UNCLASSIFIEDI/ Summary of AdministrativeReview BoardProceedingsfor I N 1021 TheAdministrative Review Boardwas calledto order The DesignatedMilitary Officer ( ) was sworn. The BoardReporter was sworn . The Translator was . TheDetaineeenteredtheproceedings. The Presiding Officer announced the convening authority andpurpose ofthe Administrative Review Boardproceedings. The AdministrativeReviewBoardmembersweresworn. TheAssisting Military Officer (AMO ) was sworn The Presiding asked the Detainee ifhe wishes to make a statement under oath . Muslim offered ). TheDetaineeacceptedtakingtheMuslimoath. Detainee: I will swear I am not againstmycountry. Presiding Officer: He said he would ? OL - 24: Yes. ThePresidingOfficerreadthe hearinginstructionsto theDetaineeandconfirmedthat heunderstood. TheAssistingMilitaryOfficerpresentedtheEnemyCombatantNotificationform , ExhibitEC- A , to theAdministrativeReviewBoard TheAssistingMilitaryOfficerpresentedthe.EnemyCombatantElectionForm , Exhibit EC- B, theAdministrativeReviewBoard. PresidingOfficer: Assisting Military Officer please read your comments from the Enemy CombatantElectionForm . Assisting Military Officer The Detainee's initial ARB interview occurred on 17 October 2005 and lasted for 90 minutes . After a review ofthe ARB's purpose and procedures, the Pashto translated Unclassified Summary of Evidence was read to the Detainee. When asked ifhe would like to attend the ARB , comment on the Unclassified Summary of ISN1021 Enclosure(5) Page 1of 12 21662 UNCLASSIFIEDI Evidence, providea writtenstatement, give an oral statement, or providethe AMO commentsto onhis behalf, the Detainee said he would like forthe AMO to take his answersto the allegationsforbackup inthe event he forgot an answer, however, he will speak openly and respond UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidence after each statementispresented, and he will make an oral statement. The Detainee cooperativeand very politeduring the interview. He electedto keep a copy ofthe translated(Unclassified] SummaryofEvidence for his review . The Designated Officer presentedthe UnclassifiedSunmary of Evidence, ExhibitDMO- 1, theFBIRedactionMemorandum, DMO- 2 andthe Terrorist OrganizationReferenceGuide, , theAdministrativeReviewBoard. The Designated Military Officer stated that a copy ofthese exhibits hadbeen previously distributed to the Assisting Military Officer for presentation to the Detainee The Presiding Officer noted from the Enemy Combatant Election Form that the Detaineewanted to respondto each item of theinformationfrom the Unclassified Summary as was presented. The Designated Officer gave a brief description ofthe contents ofthe Unclassified Summary of Evidence, Exhibit DMO- I the Administrative Review Boardto assist the Detainee with answering the statements. Designated Military Officer ( 3 ) The following primary factors favor continued detention : ( 3.a) Commitment ( 3.a.1) While inthe Badaber Refugee camp the Detainee joined the Islamic religious party of Mulawe Mohammed Nabi. Detainee: Yes sir. DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: ( 3.a.2 The Detaineefoughtas a memberofthe Mulawe MohammedNabipartyallthroughthe Russianoccupation. Forthe first fewyears ofthe fighting, the Detaineewas a simple soldier, but after a few years hebecame a commander ofabout 15 fighters. Detainee: Yes sir. Designated Military Officer: ( 3.a.3 ) The Detainee joined Hezbi Islami Gulbuddin for six months as a commander in mid 1990 when Hezbi Islami Gulbuddin was fighting Ahmmad Shah Massoud and the Northern Alliance . Detainee: Yes. That was twelve years . I was with Gulbuddinfor six months. There was fightingbetweenGulbuddinand Massoudand I left Gulbuddinand joined Ahmmad Shah Massoud BoardMember: Isthatrightafter he leftthe Gulbuddin, hejoinedMassoud? ISN1021 Enclosure( 5) Page2 of12 21663 UNCLASSIFIEDI UNCLASSIFIEDI/ Detainee: Yes sir . DesignatedMilitary Officer: (3.a.4) The Detainee is a HezbiGulbuddin field general. Deta ee : Ifyou guys are Generals because you go to school, how am I a General when I am illiterate ? I am not a General and was not a General. I didn't go to school and I don't understand. InAfghanistan there is a lot of animosity betweenthe families toward each other and they gave me the name “General (nickname ). I am a very small guy and not the guy youall think. Designated Military Officer: ( ) Training: The Detainee traveled with other men to the area ofAfghanistan near the Pakistan border and learned to shoot abolt action five rifle. Detainee: Whenwe wererefugeesthe Talibanwerecrossingthe borderbetween PakistanandAfghanistanandeverybodyknewhowto fire a gum andI didnotgo for training. DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: 3.c. Connections/Associations( 3.c.1) The Detaineewas a personalfriendofHeckmatyrGulbuddinand lastmetwithGulbuddininKabul, AfghanistanwhenGulbuddinwas Afghanistan'svice president. Detainee: Atthat time there