PER QUESTA PAGINA NON ESTRARRE PDF ISSUE 11 PER QUESTA PAGINA NON ESTRARRE PDF 6 60 Editorʼs letter Follow Me photography Gianuzzi & Marino 8 Mauro Di Roberto 70 10 Twist Your Time Mireia Lopez Montoya photography Alexander Beckoven 12 still life Gianuzzi & Marino Bella Hadid 98 16 Roman Nights Brighter than Light photography Glen Luchford photography Antonio Barrella photography Laziz Hamani 104 24 Festa Fairy Fear photography Laziz Hamani collages Luca Artioli 32 112 Master Piece Valenza, the New Manifattura photography Michele Gastl photography David Atlan photo-reportage Marcello Mariana 40 Shape & Texture 118 photography Gianuzzi & Marino Events 52 Shifts 122 photography Michele Gastl Product Summary LIFE IN BVLGARI edited by MEMORIA PUBLISHING GROUP in collaboration with BVLGARI EDITORIAL AND CREATIVE DIRECTION Carlo Mazzoni ART DIRECTION Giulio Vescovi/itsallgood TEXTS Cesare Cunaccia GRAPHIC DESIGN Susanna Mollica MANAGING DIRECTION Emanuela Giacca PRODUCER Marta Mazzacano ILLUSTRATIONS Lulu* SPECIAL THANKS Carolina Fusi, Costanza Maglio, Valentina Tedone TRANSLATIONS Tdr Translation Company photography Guido Mocafico With the official opening of its Manufacturing Workshop in Va- lenza on 17 March, Bulgari achieved an ambitious goal, a project that blends together not only an industrial investment, but first and foremost a cultural one, with what is now Europe’s largest jewellery Manufacturing Workshop. A real architectural chal- lenge, as the Workshop had to respond to the demands of high quality craftsmanship while reflecting the image and style of an international, highly creative Italian brand like Bulgari. The Jewellery Academy will be a fully-fledged in-house goldsmithing school where new employees, up to 300 over the next three years, will be able to refine their skills and put their talents to work, exploring our brand’s specific techniques and methods. The heart of the project will be the ‘intelligent hands’ of our goldsmiths who will project into the future a craft that is performed with patience and dedication, creativity and passion. A goldsmith is indeed a contemporary artist: a person who uses ancient tech- niques to propose innovative solutions. With the new Manufac- turing Workshop in Valenza, Bulgari brings together the love of beauty and traditional skill that have made Italy the world leader in jewellery and goldsmithing. At the end of June, in the charming allure of Venice, Bulgari pre- sented Festa, the new 2017 High Jewellery Collection, celebrat- ing the joyful side of the Italian Art de Vivre. Bulgari’s excellence in craftsmanship and its iconic codes redefine exuberance. Jew- ellery masterpieces more daring, more colourful, more Bulgari than ever. A faithful interpretation of the Larger than Life theme that drives Bulgari from the past to the future in a contemporary way of being. In the wake of this new sign, Lily Adridge and Bella Hadid, with their fresh and magnetic beauty are the perfect Ambassa- dors able to interpret the Bulgari essence. Belonging to the most in-demand and influential models of the moment, as well as Ins- ta-stars with millions of followers, they radiate a multifaceted al- lure and disposition that few women can boast, a striking mix of effortless joie de vivre, bravado and a timeless polished elegance. A successful mix and a journey into the future, never forgetting the consolidation of the Maison as an emblem of Italian excellence. Jean-Christophe Babin CEO of BVLGARI GROUP «Credo fermamente che non si architettonico si voleva ri- • an architectural point of view, new resources for future した。「ビー・ゼロワン」、「ト ラ・マニファットゥーラ(La 貴金属製造の技術を習得できる学 possa essere innovativi se non si proporre una struttura mo- the aim was to renovate a mod- years, lending more credi- ゥボガス」、「セルペンティ」な Manifattura)は 、1817年にフラ 校を設立しました。この活動の目 considera l’aspetto storico e la derna che incarnasse l’heri- “I firmly believe that you ern building that embodied the bility to our art of jewellery どのブランドを象徴するアイテム ンチェスコ・カラモーラが建設し 的は、創業以来受け継がれる tradizione – afferma Mauro tage del brand, in una zona cannot be innovative if you brand’s heritage, in a central making. Objective: invest- は、ブルガリの創造性と高い品質 た最初の貴金属工房跡、つまりヴ ブルガリの卓越した職人技を引き Di Roberto, Jewellery Busi- centrale per l’oreficeria ita- do not take into account the location for Italian gold jewel- ment in an area that has al- における進化の賜物であり、これ ァレンツァ地方を世界で最も重要 継ぐ若き職人を育成するため、ま ness Unit Managing Direc- liana. «La Manifattura – os- historic aspect and tradi- lery production. “The Mani- ways played an active role in ら唯一無二のデザインがブルガリ な貴金属産業地区のひとつへと成 た我々のジュエラーとしての優れ tor Bulgari – che nel nostro serva ancora il Jewellery tion,” says Mauro Di Roberto, fattura,” comments the Jewel- the world of gold jewellery, のジュエリーを独自のものにして 長を遂げたこの場所に建てられま た技術にさらに磨きをかけるた caso ha radici profonde legate Business Unit Managing Di- Jewellery Business Unit Man- lery Business Unit Managing despite recent stagnation いると確信しています。