9780521871808 Index.Pdf

9780521871808 Index.Pdf

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87180-8 — Jacques Offenbach and the Making of Modern Culture Laurence Senelick Index More Information 332 Index À l’ombre des jeunes i lles en l eur , novel (M. Anderson, Percy 120 Proust, 1918)) 85 Angélo, tyran de Padoue, play (V. Hugo, 1835) 41 Abel- Helena , parody (A. de Azevedo, 1873) 184 Anna Karenina , novel (L. N. Tolstoy, 1875– 77) Abendroth, Walter 216 151 , 159 Aborn Opera Company 252 Anouilh, Jean 247 Academy of Music, Montreal 122 anti- semitism 96 , 300 – 301 Academy of Music, New York 132 in France 68 , 235 – 36 , 238 – 39 Achard, Marcel 244 – 45 in Germany 73 , 77 – 78 , 215 – 19 , 271 Action Française 239 Wagner’s 67 – 71 , 198 Adam, Adolphe 30 Antony , play (A. Dumas père , 1831) 19 Adams, A. Davies 256 Arcadians, h e , musical comedy ((R. Adelphi h eatre, London 101 , 120 , 259 – 60 Courtneidge, A. M. h ompson and M. Adler, Hans Günther 218 Ambruin, music L. Monckton and H. Admiralspalast, Berlin 273 Talbot, 1909) 120 Adorno, h eodor W. 5 – 6 , 201 , 214 Archer, William 116 , 118 Adventures of Robin Hood, h e , i lm (M. Curtiz Arderíus, Francisco 172 – 74 , 180 and W. Keighley, 1938) 261 Argus , Melbourne, periodical 190 Æneid , epic poem (Vergil) 18 Ariadne auf Naxos , opera (R. Strauss, 1912) 202 Agoult, Marie, comtesse d’ (Daniel Stern) 73 Ariane et Barbe- bleue , opera (P. Dukas, 1907) 281 Aïda , opera (G. Verdi, 1871) 185 Aristophanes 112 , 264 , 267 Aimée, Marie 133 , 136 – 37 , 180 , 183 Arlequin barbier , pantomime (J. Of enbach Aimée Opera Company 128 from G. Rossini, 1855) 34 Albert of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha, Prince Aronson, Rudolph 138 – 39 Consort 98 Arrow Cross Party 301 Albert, Mary 117 Asakusa Opera, Tokyo 197 Alcazar Lyrique Flumineuse, Rio de Janeiro ’Ašara aţ- ţayibba, al- (h e Ten of Diamonds ), 180 – 81 , 183 – 85 musical comedy (S. Darwīš, 1920) 188 alcôve, Un , opéra comique (J. Of enbach, Ashton, Frederick 287 1847) 31 Atala , novella (F. Chateaubriand, 1801) 13 Alexander II, tsar of Russia 143 Athénée, h éâtre de l’, Paris, see h éâtre de Alexandra, Empress of Russia 220 l’Athénée Alexandrinsky h eatre, St Petersburg 144 Au Bonheur des dames , novel (E. Zola, 1883) 231 Alhambra Music Hall, London 106 Auber, Daniel 30 , 65 , 98 , 133 , 166 , 171 Alhambra h eatre, London 54 , 105 , 111 , 116 Augé de Lassus, Lucien 11 Almée, L’ , painting (Gérôme) 132 Augier, Émile 23 Almeida, Antonio de 296 – 97 Augustine, St 46 Almlöf, Kurt 167 Aus dem wahren Milliardenlande, study (M. Alvin h eatre, New York 266 Nordau, 1878) 198 Amadeo I, King of Spain 174 aventures de Télémaque, Les , novel (F. Fénélon, Amara, Lucine 268 1693– 94) 173 Ambros, August Wilhelm 171 – 72 Avenue h eatre, London 108 , 117 332 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87180-8 — Jacques Offenbach and the Making of Modern Culture Laurence Senelick Index More Information 333 Index 333 Avoscani, Pietro 185 n.11 Bateman, H. L. 123 – 26 Azbak Tatakh al- Zahiry, Amir 185 n.11 Baudelaire, Charles 9 , 75 , 261 Azevedo, Artur de 184 – 85 on modernity 9 , 17 – 18 on the modern woman 25 Babes in the Wood , pantomime (T. Taylor, 1867) bavards, Les (Bavard et Bavarde ), opera bouf e 103 , 141 (C.