenile fish may simultaneously gain nursery advantages from a rich supply of food and the protection provided by the mangroves’ prop roots (Laegdsgaard and John- son 2001). Hence, the complexity of mangrove root structures offers a place of refuge for juvenile marine animals. A more complex root structure reduces predator-prey encounters (Manson et al. 2005a). Further studies on the effect of disturbance on at different scale in mangroves habitat to the nursery function are hence necessary. General introduction 5 1.3 Structural complexity of mangrove The mangrove habitat has at least three major structural descriptors: complexity, hetero- geneity, and scale (McCoy and Bell 1991). The complex nature of a mangrove habitat refers to the amount of structure or variation attributable to the abundance of individual structural components. The heterogeneity in mangrove habitats represents the mangrove 1 structures or variation attribute to the abundance of different structural components, and the scale in mangrove habitat emphasizes that the first two elements must be proportional with the dimensions of the trees or organisms being studied. The variation in mangrove structure can be described by measurements of species com- position, diversity, stem height, stem diameter, basal area, tree density, the age-class dis- tributions and spatial distribution patterns of the species, and its roots and stems. The structural complexity in mangrove habitats is influenced by the mangroves’ propagules, roots, trunks and branches (Cocheret de la Moriniere et al. 2004). The mangrove roots, especially those of Rhizophora sp. (red mangrove) is an important determinant for the complexity of the mangrove habitat structure (Beck 2000). Besides Rhizophora sp., Bruguiera sp. is also considered as a mangrove species that forms an important nursery ground for coastal fish (Vance et al. 1996) due to their roots and trunk system. These spe- cies are all found in the intertidal zone where their roots are periodically submerged. The submerged roots, trunks, and branches may attract rich epifaunal communities including fungi, macro-algae, bacteria, diatoms, and invertebrates (Kathiresan and Bingham 2001), which can serve as food for juvenile fish/shrimp.
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