1950年 した。「マニファットゥー め、また、小規模のジュエリーメ all’italianità del nostro brand rector Bulgari – sorge dove aging Director for Bulgari, Director for Bulgari, “stands due to recession in small 代から70年代まで、ブルガリの ラ ブルガリ」を建設するにあた ーカーにとって苦しい状況が続く che è segno distintivo del nostro c’era la prima Cascina dell’O- “which in our case, are and medium-sized enter- デザインは常に先駆的でした。今 り、環境や生態系にも配慮した持 宝石産業の停滞期においても、古 DNA». È proprio grazie a refice, costruita nel 1817 da deeply rooted in the Italian prises. The Academy will ではジュエリーブランドの中でも 続可能なエネルギーシステムを採 くから貴金属製造が盛んであった queste salde radici che Bul- Francesco Caramora, inizian- style of our brand, a distinc- “With help us recruit young peo- 最もコンテンポラリーでモダンな 用しました。環境面への配慮だけ この地に投資することです。 gari può proseguire a evolve- do la parabola di Valenza come tive mark of our DNA.” It is ple who want to learn this デザインを特徴に持つブランドの でなく社員の健康や安全面につい ブルガリで物づくりの基礎を学 re e a proiettarsi nel futuro. uno dei più importanti distretti precisely due to these strong ever-higher craft following the Bulgari ひとつになっています。流行がめ ても配慮した設計となっていま び、この仕事に従事したいと願う «Per noi – aggiunge ancora orafi al mondo. Nel progettare roots that Bulgari can continue expectations modus operandi. And,” he まぐるしく変化する時代を経て、 す。また「マニファットゥー 若者の就業を受け入れることもで Di Roberto – la qualità è un la nuova Manifattura abbiamo to evolve and move forward ends by saying, “there are 今のスタイルにたどり着いたので ラ ブルガリ」は製造過程の観点 きます。入学希望者は想像をはる assoluto must e punto di forza. voluto prestare particolare at- into the future. “For us,” Di we need to keep more than you can imagine, す。「ヴァレンツァの新たな工房 においても興味深い建物となって かに超え、ヴァレンツァの若者に Le aspettative diventano sem- tenzione sia agli aspetti am- Roberto continues, “quality is not only in the Valenza area, は、増え続ける需要に基づき、今 います。工程を半分終わらせたジ 限らずイタリア全土におよびま pre più elevate e bisogna man- bientali e di efficienza energeti- an absolute must and one of quality and but throughout Italy.” 後数年でさらに生産体制を強化す ュエリーを持ち込むと完成品とし す。」 tenere gli aspetti qualitativi e ca volti a garantire il rispetto our strong points. With ev- manufacturing る必要から生まれたものです。以 て出てくる、不思議な島のようで manifatturieri al massimo li- dell’ambiente e dell’ecosistema, er-higher expectations we • 前とは異なり、すべての製造工程 す。マウロ・ディ・ロベルトは vello». Icone quali B.zero1, ma anche al benessere e alla need to keep quality and at top levels” がようやくひとつの場所に集結し ブルガリが意欲的に取り組むアカ Tubogas e Serpenti, Mauro Di sicurezza dei dipendenti. La manufacturing at top levels.” 「歴史や伝統といった要素を大切 ました。これにより、相乗効果を デミー・プロジェクトについて、 Roberto le sente totalmente Manifattura Bulgari costituisce Mauro Di Roberto feels that on the site of the first Casci- にしなければ革新的にはなれない 最大限に発揮させることができる 次のように語りました。「我々は collegate all’evoluzione cre- inoltre un polo dagli aspetti in- icons such as B.zero1, Tubo- na dell’Orefice, built in 1817 と私は信じています」ブルガリの ようになりました」と、彼は説明 ativa e qualitativa, quanto al teressanti dal punto di vista del gas and Serpenti are as total- by Francesco Caramora and ジュエリー部門ゼネラル ディレ します。建築の面では、イタリア solco del savoir-faire inimita- processo produttivo. Come le ly linked to evolution in crea- marking the start of Valen- クターのマウロ・ディ・ロベルト の宝石産業の中心地にブランドの bile di Bulgari. L’azienda ne- ‘isole’, un concetto molto inno- tivity and quality as they are to za’s vocation as one of the はそう話し、次のように続けまし これまでの歴史を具現化したよう gli anni Cinquanta, Sessanta vativo, dove il prodotto entra the wake of the inimitable Bul- most important goldsmith た。「我々にとっての歴史や伝統 なモダンな建物を建てることが目 e Settanta aveva uno stile come semilavorato ed esce fini- gari savoir-faire. In the fifties, districts in the world. In our とはブルガリのDNA、つまりは 的でした。「この新たな製造拠点 estremamente attuale. Oggi to». Di Roberto conclude ri- sixties and seventies, the com- plans for the new Manifattu- イタリアらしさと深く根付いてい ha un segno che è uno dei cordando l’importanza della pany had a very up-to-date ra, we wanted to especially ます。」まさにこのイタリアらし più contemporanei nel set- Bulgari Academy «Abbiamo style. Today it has one of the focus on aspects of both en- さによって、ブルガリは今後も発 tore della gioielleria. Cambia creato una scuola orafa che ci most contemporary looks in the vironmental and energy effi- 展し、成長し続けることができる la dinamica perché il mondo permetterà di formare le nostre jewellery sector. The dynamics ciency that aim to guarantee のです。「品質は、ブルガリにと odierno si trasforma di con- nuove risorse per i prossimi have changed because today’s respect for the environment って絶対的なものであり、我々の tinuo e assai rapidamente. anni, dando più credibilità al world sees continual, rapid and the ecosystem, but also 強みとも言えます。高まり続ける «La nuova manifattura di Va- nostro essere gioiellieri. Obiet- transformation. “The new ensure the wellbeing and 期待に応えるためには最高級の品 lenza – racconta Mauro Di tivo: l’investimento in un terri- manufacturing
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