- L. E. Nuitter, music J. Of enbach, Bach, Alexander von 170 1862) 96 , 126 , 179 , 237 , 240 Bach, Johann Sebastian 109 Bayram aț- Tunisi, Mahmūd 189 Bad Ems, Germany 292 Bayreuth Festival 77 – 78 Badeau, Adam 125 Beardsley, Aubrey 204 , 288 Bakaleinikov, Vladimir 228 beau Pâris, Le , subterfuge 147 Baker, Josephine 96 , 240 – 43 Beaumarchais, Pierre Caron de 49 Baklanof , George 213 Beaumont, Count Étienne de 243 Baklanova, Olga 230 n.28 Beckett, Samuel 247 , 250 Bakst, Léon 254 Beecham, Sir h omas 109 n.35 , 287 Bal Mabille, Paris 34 Beecher, Henry Ward 131 Balanchine, George 261 n.28 Beerbohm Tree, see Tree, Herbert Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 243 , 260 Beerbohm Ballets Russes 120 , 223 , 254 , 259 Beethoven, Ludwig von 50 , 190 , 256 Banville, h éodore de 43 – 44 Behrens, Peter 202 Barba de milho , parody (A. de Azevedo, Béjart, Maurice 243 1869) 184 Bell, Digby 137 Barbe, André 285 Bell, Rose 128 Barbe- bleue , opéra bouf e (H. Meilhac and L. Bell L.N. , minstrel show 128 Halévy, music J. Of enbach, 1866) 8 n.30 , Bellaigue, Camille 21 48 , 60 , 66 , 92 , 114 , 126 , 137 , 152 , 154 – 55 , belle Hélène, La , opera bouf e (H. Meilhac and 173 , 176 – 77 , 182 , 187 – 88 , 190 , 194 , 210 , L. Halévy, music J. Of enbach, 1864) 16 , 233 , 286 20 , 24 – 25 , 41 , 47 , 48 , 52 , 60 , 72 , 74 – 76 , 80 , Brazilian parodies 183 – 84 94 , 97 , 110 , 129 , 138 , 164 , 166 , 172 , 182 , 191 , Felsenstein’s production 280 – 84 194 , 217 , 224 , 236 , 246 , 252 , 285 Karl Kraus on 93 compared to Papal encyclical 18 Barber- Blue , minstrel show 138 Heinrich Schliemann on 164 Barber of Seville , see Barbiere de Siviglia Howells on 134 Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules 52 Helikon- Opera production 234 Barbier, Jules 276 , 296 in Cairo 186 – 88 Barbiere di Siviglia, Il , opera (G. Rossini, 1816) in Christiania 169 44 , 268 in London 299 Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo 172 in Munich 66 Barcarolle 2 , 243 , 251 , 265 in New York 125 – 36 Bardán, Maria 172 in St Petersburg 144 , 147 , 149 , 151 , Barkouf , opera bouf e (E. Scribe and H. 220 – 21 Boisseaux, music J. Of enbach, 1860) in Stockholm 167 – 69 31 , 38 , 53 in Vienna 87 – 88 Barnett, Benjamin 99 inl uence on Strindberg 168 – 69 Baroneza de Cayapó, A , parody (A. de Azevedo, inl uence on Uncle Vanya 152 , 155 – 63 1868) 183 Johanna Richardson on 4 Barrault, Jean- Louis 247 – 50 Jules Lemaître on 4 Bartered Bride, h e , opera (B. Smetana, Komissarzhevsky on 221 – 22 1882) 170 – 71 Lillian Russell in 140 – 41 Bartók, Bela 281 Mardzhanov’s production 221 – 22 Bastos, Pinto 176 Nemirovich- Danchenko’s Ba- Ta- Clan , chinoiserie musicale (L. Halévy, production 230 – 31 music Of enbach, 1855) 12 – 13 , 87 , 99 , 103 , Premiere 42 – 45 123 , 129 – 30 , 286 Reinhardt’s productions 206 – 10 , 230 , 236 , Ba- Ta- Clan , Rio de Janeiro, periodical 181 253 – 63 , 265 – 66 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87180-8 — Jacques Offenbach and the Making of Modern Culture Laurence Senelick Index More Information 