![[Pennsylvania County Histories]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
REFEI IENCE Ji ffi OOLLE( ]TIONS S-A 9"7 Y.<P H VCf Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from This project is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries https://archive.org/details/pennsylvaniacoun66unse as ... > . INDEX, Page B Page ft <H 4 • H 'p5 'i'T* ^ l I y,bV INDEX. 5age S '1 ' 3age Pag* "S i • s . *■ • • W T uv w IL . 1. , j ’■- w* W ■ : XYZ . I r—;-- Mb . ,_ tr_ .... »> '' mi - . ■ nothing? It is rather a new method to white- I “ nuts for future historians TO CRACK.” * wash one’s “great-grandfather” by blacken-P % ing another man’s “grandfather.” Is it to ' Immense and '(Overwhelming in importance j make money ? Alas! Mr. Editor, for the to future historians as Mr. Smith’s work is, j sake’ of decency I regret to say it is. t we confess after cracking his nuts we found! The long delay in the publication, the the kernels to be wretchedly shrivelled-up i frequent announcements in the newspapers affairs. They are, most of them, what Mr. 1 of what teas to appear, as though held Toots would say, “ decidedly of no conse- | I in terror en% over parties known to be j quence.” After investigating his labors we 1 ■ sensitive on the subject, conclusively show <; have arrived at this conclusion, that the:| Cr' this to be the object. But if more be author, notwithstanding his literary anteee-! wanting, Mr. Smith’s own declarations to a 3 dents, is as miserably ignorant of the subject! number of persons will suffice. “That he he has attempted to handle as he is otherwise was willing to sell out the enterprise” to one unfit for the task he has imposed upon him- j whom he thought interested in suppressing : self. His spasmodic grief at the purloining ii it, and that too, when the only part of the j from public and private libraries of the jj M book printed was the title page, which was 1 “ Cadwalader pamphlet,” and their other- j handed about with a description of the) wise being spirited away, until he would J vignette that was to accompany it. This 1 have us believe they were as rare as the ’ vignette does not as yet appear in the book— j “Breeches Bible” or the second “ Decad of whether, from the gross libel it contained it t Livy,” has no foundation in fact. It would has been suppressed, or the same cause that be hard to find the merest tyro in history | delayed the publication of the book now who has not seen it, and we among our own 1 ;; keeps back the title page and vignette, Mr. friends know of at least a dozen who possess! Smith and the engraver can best answer. j copies of the pamphlet. As to the “second' Actuated by such a motive while totally edition” which Mr. Smith calls a literary ' ignorant of his subject, he has completely curiosity, we are almost tempted to suspect 5 bungled and spoiled it. The matter is well he has a lot on hand to dispose of at his book • worthy of proper investigation, and we should store in Sixth street. But let us be grateful 3 i' like to see the facts relating to it collected he has given us the “ Cadwalader pamphlet,’’ | together. This yet remains to be done, and and “ such an edition as cannot be bought up whoever next attempts it, we trust, will be or destroyed,” unless indeed it should suffer | prompted by motives more exalted than those the fate of many a better book, and be which it is right to presume here actuated “ Sent in quires to line a trunk.” Mr. Horace W. Smith. _ And this is all we have to thank him for. Tbe Title to llie State House Yard. As for the “ Yalley Forge” forgeries, they The following report was made to City are eutirely too insignificant to merit a mo¬ Councils in the year 1S13, in consequence of a desire on the part of those bodies to under¬ ment’s notice. When Mr. Smith shall have ; stand the condition of the State House established their authenticity it will be quite property, which it was proposed the City time enough for us to give them our atten¬ should buy. The Legislature having moved the capital to Harrisburg, the acquisition tion. of the State House, with the yard apurte- And now, Mr. Editor, what is the motive { nant, was considered a judicious thing. that prompts the publication of this work ? The title having been inquired into by Re¬ Is it for the use of future historians ? Why corder Reed, and his report having been made known, further negotiation took then does he not publish the “ Remarks of place, and finally the City purchased the