were two partiesRabani'sPartyand GulbuddinParty. RabaniandMassoudPartywerethe samepartyandpeoplewere dividedbetween Massoudand WhenI was with Gulbuddinfor six monthsI left and went to Massoud. I was withMassoudfor one monthor two months. Rightafter that I went backto my villageandsawmy housewas destroyedby the Russiansthen started working on fixingthe house. Whenthe Talibanmovementstarted they capturedLogar and then they started comingto Azrah, whichismydistrict. The Talibancollectedten guys bythe name ofChaman'sPeople(Detainee'speople) andkilledandexecutedthem righton the spot. I was there andthey didnot captureme. PresidingOfficer Youmentionedten people [who were they] ? OL - 24 : Tenofhisownpeoplewerekilled. Detainee: Mycousinsandmy day laborers. There is a custom betweenthe Afghans when a persondies they take themto the cemeterybut the Talibanwouldnotallowmeto take the deadbodiesandbury theminthe cemetery. I beggedthe Chiefofthe tribe to ask the TalibanifI could burythem andthey said no. They cameover andput alltenpeople together inthe same grave). After thatI came to fight and after that I went to my houseand I was workinginmy store. Whenthe Talibanwas over thrownbythe United States and the NorthernAlliancetook over KabulI went backto ( ] the dead bodiesand them a proper burial] but the (religiouspeople) told meit was a ISN1021 Enclosure( 5) Page 3 of 12 21664 UNCLASSIFIEDI/ sinto take them and reburythem , just leave them inthe one grave. that I was against the Taliban. I did not fight but I tried my bestto fight them through propaganda. DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: ( 3.c.2) The Detaineeis the assistant of Kashmir who is subordinateonly to GulbuddinHekmatyrin the HIG . Detainee: Kashmir is a very big shot inGulbuddinHekmatyr'sParty and I am illiterate and I am not that bigof a guy to be his Deputy. I am not a big guy and I am not his Deputy and I don't haveany relationship with him . DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: ( 3.c.3) The Detainee, Qalam , andZardadare threeHezbi IslamiGulbuddinmembersthat workedas intelligencecollectorswithdirect communicationwithHekmatyr. Detainee: Ifyou look at the statement ten years ago Zardad, Qalam and I were together for six months in Gulbuddin . Ten years ago when the Taliban took over , Zardad escaped to Pakistan and moved to London. He has lived there ten twelve years. He is there and I don't have any relationship with him . Designated Military Officer: ( 3.c.4 ) The Detainee , Almas, Qalam , and Salangi are all well known associates that are heavily involved in the drug trade and other illegal activities inKabul. A source stated that Commander Almas is responsible for over 1,000 murders as a Hezbi leader Detainee: I never heard Almas name at all and I don't know him . Bashir Salangi, Salangi is his nickname he is theCommanding ChiefofKabul Police Forces. I just know he is the ChiefofPolice in Kabul and I do not have any relationship with . I know him as a commander personally ) Qalam lives in Afghanistan and the United States can catch him . I do not have a relationship with him . Designated Military Officer: ( 3.c.5 ) The Chief of Police inKabul, AF has strong ties with weapons and drug smuggling activities. The Detainee and Qalam are major players in these operations . Detainee: It'snot clear, I know Bashir Salangi who was the Chief of forces in Kabul. I know him as a Police Commander but I don't have any relationship with him . I also know Qalam but I am not involved with him . When I was there (Kabul), Bashir Salangi was the ChiefPolice Officer of Kabul police forces. DesignatedMilitary Officer: Inthe beginningof 1991the Detaineewas accepted into the Alliance and instructedto remaininHezbiIslami Gulbuddinand remain inSurubay inorderto report Hezbi Gulbuddinactivities, movementsand operations. ISN1021 Enclosure(5) Page4 of 12 21665 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIEDI/ Detainee: That's not true. I stayed six months with Gulbuddin but no one ever gave me direction of what to do . DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: (3.c.7) The Detaineewas givenmoney inexchangefor informationonHekmatyr. Detainee: I was withGulbuddinforsix monthstenyears ago andI don'tknowanything aboutthis stuff Designated Military Officer: 3.c.8 The Detainee attended a meeting between members of al Qaida, Taliban and the Hezbi Islami Gulbuddin in Peshawar, Pakistan . Detainee: I was why wouldtheyletmecometo their meeting. I was never attendedthatmeeting. I was againstthe Talibanwhy wouldI be there ? DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: ( 3.c.9) The DetaineevisitedMayorMastGulin Muzaferabad, PKonnumerousoccasions. Detaince WhenKarzaibecamethe PresidentofAfghanistan, hisIntelligenceChief Afireesent hisDeputywithhim as a delegationtoPakistan The fourth guy inthe IntelligenceDepartmentwasthereHajhiShaghawas
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