334 334 Index belle Lurette , opéra comique (E. Blum, G. Bluebeard Repaired, a Worn- out Subject Done Up Blau and R. Toché, music J. Of enbach, Anew , one- act (1866) 101 1880) 9 , 117 Bluebeard , ballet suite (A. Dorati, 1941) 264 Belle Vivette, La , operetta (M. Frayn, music J. Bluebeard’s Castle , opera (B. Bartók, Of enbach, 1995) 299 1911– 18) 281 Bellini, Vincenzo 75 , 128 Blum, Ladislav Moshé 219 Bellmer, Hans 214 – 15 , 286 Bobèche (Antoine Mandelard) 14 Benchley, Robert 14 Boieldieu, François- Adrien 65 Benigni, Roberto 2 Bolshoy h eatre, Moscow 224 Benjamin, Walter 5 – 6 , 201 , 214 Bombastes Furioso , burlesque (W. B. Rhodes, Bennett, Arnold 206 1811) 125 Bennett, Robert Russell 267 Bonaparte, Louis- Napoléon, see Benois, Alexander 223 Napoleon III Benoit, Dénise 249 Bonnet, Hippolyte 64 – 65 Bergenz Festspielhaus 302 Boosey and Co., Boosey and Hawkes, music Berger, Julius 268 publishers 108 , 297 bergers, Les , opéra comique (H.- J. Boots , short story (A. P. Chekhov, 1885) 154 Crémieux and P. Gille, music J. Borge, Victor 32 Of enbach, 1865) 48 Borodin, Aleksandr 148 Berl, Heinrich 200 Boston Globe , periodical 132 Berliner Ensemble 283 Boston Herald , periodical 253 Berlioz, Hector 39 , 45 , 64 – 65 , 68 Boston Opera House 252 – 54 Bertin, Pierre 249 n.42 Boucicault, Dion 191 Bertman, Dmitry 234 Bouf ar, Zulma 41 – 42 , 49 , 114 , 146 , 249 Berton, Francisque 143 Bouf e h eatre, St Petersburg 146 – 47 Besson, Benno 271 Bouf es- Parisiens, h éâtre des, Paris 5 , 11 – 15 , Betz, Hans 59 34 – 35 , 37 – 38 , 41 , 47 , 53 , 55 , 84 – 85 , 89 , 99 , Beuys, Josef 81 n.61 102 , 110 , 151 , 300 – 301 Bibliothèque nationale, Paris 248 , 276 Boulanger, Nadia 243 biche au bois, La, ou La royaume des fees, féerie boulangère a des écus , La , opéra bouf e (T. Cogniard, music Pilati, 1845) 132 (H. Meilhac and L. Halévy, music J. Bieber, Justin 234 Of enbach, 1875) 53 , 111 , 153 , 241 Bijou Opera Company 137 Boule de neige , opéra bouf e (C.- H. L. Nuitter Binder, Carl 85 and E. Tréfeu, music J. Of enbach, Bing, Rudolf 268 1871) 53 Birgfeld, Adolphe 126 Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le (Būrger als Birth of Tragedy, h e , essay (F. Nietzsche, Edelmann ), opera (R. Strauss from Molière, 1872) 77 1918) 202 Bismarck, Otto von 17 , 50 , 71 – 72 Box and Cox , farce (J. M. Morton, 1847) 102 Bizet, Georges 77 , 224 , 296 Boys from Syracuse, h e , musical comedy (R. Bizzelli, Annibale 58 n.74 Rodgers and L. Hart, 1938) 266 Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne 169 – 70 Boy’s Town , i lm (N. Taurog, 1931) 265 Black Crook, h e , extravaganza (C. M. Barras, Brandenburgers in Bohemia , opera 1866) 132 – 33 (B. Smetana, 1862– 63) 171 Blague 1 4 – 1 5 Brandl, Johann 85 Blanche, August 167 Brecht, Bertolt 9 , 178 – 79 , 213 , 271 – 72 , 274 , Blasco, Eusebio 173 278 – 78 , 283 – 84 , 286 Blasel, Karl 88 on opera 86 Blech, Leo 211 Brentano, Felix 264 Blessinger, Karl 217 n.50 Brickwell, H. T. 117 Blok, Aleksandr 223 brigands, Les , opéra bouf e (H. Meilhac and L. Blossom Time , operetta (D. Donnelly from Halévy, music J. Of enbach, 1869) 22 , 52 , A.

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