Valparaiso University ValpoScholar Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 6-1954 June, 1954 Valparaiso University Guild Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Valparaiso University Guild, "June, 1954" (1954). Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins. 17. This Bulletin/Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by ValpoScholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins by an authorized administrator of ValpoScholar. For more information, please contact a ValpoScholar staff member at [email protected]. ~ui/J Uitio,. "~Ii Pl:\J{f\ISO UDIV'CllSITf ~OliLCTIIl_ JUNE, 1954 VALPARAl.S 0 ' UNIVERSITY Message from T he Presiden t /Jrnr Guild M em ber: '\f~LPAllI\ISO H ave yo u forgon e n a n ythin g? T ie a string aro und your ringer ! Try associatio n of' ideas! UDI'1€llSITf T h ink o f, let u s say, VA L P ARAJSO-C: U ll.D .BULL(TIQ - a n d , ves. you a r e r ig h t,-the (; ILD C:ON­ VENT IO 1. {;ui/J &/ition The ~:l rd an11 11 <1 l con ven tion o l 1he Va lp;1- raiso U nivers ity C uild ll' ill h e he ld o n t he ca111p11 s o r our U n iversity Se p te111 he r '.l ' l -~ !i . You ll' ho ha ve a tte nd ed t h e~e 111ee1i ngs in pre­ vicH1 s years w ill w<1 n t to cu11 1e ag <1 i11 . If you lta \'e n ever been o n n1111 p 11 ~ . we in v ite you 11 0 111 10 set a side tltc las t week e n d i 11 Sc p­ tc 111 hc r i11 \\'h ir h to v is it your U n i ve r~ ity. \Ve Official Puhlication nf the Vnlpnra iso Univcrsit i• Gu ild. Puhlished · hy Valpnrniso U n iversity " ·a 111 you to sec the n eed s o r t he n i vc r~ i ty a n d \\'C \l'< tn l you to join u ~ in worki n g- rn11 a Vol. 27 JUNE, 1954 N o. 14 p rq~ra 111 or 1te rv ice 10 o ur U nivers ity. The .\d111 i11 istrntivc C o 111111 ittee is planning a di­ O F F I C ER S vc r ~i l icd p rogrn111 or inte rest and inspiratio n " ·ith t he ~ in rcre h o p e tha t the Gu ild Con ven ­ Bditor t,.·trs. E. H. ftuprccht, Executive Sccrctnry t ion o r 1954 w i II set a n ew record of a t­ Vnlparniso Univers ity, Valparaiso, Ind. te n dan ce. P resident ..................................... Mrs. E.T.J. Birner 11 21 Charleston A \'e., Mattoon, Ill. R em em ber t he dates, Sep tember 24-2 <i ! Pla n to a tte nd! W e'll be seeing you o n First V.P. .. ................................ Mrs. W. A. Drews 115 Cu11en Blvd .. Buffa lo, N.Y. cam p u s. Second V.I'. .... Mr•. Roy C. Fra nk S i 11 cercl y yo urs, 4408 8tnnford Ct.. Che\')' Clrn•c. Md. Vio la Birner, l'rl'sic/ 1·111 Secretary Mr•. I". .I. Schumm 20!l6 Shcrhrnok Rd .. Toledn, Oh io * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ Trcnsur<:r Mr~ . \V i11 i~1 rn Steinfeldt. * 11 o:; Det roit. t.a Por te, I ndin nn SLAT E O F CANDIDAT ES * Field ~,.r .. EA fl lf'rn J\rtw Mrs. Roy C. Frank * A 4:ll6 Sln n ford Ct .. Chev)' Cha•c. Wnshin1<ton 15, D.G. A· /I. slalr of candida tes for offic:cs in the na- * Field Se<'. , Northern lilinoi• Mrs. K. A. llliese 36- 10 Charles, Rockford, Ill inois * 1io 11 al Gui ld has been presented by the nomi- * Field Sec .. Southern Illinois Mrs. Fred Homan. Sr. * na ting committee. Election wi ll be held at the * 428 Woodland, Mattoon, Illinois * business session of the annual convention on * Field Sec .. Northern lndianu .. Mrs. Louis A . J acobs * Saturday, September 25th. * 116 North Tenth St.. Decat ur, Indiana * Field Sec. * PRESIDE T: Southern l ndinnn . l\1rs. Clarence \Ves tcrmcicr * Terrace Lake, R. 6. Columbus, Indiana * Mrs. Wm. A. Drews, Buffalo, ew York Field Sec.. Michigan ... Mrs. Louis H ein ecke Mrs. E. S. Snyder, Cleveland, Ohio * 45140 Van Dyke St.. Utica. Michigan * * Field Sec.. Minne•otu ... ...... Mrg. M. F. Borgelt * * * FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT : 15G l Etu1t. River Terrace, Minneapolis, Minn. * Field Sec., New Yor k .. Mrs. Wm. H ueseler Mrs. Roy C. Frank, Washington, D. C. 164 E. Felton, North Tonawanda, N.Y. Mrs. W. W. Walker, Elyria, O hio * F ield Sec., Oh io ..... ... .......... Mrs . E. Russel Buehl * 469 Dorches ter Road, Akron, Oh io * SECOND V ICE-PRESIDENT : F ield Sec., Wi•con• in .......... .... Mrs. I. N. Olson * 604 Weot 5th St .. Shawano, W iscons in * Mrs. Charles St. Clair, Rockford, Illinois * Activities Committee * Mrs. B. E. Bucntc, Evansville, Indiana * Chnirmnn .......... .... Mro. Albert C. Moeller 715 Briar Hill Lane, Saginaw, Michigan * * * SECRET ARY: Re\·isions Committee Mrs. Frank Schumm, Toledo, O hio * Ch air man ....................................... Mrs. W. W. Walker * J. * 717 E. River St.. Elyrin, Ohio * Mrs. j ohn W. Westerman, Baltimore, Mary- * Par lia mentarian ............... Mrs . W. N. H oppe land 17525 lllndison, Lakewood 7, Ohio * * Historian .... ....... Miss Louise F. Nicolay * * 2153 H ollywood Pl .. South Bend, Indiana * TREASU RER : * * Mrs. Leonard Oehmke, Detroit, Michigan * Entered as Second Claas matter at the Post Office at Mrs. Walter Kraus, Monroe, Michigan Valparaiso, Indiana * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ·---.... "---··- ··· Two - ~· """ · - ·· · ;--...... Guild Bulletin Minutes • • • OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY GUILD FEBRUARY 26-27, 1954 The Execu tive Board of thr Valparaiso University hopes lo use several alumnae as a nucleus for a chap­ Guild convc nt'd at I p. m., February 26, 1954 in ter in Ma rengo, Ill. Our President mentioned that Rl'cital H all wi th Mrs. E. T . J. Birner presiding. ?\[rs. Fred H oman·s most fertile territory is in Alta­ Devotions included the hymn '·With the Lord Be­ mont, 111. Mrs. Louis H ei necke reported that gin Thy T ask"' and an addrrss by Professor Walther Michigan's older chapters are aiding in establishing M. Miller, Or partnwnt of Foreign Languages, Val­ newer ones. Mrs. Wm. Hacsclcr has collected 40 paraiso Universi ty. Basing his remarks on Christ's colored slides of the University which she offers to charge to Peter recorded in j ohn 21 : 15-22, Pro­ show to prospective cha pters in New York. In O hio, fe ssor M iller pointed out that the work being carried - Youngstown and Zant"sville have been contacted by on in a Christian school likr Valpa raiso University Mrs. E. R ussel Buehl. After Easter, Mrs. I. N. is strictly in accord with C hrist" s comma nd to the Olson has appointments to speak in two Wisconsin /\postle,-"Fccd My Sheep:· The speaker appealed churchl's. Mrs. Louis A. J acobs acknowledges the to the membc rs of the Guild to continue their im­ value of the new Guild brochures as she works in portant if " unglamorous" tasks for the University, northern Indiana. I n thl' southern part of that St;nc, looking with the eyes of faith to H im who sa}S to us Mrs. C larence Westermeier has been successfu l at as well as to Peter, -"Follow Thou Me:· Seymour and Brownstown. Yfrs. Roy C. Frank re­ Lois Werner, soprano, and Gloria Messerschmidt, ported that she hoped to establish stronger connec­ tions on Long Island in the cw York City area. pianist, members of Sigma Alpha Iota, honorary music fraterni ty, presented a mu~ica l program. The President of the new Chicago-Evening Chap­ T aking a cue from men at work in <in adjoining ter, Mrs. Otto 'Sonderegger, was welcomed. building. our President included the circumstance in Mrs. Ruprecht introduced Mrs. Donald Koehn who her welcoming remarks. Mrs. Birner reminded us is making an initial vrnturc for chapters in Daven­ port, Iowa and Rock Island, Ill. that we, too, in our wa y arc helping Lo build th e University. Thl' rhairman of the· Activitil's Co111111ittec, Mrs. The 111inu lrs of thr Srptr111bl'r l 95:l EM·nr tive 1\ C. Moeller, statc·d that scve?·al clrn ptcrs had rc­ Board MeC'l ing wc·rT read and approved. quc •stt'd suggestions fo r Christmas programs. T he The Chairnrnn announced the following appoi111- rom111ittec gathers new materi als which, if used, 111ents for 1953-54: could solve many pt ogram problrms. Mrs. r.1ocller asked chapters to send her copies of all successful ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE: efforts. Mrs. A. C. Moelll'r, Chainnan !\crording to Mrs. Vi. W. Walker, chairmaR of the Mrs. Roy Peck Revisions Committee, there "''ere no new revisions to REVISIONS COMMITTEE : propose. Mrs. W. W. Walker. C hairman Our Historia n, Miss Louise F. Nicolay, reported Mrs. H erbert Fehncr tha t a routine continuation of the history of our Mrs. Norman Bishop organization is being kept. A letter from D r. Susan B. Riley, President of the H ISTORIAN: American Association of U niversity Women, ad­ Miss Louise F. icolar d ressed to D r. Kretzmann was read by the secretary. PARLIAMENTARIAN: The R o11 was called in reverse order. Chapter chairmen responded by reporting on outstanding Mrs. W. N. Hoppe projects.
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