![Thursday, March 22, 2018 [PDF]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The 29th Annual International Women in Aviation l Conference Thursday March 22 2018 TheSPONSORED BY SKYONE FEDERALDaily CREDIT UNIONN GET ON WAI and Reno Welcome You! BOARD: onnect. Engage. Inspire. That’s Complimentary shuttle buses will the slogan for WAI’s conference run continuous loops from the C and that’s just what’s on the Peppermill Resort to the Reno- agenda for the days ahead. First of all, Reno Sparks Conventi on Center. The buses will load at the Peppermill Resort welcome! We’re glad you made it to Reno and Conventi on Center’s front entrances. and understand the fi nancial investment, WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 ti me away from work and family, and all First bus leaves hotel at 7:30 a.m. the details that had to be att ended to for Last bus leaves conventi on center at 6:45 p.m. you to join us here. We appreciate it and are confi dent that we’ll make this conference a worthwhile, if not life-changing,WAI2018 experience for you. THURSDAY MARCH 22 Let’s start with Thursday’s WAI annual membership meeti ng followed First bus leaves hotel at 7 a.m. by the opening of the exhibit hall. Then in the evening, we have an ice- Last bus leaves conventi on center at 9 p.m. breaker recepti on planned so you can meet up with old friends and net- work with new ones. Friday morning launches our fi rst general session FRIDAY, MARCH 23 with outstanding speakers, followed by our annual luncheon, and an af- First bus leaves hotel at 7 a.m. ternoon of educati on sessions to add to your knowledge or spark inter- Last bus leaves conventi on center at 9:15 p.m. est in a new fi eld. You’re on your own for dinner so explore Reno with SATURDAY, MARCH 24 dozens of restaurants for every budget. First bus leaves hotel at 7 a.m. Saturday morning starts with our second general session—a roster of Last bus leaves conventi on center at 9:15 p.m. speakers and much inspirati on. Lunch is on your own, but come back in ti me for Saturday’s educati on sessions. And then the wrap up: Saturday’s clos- ing social event. This year we’re doing it a litt le diff erently with the Pioneer Look for Super Mentors Hall of Fame as a separate event prior to our closing festi viti es and no formal If you have 30 years of experience in the dress required. Don’t forget you need a ti cket for this meal event included in aviation and/or aerospace industries, we your full registrati on. invite you to become a WAI Super Men- This conference is designed just for you. Add to the value by downloading tor at #WAI18. Your dedicated experi- the conference app and customizing your own experience by the sessions ence and passionate knowledge of our you att end and the eff ort you put forth to meet and greet your fellow con- industry can provide valuable insights ference-goers. You’re in the company of a great group of aviati on people. to all WAI members by learning from those of you who have We hope you’re charged and ready to go—don’t forget to use #WAI18 on “Been there, done that!” Ready to be a Super Mentor? You can social media as you share this week. Enjoy the show! pick up your Super Mentor button at the information booth or the membership booth in the exhibit hall. Join the Tweeters Help spread the word about the excitement and acti viti es at this year’s conference. See what others are tweeti ng as well by using #WAI18 in social media. Include some fun photos in your tweets so people can see the fun they’re missing. We also use the hashtags #WomeninAviation and #IamWAI so take your pick or use all three. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE WAI Invites You to PAT TAYLOR We’re Ready! Are You? Take #MeToo Survey ith hundreds of details nailed down, we’re ready to wel- come you to the 29th International Women in Aviation W Conference. There are a handful of us who have attend- ed every conference since that inaugural one in Prescott, Arizona. For many of you, this is your fourth or fi fth conference since you’ve come to know what a valuable (and fun) experience this is. And for those who are attending their very fi rst conference, welcome! And yes, it is as good as you’ve been told if I do say so myself. Dr. Peggy Chabrian So much lays ahead for the next few days: reconnecting with WAI President and CEO old friends, making new ones, learning, talking, laughing, gain- ing confi dence, and simply being part of this amazing WAI com- munity that comes together for our annual conference. This is a place to think, to learn, to