411000 WT-1682(EX) EXTRACTED VERSION OPERATION HARDTACK Report to the Scientific Director Report of the Commander, Task Group 7.1 Joint Task Force Seven Task Group 7.1 1 August 1958 NOTICE: This is an extract of WT-1682, Operation HARDTACK. Approved for public release; I distribution is unIimitefL Extracted version prepared for Director DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY Washington, DC 20305-1000 1 September 1985 Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. Do not return to sender. PLEASE NOTIFY THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY, ATTN: STTI, WASHINGTON, DC 20305-1000, IF YOUR ADDRESS IS INCORRECT, IF YOU WISH IT DELETED FROM THE DISTRIBUTION LIST, OR IF THE ADDRESSEE IS NO LONGER EMPLOYED BY YOUR ORGANIZATION. UNCLASSIFIED ECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 0M8 No. 0704-0188 Exp. Date: lun 30, 1986 , la REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS UNCLASSIFIED 2a SECURITY CLASSIFI ATIONo Authority 3 DISTRIBUTION/AVAlLA81LlTY OF REPORT N/A since Unc\ asslfled Approved for public release; 2b DECLASSIFiCATION ~DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE distribution is unlimited. N/A since Unclassified a PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5 MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) WT-1682 (EX) 5a NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b OFFICE SYMBOL 7a NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION (/f apphcable) Joint Task Force Seven Defense Atomic Support Agency Task Group 7.1 6C ADDRESS (Cky, State, and ZIP Cede) 7b ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP COde) Washington, DC 9a. NAME OF FUNDING SPONSORING 8b OFFICE SYMBOL 9 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (/f apphcable) F3c ADDRESS (City, State, arid ZfPCode) 10 SOURCE OF FuNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT ELEMENT NO NO NO ACCESSION NO :1 T!TLE (Include SecurJty C/asslfJcatlon) OPERATION HARDTACK ?eport to the Scientific Director; Report of the Conmander, Task Group 7.1, Extracted Version 12 PERSONAL AuTHOR(S) 13a TYPE OF REPORT 13b TIME COVERED 14 DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 15 PAGE COUNT 16 Supplementary VOTAT’ON This report has had sensitive military information removed in order to ]rovide an unclassified version for unlimited distribution. The work was performed by the )efense Nuclear Agency in support of the DoD Nuclear Test Personnel R~vi~w Proaram. 17 COSATI CODES 18 5UBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse (f necessary and Jdermfy by b/ock number) ;IEl_D GROUP SC9-GROU9 Hardtack 18 3 Nuclear Effects (General) Nuclear Weapon Phenomenology 19 ABSTRACT [Cont~nue on reverse {f necessary and ~dentify by block number) This report gives a summary of the experimental programs carried out during Operation Hardtack. These experiments were designed to determine nuclear weapons effects and help to explain nuclear weapons phenomenology. ?0 WSTRIBUTON AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21 ABSTRACT SECb RITY CCLASSIFICATION IXIUNCLASSIFEDUNLMI TE2 ❑ SAMEA5 RpT ❑ DTIC IJSERS UNCLASSIFIED :2a NAME OF 2ES?ONSIBLE NDI’JIOUAL 225 TELEPHONE (l flclude Area Code) 22c OFFICE SyMBOL !4Alll( D. FL(3HR (202) 325-7559 DNAIISCM 83 APR ed!tton may be used Uflt!l exhausted l)DFORM 1473, 84MAR SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF TdlS PAGE AI I other ed, tlons are oosolete UNCLASSIFIED FORENORD Classified material has been removed in order to make the information available on an unclassified, open publication basis, to any interested parties. The effort to declassify this report has been accomplished specifically to support the Department of Defense Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) Program. The objective is to facilitate studies of the low levels of radiation received by some individuals during the atmospheric nuclear test program by making as much information as possible available to all interested parties. The material which has been deleted is either currently classified as Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (as amended), or is National Security Information, or has been determined to be critical military information which could reveal system or equipment vulnerabilities and is, therefore, not appropriate for open publication. The Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) believes that though all classified material has been deleted, the report accurately portrays the contents of the original. DNA also believes that the deleted material is of little or no significance to studies into the amounts, or types, of radiation received by any individuals during the atmospheric nuclear test program. Report to the Scientific Director REPORT OF THE COMMANDER TASK GROUP 7.1 Joint Task Force Seven Task Group 7.1 A%@.Mt 1958 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report, like Operation Hardtack, was the work of many >ople. It was compiled by the Task Group staff under the direction of IXncan Curry, Jr. , Deputy for Administration, Task Group 7.1, from the data provided by Programs, Projects, Task Units, and Staff Sections and produced by the technical reports office of the Task Group. 