Eighth Series, Vol. VI, No. 4S lkwrW.v,' May 16, 1985' Vaisakha 26. 1907 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second Session (Eigbtb Lok Sabba) (Vol. VI contains Nos. 41 to 48) LOI: ,SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELIU Price : Rs. 4.00 [Original English proceedings included in English Version and original Hindi proceedings included in Hindi Version will be treated as authoritative and not the translation 'hereof.] CONTENTS No. 45, Thursday. May 16, 1985/ Vaisalcha 26, 1907 (Stika) Columns Oral Answers to Questions : 1-29 ·Starred Question Nos. 875 to 880, 882, 884 and 885 Short Notice Question No.2 29-38 Written Answers to Question: 38-235 Starred Questions Nos. 881, 883 and 886 to 894 38-44 Unstarred Question Nos. 6833 to 7026, 7026 ... A, 7026-B, 44-235 7026-C Papers Laid on the Table 238-245 BiU Introduced- " 238-245 Arms (Amendment) BiU, 1985 Matters under rule 377- 246-251 (0 Need to reopen the Bhaskar Textile Mills, Jharsuguda, Orissa Shri SribaUav Panigrahi 246 (ii) Need to improve irrigation facilities in drought affccted districts of Andhra Pradesh and Kamataka Shri K. Ramachandra Reddy 247 (iii) Need to take stringent steps to ensure safe delivery of money sent by insured covers through Post Offices 247 Dr. Chandra Sbekhar Tripathi ·Tbe'ian + marked above tbe name of a Member indicates tbat the question actually .,ked on tho floor of the House by that Member. (ii) Columns (Iv) Need to protect the city of Ban,alore from pollution Shri S. M. Ouraddi 248 (v) Need to introduce an express train from Tamkur to Banaalore Shri G. S. Basavaraj 249 (vi) Need to provide Air Service between Varanasi and Bombay via Nagpur Shri U rna Kant M ishra 250 (vii) Need to Take action against The "Dainik Jagran" for publishing a news-item tending to create unrest and instability in the country Shri Naresh Chandra Chaturvedi 250 (vii i) Need to provide assistance by the Centre to the Government of Maharashtra for Organising drought relief and providing drinking water facilities Shri Keshaorao Pardhi 251 Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Amendo1ent) Bill 1985- Mot ion to consider Shri S. Jaipal Reddy 252 Shri Brajamohan Mohanty 255 Shri Amal Datta 257 Shri lndrajit Gupta 262 Shri Veerendra PatH 268 Consideration of Clause5 Motion to pass Shri Veerendra Patil 283 Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council (Abolition) BiU- . 283-285 Motion to consider Clauses 2 to 3 Shri H. at Bharadwaj (iii) CoJuml'\S Motion to pass Shri H. R. Bharadwaj 284 Shri C. Madhav Reddi 284 Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy 284 Shri S. Jaipal Reddy 284 Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill, 1985 286-325 Motion to consider Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad 286 Shri H. A. Dora 287 Shri Sharad Dighe 289 Shri K. N. Pradhan 292 Shri Ajoy Biswas 295 Sh ri Somna th Ra th 297 Shri Satyendra Narayan Sinha 298 Shri V. S. Krishna Iyer 301 Shri Mool Chand Daga 304 Shri R. Annanambi 306 Shri Raj Mangal Pande 309 Shri Indrajit Gupta 312 Shri Abdul Rashid Kabuli '317 Shri T. Anjiah 320 Consideration of Clauses Motion to Pass Shri T. Anjiah Companies (Amedment) Bill, 1985- 32S-35S Motion to consider Shri Veerendra PatH 32S Sbri C. Madhav Reddi 328 Shri Ram Pyare Panika 330 Sbri Harish Rawat 333,/" .,/' /' Shri Suresb Rurup \ (iv) Columns Shri Raj Mansal Pandey 337 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 339 Shri Salauddin 342 Prof. Madhu Dandavate 344 Prof. N. G. Ranga 350 Death of Member 355-356 LOK SABRA DEBATES 2 LOK SABHA SHRI I. RAMA RAJ: Sir, the railways being the cheapest mode of transport, the. demand for more and better railways espe­ cially in the Southern States like Kcrata and Thursday, May 16, 1985!Vaisakha 26, Karnataka is high. There is a strong feeling 1907 (SAKA) that Centre is not giving due sJ1 are to the development of railways in Southern States. The Minister in his reply has stated that a proposal to issue a separate series of Bond~ Lok Sabha met at Eleven 0/ the Clock. for Ministry of Railways by the Central [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] Government has been taken up with the Ministry of Finance. Already the Finance (El1gli.s It] Minister has stated that seJected Publk Sector Corporations especiaJly in high MR. SPEAKER: Shri Rama Rai ••. not priority areas lik.: Power a.nd Telc-com­ present. next Qucsti on ••• Shri Jadeja. municatjons are allowed to float Bonds upto PROF. P.J. KURIEN: Sir, Mr. Rama a designated limit. Paucity of funds is the Rai is present and he is putting his Question. main reason for the stagnation of growth of Railways. In what way the Government i~ PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He is proposing to meet the shortage of funds and not abr;;ent, but he is absentminded. the high and legitimate demands of our region? ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: The [English] Ministry is proposing to meet the shortage of funds by asking for some more allocali{Jn~ Raising uf Capital by Railways for from the Planning Commission and also by De\'elopmental Activities asking permisson of the Finance Ministry to fl0at new Railway Bonds. ·875 SHRJ I. RAMA RAJ : Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to SHR I I. RAMA RAl: Peoples fepre" state: sentatives both at the Central and Sate levels have been complaining about the poor con .. (a) whether the Ministry of Railways ditions of Railway stations, coaches, wagons I'ropose to raise capital by issuing bonds etc. Railway lines. etc. in the SOllth. Sir I would to meet the demands of developmental acti· t like to say that due to the high fare and vities; and tariff, Kerala people are compelled to pay (b) if so, the details thereof? exhorbitant alnlost penal revenue to Rail­ ways. Earlier we are told a coach factory THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE also will be given to KeraJa. Now, it looks MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI we are nowhere. I would like to ask the MADHAVRAO SCINIDA): (a) and (b). Hon. Minister what concrete proposal or The Railway Ministry cannot issue Bonds on measures he is loing to take to meet these their own for i.ai!way development. grievances. However, a proposal to issue a separAte series of bonds for Ministry of Railways by SHRI MAOHAVRAO SCJNDIA The the CentraJ Government bas been taken up best possible is beina attempted under the with lbe Ministry of Finapce. oircuIDStarK:es. Oral Answ~rl MAY 16,198' Oral "'nswer4 4 MR. SPEAKER: I have requc3ted so their influence on students during students.· many times the Hon. Members not to read elections by their unions. Wi)) the Govern .. out questions in the House. Whil~ putting ment consider putting a ban on such activj .. supplementary questions, they should not ties by political parties '? read out prepared ones and put in the House. Nothing should be read out in the House SHRI K. C. PANT: A ban in these and I wuuld like that YOU should put matters is not a solution. What is imporant straightforward supplem~;!ntaTies which could for all of us is to realise the damage which elicit some good response from the Hon. the student indiscipline is doing to the Ministers. fabric of our universitie:s. And the important thing is that whenever there is unrest in a Discipline in Universities universitYt maybe for legitimate reasons~ maybe because the grievances have piled up *876. SHRf D. P. JADEJA: Will the and the decision') have not been taken Minister of EDUCA lION be pleased to quickly, maybe because the facilities are not state : enough, maybe because there is overcrowding or whatever may be the reasons, then a cer­ (a) whether any guidelines have been tain amount of self disdpline has to be issued lo 8ta tes to bring about better disci­ exercised by poltical parties to see that they pline in various State Universities; and do not exploit the situation and thereby create problems in the university. The (b) if so., the details thereof? students become sometimes victims of such agitations and then other things happen THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION (SHRI K. C. PANT) which disturb the life of the university for (a) The Central years to come. Government has not issued any such guidelines to the States. PROF. P. J. KURIEN : According to late Shri M. C. Chagla, indiscipline is not a (b) Docs not arise. disease, it is only a symptom of the disease. The real disease is mora) degradation and SHRI 0. P. JADEJA : Sir, most of the this starts not from coJ]eges, but from the educational institutions in the country are high schools itself. I would like to know financed by the:: Government. I would like from tbe Minister whether he is aware of to know from the Hon. Minister whether he this basic fact, basic reason of indiscipline. considers having a Code of Conduct to be In view of this, will he consider to incJude accepted and implemented by the students. in his National Educational Policy moral instructional courses right from the high MIl. SPEAKER: That is a good example. school along with regular courses for giving greater res.pect to our culture, OUr national leaders, our political system etc. so that the SHRI K. C. PANT: Sir, the question students are better suited for the society. of Code of Conduct should appJy not only to students b~ to teachers, to political parties SHRI K. C. PANT: What my Hon. and to people from outside wh~) ure also friend has said is an important dimension of interested in the University education. Students education and character building.
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