Gen. Heed,” “ The Furgueson pamphlet,” old State House and the State House yard, the “ Trial of Arnold,” and other matter upon the trust and restriction that the 1 ground south of the buildings then standing that is really scarce ? Is it to defend his should never be built upon. The following “ great-grandfather” from the attack of Mr. report refers to certain plans of the property, Reed in his “life of his grandfather,” which which we cannot give in connection here- he says were ungentlemanly and amount to with, but which are not necessary for the latter not until two years after t^8’ and the understanding of the general reader. Mo-t the law, which recites thl’t^e tire passage of of the references are to Plan No. 3, which previously purchased ^t the wholc had been »lreferreded,f°. to tbereil^nthere is an Ia the Act of Assembly shows the position of the lots as originally declaration ‘ Uhat^a^a?Pth>JS8?'i pr?vlso and acquired. It is not necessary to specify raeaning thereof that no and he ^tate House, as it is now built. further here, except to say that the lots be converted into or madelZ^ U is now lnalt< Noa. 18 and 19-tor which the City appears to sort of buildings tZfeuvon tU°L have no title by absolute conveyance from r&main a P^tio oZ grheeenaaZ the original owners-ar® situated upon the mafketdeNo?tlif In^th^hpian^N’ a^other lot, TV alxmt street front, about the centre of th© chased bv Wiifinna ah No. 2, was par- ground, and are each 255 feet deep by 4% province, as the aS of„P„“ a! tor'»»;>«- ,the “se ?rdf pthe8i. February, 1762, recites* ^f?fthbly of the 17th of feet wide. The report of Recorder Reed is atattheperi the periodod^^hlflas^i^ of this last Lw®e ^P^u??l^i<>lt,d which, as follows: chased, was the front had been pur- this lot on Walnut strL?n -r?esn?t street and In Select and Common Councils. June 2s! iris baildings erected thereon ^witVthl®’ wlt:tl ttle vyouiiciM,Counciir& iuatd ’nnon©b/ or toe mor© suitahifl of the two comer int»^wr, the exception bouses now stand «¥» Court- nmvk.iu' lhe PrcBUUmts of Councils,whose upon and vested in’ by„ this Act settled auty it shall be, with aii reasonable dispatch to proceed to Harrisburg, and from the de,S Legislat™of the MS* for t?e.nse «* the such other uses intents aad to and for any time should dbefft®withP*UhP°r 6n 88 they at Essssnsste dfeaSEiras i strictions and limitative t?e following re- \ always, neverthei^s and ’ JlZ-: ''Provided, on which the adjoining buildings stand lu\d dared to be X\„?“ }l ,IS hereby de- hereof, that no part oT^tlL and meaning lying to the southward of the \Td ground ssssss saris?H£ the walls as it is now built \Zr?,/l°use' wUhin erecting any sort of hi,.;7^1^be used for same shall be and Xmairf affni,h7^eon,7}ut that Jfhe . Thomas Bradford, Jr.', forever. > > This Act «i™ P bhc falk and Oreen Clerk of the Select Council. 1735~'36, Act also repeals the Act of virtue ®f the authority to us delegated hv made by theHe^iature^n'o aPProPriat[on was to purchase othfr lots to* h« Eob/®^tlle trustees , tees for the same purnoses I?,®,ted i1} the trU8’ S'po"wVSiT„ £88? .“sfcpfS's8 same uses for which «m l’t«^dwUbJect t0 the under him, to assist in the premises. P ’ appurtenances was hr tL i ? House and its Samuel W, Fishes, ruary, in the Z’e L?eAoto,f 17tt> of Feb- President or the Select Council, | clared, and to aadfor no ot^frlntedJand de' purpose whatsoever. tber nse. Intent or Phiiadel^isf/jtay excfptiorometwo18 and 19-in the planriC otfonNo 9 wlfnntTfVlnu^?tJ eet(Wlth-N theos. #F«K3ir0 TH35 CITY COUNCILS ON THE TIT! E OF THE CITY TO THE STATE HOUSE Y^Rm can be found) was coxm)?;tfidf “o deed “ ~ —Wf w** wtitj Ot/feij. Ol J olv snanc© thereof I nrnneAd*»ri ne-Xi *'**f' a.Aiu Lii© ground on ’ ow,Uis, <kc. th® several counUeTbvested'^,Wt®h® ®rected, of wealth, discharged „d in the Common- against all claims of thedtrn^tSf ^ted from and subject, however tn ,SC urustees or their heirs trusts, dispositions and dlreeH Usel' lntentst’ tbe same had bean hAfniiectio21s, for which chasers, during a pmoTof eigS/ years S pointed and respectively ap- upwards, between the original patenfeelfof^hn saving and always reimrvi™8'.11'1 for none other; Proprietor and the trustees aDpoSitSi persons, bodies poll tie t0 every person or receive the legal title on t^plift ofthf province0 their heirs and suce1esso^1^>thS,?hate*ills a,lli ^^ ^{ ^p way materiai to the question as it tees, all such estate^righf 0tmLthaa.
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