4 CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments 4 Firing schedule 8 Devices and Yields 9 Project Participation Schedule 10 Map of Eniwetok Atoll 14 Map of Bikini Atoll 15 Map of Johnston Island 16 Abbreviations 17 CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVES, DEVICES, AND WEAPONS 19 1.1 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 19 1.2 University of California Radiation Laborato~ 19 1,3 Department of Defense 19 Program 1 20 Program 2 20 =ogram 3 20 Program 4 21 Program 5 21 program 6 21 Program 8 21 Program 9 21 1.4 Sandia Corporation 21 Program 32 21 Program 34 22 CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL PROGIUMS 23 2.1 Task Unit 3, DOD programs 23 Program 1, Blast and Shock Measurements 23 Pmgrsm 2, Nuclear Rsdation and Effects 27 ~- 3, Structures and Equipment 29 Program 5, Aircraft Structures 31 program 6, Test of Service Equipment and Materials 32 Program 8, Thermal Radiation and Effects 34 Program 9, General Support 35 Quince and Fig Results (Programs 1, 2, and 8) 37 Teak and Orange Results (Programs 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9) 40 2.2 Task Unit 1, LASL Programs 43 Programs 10 and 18, Fireball Physics and Thermal Radiation 43 5 Page Program 11, Radiochemistry 46 Program 12, External Neutron Measurements 46 Program 13, Reaction History 47 Program 14, Phonex-pinex 47 Program15, Photo-Physics 47 Program 16, Temperature Measurements 48 Program 17, Electromagnetic Measurements 48 2.3 Task lhi~ 2, UCRL Programs 48 Program 21, Radiochemistry 48 Program 22, Reaction History 48 Program 24, Phonex 50 2.4 Task Unit 4, SC prOgIWIM 50 Program 32, Doorknob 50 Program 34, Sand.ia Support 52 2.5 Program 40, Radiobiological SuIWey 57 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL ACTll~TIES OF TASK GROUP 7.1 55 3.1 ~ssion 59 3.2 Organization and Command Relationships 59 3.3 Planning and Training 63 Programs, schedules, and Concepts 63 Determination of Requirements 70 Training and Rehearsals 72 3.4 Movement to the Forward Area 78 Personnel 76 Equipment 79 3.5 Movement of Devices and Components 8? 3.6 Forward Area Operations 84 General 84 Test Facilities 85 Intra-atoll Airlift 86 Inter -atoli Airlift b7 Off-atoll Airlift 8~ Int ra -atoll Boat Service 88 Me r -atoll W’ater Lift 89 Motor Vehicle Transportation 90 Off-atoll Operations 92 Test Rockets 92 3.7 Evacuation, Recovery, and Re-entry Planning 93 3.8 Personnel Muster and Evacuation 94 Musters 94 Evacuation 96 3.9 Property Evacuation 97 3.10 Operations Afloat, Recovery, and Re-entry 97 Operations Afloat 97 Eniwetok Recovery and Re-entry 97 Bikini ltecove~ and Re-ent~ 99 Johnston Island Nose Cone Recove~ 99 3.11 Sample Returns 100 3.12 Arming and Firing 101 6 3.13 Communications 102 Teletype and Mail Sexwice 103 Communications at En.twetok proving Ground 103 Communications at Johnston Xsland 104 3.14 Security 105 Predeparture Security Indoctrination 106 Transmission of Classified Documents in Personal Custody of Individuals 106 Acceaa to Restricted Dab 106 Exclusion Areas 106 Chmnces 107 Badge Requeeta 107 Compliance with CINCPAC Serial 020 107 Securtty Briefings 108 Security posters 108 security Vfolatlons 108 3.15 Classification 108 3.16 Technical Reports 108 3.17 Safety 109 Preparation 109 Personnel 109 Operations 109 Unusual Incidents and Special problems 110 Accident Summaxy 110 Special Comment 111 3.18 Disposition of Forces (RolJ-up) 111 Phase-out of Personnel 111 Property Roll-up 112 Headquarters Roll-up 113 3.19 Conclusions end ltecommendations 113 General 113 J-1 Section, Personnel and Administration 115 J-3 Secticn, Plans aad Operations 116 J-4 Section, Logistics end Supply 117 CHAFI!ER 4 SUMMARY OF TASK UNIT ACTIVITIES 118 4.1 Task Unit 1, LASL %Og-S 118 4.2 Task Unit 2, UCRL Programs 119 4.3 Task Unit 3, DOD Programs 119 4.4 Task Unit 4, SC Acttvlties 121 4.5 Task Unit 5, EG&G Activities 122 Timing and Firing, Communications 122 Technical Pbotogmpby 123 Alpha Measurements 123 General Administration 124 Johnston Island Activities 124 4,6 Task Unit 6, Radiological Safety 126 4.7 Weapon Assembly 128 Iu4SL lf)s UCRL 128 SancUa 129 8 IiMLDTACKDEVICESAND YIELDS gted Yield Actual Yield’ Shot Device Sponeor DOD Yucca 17.5 ● 1.5 id C&2tue LASL 13 to 14 kt Fir UCRL LASL Buttenut 1.30 = 0.08 Mt Koa L4SL 1.75 Nlt Wahoo mD Holly USL Nutmeg UCRL YellowwO@ LASL $fmgnOlta IASL Tobacco IASL 9ycmlore UCRL Rose LASL Umbrella mD Maple UCRL Aepen UCRL R shut LASL Linden LASL Redwocd Ucu Elder LASL 8.9 : 0.6 Mt oak LASL ‘7.5 Mt Hlckoq UCRL %quols I.ASL Cedar UCRL Dogwood UCRL Poplar UCRL .%aevola LASL Plsonh IASL Juutper UCRL Ollve Ucu Pine UCRL Teak mD Quince UCRL -e mD Flg ‘Corrected to Februarv 1959. 9 HARDTACK PROJECT PARTICIPATION SCHEDULE Prog . and Sponsor Proj. No. and Agency 1 BLAST AND SHOCK MEASUREMENTS AFSWP 1.1 Underwater Pressure
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