plan, to devise your career strategy, and to be inspired by your peers and by those individuals who opened doors for you. This is a time to shed any shyness, to step out in faith, and stretch your comfort zone. Be an As part of our strategic mission, active participant. Be a volunteer and see the conference from another perspective for a few Women in Aviation Internation- hours. Ask loads of questions and take notes. There’s a lifetime’s worth of knowledge here for al diligently seeks to provide the the taking, but it’s up to you to make it happen. We’ve put everything in place for you to have a best resources for its members. successful conference. Today’s dynamic workplace en- vironment can present both ac- Correction: complishments and challeng- Download the WAI App es. In an effort to gain insights Each year generous WAI members on what our members are deal- #WAI18 Conference App elect to sponsor a student ing with at their unique jobs, we Now Available for Download registration. We inadvertantly left encourage you to take our short off a donor’s name in the Confer- survey on sexual harassment. The Navigate the 2018 International Women in Aviation Confer- ence Program. Join us in thanking WAI #MeToo Survey can be found ence like a pro with the WAI 2018 mobile app, powered by Mrs. Jacqueline Battipaglia, on the conference app by hitti ng Core-Apps.com and sponsored by United Airlines. who donated a registration in the #MeToo Survey icon. Your The mobile app will help you stay organized with up-to-the memory of Julie Swengel. responses will be anonymous minute exhibitor, speaker, and event information. You’ll re- and will help guide our directi on ceive important real-time communications from WAI on-site, for an in-depth full membership and can build a personal schedule and bookmark exhibitors The Daily is a publication of study aft er the Reno conference. to customize your conference experience. Built-in maps of the Women in Aviation International, “Our goal is to develop mean- Reno-Sparks Convention Center will help you locate your fa- published during the annual ingful tools and resources based vorite exhibitors and education sessions. conference. on our members’ needs,” says Download the app now to preview speakers and schedules, Karen Gebhart, WAI Board Chair- so you can hit the ground running today. Kelly Murphy, Editor-in-Chief man. “The survey will be open un- Go to the App Store Amy Laboda, Editor til March 28, and the results will or Google Play and Patricia Luebke, Editor At Large help us to gain insights on what search for WAI Confer- Nancy Bink, Art Director ence. For all other de- our members are dealing with and Dr. Peggy Chabrian, President assist WAI in developing initi ati ves vices, including Black- to support this ongoing cause. berry, Windows, and Based on this mini survey, a more other web browser- Contact Kelly Murphy, in-depth membership survey will enabled devices, point to advertise in The Daily: follow in April 2018. These results your mobile browser [email protected] will be reviewed by the Board and to www.m.Core-Apps. Offi ce: 703-716-0503 assist us in developing a full plan com/waic2018. or here at the conference, of how WAI can address and sup- Cell: 703-967-8113 port our members regarding sex- ual harassment early this summer. Women in Aviation International® On behalf of WAI and the WAI 3647 State Route 503 South Board of Directors, we thank our West Alexandria, OH 45381 members for helping WAI on this Telephone 937-839-4647 important agenda.” www.WAI.org 2 CONNECT ENGAGE INSPIRE STUDENTS AND YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Have News for Welcome students and young professionals to the 29th Annual Interna- The Daily? tional Women in Aviation Conference. In addition to the wonderfully di- verse Opening General Sessions and Education Sessions, we have some CHRISTOPHER MILLER CHRISTOPHER events planned especially with students in mind: NETWORKING 101 FOR STUDENTS THURSDAY, MARCH 22 4:30-6 p.m. • Convention Room C2 Networking 101 for Students is where industry leaders will guide you on how to get the most from your attendance at the conference. ON THE If you’re an exhibitor, AEROSPACE ENGINEERING speaker, or represent a SCHEDULE group that has appropri- FOR THURSDAY MEET AND GREET ate news for us, come tell THURSDAY, MARCH 22 us about it in the New Members Connect 5-6 p.m. • Convention Room D8 WAI Press Room, located To elevate a core requirement crucial to a strong future for aerospace, Au- in Room A9.
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